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Diploma 9-storey two-section residential building - Diploma project of the ASG


Diploma design 9-storey two-section residential building for 54 apartments in Kamenetz-Podolsky

Project's Content

icon plot.log
icon Генеральный план (с заливкой).dwg
icon Генплан (monochrome).dwg
icon План перекрытия.dwg
icon Планы этажей.dwg
icon Планы этажей.frw
icon Разрез.dwg
icon Фасад (monochrome).dwg
icon Фасад 1-23.DWG
icon plot.log
icon Лестничный марш и площадка.dwg
icon Плита перекрытия 1.5 м.dwg
icon План фундаментов (Лист 7).dwg
icon Ветровая нагрузка.dwg
icon Графики осадок.dwg
icon Грузовые площади.dwg
icon И-Г Разрез.dwg
icon Разрез фундамента.dwg
icon Тех.карта на облиц.работы.dwg
icon Тех.карта на облиц.работы.frw
icon Календарный план.bak
icon Календарный план.dwg
icon Календарный план.frw
icon Стройгенплан.dwg
icon Стройгенплан.frw
icon Економика (сметы).XLS
icon Экономика строительства ( сводный).doc
icon desktop (2).ini
icon desktop.ini
icon desktop1 (2).ico
icon desktop1.ico
icon КП организация жилой дом Записка ТОСП Коромы
icon 1 Содержание и введение.doc
icon 3. Расчет.-конструктивная часть.doc
icon 4. Основания и фундаменты.doc
icon 5. Технология строительства.doc
icon 6. Организация строительства.doc
icon 8. Использованая литература.doc
icon Доклад (наброски).doc
icon Рецензия строймех.doc

Additional information


Introduction. 1-

Section 1. Architectural - Building Part

1. Design Input

2. Master Plan

2.1 Main Design Solutions

2.2 Vertical planning diagram5 -

2.3 Landscaping

2.4 Environmental Protection

3. Space Planning Solution

3.1 Technical and economic indicators

3.2 Fire protection solutions

4. Structural solution of the building 10-

5. Exterior and interior finishes

6. Engineering and plumbing equipment of the building.. 16 -

Section 2. Design - Structural Part

1. Calculation and Design of Multi-Stop Slab Panel 19 -

2. Calculates the flight of stairs. 30-

3. Calculation of reinforced concrete site slab. 37-

Section 3. Foundations and foundations

1. Building Structural Performance Assessment

2. Assessment of engineering-geological and hydrogeological conditions of the construction site 46-

3. Determination of loads acting on the base.. 50-

4. Determination of foundation depth

5. Justification for selection of foundation type and foundations

6. Defines the basic dimensions of foundations in a plan view. 55-

7. Determination of base settlement by layer-by-layer summation method.. 57-

8. Calculation of foundations on pyramidal piles.. 62-

9. Technical and economic comparison of foundation options.. 65-

Section 4 Process Part

1. Brief description of the object

2. Description of execution of main types of construction and installation works in construction 69-

3. Routing

3.1 Organizational and technological directions.72-

3.2 Identification of nomenclature and calculation of work quantities

3.3 Calculation of labor costs and determination of wages

4. Technical and economic indicators

5. Safety..... 78-

Section 5. Organization of construction

1. Description of the facility and construction conditions

2. Construction Schedule

2.1 Justification of the accepted construction period and selection of the form of the planning plan 82-

2.2 Methods of works execution and selection of mounting mechans83-

Identification of the nomenclature and calculation of the volume and labour of the work.86-

3. Stroygenplan

3.1 General Considerations for Construction Plan Design

3.2 Justification for placement of installation cranes and their tracks on the construction plan.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

3.3 Building Warehouses and Definition of Niche104-

3.4 Temporary water supply

3.5 Temporary buildings and structures... 106-

3.6 Temporary power supply.. 107-

3.7 Logistics organization


3.8 Calculation of vehicle requirements.. 109-

4. Technical and economic indicators of the facility

Section 6. Occupational safety

1. Health and Safety 112-

Section 7. Estimate Documentation 123-

List of literature used 141-


The main place in the development of construction, especially recently, is given to technical progress, in this area of ​ ​ production there is a constant development process. It is a multi-stakeholder process for the continuous improvement of working methods, technologies and production organizations based on science, technology and best practices. Saving public labor is the main task of technological progress.

The main goal of scientific and technological progress in construction is the growth of industrialization, that is, the very development, progress, which is a complex system that includes rationally organized design, mechanized and automatic production of building materials and structures, products and parts for the specialized production of construction and installation work on the construction site.

Industrialization is a continuous process of continuous improvement of the components of the system, the purpose of which, through the unification of typing and standardization of the parameters of parts of building structures at all stages of work, will accelerate the pace of construction, increase labor productivity, reduce the cost of building materials, structures and construction itself.

A promising improvement of building materials and structures, as well as construction itself, is the transition from linear to planar, and then to volumetric elements.

Mechanized production processes and equipment such as cranes for installation, bulldozers and excavators, etc. according to SNiP and various technical and construction documents and standards should be used as much as possible in the construction of objects of various types and purposes. All these devices shall be used as efficiently as possible.

