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Course work in the discipline "Physical processes in wet air" on the topic: "Calculation of air treatment processes for a dining room with a capacity of 440 people in the city of Orel"

  • Added: 16.11.2014
  • Size: 501 KB
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In this course work, the plenum-exhaust ventilation system of the dining room building is being developed. The main design room is a dining room for 440 people. Parameters of the dining room: area - 703.3 m2, height - 3.3 m, volume - 2320.9 m3, glazing area - 42.3 m2. The building is one-story, located on the plan in axes A-Z = 30 m, and 1-10 = 45 m. The volume of the entire building is 3514.5 m3. The glazing area of ​ ​ the entire building is 82.2 m2.

The construction area of ​ ​ the facility is the city of Orel (latitude 52 ° 56 '). The main facade is directed south.

Project's Content

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Additional information


1 Initial data

2 Design parameters of internal and external air

3 Calculation of air exchange of the main room

3.1 Calculation of heat loss

3.2 Calculation of moisture inputs

3.3 Carbon Dioxide Emission

3.4 Balance Sheet

3.5 Calculation of air exchange for TPG

3.6 Calculation of air exchange for HPG

List of literature used

Source Data

In this course work, a supply and supply ventilation system of the dining room building is being developed. The main design room is a dining room for 440 people. Parameters of the dining room: area - 703.3 m2, height - 3.3 m, volume - 2320.9 m3, glazing area - 42.3 m2. The building is one-story, located on the plan in the axes of EP = 30 m, and 110 = 45 m. The volume of the entire building is 3514.5 m3. The glazing area of ​ ​ the entire building is 82.2 m2.

The construction area of ​ ​ the facility is the city of Orel (latitude 52 ° 56 '). The main facade is directed south.

Drawings content

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