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IAPP Diploma


Diploma project - Project of spice mix production line with modernization of grinding equipment. Drawings, Explanatory Note

Project's Content

icon 1 ТЭО.doc
icon 2. Технол. часть.doc
icon 3 Расчет и подбор оборудования.doc
icon 4. конструкторский раздел.doc
icon 5. монтаж.doc
icon 6. Электрическая часть.doc
icon 7. БЖД.doc
icon 8. экономика.doc
icon ВВЕДЕНИЕ.doc
icon Заключение.doc
icon литература.doc
icon РЕФЕРАТ.doc
icon Содержание.doc
icon Вал.cdw
icon дезинтегратор.cdw
icon Звездочка ведущая.cdw
icon Колесо червячное.cdw
icon компрессор.cdw
icon МАС.cdw
icon Редуктор 1лист.cdw
icon установка.cdw
icon Червяк [A3].cdw
icon Экономика.cdw
icon Электросхема.cdw

Additional information





2.1 Characteristics of raw materials

2.2 Technology of spice mixture production

2.3 Description of Machine and Hardware Diagram

2.4 Process (product) calculation of spice mixture


3.1 Calculation and selection of main process equipment


4.1 Patent Studies and Characteristics of Analogues

4.1.1 Crushers

4.1.2 Pepper

4.1.3 Hammer Mills

4.1.4 Disk mills

4.1.5 Pin mills

4.2 Justification of design selection

4.3 Kinematic calculation

4.4 Calculation of open chain transmission

4.5 Design and verification calculation of worm gears

4.5.1 Calculation of speed stage of reduction gear box

4.5.2 Calculation of low-speed stage of reduction gear box

4.5.3 Determination of shaft diameters

4.5.4 Serviceability check of bearings

4.6 Selection and calculation of key connections

4.7 Lubrication of gears and bearings

4.8 Coupling calculation

4.9 Calculation of screw conveyor


5.1 Installation

5.2 Operation, Maintenance

5.3 Repair


6.1 Electrical Calculations


7.1 Analysis of hazards and hazards of the designed object

7.2 Occupational Safety

7.2.1 Improvement of the cannery area

7.2.2 Requirements for natural lighting of industrial premises

7.2.3 Microclimatic conditions parameters for production premises

7.2.4 Fire-fighting measures and fire-fighting equipment

7.2.5 Measures for rational and safe maintenance of electrical installations and electrical networks

7.3 Environmental Protection

7.4 Stability of the enterprise operation in emergency situations






Spices and seasonings have long been used in national cuisines in many countries of the world, and they are known for more than 300 items, of which more than 150 items are spices. About 20 of them have gained recognition in Europe, and they are called classical. Thus, spices are divided into:

1) classic;

2) spicy vegetables;

3) spicy herbs.

Classic spices, depending on which part of the plant is used for food, are divided into the following subgroups:

leaves - bay leaf;

flowers and their parts - cloves, saffron;

fruits - pepper (black, white, fragrant and red), vanilla, badyan, cardamom;

seeds - mustard, nutmeg, muscat color;

bark - cinnamon, cassia;

roots - ginger, turmeric, galagan.

Spicy vegetables are grown as cultivated plants, they belong to onion, root and rhizome vegetables. Not only bulbs, roots and rhizomes are used in food, but also the aboveground part, which contains significantly fewer active principles.

Root spicy vegetables include parsley, pasternak, celery.

Spicy herbs are mostly wild-growing, but some of them are cultivated on an industrial scale. As a rule, wild growers are distinguished by a stronger aroma and bitterness. Spicy herbs can be eaten in fresh or dried form. Only the aboveground part of the plant (stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds) is used in spicy herbs and, as an exception, the root (air, long, coluria).

For Russia, typical representatives of spicy grasses are dill, coriander, cumin, anise, mint, tarragon, fennel, ruta, melissa, issop, basil, cress, donkey, fragrance, thyme, juniper, wormwood (common, Roman, broom, lemon, alpine), mayoran, lover, etc.

Spicy herbs are used for food alone or in the form of mixtures.

Seasonings are divided into:

1) edible acids (acetic, citric);

2) inorganic and organic sodium salts (culinary, sodium glutamate);

3) sauces (tomato, fruit, artificial);

4) table mustard (without fillers, with fillers);

5) horseradish (without fillers, with fillers).

Flavors are divided into natural, artificial and synthetic.

Natural flavors are produced by separation by distillation, C02extraction or cryogenic methods of aromatic complex of certain spices, seasonings. These flavors are referred to as raw materials from which they were derived.

Artificial flavors are obtained by mixing individual substances isolated from natural raw materials in certain proportions. The resulting artificial flavors are called by the product that will be replaced by this flavor.

