ASG diploma - 2-storey brick building

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Additional information
1Architecture and Construction Section
2 Construction structures
3 Foundations and foundations
4 Technology and organization of construction production
5 Construction Economics
6 Safety and environmental friendliness of design solutions
8 List of sources used
The main purpose of architecture has always been to create the life environment necessary for the existence of a person, the nature and comfort of which was determined by the level of development of society, its culture, and the achievements of science and technology. This life environment, called architecture, is embodied in buildings that have internal space, complexes of buildings and structures that organize the outer space of a street, square, city.
In the modern sense, architecture is the art of designing and building buildings, structures and their complexes. It organizes all life processes. In its emotional impact, architecture is one of the most significant and ancient arts. The power of her artistic images constantly affects a person, since his whole life takes place surrounded by architecture. At the same time, the creation of architecture requires a significant amount of public labor and time. Therefore, cost-effectiveness is part of the requirements for architecture along with functional feasibility. In addition to the rational layout of the premises corresponding to certain functional processes, the convenience of all buildings is ensured by the correct distribution of stairs, the placement of equipment and engineering devices (sanitary appliances, heating, ventilation). Thus, the shape of the building is largely determined by the functional pattern, but at the same time, it is built according to the laws of beauty.
Cost reduction in architecture and construction is carried out by rational space-planning solution of buildings, correct selection of construction and finishing materials. Design facilitation, improvement of construction methods.
The main economic reserve in construction is to increase the efficiency of land use.
Object passport
According to the assignment, a 2-story brick administrative building was designed.
Construction point of Penza region
The relief of the construction site is calm
Standard depth of soil freezing 1.5 m
Building Capital Class II
Fire resistance grade II
Rated wind load 0.3 kPa (30 kgf/m2)
Standard snow load 1.0 kPa (100 kgf/m2)
layer 1 - bulk (reservoir capacity 0.5 m);
layer 2 - loam (formation capacity 6.0 m);
layer 3 - sandy loam (reservoir capacity 10.0 m).
The level of clean floor of the first floor is accepted as a conditional elevation of 0.000
Availability of road highways
Construction materials local
Master Plan
The main facade of the administrative building overlooks the roadway. Around the building, landscaping in the form of lawn and flower beds. Behind the fence of the bank to locate a place for parking cars.
Main technical and economic indicators:
Storey 2
Total area 18,360 m
Construction volume 5720 m
Building area 549 m
Landscaping area 1470 m
Building II Liability Class
Fire resistance grade II
Space Planning Solution
The most important requirement for design is to ensure the ratio of areas, in accordance with their functional purpose and relationships.
The designed building is the bank building.
On the ground floor there are the following rooms:
- a pantry of values of the population;
- cash desk;
- cash desk;
- lobby;
- main entrance vestibule;
- security room;
- staff room;
- wardrobe;
- electrical panel;
- San. node;
- red corner;
- expedition;
- pre-report;
- store of valuables;
- evening box office;
- pantry of the evening box office;
- cash ticket calculation room;
- box garage.
On the second floor there are the following rooms:
- machine bureau;
- machine repair room;
- operating room;
- computer room;
- bank pantry;
- offices of the manager and deputy manager of the bank;
- archive;
- credit group;
- San. node.
Constructive solution
The structural solution of the building is determined at the initial stage of design by the selection of structural and construction systems and structural diagram. The structural decision of the building is made based on its purpose and fully justifies the accepted dimensions of the main load-bearing structures.
1.5.1 Foundations
Small foundations have been developed for the building. The bases of the foundations of the designed building are loam. As a result of engineering and geological studies of the site, groundwater was not opened.
Before laying foundations, it is necessary to draw up an act on compliance of natural soil conditions with the data of the geotechnical report.
Foundations - from prefabricated reinforced concrete blocks.
Foundation walls - prefabricated from large concrete blocks.
1.5.7 Floors
Floors in administrative buildings must meet the requirements of strength, resistance to wear, sufficient elasticity, convenience of cleaning. The following are used as floor covering:
mosaic floors - tambour of the main entrance, lobby, money conversion room, corridor, electronic shield, ticket office, operating room;
unit parquet - weapons storage room, offices of the manager and deputy. Bank manager;
linoleum - security room, wardrobe, red corner, money ticket conversion room, expedition, machine bureau, credit group, pantry, reception room;
ceramic tiles - store of valuables, pantry of the evening box office, sun. nodes.