The theme of the diploma project is: "A 9-story two-section residential building with 54 apartments in KamenetsPodolsky," the development of which took into account all the above described main directions for the development of the construction industry.


The purpose of this section is to draw up a project for the construction of a 9-storey residential two-section building. The distance to the factories for the manufacture of bricks and reinforced concrete structures is 25 km. The designed building has a structural scheme with transverse and longitudinal bearing walls. Floors in residential rooms, corridors - parquet; in bathrooms, showers, bathrooms and kitchens - ceramic tiles; on staircases - mosaic. Interior decoration of the building: in residential rooms, corridors - cover with you; ceilings - water emulsion whitewash; windows, doors - oil painting; bathrooms, showers, bathrooms and kitchens - facing with ceramic tiles.; storerooms - lime whitewash .

Water supply - combined domestic drinking water from external network

(hot water supply). Electric receivers - power supply from local networks. Low-current devices - telephone communication, radio. Sewerage - economic and fecal in the city network.

Dimensions in axes A-J - 16.2 m, 123 - 63.24 m.

External walls - brick 640 mm. Interior walls - brick

380 mm. The thickness of the partitions is 80 mm (made of gypsum boards) and brick 65mm.

Construction volume: Vtl = 34065.5 m3. Building area: S = 1153.2 m2.

2. Work Schedule

2.1 Justification of the accepted construction period and selection of the schedule form.

For the construction of a 9-storey two-section residential building, a calendar plan has been developed in the form of a linear schedule with the requirements of DBN A.3.1 - 5 - 9C "Organization of Construction Production" and SNiP III - 4 - 80 "Safety in Construction," based on the list of scope of work and labor statement.

The work schedule is designed to determine the sequence and timing of civil and installation works. As a result of the rational linkage of the deadlines for the performance of certain types of work, accounting for the composition and number of basic resources, working teams and leading mechanisms, the construction period is set at months. On the basis of the calendar plan, they monitor the progress of work and coordinate work.

A schedule is such a design and technological document that determines the sequence, intensity and duration of work, their relationship, as well as the need (with time distribution) for materials, technical, labor, financial and other resources used in construction.

The basis of the construction schedule is the normalized building construction technology. It is usually reflected in technological models of construction of facilities.

The main task of scheduling is to draw up such schedules for the performance of work that satisfy all the restrictions that reflect in the technological models of the construction of objects, the relationship, the timing and intensity of the work, as well as the rational procedure for using resources.

2.2 Methods of works execution and selection of mounting mechanisms.

Construction production should be considered as a set of all technological processes carried out at a given construction site. The process of erecting the object is divided into:

- underground part;

- above-ground part;

-designation works.

For maximum linkage of works in time and space, the building is divided into 2 grips:

I capture - in axes 1 12 II capture - in axes 12-23

The direction of flow development on each grip is vertical.

The necessary installation characteristics depend on the location of the installation crane near the facility. The crane is used for erection of underground and above-ground parts of the building, installation of reinforced concrete structures.

Evaluation of the structural characteristics of the building.

The section of bases and foundations was developed on the basis of the architectural and construction solution of the diploma project and data on the engineering and geological conditions of the construction site.

The designed building is a 9-story two-section residential building with 54 apartments with a basement.

The size of the building in the plan is 63.24x 16.20 m. The height of the floor is 3.0m, the number of floors is 9; total height of the building - 30.95 m

The structural diagram of the building is arceless with longitudinal (transverse) bearing walls.

The building is relatively rigid, sensitive to uneven deformations of the base.

Limit deformations for multi-storey arceless buildings with load-bearing walls are set according to SNiP 2.02.01 - 83 "Bases of buildings and structures" and are equal to the following values:

1. Maximum precipitation - S max = 8 cm.

2. Relative difference of sediment.

Brief description of the object.

The designed building is a 9-story residential two-section building with 54 apartments with a basement.

The size of the building in the plan is 63.24x 16.20 m. The height of the floor is 3.0m, the number of floors is 9; total height of the building - 30.95 m

The structural system of a 9-storey two-section residential building for 54 apartments is solved with a arcade-free scheme with bearing longitudinal (transverse) brick walls. The spatial rigidity of the building is ensured by the joint work of longitudinal and transverse brick walls, united by horizontal slab disks.

Cold water supply is designed from the intra-quarter water supply header with two inlets. Around the house, a main firefighter is a domestic drinking water supply with wells in which fire hydrants are installed.

Sewerage is carried out economically - faecal in the city network

Power supply is provided from the city substation with two sections of power supply by two cables - main and spare.

Structures and bricks are delivered by road from the ZHBI plant and the brick factory at a distance of 25 km. Concrete, mortar from BSU - 10 km.

2. description of the technology for execution of the main types of mines in construction.


Earthworks must be carried out in strict accordance with SNiP and with proper quality, maximum economic efficiency of the accepted machines and mechanisms must be achieved, earthworks must be carried out in compliance with safety and industrial sanitation regulations.

To preserve the natural layer, cutting of plant soil should be carried out before the start of construction with its preservation until the end of construction, for use in landscaping. Since there is no place for temporary storage of plant soil on the construction site, it is planned to take all this soil by dump trucks according to the certificate to the city reserve with the subsequent transportation of it during the improvement of the territory.

