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Course work in the discipline: "Organization and planning of automated production" part name: "Bearing housing" (drawing TEM1.85.50.171)


In this course work, after quantitative and qualitative analysis of the processability of the structure of the part "Bearing bearing housing" (drawing TEM1.85.50.171), bases and methods for fixing the workpiece were reasonably selected, the technological process of the part processing was designed taking into account serial quality and automation of production. For the designed system, technical and economic indicators were calculated and the production area was designed.

Project's Content

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Additional information




1. Part Utility Description

1.1. Brief information about the part. Analyzing Drawing Requirements

1.2. Part Constructability Analysis

2. Process Section

2.1. Define the source procurement type and method

2.2. Procurement Selection Feasibility Study

2.3. Development of the part manufacturing process route

2.3.1. Development of routing technology of part machining

2.3.2. Equipment selection

2.4. Determination of processing time and annual release program

2.5. Calculation of basic parameters of the automated production system

3.Production Site Design

4. Calculation of technical and economic indicators of the automated system

4.1. Calculate Full Cost

4.2. Calculation of production productivity and profitability

4.3. Determination of capital investments and depreciation charges

4.4. Determine payback period for additional capital investments and expected economic impact


List of literature and regulatory documents


In this course work, after quantitative and qualitative analysis of the processability of the structure of the part "Bearing bearing housing" (drawing TEM1.85.50.171), bases and methods for fixing the workpiece were reasonably selected, the technological process of the part processing was designed taking into account serial quality and automation of production. For the designed system, technical and economic indicators were calculated and the production area was designed.


Engineering provides all sectors of the economy with new technology and determines its technological progress. In this regard, the development of engineering is of paramount importance for the development of the country's economy.

To ensure the competitiveness of the products of machine-building enterprises, it is necessary to improve the quality and productivity of machines without significantly increasing their cost. This task cannot be solved only with the help of constructive innovations, without serious technological preparation of production based on the latest technological solutions using new materials, technological equipment, equipment.

The application of new technologies combining the use of progressive, high-precision processing methods with energy saving, environmental friendliness and safety, high-performance technological equipment equipped with control systems with artificial intelligence elements, re-leveraged automated technological equipment allows you to achieve a significant increase in labor productivity and quality of manufactured products.

Modern requirements for the accuracy of parts of machines and instruments, the quality of their surfaces, assembly accuracy are so high that their achievement is impossible without the application of scientific achievements .

The combination of flexibility with high productivity and quality is achieved in modern production with the help of automated flexible production systems, as well as a reduction in the labor intensity and duration of production preparation using computer-aided design systems.

The introduction of new technologies and modern technology into production is impossible without highly qualified specialists with advanced knowledge and skills, the acquisition of which is served by course design, as the first step in applying the knowledge gained in practice.

The proposed course project is devoted to the development of the technology for the manufacture of a part of the "Bearing Housing" type, as well as the planning of the production site and the determination of technical and economic indicators.

Process Section

2.1. Define the source procurement type and method

The correct selection of the initial workpiece directly affects the construction of the manufacturing process of the part, contributes to a decrease in material capacity, manufacturing costs, and therefore a decrease in the cost of manufacturing the part.

The operating parameters of the part "Bearing housing" and the type of material make it possible to make a blank from casting according to GOST 97775 .

The material from which the part is made - Steel 25L Ⅱ GOST 97775, this material has good casting properties, has sufficient strength and relatively low cost. Let's calculate the main technical and economic parameters of the method of procurement production chosen by us, determine its rationality. To do this, you must define the dimensions and mass of the above workpiece and the final part.

2.3. Development of the part manufacturing process route

2.3.1. Development of routing technology of part machining

005 NC Lathe Multipurpose Operation

Horizontal Turntable with NC Goodway Series


Ustanov A

Install the blank in the three-cap cartridge.

Step 1: Trim end 2 to maintain dimensions L = 218 mm (1 pass).

Step 2: Stretch the surface 7 to maintain dimensions of ∅132 mm and L = 52 mm (2 passes).

Step 3: Stretch the semi-finished surface 7 to withstand dimensions of ∅135 mm and L = 52 mm (3 passes).

