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Comprehensive engineering improvement of urban areas. Reconstruction of the school for 1266 students - AR


Course project. Breakdown plan of this territory, relief organization plan, landscaping plan (landscaping, driveways, sidewalks, paving of sidewalks

Project's Content

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Additional information


1. Explanatory Note

2. Plot Planning Scheme

2.1 Brief description of the natural conditions of the construction area

2.2 Main Plot Plan Solutions

3. Architectural Solutions

4. Information on engineering equipment, utility networks, list of engineering and technical measures, content of technological solutions

4. Fire Safety Measures

5. Power supply

List of literature

2. Scheme of planning organization of the land plot.

2.1 Brief description of the natural conditions of the construction area

The construction site is located in Tyumen.

According to SNiP 230199 *, the territory in question belongs to the I climatic area, subarea D, which is characterized by the duration of the cold period of the year (with an average daily temperature below 00C) 190 days per year or more.

Climatic characteristics are given according to the weather station of Tyumen.

The climate of the area in question is sharply continental. It is formed under the influence of the western circulation of the atmosphere (cyclones) and the continent (anticyclones). There is a faster change of cyclones and anticyclones. The thermal regime depends on the penetration of temperate latitudes into the continent throughout the cold Arctic air and the removal of temperate latitudes (or even tropical air) from the south to the north of the heated continental air. The lack of security from the north and south contributes to free air exchange and meridial circulation, which contributes significantly to the pressure distribution and causes particularly sharp increases or decreases in temperature.

The climate in general form can be described as follows: severe long winters with long frosts and stable snow cover. Short summers and cool periods, late spring and early autumn frosts, short frost-free period.

The beginning of winter is characterized by great overcast, strong winds, large temperature fluctuations. Periods of relatively warm weather are replaced by severe frosts. In January and February, clear frosty weather prevails with fluctuations in the direction of wind and strong radiation cooling.

Spring is characterized by sunny unstable weather with increased wind. The increase in air temperature in spring is often interrupted by sharp cooling caused by the invasion of Arctic air masses. Frosts are observed until the end of May, and in some years until June. The duration of the spring period is 40 days.

Summer is warm, but short. A feature of this period are large reserves of solar heat and light. With the cessation of frosts, an intense increase in temperature occurs. July is the warmest month. In August, a noticeable decrease in temperature, cloudy days becomes more.

Autumn comes early, in duration it is twice as long as spring and warmer. Since September, temperature decreases with increasing intensity. In the second half of September, almost annually there are heat returns - "Indian summer." In October

very fast cooling occurs, frosty days become commonplace. In autumn, precipitation falls more than in spring. Precipitation falls mainly hard and mixed, snow cover is established, winter comes.

Climatic factors affect the assessment of the heat and moisture supply of the territory, determine the intensity of infiltration feeding of groundwater, characterize the current state of the territory.

The average monthly air temperature in Tyumen varies from 170C (January) to + 17.80C (July). Average annual air temperature + 0.70С. The coldest month of the year is January, the average January temperature is 170C. Absolute minimum 450C. In January and February, clear and frosty weather prevails. The annual absolute amplitude of the air temperature variation is 850C.

2.2 Main Plot Plan Solutions

The project provides for the implementation of the following zoning for the improvement of the territory:

a quiet recreation ground, a training and experimental ground, 4 playgrounds (by age gradation), a home farming ground, a gymnastics camp, a circular running track with a short distance and with a place for long jumping, a combined sports ground (football, volleyball), a basketball court, an obstacle course. On the sites, the relevant gaming equipment according to the Ugra catalog is installed by the manufacturer of Tobolsk, and the equipment according to the Algorithm catalog is installed by the manufacturer of Tyumen. Existing IAFs located in the school are subject to dismantling. Provide for uprooting of trees and shrubs falling into the territory of the designed sites (the need for the designed sites is prescribed in SanPIN

On the northern side of the school territory (in the side of the service entrance to the dining room opposite the house entrance) there is a garbage collection area (see sheet GP7 "Construction of the garbage area"), containers are located on it.

The school territory is protected by a fence of wrought-iron panels: supports (0-6) made of steel pipes with a height of 1,6 m and fencing panels OK10 (width .3 m) manufactured by Ugra OJSC (Tobolsk). All entrances are equipped with swing gates B1, and there are also wickets .

