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Course work in the discipline "Comprehensive engineering improvement of urban areas"


Project for the development and improvement of a fragment of the urban territory (logistics complex Graphic part - 5 sheets of A2 format, 2 sheets of A3 format. Explanatory note - 34 pages, 3 tables, 15 sources, 5 figures. The course work reflects some issues of creating a project for the improvement of a fragment of the urban territory - the logistics complex. In accordance with the task, the following tasks were solved: 1 Characteristics of the territory; 2 Development of a breakdown plan; 3 Definition of mass haul; 4 Development of a relief management plan; 5 Development of a consolidated utility network plan; 6 Development of a land improvement plan; 7 Technical and economic indicators;

Project's Content

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Additional information


Complex engineering improvement of the territory is a set of measures designed to create favorable conditions for the life and activities of the population, the normal and uninterrupted operation of industrial enterprises, communal and warehouse zones, and transport.

Comprehensive engineering improvement covers a very wide range of problems in the design and construction of the main elements of landscaping. The main elements of the engineering improvement of the logistics complex include: driveways, sidewalks, footpaths, pavements near buildings; green areas; utility sites; turning and traveling platforms; parking lots; small architectural forms; outdoor lighting fixtures, etc.

The purpose of the work is to solve issues of engineering preparation of the territory, vertical planning and improvement of the territory of the logistics complex.

The tasks of the work are vertical layout and drainage, the construction of passing and pedestrian roads, parking lots and farm sites; creation of green spaces of various functional purposes; construction of architectural forms; artificial lighting of streets, sites and other territories; underground communications network and sanitary cleaning of the city.

All of these issues need to be addressed in a mutually reinforcing manner and taking into account the need to improve the environment. Only with the mutual combination of engineering preparation tasks and all various urban planning tasks, a comprehensive solution is achieved aimed at improving the appearance of populated areas.

Characteristics of the territory

The developed site, on which the Logistics + logistics complex will be located, is located in Bryansk, Staleliteynaya Street d1. At the entrance to the territory is the checkpoint building. On its territory there are 6 warehouses, office premises, separate parking lots for trucks and cars. The total area is 104843m2. The area of ​ ​ office space is 5300 m2.

The section under consideration according to climatic conditions belongs to the II climatic, to the III snowy region, to the I wind region. High-speed wind head -2.9 m/s. Design temperature of external air: - 24 wasps. Soil freezing depth is 1.2m.

Areas free from development are landscaped in accordance with natural and climatic conditions and acoustic requirements.

The following forms of plantations are accepted:

- wood-shrub;

- ordinary lawns.

The improvement plan provides for the installation of: driveways to the building with paved surfaces, temporary parking for cars, the installation of pedestrian paths and loading and unloading zones.

Breakdown Plan

The breakdown plan determines the position of the designed buildings and structures on the territory of the built-up area, as well as shows the situation and terrain.

The breakdown plan shows:

a) construction geodetic grid;

b) the "red" line separating the territory of the highway, street, passage and square from the territory intended for development, the red line, in our case, is tied to the grid of squares;

c) fences with gates and gates or a conditional boundary of the territory;

d) buildings and structures;

e) production and storage sites;

f) roads and paved areas;

g) elements of improvement;

h) elements and structures of the layout relief;

and) drainage facilities;

n) pointer of direction to the north with arrow with letter "C" at the tip (in the upper left corner of the sheet).

Layout plan is executed with coordinate or dimensional reference. Dimensional reference is made from the breakdown basis. The breakdown basis can be any straight line passing through two points fixed on the ground, which are indicated in capital letters of the Russian alphabet.

Buildings and structures on the plan are applied on the scale of the drawing, M1: 1000, indicating the openings of the gates and doors, the extreme axes and, if necessary, the coordinates of the axes of the gates or the binding of the gates to the coordination axes of the building.

Inside the outline of the building (structure) we indicate:

a) number of the building, structure in the lower right corner;

b) the absolute elevation corresponding to the conditional zero elevation adopted in the building working drawings of the building, the structure, which is placed on the shelf of the leader line and indicated by a sign (for housing and civil objects - if necessary).

On the outline of the building, structures we indicate:

a) coordinates of points of intersection of coordination axes of building, structure in its two opposite corners, and in case of complex configuration of building, structure or its location not parallel to axes of construction geodetic grid - in all corners;

b) dimensional binding of the coordination axes of the building, the structure to the layout basis and the dimensions of the building, the structures between the axes in the absence of a construction geodetic grid;

c) designation of coordination axes of the building, structures in coordinated points.

Around the outline of the building, the structure shows the pavement and sites at the entrances.

On the breakdown plan in the part of roads we apply and indicate:

a) transport interchanges;

b) coordinates or references of road axes and, if necessary, their numbers;

c) width of roads;

e) radii of curves along the edge of the roadway at the points of their mutual intersection and abutment.

Mass Haul Definition

Mass haul volumes are calculated using the squares method.

on the mass haul plan, apply and indicate:

a) construction geodetic grid;

b) a grid of squares for counting the volume of mass haul with design, actual and working marks in the corners of squares, a line of zero work with the allocation of the area of ​ ​ excavations and the indication of the volume of mass haul within each square or other figure formed by the outline of the layout;

c) buildings and structures;

d) fencing or conditional boundary of territory.