Transition 4: Stretch the surface 6 to maintain dimensions of ∅145 mm and L = 41 mm (5 passes).

Transition 5: Stretch the semi-finished surface 6 to withstand dimensions of ∅148 mm and L = 41 mm (3 passes).

Step 6: Stretch clean surface 6 to withstand dimensions of ∅150 mm and L = 41 mm (4 passes).

Transition 7: Stretch the groove 8 to maintain dimensions of ∅154 mm

(2 passes).

Transition 8: Stretch half groove 8 to withstand dimensions of ∅156 mm

(2 passes).

Transition 9: Drill 6 holes for thread M10 25 mm deep.

Junction 10: Thread in six M10 holes to a depth of 18 mm.

Self-centering three-cap cartridge GOST 267580.

Lathe trimmed with hard alloy plates 21120054 GOST 1888073; Turning cutter with hard alloy plates 2140252 GOST 1888273; Turning groove groove cutter of fast-cutting steel 21300521 GOST 1887473; Spiral drill with cylindrical shank (∅8,5 mm) 23002657 GOST 1090277; Short mark with reinforced shank (M10) 26211427 GOST 326681.

Ustanov B

Install the blank in the three-cam cartridge with reverse cams

Transition 11: Trim end 1 to maintain dimensions L = 217 mm (1 pass).

Transition 12: Sharpen the warp surface 4 with dimensions of ∅192 mm and L = 21 mm (1 pass).

Step 13: Sharpen the semi-finished surface 4 with dimensions of ∅190 mm and L = 21 mm (2 passes).

Transition 14: Sharpen the warp surface 3 with dimensions of ∅190 mm and L = 22mm (1 pass).

Transition 15: Sharpen the semi-finished surface 3 with dimensions of ∅190 mm and L = 23mm (2 passes).

Transition 16: Pattern the surface to withstand dimensions

∅128 mm and L = 51 mm to form a chamfer (1 pass).

Transition 17: Stretch the puluch surface to maintain dimensions

∅129 mm and L = 51 mm to form a chamfer (1 pass).

Transition 18: Stretch Clear Surface to Withstand Dimensions

∅130 mm and L = 51 mm to form a chamfer (2 passes).

Transition 19: Drill 6 holes for thread M10 25 mm deep.

Junction 20: Thread in six M10 holes to a depth of 18 mm.

Junction 21: Drill 6 holes for M16 thread 20 mm deep.

Junction 22: Thread in six M16 holes to a depth of 20 mm.

Self-centering three-cam cartridge with reverse cams

7100-0035 GOST 388980.

Lathe trimmed with hard alloy plates 21120054 GOST 1888073; Thrust lathe cutter with hard alloy plates 21031101 GOST 1887973; Turning cutter with hard alloy plates 2140252 GOST 1888273; Spiral drill with cylindrical shank (∅8,5 mm) 23002657 GOST 1090277; The short tap with the strengthened shaft (M10) of 26211427 GOST 326681; Spiral drill with cylindrical shank (∅14 mm) 23000226 GOST 1090277; The short tap with the strengthened shaft (M16) of 26201603 GOST 326681.

010 Washing

Wash the housing

Washing bath

015 Control

Check the housing

Place of the controller, measuring instruments (caliper, micrometer, profilometer, etc.).

Manufacturing Site Design

Mechanical assembly production, consisting of a complex of production areas and auxiliary units, in which production processes of products are carried out, is a complex dynamic system, the structure and parameters of which are directly dependent on the complexity of the design, the range of products produced and the characteristics of the production process of its manufacture.

The production process in mechanical engineering is the set of actions necessary for the production of finished products from semi-finished products. The production process is based on the manufacturing process of products, during which the quality state of the production object changes. Auxiliary processes are used to ensure uninterrupted execution of the manufacturing process of the product in mechanical assembly production.

The main stages of the production process can include the following receipt and storage of blanks, their delivery to work items (places), various types of processing, transfer of semi-finished products between work items (places), quality control, storage in warehouses, assembly of products, testing, adjustment, painting, finishing, packaging and shipment.

