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Kindergarten-nursery for 6 groups (140 places) - Diploma of the ASG

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Thesis project. The explanatory note, chertezhidetsky garden on 6 groups

Project's Content

icon Аннотация.doc
icon Архитектура.docx
icon БЖД.docx
icon Введение.docx
icon Заключение.docx
icon Организация.docx
icon основания и фундаменты.docx
icon расчетно-конструкторский.docx
icon Смета.docx
icon Содержание.docx
icon ЭКОНОМИКА.docx
icon ораолаолпа.SPR
icon рама.SPR
icon рама_ar.rtf
icon РСУ основное.docx
icon РСУ при сейсмике.docx
icon усилия.docx
icon к - копия.docx
icon Рамка 1.doc

Additional information





Architectural and construction

1.1 Design and Construction Input

1.2 Master Plan

1.3 Space planning solutions

1.4 Structural solutions

1.5 Calculation of thermal protection of the building

1.6 External and internal finishes

1.7 Sanitary and technical devices

1.8 Fire fighting measures

1.9 Main technical and economic indicators


Design and Calculation

2.1 Initial data

2.2 Main Design Solutions

2.3 Structural Layout

2.4 Design of prestressed round-empty floor slab

2.5 Calculation of cross frame frame


Foundations and foundations

3.1 Analysis of engineering and geological conditions of the construction site. Selection of foundation type

3.2 Sizing the Foundation Floor

3.3 Calculation of basis for seismic load

3.4 Determination of foundation sediment

3.5 Foundation Body Calculation


Organizational and Technological

4.1 General data

4.2 Brief description of the construction site

4.3 Construction Site Organization

4.4 Nomenclature and scope of construction and installation works

4.5 Selection of installation crane

4.6 Construction Schedule

4.7 Construction needs and provision with materials and resources

4.8 Labour requirements and labour intensity

4.9 Construction Machinery Requirement

4.10 Calculation of energy and water requirements

4.11 Calculation of storage rooms and platforms

4.12 Need for temporary buildings

4.13 Job Instruction for Installation of Slabs with Grouting of Joints



5.1 Explanatory note to the estimate documentation

5.2 Technical and economic indicators

5.3 Determination of estimated cost of buildings and structures

5.4 Determination of estimated cost in local and object estimates

5.5 Determination of the estimated cost in the consolidated estimate

5.6 Local Estimate No.

5.7 Object Estimate No.

5.8 Summary Estimate


Project safety and environmental friendliness

6.1 Project Environmental Safety

6.2 Occupational safety measures


List of sources used


A. Integrated Design Analysis System

B. Section reinforcement

In Static Frame Calculation Results


A diploma project on the topic "Kindergarten-nursery for 6 groups (140 places)," developed in 2011 by a student of the PGSM-061 group of specialization 270102 "Industrial and Civil Construction" of the North Caucasian Humanitarian and Technical Institute of Stavropol.

The diploma project contains a graphic part of 10 sheets and an explanatory note made in the volume of sheets.

In the graphic part, drawings have been developed that give ideas about the architectural, design and structural solutions of the building, as well as drawings of the building construction technology. Architectural construction drawings have been developed on sheets 1 to 5, giving an idea of ​ ​ the space-planning and structural solutions of the building. Sheets 6 to 8 show the design and reinforcement of prefabricated reinforced concrete elements. On the sheets from 9 to 10 the Job Instruction for performance of works on installation of floor slabs, the schedule is developed

The explanatory note describes the decisions made, the necessary calculations, technical and economic indicators, estimated documentation for the construction of the building. The explanatory note is: architectural and construction section, design section, foundation and foundations section, organizational and technological section and economic section, as well as annexes.

The project provides for heat-saving technologies - wall panels made of cellular concrete. New roofing, waterproofing, materials that meet modern requirements.


Scientific and technological progress and the underlying changes in technology and production organization are increasingly affecting the nature, composition and pace of trade construction. New processes are widely distinguished, the degree of equipment of buildings and structures with engineering systems is significantly increased.