1.5.8 Roof
The roof is taken combined from 4 layers of ruberoid. The places of roofing adjoining the vertical surfaces of the parapet wall must be closed with a protective apron made of galvanized steel 0.5 mm thick according to GOST 1990374.
1.5.9 External and internal finishes
Exterior finishes:
is made in the form of a hinged and false facade. The base of the main entrance site is lined with granite. Visors are made of anodized aluminum.
Interior decoration: provided from high quality materials; facing the walls with ceramic tiles, adhesive painting of the walls and ceiling; Acoustic trim shall be provided in the machine room.
Window and door blocks - enamel painting in 2 times, color - white.
1.5.10 Building equipment
The building is equipped with central heating, hot water supply, sewerage, electricity, telephone and radio broadcasting network, supply ventilation with mechanical and natural motives.
Selection of foundations
The basis and foundation design consists in the choice of the base, type, structure and basic dimensions of the foundation in the joint calculation of the base and foundation as one of the parts of the structure. The design is carried out according to the data of engineering-geological and hydrogeological surveys, data on climatic conditions of the construction area taking into account local conditions.
The base is taken as the mass of soil on which the structure is erected. If soils are used for bases under natural conditions or after simple preliminary preparation, they are called natural bases.
Soils are crushed rocks consisting of separate mineral particles of various shapes and sizes, the voids between which are filled with water (solution) or gas.
The foundation is an underground part of the building located below the surface of the earth, which receives the load from the above-ground part and transfers it to the base.
The surface of the foundation resting on the base is called its sole, and the distance from the planned elevation of the ground to the sole is called the depth of the foundation. The boundary between the foundation and the supporting structure and the boundaries between individual ledges are called cuts.
Depending on the geological structure, the base consists of one or more layers of soil and, accordingly, is called homogeneous or layered. The upper layer of the layered base on which the foundation is directly located is called the bearing layer, and the layers located below are called the underlying layers.
The base, foundation and ground structure are inextricably interconnected, mutually affect each other and should be considered as a single system. The deformation and stability of the base soils depend on the peculiarity of the application of load, the size and design of the foundation and the entire structure. The main dimensions of the foundation structure are assigned depending on the geological structure of the construction site, the compressibility of soils, as well as on the pressure that soils can perceive.
The main calculation is made by deformations of the base of buildings and structures. Depending on the angle of internal friction, specific adhesion and deformation modulus, as well as on the permissible pressure on the soil.
Depth of foundations laying is determined taking into account:
- purpose, structural features of the building or structure (presence of basements, underground communications. Foundations for equipment, etc.);
- depth of adjacent foundations laying by a number of buildings and structures;
- depths of seasonal freezing of soils;
- SNiP 2.02.0183 (selection of foundation bottom depth, purpose, type and type of foundation, determination of design soil resistance of the base, medium pressure check under the base);
- calculation of foundation settlement.
2.1.4 Calculation of foundation base deformation
Soil deformations of the base under load occur mainly as a result of the movement and rearrangement of mineral particles that cause soil compression and shear. The particles themselves and the water in the pores are considered undeformable. Vertical deformations of natural bases can occur due to precipitation and subsidence of soils.
Precipitation occurs with small particles close to vertical movements - soil compression.
Calculated sediment is determined by method of layer-by-layer summation of sediment of separate layers within limits of compressible thickness of base. Precipitation by this method is located approximately only from vertical stresses. Soil thickness below foundation base is divided into elementary layers. The estimated settlement is determined on the computer according to the OSADKA curriculum.
Joint deformation of base and structure is less than limit value.
Design solutions for staircase prefabricated elements
Stairs are divided into main and auxiliary stairs, and two-march stairs are distinguished by the number of marches within one floor.
The maximum width of the stair marches is 2.8 m. In one march, the number of steps should be at least 3 and not more than 16. The width of the staircases is not less than the width of the march.