Car dump trucks supplied for loading should be installed no closer than 2.5 m from the pit brow so that the angle of rotation of the excavator platform is no more than 10 fr. Soil is picked up in a bucket and unloaded in one draw.

Backfilling of bosoms is carried out by the bulldozer DZ - 42C with layer-by-layer consolidation of soil by means of manual pneumotampers of TP-1 working from compressor Z and F - 55 .

Installation works.

Prefabricated reinforced concrete products are imported to the territory of the construction site with the calculation of three-day stock.

Preparatory works during the installation of foundations and underground structures consists in the separation and fixation of axes, verification of base elevations, leveling and preparation of the base.

First, trapezoidal-shaped pillows are laid on the base, then wall blocks of the basement are installed on it. The basis for the tape foundations is a 100 mm thick sand filling. Installation begins with the installation of two lighthouses, which are checked and installed in accordance with the designed axes of the building. Installation begins in element by element. Special mounting holes shall be left to pass the piping and cable entries.

The positions of the wall elements during installation are adjusted both relative to the wall axes and vertically.

After installation of all blocks, leveling ball (mounting horizon) is arranged along upper cut of walls from cement mortar, surface of which is brought to design elevation.

Brickwork walls.

Work is started by pulling berths, then by

scaffolding and forests are fed and laid out brick.

The masonry solution is prepared centrally, transported to the construction site by car dump trucks, unloaded into metal boxes and fed by crane to the place of work on pallets. Load-bearing walls 640 mm thick and 380 mm thick are laid - inner walls thickness, partitions - 65 mm.


Preparation for the floors is carried out during the construction of the building box. The floors are designed in four types: concrete, ceramic, mosaic and parquet (see floor explication ).

Roofing works.

The base for the roof made of tar-plated material "Aquaizol" is prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs and cement sand bracing. Before the roll carpet is installed, the base must be dried, cleaned and cut. All roll materials must be straightened before the label. Roll materials are supplied to the roof by lifts or light cranes and delivered on special trolleys and motorcycles. The base for the roof made of metal is a grating of wooden bars with a section of 50x50 mm. The cornice bar should be 25-35 mm higher than the others. Flat strip metal is laid to the right on the left "scaly" method. Cornice and skate rows are lined with double, and all the rest - with a uniform pitch of 165 mm, which corresponds to overlapping of 200 mm. To the grill, the metal sheet is fixed with klimers.

Finishing works.

Plaster works are performed by a specialized team using a flow-separate method using a plaster station SO-144. roofing, plumbing, electrical installation work and glazing were carried out before the start of work.

Plaster works are performed in sections from top to bottom. The solution is delivered by car dump trucks on the same day as used.

External walls are finished with terasite plaster. crushed mica is added to the solution mixture up to 10% of the cement volume.

Except plaster in bathrooms, bathing, shower and kitchens of a wall revet with a ceramic tile. Lining of surfaces begins from its marking and hanging. Then, after 100200 cm from each other, lighthouse tiles are installed. Seams between tiles are filled with polymer cement mortar 1-2 days after tile installation. After lining, the surface is washed with water. tiles are supplied using a lift

Painting works - high-quality decoration of walls, windows and doors. Their warehouse includes the preparation of the surface for paint: surface grinding, polishing, cutting, keying and grinding. Painting works - painting the surfaces of the building with special oil, water emulsion warehouses to give them a beautiful appearance. All painting surfaces shall be dry. The work ends after drying out all the paints and the appearance of films on the surface.

Drawings content

icon Генеральный план (с заливкой).dwg

Генеральный план (с заливкой).dwg

icon Генплан (monochrome).dwg

Генплан (monochrome).dwg

icon План перекрытия.dwg

План перекрытия.dwg

icon Планы этажей.dwg

Планы  этажей.dwg

icon Планы этажей.frw

Планы  этажей.frw

icon Разрез.dwg


icon Фасад (monochrome).dwg

Фасад (monochrome).dwg

icon Фасад 1-23.DWG

Фасад 1-23.DWG

icon Лестничный марш и площадка.dwg

Лестничный марш и площадка.dwg

icon Плита перекрытия 1.5 м.dwg

Плита перекрытия   1.5 м.dwg

icon План фундаментов (Лист 7).dwg

План  фундаментов (Лист 7).dwg

icon Ветровая нагрузка.dwg

Ветровая нагрузка.dwg

icon Графики осадок.dwg

Графики осадок.dwg

icon Грузовые площади.dwg

Грузовые площади.dwg

icon И-Г Разрез.dwg

И-Г Разрез.dwg

icon Разрез фундамента.dwg

Разрез фундамента.dwg

icon Тех.карта на облиц.работы.dwg

Тех.карта  на облиц.работы.dwg

icon Тех.карта на облиц.работы.frw

Тех.карта  на облиц.работы.frw

icon Календарный план.dwg

Календарный план.dwg

icon Календарный план.frw

Календарный план.frw

icon Стройгенплан.dwg


icon Стройгенплан.frw


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