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Technologies and technical support of crop production


The academic year project "Technologies and technical support of production of crop production" consists of the explanatory note (37 pages of the machine and printing text, 8 references) and 3 sheets of a graphic part of A1 format, one leaf formataa2 . Keywords: economy, production, indicators, composition, planning, annual plan, fuel consumption, maintenance and repair, need, maintenance personnel. The project developed issues : - Composition calculation and planning of ICC use. -MSP composition and usage indicators. -Production of integral curves of fuel consumption. - Development of the annual tractor maintenance plan. - Calculation of technical equipment and service personnel requirements.

Project's Content

icon 4Таблица 2.2 к колонтитул.doc
icon Записка М Танона.doc
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icon ТО 34.png
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Additional information



1. Initial data

2. Calculation of the composition and planning of the use of the machine-tractor

Agricultural Enterprise Park

2.1Recalculation of engine and tractor fleet composition by standard

method for aggregated indicators

Development of the annual mechanized works plan

Plotting Equipment Load and Demand

labor force

Substantiation of the quantitative composition of the machine-tractor fleet

Indicators of composition and use of machine-tractor

Agricultural Enterprise Park

3. Planning and organization of maintenance

machine and tractor fleet

Construction of integral curves of fuel consumption

Development of annual maintenance plan


Calculation of maintenance labour intensity

tractor fleet

Selection and justification of the organizational form

maintenance of the engine and tractor fleet

Calculation of equipment and maintenance requirements


4. Development of the operational-process plan for agricultural work



Project Description

The academic year project "Technologies and technical support of production of crop production" consists of the explanatory note (37 pages of the machine and printing text, 8 references) and 3 sheets of a graphic part of A1 format, one leaf formataa2.

Keywords: economy, production, indicators, composition, planning, annual plan, fuel consumption, maintenance and repair, need, maintenance personnel.

The project has developed the following issues:

- Calculation of composition and planning of ICC use.

-MSP composition and usage indicators.

-Production of integral curves of fuel consumption.

- Development of the annual tractor maintenance plan.

- Calculation of technical equipment and service personnel requirements.


In recent years, the agro-industrial complex of our country has been actively developing. In the production sector, due to the ongoing measures for the technical re-equipment and modernization of agricultural organizations and enterprises of the processing industry, the volume of production is constantly increasing, and food exports are increasing.

The concentration of agricultural production has increased. The area of ​ ​ farmland on average per enterprise over 6 years has increased 1.4 times and amounted to more than 5 thousand hectares, which in the conditions of innovative development of the agro-industrial complex is an important potential factor in increasing its efficiency based on the implementation of economies of scale.

In the social sphere, a network of agricultural towns has been established, the number of which approximately coincides with the number of large commercial agricultural enterprises and centers of rural (village) councils, which contributes to the optimization of rural development .

Along with large agricultural organizations, farming is developing, which, together with personal subsidiary farms of the population, is a truly private way with a high level of motivation for work.

The planned strategy for the development of agro-industrial complex is successfully implemented, which is facilitated by the system of activities of the State Program for Sustainable Rural Development for 20112015, the guaranteed implementation of which is facilitated by their constant monitoring with the consideration of the results at the government level and the adoption of effective decisions if necessary.

The purpose of this course project is to consolidate theoretical knowledge in order to further its application in practical activities.

Substantiation of the quantitative composition of the machine-tractor fleet

The required number of tractors, agricultural machines and tools is established on the basis of comparison of calculations according to the summary table or process charts, load schedules of tractors and calculation according to enlarged indicators. The number of tractors, self-propelled agricultural machines and cars according to the schedules of their use is determined by the periods of greatest loading with agricultural work.

The number of machines and tools according to the summary table or process charts is selected according to the periods of greatest demand for them. To do this, viewing the summary table (or task lists), set for all periods of operation, when the machine or gun of each brand is used. Select the period when the maximum number of them is required. If in the same calendar period the machine or gun of the same name and brand is used simultaneously on two or more works, then their number is summed up,

The names of tractors and machines, their brands, the required quantity, determined by the enlarged indicators, summary table and schedules of machine use, are entered in table 2.2.

In case of discrepancy of calculation results by summary table and by enlarged indicators (Fig. 3), the results of calculations by summary and machine use schedules are taken as the basis.

The number of machines to be purchased (gr. 5) in the planned year is defined as the difference between the number of machines accepted according to the enlarged indicators (gr. 3) and the number of machines received according to the course project (gr. 4).

The volume of work (gr. 6) for units (brands of machines) in physical units (ha, t, tkm) is obtained according to the summary table by sampling the works performed by the machines of the same name according to the brands.

Seasonal production per machine (gr. 7) is determined by dividing the annual scope of work (gr. 6) by the number of machines accepted by the project (gr. 4).

