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Course work on the discipline "Architecture of buildings" on the topic "Auxiliary and production building"


Auxiliary production building of railway and steel structures. The roof is made of insulated coatings. The slabs are supported by steel trusses. The plates are supported along the upper belt of the trusses. Trusses are supported by railway columns, which in turn are trapped in glass-type foundations. Enclosing structures are a 3-layer wall 'panel made of heavy reinforced concrete.

Project's Content

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icon подсобно-производственное здание.dwg

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1. Initial design data (art. 3)

1.1 Brief description of the construction site (art. 3)

1.2 Description of the General Plan (art. 3)

2. Architectural and structural solution of the workshop (art. 4-6)

2.1 Foundation (art. 4)

2.2 Foundation beams (art. 5)

2.3 Columns (Article 5)

2.4 Coatings (st.5)

2.5 Trusses and beams (art. 5)

2.6 Wall panels (art. 5)

2.7 Lifting and transportation equipment (art. 6)

2.8 Roof (art. 6)

2.9 Filling of window openings (art. 6)

2.10 Gate (art. 6)

2.11 Floors (art. 6)

3. Thermal calculation of the ABK wall and industrial building (art. 7-9)

3.1) Determination of the value of Roreq (Art. 7)

3.2 Determination of Rtro value (Article 8)

3.3 Determination of thickness of insulation layer (st.8-9)

4. Structural solution of ABK (Article 10)

5. Volume and planning indicators (art. 10-11)

6. Graphic part (art. 12)

6.1 Auxiliary production building. Shop Plan (Sheet 1)

6.2 Auxiliary production building. Foundation Plan (Sheet 2)

6.3 Auxiliary production building. Roof Plan (Sheet 3)

6.4 Auxiliary production building. Section 2-2 (sheet 4)

6.5 Auxiliary production building. Section 1-1, Assembly 1, Assembly 2, Assembly 3, Facade of Utility Building and ABC (Sheet 5)

6.6 ABK. 1st floor plan, 2nd floor plan, node 4, node 5, node 6 (sheet 6)

6.7 ABK. Floor plan, foundation plan, roof plan, section 3-3 (sheet 7)

6.8 ABK. Section 4-4 (sheet 8)

7. List of literature used (art. 13)

Drawings content

icon подсобно-производственное здание.dwg

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