Progressive technological processes require qualitative changes in the volume planning, architectural, aesthetic and structural solutions of public, administrative buildings and structures. This defines the increasing importance of capital construction as a manufacturing industry. Increasing the efficiency of capital investments is a complex and multi-purpose problem. This should include optimal solutions for their orientation, structure and placement, as well as justify the selection of construction facilities and the clarification of the level of progressivity of design solutions.

Design becomes a decisive area of ​ ​ technological progress, in which projects need to use technological and space-planning solutions that reduce the unused volume of the building and free space, which allow, at lower material costs and labor resources, to obtain a large increase in the space used, as well as an increase in the volume of trade.

In recent years, due to economic difficulties, the volume of construction of new buildings and structures has significantly decreased. Environmental, social, technical and economic requirements were taken into account in the process of designing the kindergarten-nursery complex.

Modern construction, as a rule, involves the use of new design solutions that not only meet the requirements of design standards or changes made to them (for example, SNiP II - 3-79 Change No. 3), but also could solve the main tasks of functional purpose.

The diploma project presents a kindergarten-nursery for 6 groups (140 places) on the street. Sovetskaya in Art. Barsukovskaya. Its construction is timely and economically feasible.

The purpose of this diploma project is to develop an architectural, planning and constructive solution for kindergarten-nursery.

The diploma project uses CAD elements, which include structural calculations and graphic work.

1.1 Design and Construction Input

Diploma project on the topic: "Kindergarten-nursery for 6 groups/140 places in the village of Barsukovskaya, Stavropol Territory."

The construction area belongs to the III climatic area and is characterized by the following data:

- humidity zone is normal;

- design ambient air temperature - 160 С

- prevailing wind direction - east-west;

- average temperature of the coldest five-day period - 210 С;

- maximum depth of seasonal ground freezing - 0.8 m;

- duration of heating period Z = 168 days.

- snow cover weight for the II snow area - 1.20 kPa (design);

- wind speed head for the V wind area - 0.60 kPa (standard);

- seismicity of the construction site - 8 points.

Engineering and geological surveys at the facility were carried out by Inzhgeoproekt LLC on the basis of license No. GS-3-26-02-28-0-26280348-2 (issued on August 6, 2007) and agreement with the developer No. 1808 dated January 23, 2008.

6 engineering-geological elements (EGE) are identified in the section of the site:

EGE-1 - bulk soil with a capacity of 1.1m.

EGE-2 - medium-sized sand, in medium-density state, in wet state. The thickness of the layer is 1.7m.

EGE-3 - Loam hard, wet. In case of emergency soaking, it will be in stable condition. The thickness of the layer is 3.5m.

EGE-4 - Medium sand, medium density, saturated with water. Layer power is 2.2m.

EGE-5 - Clay is refractory, saturated with water, in a stable state. The thickness of the layer is 3.9 m.

EGE-6 - Solid soup saturated with water. The open layer power is 2.6m.

1.2 Master Plan

The master plan of the kindergarten-nursery in the village of Barsukovskaya was developed in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory documentation in construction .

The site, the construction of kindergarten, is located along Sovetskaya Street, 28 of the village of Barsukovskaya, Stavropol Territory. The site is located near the road, providing good transport connection of the object under construction with the infrastructure of the city. The surface relief of the section is flat with a slight general slope in the east direction. There are no green spaces. Near the site, on the north side, there are utility networks: water supply, sewerage, low-current and electric networks. The site is limited from the north - st. Minsk, from the west - st. New, from the south side - st. Sovetskaya, from the east - the not built-up territory of the neighboring site, on which there are green spaces in the form of coniferous trees. Seismicity of the site according to SNiP II781 * - 8 points.

The project was developed on the basis of the design task.