Different stages of the production process in a machine-building plant can be carried out in separate workshops or in the same workshop. In the first case, the production process of production is divided into parts and is accordingly called a production process, carried out, for example, in a procurement, assembly, mechanical workshop, etc. In the second case, the process is called complex production.

For each production, a certain production program is established, which means a set of products of the established nomenclature produced in a given volume per year. The number of products to be manufactured per unit time (year, quarter, month) is called the volume of production.

Each mechanical assembly production has a certain production capacity, which means the maximum possible output of products of the specified nomenclature and quantity, which can be carried out over a certain period of time under the established mode of operation. Distinguish between actual and design capacity. The design capacity is the production capacity installed in the construction or reconstruction project, which must be achieved provided that production is provided by the production facilities adopted in the project, personnel and organization of production. The production capacity of the existing production is not constant and depends on the technical level of the workers, the level of use of fixed and revolving funds, the shift of work, the level of mechanization and automation of production and other factors.

The movement of blanks, semi-finished products or products in production can be carried out piece by piece or in batches. A lot is called a certain number of blanks, semi-finished products or products that simultaneously arrive at the work item (place).

Work items (locations) must be properly equipped to carry out the production process. Depending on the content of the operation and the organization of its implementation at the work station (place), technological equipment, accumulators with semi-finished products, one working or group of workers, equipment automatic loading and unloading facilities (robots, manipulators, automatic loading units), cutting and measuring tools, equipment, labor maintenance and safety equipment, control system elements can be located.

Based on organizational considerations, several work items (places) are combined, forming a production area that fulfills its target purpose. A production area is a part of a workshop volume in which work items (places) are located, which are combined with transport and storage devices, means of technical, instrumental and metrological maintenance, means of section control and labor protection, and where technological processes for manufacturing products of a certain purpose are carried out.

The larger organizational unit is the production shop, which is a production administrative and economic separate division of the plant. The workshop includes production areas, auxiliary units, office and household premises, as well as premises of public organizations.

Support units are created to maintain and ensure the uninterrupted operation of production sites. These include: cutting tool recovery compartment, control and repair compartments, compartment for the preparation and distribution of lubricating cooling liquids.

The composition of production areas and auxiliary divisions is determined by the design of the manufactured products, the technological process, the production program and the organization of production.

By the nature of the work performed, production equipment is divided into main (process) and auxiliary. The main equipment includes production equipment that directly performs the operations of the technological process. Auxiliary equipment is equipment that does not directly participate in the process of manufacturing products, but performs maintenance of the main equipment.

The total area of the workshop in process calculations is taken as the sum of production and auxiliary areas (without service area).

The production area includes areas occupied by work positions (places), auxiliary equipment located in production sections, passages and passages between equipment inside production sections (except for the trunk passage area).

All auxiliary systems equipment and devices not located in production areas, as well as main and fire passages, are located on auxiliary areas.

Planning takes into account all factors that affect the workers. The main ones are as follows:

access to work items (locations)

ease of working and delivery of blanks to the place of work

proximity of smoking rooms and locker rooms, showers and dining rooms

good lighting

sufficient air exchange

convenient location of machines or fountains for drinking, phones, etc.

As fire-fighting measures, it is necessary to ensure the convenient location of fire-fighting equipment, the availability of free passages for the quick withdrawal of working and passage for fire engines. All doors must open outside.

In this course work, in addition to all these factors, the creation of an automated workshop is considered, the technological composition of which includes:

2 CNC Lathe Multipurpose Machines

2 industrial robots, one of which is mounted on rails for greater mobility and increased coverage area

6 intermediate rotary drive magazines

3 years (for blanks, tools and finished products)

1 crane-stacker.

All this equipment is controlled by the APCS operator in a separate room. Only the control operation remains non-automated.

To protect maintenance personnel from injuries, a door with an opening sensor is provided, when triggered, all automated equipment stops.


Modern CNC machines, progressive tools, material for cutting tools were used for the designed processing process of the Bearing Body part, which leads to an increase in the dimensional and geometric accuracy of machining.

There are considered the issues on analysis of workpiece design processability, type and method of workpiece production, on development of routing technology of part manufacturing, analysis of economic efficiency of production process.

Drawings content

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