Stairs from prefabricated reinforced concrete elements are arranged with two-march, consisting of structural elements of two types: a platform slab, monolithically bordered along the contour by ribs (beams), and stair marches with steps. Marches rest on cantilever projections of extreme (side) ribs of platform plates and are connected to them by means of embedded angles or plates on welding in at least two places.
Calculation of stairways and landing slabs
Enlarged stairs and landing slabs are reinforced concrete stairs slabs that work on bending as elements of a T-section with a shelf in a compressed zone. Standard load for calculation of prefabricated reinforced concrete elements of stairs is taken depending on the purpose of the building 3-5 kN/m
Prefabricated reinforced concrete elements of stairs are calculated, as well as floor panels by strength (the first group of limit states) and by deformations (the second group of limit states).
General part
In the section "Technology and organization of construction production" the following documentation is developed:
- calendar plan for the construction of the bank building for 35 employees ;
- construction plot plan;
- routing for brickwork;
- Job Instruction for installation of mounted ventilated facade.;
Brief description of the object:
The building area is 996;
The volume of the building is 3984.5;
The building is two-story, 30x18.3 meters in plan size; 10.43 m high.
Main materials: clay brick, precast reinforced concrete,. Construction duration according to SNiP 1.04.0385 - 14 months.
Local construction conditions:
transport is carried out by road, the average distance of transportation does not exceed 5 km;
power supply of the construction site is provided from the existing transformer network;
temporary water supply from existing networks.
4.1.1 Work of the preparatory period
Prior to the construction of the building, a number of site preparation works must be performed. The composition of the work depends on the local conditions of the site, its location on a free territory or within the limits of urban development, the time of year.
Preparatory works include:
- geotechnical survey and creation of geodetic and survey basis;
- Clearance and planning of the territory;
- removal of surface and groundwater;
- preparation of the site for construction and its improvement.
Geotechnical surveys at the construction site include:
- engineering assessment of soils and their bearing capacity;
- determination of groundwater level in the territory of the construction site;
- creation of a control geodetic base;
- breakdown of buildings and structures on the ground.
The scope of work to clear the territory includes:
- Transplantation or protection of green spaces ;
- clearing the site from unnecessary trees, shrubs, stumps;
- removal of fertile soil layer;
- demolition or dismantling of unnecessary structures;
- disconnecting or moving existing utility networks from the site;
- initial site layout.
Surface and groundwater diversion activities include:
- arrangement of upland and drainage channels, collapse;
- open and closed drains;
- surface layout of storage and installation sites.
Preparation and arrangement of the construction site includes:
- construction of temporary roads and entrances to the construction site;
- laying of temporary communications;
- arrangement of platforms for parking of construction machines;
- fencing of the construction site;
- preparation of temporary domestic premises.
Organization and technology of construction and installation works
4.2.1 Earthworks
Excavation should begin from cutting the soil to the boundary of zero work, then arrange an upland ditch to remove precipitation, for which the slope of the existing terrain should be used. Before completing the vertical layout of the construction site, open the pit with ledges to the design elevation of the foundations. For earthworks excavator with ladle capacity complete with bulldozer and dump trucks for soil transportation is used.
Soil filling, arrangement of trough for driveways and planning works are performed by bulldozer. Backfilling of trenches after foundation arrangement is performed by bulldozer. Soil compaction near foundations at a distance of 0.6 m from the wall and 0.4 m above the upper trim, as well as in constrained conditions, is performed by pneumatic rams. The remaining volume of soil is taken by car dump trucks to the dump.
4.2.2 Foundation arrangement
A prefabricated tape foundation is provided for the building bearing walls. Prefabricated tape foundations consist of pillows. Foundations and wall blocks laid in the base, which are walls of the underground part of the building. Foundation blocks are laid on a sand cushion 10 cm thick.
Base elevation is checked by leveling. Tape foundations begin to be mounted from lighthouses in the corners and at the intersection of walls. After that, the lace is raised to the level of the upper outer rib of the blocks and all intermediate blocks are placed along it.
Prior to installation of wall foundation blocks, longitudinal and transverse axes are marked on the foundation cushion belt.
using wire axes from the cladding for these purposes. Installation of foundation blocks begins with the installation of angular, after angular, intermediate lighthouses are installed at a distance of 20... 30 m from each other, along which lighthouse berths are pulled.