Planning and organization of maintenance of the machine-tractor fleet

3.1 Construction of integral curves of fuel consumption

To determine fuel consumption by operation periods and maintenance planning, integral curves of total fuel consumption and operating time of tractors in conditional reference hectares are built on tractor loading schedules. Such curves show in increasing order the fuel consumption and operating time of all tractors of this brand during the year.

Integral curves are built for tractors of each brand, combining them with schedules of tractors use. On the right side of the graph, the scale of annual fuel consumption (or operating time in the center) is applied along the vertical axis in the selected scale. et. ha) tractors of this brand.

The initial information for the construction of integral curves is the data of the PivotTable.

Annual fuel consumption is determined by summation of fuel consumption for performance of separate works by tractors of this grade for a year (period). According to the annual amount, they are guided when choosing the scale of the fuel consumption scale.

The curve is drawn on the abscissa axis from a point corresponding to the beginning of agricultural work. On the vertical corresponding to the completion of agricultural work, a segment equal to the fuel consumption during all work during this period is deposited on a scale. The end point of this segment and the point at the beginning of the graph, where fuel consumption is zero, are connected by a straight line. If the following works are performed after the first work period without time break, a section equal to the total fuel consumption for the first and second work periods is postponed on the vertical corresponding to the completion of the second work period. The end point of the second period of work is connected to the end point of the first period of work with a straight line. Similarly, integral curve segments are constructed for all subsequent work periods.

If there is a period of time when the work is not performed, then at this interval the curve is carried out parallel to the abscissa axis.

In case agricultural works are performed partially in the previous and subsequent months, fuel consumption for performance of works in each month is distributed proportionately to the number of working days for their execution in the previous and subsequent months.

Inclination angle of integral curve sections indicates intensity of mechanized works. The larger the angle of inclination, the more intensive the work and tractors are used.

3.2 Development of annual tractor maintenance plan

The initial data for ICC maintenance planning are: the technical condition of each project tractor at the beginning of the planned year (period); fuel consumption by tractors during the planned year in the form of integral fuel consumption curves; periodicity of maintenance of tractors of each grade.

In gr. 1 indicate all tractors of each brand, and in gr. 2 - their economic numbers (01, 02.03, etc.).

The type of last maintenance or repair (Fig. 3) is accepted conditionally.

In gr. 4, fuel consumption for the planned year is recorded by each tractor of this brand (as the sum of gr. 5 - 16). Fuel consumption by months of planned year (gr. 516) is determined on the basis of integral curves of fuel consumption. Fuel consumption for each month indicated on the integral curve is divided by the number of tractors used during this period and entered into a numerator. The fraction denominator indicates the type of maintenance performed in a given month. The remaining fuel after maintenance in the first month is transferred to the second month, etc.

Since the number of tractors used is different in different periods of the year, they strive for a more even distribution of fuel consumption across all tractor numbers of each brand.

To simplify calculations in determining the quantity and types of technical maintenance, fuel consumption for a given month is divided by the periodicity TO1, expressed in kilograms of fuel. Then, using the table, the type of service carried out in a given month is established.

3.4 Selection and justification of the organizational form of maintenance of the engine-tractor fleet

The efficiency of a maintenance system depends on the level of its organization. When choosing the organizational form, it is necessary to take into account such production conditions as the structure, size of the agricultural enterprise, the state of the road network, the capabilities of the engineering service, the state of the material base for maintenance and diagnostics of the ICC, the provision of machine operators, maintenance personnel, their qualifications, the technical condition of tractors and agricultural machines.

Currently, three main organizational forms of machine maintenance are known: the operating organization (through agricultural enterprises, a specialized organization and a manufacturer of equipment (branded maintenance of machines).

In our case, we choose a mixed form of maintenance. All maintenance and repair of machines, which by their complexity do not go beyond the 3rd category and are carried out using the on-board tool and simple devices, are carried out directly by machine operators (ETO, TO1, malfunctions of the 1st complexity group, etc.); Maintenance and repair works, which for economic reasons are disadvantageous to carry out on their own, should be carried out by service specialized enterprises created on the basis of TVET and central repair shops (CMM), branded technical centers, specialized repair enterprises; ETO of tractors and agricultural machines usually conducts a machine operator at the beginning of a shift in the machine yard, PTO or in the field. TO-1 and TO-2 tractors are performed at stationary maintenance points or in workshops, if they are located at a distance of up to 5 km from the facilities. At longer distance, TO-1 and TO-2 are performed in the field using mobile maintenance equipment. However, if possible, TC-2 is carried out at the MTP or CDC; TC-3 and seasonal maintenance are carried out by the same performers, usually at the MTP or CDC of the enterprise or at tractor maintenance stations.


At the end of the calculation of the course project, general conclusions can be drawn. According to the calculations, we compiled a summary of production operations for cultivating crops. It lists the sequence of technological operations. The required number of units, machine units, auxiliary workers, fuel consumption, number of normal hours, etc. is calculated. The project draws up loading schedules for tractors of different brands, as well as loading schedules for self-propelled machines. A schedule for maintenance and repair of tractors has been designed .

Drawings content

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