The project was developed on an area of ​ ​ 4930 m2. The site is characterized by the following geological and climatic indicators: the average maximum temperature of the hottest month is + 24.60, the average annual temperature is + 80, an average of 620 mm falls during the year. precipitation, with their predominance in the warm period; average monthly relative air humidity at 15 h. The coldest month is 53%, the prevailing wind direction is south, the average wind speed for the period with an average daily air temperature of ≤ 80 С 2.3 m/s.

This project has been completed in conjunction with the existing layout around. To ensure normal sanitary and hygienic and aesthetic conditions, the entire territory is landscaped and landscaped. Within the allotted area, an improved lawn is planted. For temporary parking of vehicles, a parking lot is used, for 10 mash ./places, which is located on the street. Sovetskaya. One parking place is a 6x3 m platform. Garbage collection is carried out in garbage collection containers located on the warehouse, which is located on the rear side of the building under construction. Khozdvor is also used to supply food to the institution. The pavement of the driveways is single-layer asphalt concrete, pedestrian paths and the platform in front of the main entrance have a tile surface. Along an asphalt concrete covering the installation of an onboard stone of BR 100.30.15, along tiled - GOST 666591 BR100.20.8 is provided. Existing site elevations are saved as much as possible. Surface water is removed from the building by solid coatings with subsequent discharge to existing coatings.

1.3 Space planning solutions

The kindergarten-nursery project was carried out on the basis of the Urban Planning Plan of the land plot issued by the Committee for Architecture and Urban Planning of Stavropol. The building is designed with a complex shape in plan, which is three rectangular blocks, separated by deformation joints. Each block has two floors. Ruberoid non-exploitable roof. The dimensions of the building in axes are 32000x36000mm.

Access to the building is provided from the street. Sovetskaya and st. Minsk, providing access to fire and service vehicles to all entrances and windows of the building .

Designed building in seismic version in prefabricated monolithic design.

Special shafts are provided for functional support of the internal drain.

As an external wall fence, light concrete panels are adopted. The panel is a flat single-layer structure made of light or cellular concrete, reinforced with a spatial framework. Panels made of light concrete have outer and inner textured layers, 20 and 15 mm thick, respectively. Texture layers are designed from cement sand mortar with average density of 1800 kg/m3 of M100 grade. Panels are manufactured under factory conditions in accordance with GOST II02484.

The storey of the building is 2 floors.

Degree of fire resistance - II.

Building responsibility class -I.

1.6 External and internal finishes

A textured plaster layer with marble crumb "for flushing" using a beige color is applied to the wall panels outside. It is executed in factory conditions.

The basement panels are lined with ceramic tiles of the "Cabanchik" type in factory conditions.

Brick sections of walls indicated in the project are plastered with mortar with marble crumb "for flushing" for the texture of wall panels, using beige coloring.

The staircase fence is painted with beige oil paint.

The wood elements specified in the project are painted with light brown oil paint in two times.

Cover the doors with colorless waterproof varnish.

Windows frames metal-plastic, white

Sidewalk and platforms along the main facades are provided with a coating of

colored paving shaped tiles.

All partitions and walls are covered with improved silicate color to a height of 2.7 m, lime color is higher to the ceiling. Ceilings in all rooms are lime colored. The surface of the walls of the bathrooms, showers and around the washes are lined with glazed ceramic tiles to a height of 1700 mm.

Floors: in the halls and corridors - laminate. In the bathrooms, in the medical room, in the shower - ceramic tiles 30X30cm. In all other rooms - linoleum.

1.7 Sanitary and technical devices

This project solves the issues of internal engineering equipment of the building in 2 floors with a flat roof. Sanitary facilities and indoor microclimate systems include:

- water supply (cold and hot water)

- fire-fighting water supply

- sewerage

- heat supply

- heating

- general exchange ventilation

- smoke protection (in case of fire)

Source Data

The project documentation of the engineering equipment is developed according to requirements of present rules and regulations: Construction Norms and Regulations 2.04.0185 *, Construction Norms and Regulations 41012003, Construction Norms and Regulations 41032003, Construction Norms and Regulations 2.08.0289 *, Construction Norms and Regulations of II781 *, Construction Norms and Regulations 210197 *, Construction Norms and Regulations 230199 *, Construction Norms and Regulations 3.05.0185 *, Construction Norms and Regulations 23022003, Construction Norms and Regulations 12032001, Construction Norms and Regulations 12042002, and also requirements of the Set of rules: Sp121362002, JV 401072003, joint venture 311142004, joint venture 4110298, joint venture 411032000; Fire Safety Rules PPB 012003; state standards: GOST 3049496, GOST 185992001.