If there are basements, vertical waterproofing is arranged.
4.2.3 Arrangement of coatings and clean floors
Before the flooring device, work on laying hidden communications must be completed, holes must be sealed, channel frames must be installed and fixed, and all work that can cause damage to the flooring must be completed. The floor cover base shall be smooth, dry and thoroughly cleaned of dust and debris.
Concrete flooring is arranged on the concrete base (on the underlying layer). The level of the base is checked with a two-meter rack.
Before laying the concrete and cement coating, the base is primed with cement milk. Leveling and final compaction of coating surface is performed by vibration rack. Then linoleum coatings are arranged. Rolls of linoleum roll out and cut the webs of the desired length. Rolled panels are kept free for at least 3 days. The bulges and curved places are pressed, leaving so until completely aligned. Along the length of the panel is joined by cutting, as well as welding. For cutting, rolled webs are laid overlapping with an allowance of 1020 mm. Then both panels are cut through the ruler. As a result, they fit tightly together. Linoleum is poured by gluing to the base. The reverse side of the linoleum is washed with mastic, the applied layers of mastic are dried before sticking "to the bottom." Linoleum cloths are pressed and rolled to the base, avoiding the appearance of air layers. Linoleum is especially carefully glued at the junction. For this purpose linoleum sticker is carried out in two stages. First, the panels are glued without masticating the strips along a joint 1015 cm wide, then, after sticking and rolling the panels, the edges are glued. Linoleum on felt base is laid dry in the form of carpets with size per room. See the arrangement of ceramic tiles floors in facing works.
4.2.4 Finishing works
- plaster works:
Before starting plaster work, the brick surface must be cleaned of dust, dirt and salts (heights) protruding to the surface.
To ensure the necessary vertical and horizontal surface of the plaster, it is necessary to perform plaster work on beacons. For this, walls and ceilings are hung, and then lighthouses are arranged at a distance of 1.5 m from each other. Beacons are attached to special beacon holders clogged into the base for plaster.
Lime-gypsum mortar is used to plaster the internal walls of the premises. Solution is applied on plastered surface by mechanized method with the help of universal plaster nozzle. When working in cramped rooms, the solution is applied manually. To perform plaster work, mobile scaffolds are used.
Plaster stone consists of several layers. First, a spray, a thin layer of liquid solution, is applied to the moistened surface. The surface of the spray is not smoothed. After setting the spray, soil is applied - a layer of thicker solution, not more than 7 mm thick. It is smoothed, compacted with a half-duck and leveled with a rule. Then coating is applied - thin layer of solution on fine sand to obtain even, smooth and evenly compacted surface. By suction of moisture from the cover layer, the solution thickens and is difficult to grind over the surface, so that during the mashing process, the surface must be wetted with water using a brush. Curing is performed in a circular manner. A cleaner surface can be obtained if it is further thinned by acceleration.
- facing works:
in the technical premises of the bank, the walls are lined with ceramic tiles.
Surfaces to be lined shall be cleaned of dust, dirt, solution strains and humidified. The base for lining the surfaces with tiles is a leveling layer of cement sand mortar. Tiling of walls begins with marking and hanging of surfaces. After the final alignment of the entire surface at a distance of 100 200 cm from each other, lighthouse tiles are installed. Lighthouse tiles are aligned vertically along the plumb. The installation of lighthouse tiles on the wall is carried out from the corners, fixing two lighthouse tiles in each row. The first row of lining is located 70 cm above the mark of the clean floor, since after the device of clean polo this strip of wall is filled with a plinth row of tiles.
Ceramic tiles are installed on cement sand mortar. The solution is laid on the rear side of the tile. The width of the seams between the tiles shall not exceed 3 mm. The width of the seams in both directions is achieved using a template.
- painting operations:
are performed after completion of construction, installation and special works.
The surface to be painted is first prepared, i.e. cleaned and smoothed. After that, the keying is performed, then the surface is trimmed. The primer washes the base, fixes individual sand, increases the adhesion of the base to the overlying layer. The surface is then ground. These operations are repeated several times until a perfectly smooth and clean surface is obtained without any scratches. Paint is applied on prepared surface. Painting of the surface, as well as punching and priming, is carried out using paint pods and air spraying units of paint compositions. In cramped locations where mechanization is difficult, the surfaces are hand-painted with brushes and rollers.