Synthetic flavors are prepared by direct synthesis of a substance from chemical raw materials. A striking example of the preparation of such flavors is vanillin, which is widely used instead of vanilla in the confectionery industry, the production of liquors, soft drinks, ice cream and cooking.

2 process part

2.1 Characteristics of raw materials

Pepper is the fruit of a perennial plant growing in tropical countries. Black pepper varieties, depending on the country in which they grew, have different quality. Malabar pepper has round seeds of black and brown color, does not grey during storage, is considered the best in quality. Singaporean pepper has dark brown seeds that sour during storage; in quality - average. Of the fragrant peppers, the best are Jamaican and Mexican (the latter is less aromatic).

Salt is the main preservative. For preservation, it is better to use salt of class I or extra, which has a pure taste. The salt shall be white, odorless and free of impurities. In production, fine salt is used.

Dill. Young, fresh, clean, delicate stems with leaves are used. The aroma of dill is due to the presence of essential oils in it in a significant amount. Young dill is also rich in vitamin C and carotene.

Parsley. It is used in the form of fresh, young green plants without roots. The most fragrant are plants with a height of 12 cm. In this stage of growth, it is desirable to use them as spice.

2.2 Technology of spice mixture production

The pepper received for processing is being inspected. Spoiled peas are selected at this stage. After that, the pepper passes through a stone separation machine, where organic and mineral impurities are removed from it, which can be lighter or heavier than pepper, but practically do not differ in size and aerodynamic properties. After cleaning, the pepper is fed by batcher to the grinding plant. Before grinding pepper is subjected to freezing using liquid nitrogen. Frozen pepper enters the disintegrator, where grinding occurs. The ground pepper is fed into a tank, from which it is then fed by batchers to a mixer.

The greens received are undergoing a preliminary inspection. At this stage, rotten and stained parts of the greens are selected. After inspection, greens enter the washing machine, where dust, earth, organic and mineral impurities are removed. I dry the washed greens on a vibration transporter. Then they are sent to an inspection conveyor, where the roots of the greens are trimmed. The prepared greens enter the grinder. The crushed greens are sent to a drying machine. After drying, dried greens enter the hopper, from which they are supplied to the mixer in portions by means of a dispenser.

The salt is sieved into a tank, from which it is fed to a mixer in portions by means of dispensers.

The technology of spice mixture production is shown in Figure 2.1.

5 installation, operation and repair of equipment

5.1 Installation

Installation of the crusher shall be carried out by qualified specialists who are familiar with this instruction.

Knowledge of the instruction by the crusher mounting personnel shall be verified by the commission appointed by the head of the mechanical service of the crusher operating enterprise. A document confirming the knowledge of the crusher mounting personnel must be stored in the machine case.

Before installing the crusher, it is necessary to carefully inspect all units, remove the preservation coating from them, make sure that all mating surfaces and threads have not received damage in the way, and if there are such damages, eliminate them, check the strength of fixed connections attachment.

Movable connections, such as drive shaft bearings, spherical bearing, eccentric bearing discs, must be disassembled, carefully cleaned from preservation coatings, inspect rubbing surfaces and eliminate damage resulting from restoration and transportation.

During assembly of units before installation it is necessary to lubricate movable surfaces with liquid oil, and fixed mating surfaces - with grease. All holes shall be thoroughly cleaned and blown with compressed air. During assembly, carefully ensure that dust or dirt does not fall on the rubbing and landing surfaces, do not use dirty wiping materials and materials that leave tufts, threads, shakes on working surfaces.

For lubrication use only pure oils and greases. Places dangerous for contamination should be covered with panels or tarpaulins even in case of short stops of installation works.

Each crusher undergoes a control assembly and idling tests at the plant. Therefore, as a rule, with a qualified installation, no additional fitting of parts is required.

It is only necessary to ensure that all adjustment gaskets on which the crusher was run in are installed during installation. Adjusting gaskets are provided under lower disk of eccentric bearing and between bed pipe and flange of drive shaft housing.

Special attention shall be paid to the adjustment gaskets for the eccentric, on which bending, crushing and other surface defects that appear during transportation are not allowed. Installation of gaskets with surface defects will cause misalignment of the eccentric assembly and its improper operation.

The frame is assembled with support ring and shock-absorbing springs. This assembly is mounted on the foundation. The bed can be installed directly on the foundation, or on special foundation slabs.