Road passage is made taking into account the requirements of the Technical Regulations on fire safety and convenient access to the school building and structures for economic maintenance and access of fire engines. To widen the existing passage, remove existing trees falling into the area of ​ ​ widening, with filling the pits with fertile soil (replacement with a live hedge is provided along the entire internal contour of the passage.

The vertical layout scheme is developed taking into account natural conditions, architectural, engineering and economic requirements.

The surface of the developed site is relatively flat. Discharge of storm and melt drains is provided surface along trays formed by a/road coating and concrete side-by-side, it is also provided by creating transverse and longitudinal slopes of the surface of the road surface and planned sections of the territory.

The terrain is calm. The slopes of the planned surface are taken 23 ‰. Taking into account the excess soil from the installation of a trough for road clothes of driveways, platforms and sidewalks, the mass haul balance is characterized by an excess of soil in the amount of 1683 m3. The intake of the missing fertile soil is 1026 m3.

Existing sidewalks and a/concrete passages shall be dismantled.

The coverage of the basketball court, mini-football field (with volleyball markings) and treadmill should be made of the Regupol injury-safe artificial coating (construction see GP5 sheet).

The coverage of the gymnastics camp is provided in the project of rubber mats (injury-safe coating, SibEkko Ave., Tyumen); playground and training-experimental platform made of trauma-safe special mixture (for design see GP5 sheet). Around the perimeter of the basketball and combined mini-football with volleyball markings of the court, a special one. grid for sports grounds with a height of 3 m. A quiet recreation area, a long jump landing pit and an obstacle course has a gravel-sand mixture coating (construction see GP5 sheet).

The area free from development, sites and coatings is sown with an herbal mixture (ordinary lawn) and vases for a flower garden are installed. On the central area of ​ ​ the school there are beds with a total area of ​ ​ 332 m2. Planting is provided: from shrubs - mountain ash, Hungarian lilac, and trees - common mountain ash. Adjacent lawns to the passage and sidewalks are landscaped by sowing seeds of perennial grasses with fertilizers and plant soil 0.15 m thick: red oatmeal - 60%, pasture district - 30%, white clover - 10%. There are also flowerbeds at the central entrance (list see GP5 sheet).

3. Architectural Solutions

a) Administratively, the survey site is located in the district. Chervishevsky, Tyumen.

The relief of the site is planned .

The climate of the territory under consideration is formed under the influence of the Arctic air masses and the Siberian anticyclone. The climate is continental. Winters are harsh and long, summers are short, warm and humid.

The climatic area of ​ ​ the construction area is IB.

Outside air temperature as per SNiP 23-01-99:

Average coldest five-day period -38 ° С

Average coldest day -42 ° С

Absolute minimum -50 ° С

Wind pressure for the II district 30 kg/m ²

Snow weight for the III region 180 kg/m ²

Humidity zone as per SNiP 230199 dry

Design average temperature for heating period -7.2 С

The heating period is 225 days.

b) The territory on which the land plot provided for the placement of the capital construction facility is located does not have special natural climatic conditions.

c) The building of the Gymnasium No. 49 "is located in the district. Chervishevsky city of Tyumen

The school building in terms of volume and layout is a complex of buildings of 4 buildings.

Two three-story buildings (Unit 1 in axes "BI" "37," Unit 3 (extension) in axes "DE" "13") adjoin each other at right angle.

Block 2 ("AB" axes "23") is a two-story building, Block 4 ("AB" axes "68") is a one-story building adjacent directly to Block 1.

Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3, Unit 4

The main structural structures of the building are longitudinal and transverse brick walls.

The external existing walls are made of ceramic single brick on cement sand mortar with a thickness of 510 mm, lined with silicate thickened brick on cement sand mortar with a thickness of 120 mm. Total wall thickness is 640mm.

This project provides for additional insulation of external walls with meneraulate slabs of TECHNOVENTStandart with thickness of 100mm.

Facade decoration - ventilated facade system with aluminum composite panels ALCOTEK, ALCOTEK FR, ALCOTEK FR plus.

The base of the building is made of concrete blocks and 2-3 rows of brickwork. In this project, the basement is lined with ceramic granite tiles.