4.2.5 Installation of roofs from rolled materials
The device of roofs from roll materials includes the following steam insulation device from roll or mastic materials, heat insulation from light-concrete materials. Steam insulation device is made according to cleaned dry base cut with cold mastic. The heat insulation layer is made of insulation - light concrete, the leveling stitch on the slabs is made of cement sand mortar with plasticizing additives. The tie is made in a strip of 4 meters. Strips are filled through one cement-sand brace before sticker of roll carpet is cut with cold mastic. Roll materials with mineral sprinkling are previously cleaned from sprinkling and unfolded before the sticker. Mastic for carpet sticker shall contain antiseptic in amount of 35% of bitumen weight. Mineral sprinkles (gravel, slag) are used for the protective layer. When arranging the protective layer, the mastic should first be applied, then the heated gravel should be thrown, the excess of its displacement should be applied, and then the device of the second protective salt should be started in the same way. Wet gravel must be dried naturally or in a drying drum before laying.
Rolled materials are supplied to the roof in containers of 3 rolls in an upright position, hot bitumen masks in thermos. Transportation of materials along the roof to the place of roofing carpet sticker is performed on special trolleys.
A construction hoist is used to lift roll and other materials.
Development of the routing for masonry
4.3.1 Scope of application
1.1 The technological scheme is developed on production of stone works as the line dismembered method by team of bricklayers numbering 30 people with application of the normokomplekt of means of mechanization, the equipment, stock and the tool.
When performing work, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of SNIP 12032001 "Labor safety in construction. Part 1, "SNIP 12042002" Labor safety in construction. Part 2. "
The process map was developed for the construction of the bank building (2 floors), with dimensions in plan 30x12m, height of floors 3m.
External walls 640 mm thick from full clay brick.
The inner walls with a thickness of 380 mm are made of full clay brick.
Partitions - gypsum concrete and partially brick (120 mm).
Jumpers - prefabricated reinforced concrete.
Stairs - from prefabricated railway marches and platforms.
Window and door blocks are accepted with wide boxes.
1.3 Works include:
- transportation of wall materials and mortar to masons workplaces:
brick 220 thousand units .
solution 131.6 m3;
- masonry of masonry external and internal walls from brick on mortar with transfer of materials within the workplace:
external walls 310 m3
internal walls 150 m3
partitions 90 m3;
- installation of railway articles 107 pcs.;
- arrangement of scaffolding and enclosures 53.47 m3.
Justification of design solutions
Construction Description
Anchoring elements provide mechanical anchoring of brackets of the facial structure to the wall. The diameter of dowels and screws is selected depending on the pulling load on the bracket for fixing the structure to the wall and on the material of the wall into which this dowel is installed.
Connecting elements provide mechanical connection of lining parts to each other. Dimensional deviations are leveled, irregularities and bulges on the load-bearing wall of the building are leveled, cracks and deformation sutures are blocked. The necessary distance is formed between the insulation and the lining, where the insulation can have any required thickness.
Brackets and bearing profiles supported on them take on static loads from lining weight, as well as wind pressure and wind suction loads. By means of fixed and movable points of support profiles attachment to brackets the perception of temperature movements is provided.
The following are used as sub-instructions:
- aluminium profiles made in accordance with GOST 222332001 "Profiles pressed from aluminium alloys for enclosing building structures";
- aluminum profiles made in accordance with GOST 2476781 "Cold-bent profiles of aluminum alloys for enclosing building structures";
- stainless steel sheet in accordance with GOST 498679 "Stainless Steel Products."
Fasteners perform mechanical attachment of facing materials to bearing profiles of similar face structure.
According to the attachment method, a mount with visible and hidden elements is distinguished.
Visible attachment is carried out by so-called clummers made of sheet by stamping. To give the entire design a single color solution, visible parts of the clummers are painted in a color similar to a facing material.
Concealed attachment requires additional treatment of facing panels:
- milling of slots of "dovetail" type from the rear side of the plate for installation of mounting "clip";
- drilling of blind holes from the rear side of the plate for installation of mounting threaded plugs;
- drilling of blind holes in the plate end for installation of mounting pins.