When the bed is installed directly on the foundation, it is adjusted in a horizontal plane using wedges about 50 mm high (at least). Check the correct installation of the bed with a ruler with a level, based on the treated surface for the support bowl. After reconciliation, the frame is tightened with anchor bolts and the accuracy of its reconciliation is again controlled, which is adjusted if necessary. Deviation from horizontal to 0.3 mm per 1 pod is allowed. meter. The finally adjusted bed is filled with cement mortar. Cement grade is not lower than 250, the thickness of the gravy layer provided by wedges with liners is about 50 mm.

Before gravy, the surface of the foundation must be clean and slightly moistened.

To prepare the solution, use part of alumina cement of grades 300, 400, 500, 600 and three parts of washed sand. The water concentration should be slightly higher than for a rigid solution (cement: water = 3:1) for the convenience of pouring. At the same time, excess water should be avoided. We offer a quick check: fill the bucket with the prepared solution and tip it to a flat horizontal surface, and then remove it. A precipitate greater than 50 mm means that there is more water in the solution than is required for maximum strength.

The wells of foundation bolts should be filled to a depth of 200 mm to prevent the bolts from self-falling when dismantling the bed.

5.2 Operation, Maintenance

During operation of the crusher, it is necessary to monitor the continuous and uniform supply of product, the presence of product in the hopper and the heating of bearings. The bearing temperature of the crushers shall not exceed the ambient temperature by more than 50 ° C. Temperature of crusher rotor bearings heating must not be more than 60 ° С.

When the crusher is stopped, the product supply is stopped, the electric motor is turned off, and after the machine stops, electromagnetic impurities are removed from the magnet.

5.3 Repair

Feeder is disassembled by removal of drive motor, actuator, disassembly of rack gate and drive mechanism.

During long-term operation of the feeder, the flap is worn out. Product particle streams reduce its thickness. Most often, the shutter is replaced, since it is not difficult to make a new one in an enterprise.

The feeder bearings are repaired according to the established procedure. With heavy wear of all nodes, the feeder is replaced.

Rotor with detachable disk wears out more than all parts of crusher elements during operation.

Disks with significant wear are not repaired - they are replaced.

The crusher rotor shaft is most often worn out at bearing installation locations. Worn part of necks is restored by welding with electric welding followed by turning. Bearings are repaired as usual.

High-speed crushers have special requirements for the care of rotor shaft bearings. Lubricate bearings with grease. The free space inside the bearing housing shall be filled with no more than half of the lubricant as excess lubricant will cause the bearing to heat up.

Change the lubricant after 11.5 months. If the bearing is heated above 60 degrees, it should be opened to detect and eliminate defects.

After repair before start-up under load, the crusher must be checked to ensure that its rotor rotates clockwise when looking at the crusher on the drive side. During crusher operation, bearings shall not be heated and oil shall flow out of them. The crusher shall operate without vibrations caused by rotor imbalance.

To ensure a long service life and increase the overhaul period, it is necessary to ensure a continuous and uniform supply of product to the crusher, immediately eliminate the malfunctions that have occurred.


In this diploma project, an installation for cryogenic grinding of spices and spices was developed. The process section describes the characteristics of the raw materials, the technology of spices production, the machine and hardware scheme, a drawing of the machine and hardware scheme is presented.

A product calculation of the spice mixture was made. The main technological equipment for the production of a spice mixture was calculated and selected .

In the design section, patent studies and characteristics of analogues were carried out. The choice of this design is justified. Kinematic calculation of the unit was performed. An open chain transmission is also calculated. Design and verification calculation of worm gears was made. Calculation of high-speed and slow-speed stages of the reduction gear box was made. Diameters of shafts are determined. Durability of bearings was checked. Key connections were selected and calculated. Lubrication of gears and bearings is selected and calculated. The coupling was calculated and selected. Screw conveyor was calculated. Installation, operation and repair of equipment is described.

Electrical calculations have been made in the electrical part. Analysis of hazards and hazards of the designed facility, labor protection, environmental protection, stability of the enterprise functioning in emergency situations are described .

In the economic section, the following were calculated: the need of the enterprise for raw materials, material, containers and packaging materials, energy resources; enterprise personnel remuneration fund; cost of production; a production programme in value terms; financial results of planned production for the year. The economic section showed that the profitability of this modernization is 18%, and the payback period is 2.9 years.

Drawings content

icon Вал.cdw


icon дезинтегратор.cdw


icon Звездочка ведущая.cdw

Звездочка ведущая.cdw

icon Колесо червячное.cdw

Колесо червячное.cdw

icon компрессор.cdw


icon МАС.cdw


icon Редуктор 1лист.cdw

Редуктор 1лист.cdw

icon установка.cdw


icon Червяк [A3].cdw

Червяк [A3].cdw

icon Экономика.cdw


icon Электросхема.cdw