Partitions are provided from M75 clay brick on 50 grade solution. Partitions of the antresole floor (axis "BV" "23") at elevation + 1.550 from the GCLO gas board sheet according to scheme No. 1 of SP 551012000 without filling with mineplate. The total thickness of the partition is 75mm.

The project provides for reinforcement of building structures (outer wall) in a limited operable and non-operable state.

Unit 1

A three-story brick structure with a height of the first floor of 3.45 m, the second - 3.30m and the third - 3.32m. In the building of the block there is a staircase of a closed type, with access to a common corridor, as well as with exit directly to the outside. Stairs from prefabricated reinforced concrete platforms and marches Block 2.

Two-story building. The height of the first floor is 4.3 m, the second - 3.3. In this unit there is a gym, with a room height of 6.47. The floor elevation of the first floor is 0.9 m below the floor elevation of the neighboring block. Roof 4x is pitched, along Axis "7" adjoins external wall of Unit 1.

Unit 3

Three-story annex. Built in 1995. The height of the first floor is 3.32m, the second - 3.44m, the third - 3.39m. Unit 3 is entered directly from Unit No. 1. On the ground floor there is a kindergarten, sauna, swimming pool. On the second floor - a gymnasium with sports gyms, locker rooms with bathrooms, showers. The third floor is the assembly hall. The unit is made without staircases. To rise to the floors, the staircase of Block 1 is used. Under the pool room is a technical. underground to service the pool. Intermediate floor - prefabricated ribbed plates. The roof is gable, adjacent to the roof Block 1 .

Unit 4

One-story building. In this block there is a kitchen, a dining room. Roof 4x is pitched, along Axis "7" adjoins external wall of Unit 1.

d) The structural diagram of the building as a whole is frame-wall, consists of interconnected structures that ensure its strength, rigidity and stability.

The structures of the existing slab are precast reinforced concrete panels.

The existing roof is sloping from prof. list on wooden rafters. For spatial immutability of geometric schemes of rafters systems, horizontal and vertical stiffness connections are used. Rafters are attached to the walls of the building using twists through

one rafters leg.

Existing stairs are reinforced concrete combined marches and platforms.

The roof fence is steel in a series of 1.100.2-5. Drainage from the roof organized by wall troughs into funnels and pipes as per

GOST 762384.

e) Existing foundations of the building - shallow laying of concrete blocks.

h) The overhaul project of the building of Gymnasium No. 49 of Tyumen provides for:

1st floor:

- reconstruction of the antresole floor at elevation + 1.550 in axes "FP" "23." The wooden floor has been replaced by railway on metal beams on metal columns. The area of ​ ​ the antresol floor was increased due to the extension of the floor.

- reconstruction of gym locker rooms. A bathroom and shower were added to each locker room.

- in axes "VG" "34" rooms 105, 106 are combined. This area, protected from the corridor by an aluminum stationary office partition from the corridor, is given to the gaming room.

- in axes "FP" "45" there are combinations of locker rooms

3rd floor:

- two bathrooms for students and one for staff are provided in axes "BV" "34" with reconstruction.

The remaining premises were not redeveloped.

4. Information on engineering equipment, engineering and technical support networks, list of engineering and technical measures, content of technological solutions.

Water supply system

The gymnasium is provided with cold water from external networks, at two inlets with a diameter of 80mm. On inputs to provide water-measuring knots of cold water with turbine BMX80 counters and the bypass line d80mm. The hot water supply system is closed with circulation, hot water preparation is carried out at the thermal point of the building.

The scheme of combined drinking and fire protection is adopted according to the dead end scheme with wiring in the underground channel of the 1st floor.


Project "Overhaul of the building of Gymnasium No. 49. Heating and Ventilation "is based on:

- Engineering Terms of Reference;

- architectural planning, structural and technological solutions;

- building codes, regulations, instructions and standards for the design of buildings of this purpose, including:

SNiP II379 * * from 195 - "Construction heat engineering";

SNiP 230199 - "Construction climatology";

SNiP 41012003 - "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning";

SNiP II1277 - "Noise protection";

SNiP 2.08.0289 * - "Public buildings and structures";

GOST 3049496 - "Residential and public buildings. Indoor microclimate parameters ";

SP 7.13130.2009 - "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Fire protection requirements. "

Information on climatic and meteorological conditions of the construction area, design parameters of outdoor air.