The fasteners are:
- Dowels spacer and adhesive fasteners of main and auxiliary brackets of leading manufacturers (type "FISHER," "HILTI," "MUNGO,"
"E JOT" and others) having a corresponding certificate of conformity.
- Galvanized self-cuts, bolts, rivets for attachment of sub-structures elements to each other of domestic and import manufacturers with the corresponding certificate of conformity.
- Plate dowels for the attachment of heat insulation plates of leading manufacturers (type "FISHER," "HILTI," "MUNGO," "E JOT," "KOELNER" and others), having the corresponding certificate of conformity.
- being on the outside, provides the maximum possible heat accumulation in the load-bearing building elements;
- reduces the temperature fluctuations of the walls, thereby minimizing the possibility of cracks on the bearing surface;
- increases the reliability and durability of the building;
- provides optimal temperature and comfort in the premises, preventing cooling and heat loss in winter and preventing overheating in summer;
- allows water vapors and moisture to easily enter the air layer, preventing the formation and accumulation of condensate destroying them on the structures;
- provides sound insulation.
For ventilated facades, a mineral wool plate with a double density is usually used: a denser layer is installed to the outside of the facade structures, a less dense layer is directly on the bearing wall, since a soft layer allows the insulator to better fit the irregularities of the insulated structure.
As insulation, rigid and solid heat insulation plates made of moisture-resistant and water-repellent mineral wool of "Technovent Standard" type are used.
The outside of the insulation is often covered with glass fabric, which prevents deformation of the material under the influence of wind and heat loads.
Insulation is fixed by plate-like plastic dowels with tight fitting of insulation plates to each other.
Air interlayer
The presence of this component of the ventilated facade fundamentally determines its difference from other types of facades. The most important purpose of the air layer is to provide ventilation of the face-to-face space, where heat and moisture usually accumulate.
Due to the pressure drop in the formed ventilation channel, the "principle of the exhaust pipe operation" begins to work. As a result, atmospheric and internal moisture is removed from the bearing structure into the environment, providing the functional capacity of the bearing structures and the building massif.
It is a hinged, weatherproof, durable protection of insulation, bearing structures. If damaged, it can be quickly repaired, and also easily cleaned from pollution. Allows repair of damage without visible significant consequences. Depending on the material, it is a variety of shapes of facing elements.
By using a variety of materials, color scheme, structure, shapes, determination of the passage of seams, it allows you to make peculiar, architecturally interesting accents. Contributes to the individualization of the appearance of each building. In the project, a ceramic granite plate of the MIRAGE type is used as a facing material. It is ceramic granite sheets pressed on a belt press. The surface may be glazed or matte. Ceramic lining - frost-resistant and weather-resistant fire, well retains the color scheme. The thickness of the plates is 12 mm, the overall dimensions used are 600x600 mm, 600x300 mm, 450x900 mm.
Organization and procedure of works execution
The following works shall be performed before the installation works start:
- construction materials are imported and laid on the acquired warehouse, taking into account the three-day stock ;
- mechanization tools, equipment and accessories are prepared and submitted to workplaces in accordance with the work organization scheme;
- construction of walls and roof of the building has been completed;
- consumables and components are submitted to workplaces in accordance with the workplace organization scheme.
Process procedure for installation of the hinged facade:
- wall marking;
- attachment of brackets to the wall;
- attachment of mineral wool plates with plate-like plastic dowels to the wall;
- attachment of vertical guide;
- attachment of horizontal guide;
- installation of ceramic granite plates.
Installation of aluminium structures shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.03.0187 "Load-bearing and enclosing structures," as per installation diagrams of design documentation KM or KMD.
By marking on the package, the elements of the assembled facade (installation section) are determined. Depending on the installation conditions, the assembly can be carried out both vertically and horizontally - on mounting tables or slipways, with the subsequent installation of the finished section in the opening.
In accordance with the assembly drawing, the extreme, then middle posts are laid out first, so that the C-shaped embedded parts on the posts are opposite each other; quality of embedded parts attachment is checked (if necessary, attachments are tightened).