Under each column of the squares of the mass haul plan, we give a table in the corresponding graphs of which we indicate the total volumes of fill and cut by the column of squares, and in the lines of the total volumes on the right - the total volumes of fill and cut throughout the planned territory.

Terrain Management Plan

The main tasks of vertical planning are:

- Provision of organized diversion of surface water;

- ensuring the minimum amount of excavation;

- provision of favorable terrain conditions for high-rise location of streets and intra-quarter territory

- Preservation of earth cover and existing green spaces.

On the plan of the relief organization we apply and indicate:

a) absolute elevations inside the outline of buildings and structures;

b) design elevations and slope indicators on "red" lines;

c) design contours or design elevations of layout reference points with indication of direction of design relief slope;

e) elevation of bottom at points of fractures of longitudinal profile, direction and value of slopes of drainage facilities;

f) Rainfall grilles in lowered points of the design relief with elevations of the top of the grilles;

g) design elevations of the layout and actual elevations of the terrain along the outer outline of the pavement in the corners of buildings and structures or, in the absence of pavement, the indicated elevations at the intersection of the outer faces of walls with the relief in the corners of buildings and structures - in the form of a fraction with the design mark in the numerator and the actual - in the denominator;

and) design elevations of the layout and actual elevations of the terrain (if necessary) along the top of the sites of various purposes at the intersection of their edges with the relief at the corners and at characteristic points;

k) design relief fracture line - during execution of the plan in the design elevations of the layout reference points;

l) direction of design relief slope by bergstrikes - during execution of the plan in design contours and arrows - during execution of the plan in design elevations.

Vertical layout is solved in accordance with topographic, technological and construction conditions. The relief plan is implemented in connection with the adjacent territory and taking into account the diversion of surface water from the building to driveways and free land.

The design slopes of the planned free territory are accepted in the range from 0.004 to 0.06.

Surface water removal is designed according to the open drainage system. To divert water from the designed passages, concrete trays, a longitudinal edge tray, a spillway on the side of the road are provided.

Utility Summary Plan

The consolidated plan of utility networks is made on the basis of a breakdown plan, but without absolute elevations of buildings, structures, gate binding and designation of coordination axes of buildings, structures.

If necessary, the external contours of the foundation base of the designed and existing buildings and structures are applied on the plan.

Only the coordinates or references of their axes are indicated in the images of roads and railways.

Utility networks are made with schematic graphical symbols as per GOST 21.204.

On the summary plan of utility networks, the following are applied and indicated:

a) communication facilities for laying networks;

b) underground, ground and above-ground networks;

c) rainfall grilles, supports and racks of communication facilities.

Utility networks are applied according to the working drawings of the corresponding main sets with coordinate or linear reference of the network axis on each characteristic area, with the image of compensators, niches, wells, chambers and indicating their designations.

The following networks are shown in the panel:

B1- water supply network (blue)

K1- domestic sewerage system (red color)

K2- storm sewer (green)

W1- power supply (yellow)

Territory Improvement Plan

The improvement of residential areas is a complex task. The concept of "improvement" includes a set of measures:

engineering improvement (engineering training and engineering equipment, artificial lighting);

external improvement (landscaping, organization of traffic and pedestrians, equipping the territory with small architectural forms and improvement elements).

The area improvement plan is made on the basis of a breakdown plan without specifying coordination axes, coordinates and dimensional references, absolute elevations of buildings and structures.

Only the coordinates or references of their axes are shown in the highway images, if necessary.

The territory improvement plan indicates:

a) sidewalks, walkways and their width;

b) sites of various purposes and their dimensions;

c) small architectural forms and portable products of recreation areas;

d) trees, shrubs, flower beds, lawns.

Improvement elements are assigned reference designations. The designation of landscaping elements is indicated on the leader line in circles with a diameter of 812 mm in the form of a fraction: in the numerator - the reference designation of the rock or type of plantation, in the denominator - their number or area (for flower beds).

6.1 Landscaping

Landscaping is an ordinary planting of trees and shrubs along driveways and individual trees and shrubs, taking into account such factors as the location of underground communications, the height of trees, normative distances of location, individual qualities and the purpose of planting.

The following plantings were used for the territory located in the Bryansk region: Siberian larch, hanging birch, horse common chestnut, European larch, common spruce, white poplar, common hawthorn, shiny kizilnik.

Lawns and free areas are sown with seeds of lawn grasses, trees and shrubs are planted on them. A mixture of organic and mineral fertilizers is introduced into the landscaped territory. The sites established by the project for planting groups of trees or shrubs are indicated by pegs clogged at the corners of the intended pit, into which planting will be carried out, and the sites for planting single specimens by pegs clogged at plant placement points.

When digging pits and trenches, the upper layer of fertile soil is folded to one side and used to fill plant roots during planting, and the lower layer is folded to the other side and this land is used to level the site.