Outside air design parameters for ventilation and heating system as per SNiP 230199 "Construction climatology" for Tyumen:

Cold season:

tn = 38 ° С (parameter B).

Average wind speed v = 3.9 m/s.

Warm season:

tn = + 25.8 ° С (parameter B); I = 53 kJ/kg.

Average wind speed v = 1 m/s.

Key Technical Solutions

Coolant of heat supply system of plenum plants - propylene glycol 30%, with parameters T = 90/70 ° С. The heating system heat carrier - water, with parameters T = 90/70 °C

External coolant temperature - 150/70 ° С

The following technical solutions have been made for each type of engineering systems.

Ventilation system

In order to ensure the regulated air exchange and maintenance of the permissible temperature and humidity mode, the building premises are provided with plenum ventilation systems with mechanical motive. The number of systems is determined taking into account the functional purpose of the premises.

Air intake grids are installed at a height of more than 2 m above the ground in stained glass. Plenum plants installed in the attic.

Air ducts of plenum and exhaust systems are adopted of round and rectangular sections. Class of design of class "P" air ducts (dense) as per SNiP 41012003. Material for manufacturing air ducts - galvanized steel as per GOST 2475180 .

Heat insulation of air ducts to plenum plants with foiled heat insulation material 50 mm thick is provided. Transit vertical ducts are covered with fire retardant EI 60. At the entrance to the serviced room or floor on both sides, 0.5 m from the fire valve, an air duct coating with a fire retardant EI60 is provided.

Plenum and exhaust units manufactured by "AClima." Recuperators of the rotary type are used in the plants for energy saving purposes.

Ceiling diffusers and wall grids manufactured by Arktos were used to remove and inflow air.

Heat supply system pipelines are accepted as per GOST 326275 *. Insulation of heat supply pipelines shall be made from "Kaiflex" type foam rubber heat insulation tubes. Accounting of heat consumption for ventilation is provided in the heat point .

Mechanical drawing is provided in bathrooms and showers.

Air exchange is calculated according to normative ratios, based on assimilation of hazards and sanitary standards of fresh air supply.

Calculation and selection of air distributors was carried out so that the speed and temperature of the supply air in the working area are within the recommended limits. In the building, a balance is provided between the flow rate of supply and exhaust air.

Heating system

The hull is heated by local heating devices - cast iron section radiators MS140500.

Two-tube heating systems with associated movement of coolant with horizontal floor wiring are adopted. Main pipelines are laid in the floor structure of the 1st floor.

Pipelines in heating systems are accepted from steel water and gas pipes as per GOST 326275 *.

Manual balancing valves MSVBD Lenovo are installed in the heating systems for hydraulic linkage of the heating system on branches with a preliminary setting by Danfoss.

Air removal from the heating system is carried out through air cranes installed in the upper plugs of heating devices.

Automation and dispatching

The automation system is designed for automatic maintenance of normal operation modes of the equipment and its protection in case of emergency situations.

Remote monitoring of ventilation systems on the DPC shall be provided. The operator shall be able to monitor the operation parameters of the ventilation systems.

Automation of ventilation system equipment performs the following functions:

- automatic and manual control of equipment;

- disconnection of ventilation systems in case of fire;

- monitoring of coolant and air parameters;

- alarm of equipment operation ("ON," "Emergency");

- automatic adjustment of ventilation system parameters;

- automatic opening and closing of outdoor air valves when fans are switched on and off;

- automatic protection of air heaters against freezing;

- sequential switching on and off of equipment.

Noise protection measures

In order to protect people and the environment from noise, the following measures are envisaged:

- use of equipment with low noise characteristics;

- use of noise silencers;

- use of vibration isolators and vibration sets;

- use of flexible inserts;

- use of noise silencers as part of plenum units;

- air speed in main air ducts of ventilation systems does not exceed 5 m/s;

- sound insulation of the ventilation chamber with special sound absorbing materials.

Environmental protection activities

Environmental protection is ensured by constructive decisions taken in the project. No additional environmental measures are required.

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