Then horizontal elements are connected to posts - girders (through embedded ones) so that two holes in the girder coincide with holes in the embedded part. Centers of holes of crossbar and embedded part are displaced by 0.5 mm relative to each other. for the guaranteed crossbar face clip to a rack surface, crossbars by means of B4x20 self-tapping screws fasten.
During vertical assembly of the structure, it is necessary to monitor the strictly vertical position of the posts. The angle between the strut and the crossbar shall be 90 °. In case of violation of this geometry (any skew of the rack or crossbar), there is a danger of non-placement of filling in the opening.
The section is attached to the construction opening using special assemblies.
The lower mounting unit is a steel plate attached to a fixed embedded part, which is installed in the cavity of the post profile.
Upper mounting unit is movable for compensation of construction gaps along opening and for compensation of temperature extensions.
Works on the installation of the facade using the standard set are carried out by a team of 6 people
Recommended composition of the work execution link:
Unit No. 1 Metal and
railway structures of 4 categories - 1 person;
metal installation installer and
railway structures of 3 categories - 1 person.
Link No. 2 Metal and
railway structures of 4 categories - 1 person;
metal installation installer and
railway structures of 3 categories - 1 person.
Link No. 3 Metal and
railway structures of 4 categories - 1 person;
metal installation installer and
railway structures of 3 categories - 1 person.
To carry out installation and related work, the building is divided into grabs.
When assigning gripping boundaries, it is necessary that the volumes of work on each gripping are approximately the same in terms of labor intensity.
Link No. 1 starts marking walls using templates included in the standard complex for this purpose .
Link No. 2 attaches mineral wool plates of insulation to the wall .
Link No. 3 establishes filling in the profile guides .
Quality of structures and allowable deviations shall meet the following requirements:
-constructions shall be installed in accordance with the regulatory and technical documentation;
- gaps in mating with walls must be not less than specified to prevent freezing along the seam (determined visually);
- face surfaces shall not have scratches, looseness and peeling off of the coating (determined visually);
-installation of infills (translucent and blind) shall be performed in accordance with drawings and requirements of this instruction;
-heat clearance in mounted stained glass windows (vertical connection of sections) shall be at least as specified in design documentation.
The package shall include a quality document (passport) and, at the consumer's request, installation and operation instructions.
Each product is marked with a label indicating the manufacturer's company name, order number and product grade.
Quality of building aluminium structures, packing and marking shall comply with specification 527100127842721.
Articles shall be stored in packed form in dry storage covered rooms in vertical position at an angle of 1015 degrees from the vertical on wooden linings sorted by types and sizes. Gaskets of the same thickness shall be laid between the articles.
The articles shall be transported by all means of covered transport fixed in such a way as to prevent any possible impact and movement within the vehicles.
During loading and unloading operations it is not allowed to subject the articles to impact loads.
Statement of required resources
The list of the work item is shown in the table. A work schedule is drawn up on the basis of this list. Site Work Schedule - the main document as part of the Work Execution Project (WP), characterizing the development of the production process in time and space - in individual areas, grips, sections, floors.
When designing the schedule, the most progressive methods of performing certain types of work are provided, based on the maximum possible and economically feasible for these conditions, the degree of complex mechanization and the use of high-performance machines. The adopted methods of work performance shall ensure high quality of construction products and guarantee workers safe working conditions.
Certain types of construction and installation works are combined in time to the extent that the construction technology requirement and the conditions for safe performance of work allow.
The work shall be carried out in an organized in-line manner. Parallel and simultaneous execution of civil erection and special construction works in different areas, grips and floors in accordance with the requirements of the technology allows to significantly reduce the duration of building erection.
On the basis of the calendar plan, the need for materials, vehicles, human resources and the amount of funding necessary for the construction is determined.
The schedule is required to monitor the progress of work and is in the form recommended by SNiP Instruction 3.01.0183.
The schedule consists of two parts:
left part - initial design data;
The right side is the line work schedule.
The total construction period according to the calendar plan is 7.5 months. It does not exceed the normative, received according to the standards of construction duration - 10 months (SNiP 1.04.0385).
In the schedule, the work execution is presented in a certain process sequence with the temporary linkage of the processes over the time of the work execution.
There are four schedules on the schedule:
- construction materials delivery schedule;
- construction materials consumption schedule
- schedule of workers movement;
- Capital development schedule.