6.3 Paving of Roads and Sidewalks

4 types of coatings are used in the designed complex. On the driveways, the surface is fine asphalt concrete. Covering for footpaths is made of concrete paving tiles. On the site for walking and training dogs, the coating is a material consisting of natural soil improved with mineral additives, as well as a lawn.

To carry out transport and pedestrian connections on the site, the following are provided:

- 6.00m wide driveways;

- sidewalks with a width of 1,0 m and 1,5 m.

6.4 Design of area lighting

Standard lighting devices with a height of 9 m were used to illuminate the territory. The driveways to the buildings and the entrances to them are mandatory. For lighting footpaths use low lamps. It is also possible to point illuminate individual elements of small architectural forms .

Main parameters of pavement

Roads consist of an earthen bed with artificial structures, roadways and shoulders. Stability of the earth bed is achieved by laying it from strong soils and devices for removal of surface and ground water.

The width of the roadway consists of the width of the carriageway and its two shoulders.

The roadway is covered with road clothes. Road clothing is made in one or more structural layers. Multilayer road clothing is arranged, as a rule, on permanent roads and has the following main structural layers:

The coating is an upper layer of road clothing, which in turn consists of a layer of wear periodically renewable as it abrasions, and a main layer that determines the performance of the coating.

The base is a bearing part of road clothing, which provides, together with the coating, the transfer of loads to the underlying layer or directly to the soil of the earth bed.

The additional base layer is the lower structural layer of road clothing, which, along with transferring loads to the earthen web, also functions as frost-proof, drainage, leveling and other layers.

Serve as materials for the basis crushed stone, gruntoshcheben, gravel, the soil processed by the knitting substances, and for an additional layer - coarse-grained sand, gravelisty soil, the shattered rock and other local materials.

Roadwear structures

The structural layer of road clothing on which the asphalt concrete mixture is to be laid must be arranged in accordance with SP 78.13330.2012, compacted to a rated density and must have the required surface flatness. If there are significant irregularities on the surface of the layer, it is necessary to arrange a leveling layer of asphalt concrete or other materials treated with organic binders.

The onboard stones provided for by the design are installed before the mixture is laid in accordance with the given elevations along the leveling line, which must be accepted by the act on hidden works.

Preparatory work includes:

- cleaning of the base surface from dust and dirt using hand wire and grass brushes, as well as blowing of compressed air from the compressor;

- elimination of detected irregularities of the base by means of yokes, sealing of reduced places with the material from which the base is made, or careful leveling with a layer of asphalt concrete;

- treatment of the base surface with a bitumen emulsion or liquid bitumen with a uniform layer at least 1-6 hours before laying the mixture of the lower layer of asphalt concrete coating. The consumption of materials is: when treated with liquid bitumen - 0.50.8 l/m2, when treated with 60% bitumen emulsion - 0.60.9 l/m2, heated to a temperature of 165185 0C.

To ensure adhesion of the laid upper layer of asphalt concrete mixture with the underlying one, the latter is cleaned from dust and dirt by mechanical brushes, compressed air from the mobile compressor or by other means. Not later than 1.6 h before the beginning of laying of the upper layer of asphalt concrete mixture, the underlying layer is treated with an organic binder: 60% bitumen emulsion at a flow rate of 0.30.4 l/m2, liquid or viscous bitumen at a flow rate of 0.20.3 l/m2.

Pavements from asphalt concrete mixtures should be arranged in dry weather. Hot and cold mixtures should be laid in spring and summer at ambient temperature not lower than 5 ° С, in autumn - not lower than 10 ° С; warm mixtures - at temperature not lower than minus 10 ° С.

It is allowed to perform operations using hot asphalt concrete mixtures at air temperature not lower than 0 ° С, subject to the following requirements:

- thickness of the arranged layer must be not less than 4 cm;

- asphalt concrete mixtures with surfactants or activated mineral powders shall be used;

Cold asphalt concrete mixtures should be completed approximately 15 days before the beginning of the autumn rainy period, with the exception of mixtures with activated mineral materials.

The required flatness of the asphalt concrete surface according to SP 78.13330.2012 can be achieved only by an asphalt laying with automatic flatness systems (such as Stabilosloy or Profile), which are currently equipped with all domestic and foreign machines. The spear used is a cable stretched on special posts installed along the arranged coating on the side of the leveller according to the design vertical elevations.

If the flatness of the underlying layer is ensured, a ski can be used as a spear, which is attached to the asphalt pad and moves along the base or adjacent compacted cover strip.

Substantiation of decisions on improvement

The planning organization of the land plot is provided within the drainage limits with observance of the boundaries of permissible placement of buildings and structures. Minimum gaps between buildings and structures are accepted according to fire safety standards. Parameters of buildings and structures are limited by urban planning regulations. The relief plan is implemented in connection with the adjacent territory and taking into account the diversion of surface water from the building to driveways and free land.


As a result of the course work, sets of plan drawings were developed for the implementation of the development project.

Proposed measures for engineering improvement of the territory of the logistics complex.

Main technical and economic indicators:

The area of ​ ​ the site is 104843 m2;

The built-up area is 46062.99 m2;

The area of ​ ​ landscaping is 17845 m2.

Drawings content

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