Construction Plot Plan Design
The construction plan is a site plan of the facility allocated for construction, which, in addition to existing and designed buildings, structures and communications, shows the temporary buildings and structures necessary for construction, mechanized installations, material warehouses, temporary water supply and sewerage networks, electrical networks, temporary roads .
The design of the construction plan includes the following developments:
- selection and calculation of the need for temporary buildings and structures;
- calculation of demand and design of temporary power supply, water supply, heat supply;
- Traffic design.
When designing the construction plan, the following principles were taken into account:
1. Temporary buildings, structures and communications must be located in areas that are not intended for development by permanent buildings and structures, while fire prevention measures, safety requirements, sanitary and hygienic conditions must be observed;
2. The cost of temporary buildings and structures, as well as communications, should be the lowest;
3. The distances to which construction goods are transported and the number of their unloading and loading within the construction plan shall be minimal.
The construction plan was developed at the stage of erection of the above-ground part of the building.
When developing a construction plan, observe the following principles:
rational use of the site shall be ensured,
the selection and placement of domestic premises, devices and pedestrian paths should ensure the satisfaction of the domestic needs of workers,
decisions taken at the construction plan should ensure safe conditions for the work, compliance with fire safety standards and environmental protection requirements.
When designing warehouses, it is necessary to determine the dimensions and area of storage areas.
After the warehouses are located, temporary buildings, structures, installations and communications are linked. In this case, the binding of underground utility networks provides for the definition of connection points to permanent communications, routing with the designation of intermediate devices.
At the next stage, it is necessary to specify safety decisions, that is, to determine and show the boundaries of hazardous areas near moving parts of machines, power plants, places of movement of construction goods at the construction site under construction, to indicate the restriction of the territory of the construction site and the place of storage of fire fighting equipment, the location of passages and driveways.
6.1 Introduction
Prior to construction, the following works are performed:
- fencing of the construction site area;
- location of sanitary facilities outside hazardous areas;
- arrangement of temporary roads;
- lighting, power supply and other utilities;
- arrangement of storage sites.
The safety of solutions during the construction of the facility in PIC and PPM is ensured by fulfilling the following conditions:
- reduction of the scope of works performed in hazardous areas;
- application of design solutions, ensuring the possibility of using safe methods of work;
- compliance with safe work sequence. And also necessary conditions for ensuring safety when combining work in space and in time;
- selection and placement of machines and mechanisms taking into account the safety of the work;
- selection of safe methods and methods of works execution;
- equipping workplaces with the necessary technological and protective equipment;
- development of labor protection solutions during construction, reconstruction and operation of facilities.
Safety requirements are taken into account in the following documentation as part of the PIC:
- a schedule in which the dates and order of work are determined;
- Construction plan, which includes location of the facility, sanitary facilities, identification of hazardous areas, fire safety;
- Job instructions defining the sequence of safe execution of works;
- Explanatory note containing all necessary justifications and calculations for the decisions taken.
6.1.2 Building site fencing
The territory of the construction site should be allocated on the ground with protective fences.
The height of the fence from metal shields on the racks is 2.2 m.
Environmental safety
In accordance with the Law "On Environmental Protection in the Russian Federation," the main measures for the development of this project should be: soil protection, air and water basin, waste disposal.
Careful approach and decision-making are required in the design process. The environmental approach should characterize the design, construction and operation of the building. The instruction on the composition, procedure for the development, approval and approval of design estimates for the construction of buildings and structures already provides for the development of measures for the rational use of natural resources.
6.2.2 Protection of the water basin
Water supply of the construction site is carried out taking into account the existing water supply systems.
Temporary water supply of the construction site is calculated to meet the maximum construction water demand for the construction period.
Faecal, surface and wastewater are supplied to the existing city sewage system.
6.2.3 Air Pool Protection
To prevent dusting of the areas surrounding the construction site, construction garbage and waste should be systematically removed to the landfill. Removal of building debris from floors is allowed only in containers, so as not to create dust of the atmosphere. You cannot bury defective and unused construction materials at the construction site. Incineration of all wastes is prohibited. Violation of protection requirements leads to irreparable consequences associated with the death of green spaces, pollution of water areas, changes in the regime of underground and groundwater.


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