Outside air design temperature:

- in the cold period of the year - tn = - 160 С;

- in the warm period of the year - tn = + 24.60 С.

Relative ambient air humidity:

- during the cold period of year - φ = 73%;

- during the warm period of year - φ = 50%.

Average heating temperature - t = + 0.90 C

Heating period duration Z = 168 days.

Construction area - normal humidity mode.

Operating mode of rooms with internal air - normal humidity.

Water supply system

The water supply to the kindergarten-nursery for 6 groups/140 places in the village of Barsukovskaya is carried out from existing networks, while the household drinking needs of the building are provided, as well as watering green courtyard spaces .

The water supply is installed from PPRC PN10 polypropylene pipes. Floor wiring is provided hidden in the floor in the corrugated floor.

The main pipeline is laid in underground channels of the first floor, sewn and heat insulated.

Plumbing of polypropylene pipes is hidden.

Installation, testing and acceptance of cold water supply networks is carried out in accordance with chapter SNiP 3.05.0185. Design water flow rates are determined in accordance with SNiP 2.04.0185 *.


The internal sewerage network of the complex is above and below elevation 0.000, the outlets are installed from plastic pipes as per GOST 22689.189. Installation of equipment and pipelines is designed by placer from units and parts .


Internal drains above and below elevation 0.000 are designed from LPA 110SL pipes as per GOST 185992001. 5 gutters of type Vr9B Du = 100mm are installed on the roof, they are connected to risers, the releases of which are carried out into the wells of the yard rain sewer. At the intersection with the intermediate floor on the riser StK21, fire-fighting couplings with an expanding fire-retardant composition are installed, preventing the flame from spreading along the floor.


The estimated outside temperature of the coldest five-day period for the city of Stavropol is -160S. Internal design temperatures in the rooms are adopted in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 31052003 "Public administrative buildings"

Heat supply of the designed building from the district heating system boiler house.

Two-tube heating systems made of metal plastic pipes laid in the floor structure are designed for all rooms. Pipes laid in underground channels of the first floor are heat insulated, when laying pipes in the floor of the second floor, pipes are laid in corrugated slag.

Heating devices - steel heating radiators "KERMI" with bottom connection.

Automatic high-resistance thermoregulators are provided to control heat transfer on the supply lines to the heating devices. Removal of air from the system through valves built into heating devices.

Steel heat radiators "KERMI" with side connection are provided in corridors and staircases.

Heat point

To take into account the heat consumption of the designed building, the ST365 heat meter is installed on the supply pipeline. For accounting of a consumption of water on the return pipeline - the counter of BCT65 hot water. Flanged filters FMF100 in front of counting devices are provided for catching persistent mechanical impurities. To maintain the internal air temperature during the day and night, an electronic temperature controller TPM32 is provided with a valve KPC 40240 for heating and for hot water supply to KPC 40240.

Communication and signaling networks

This project is based on SNiP II 6480 and SNiP 2.04.09-84

and provides for the arrangement of internal telephony, radio broadcasting, television and fire alarm networks.

Riser networks are laid in steel electric welded pipes with a diameter of 32mm.

Distribution networks are open.

Subscriber taps are laid hidden under the plinth to the place of installation of subscriber units. Telephone sockets and radio sockets are installed above the plinth. The television subscriber network ends with an antenna plug with a 1.5m cable reserve.

Fire alarm networks on the building are laid open.

Power supply

Power supply is provided from the external supply network by two cable entries.

The introduction switchgear is a BRU cabinet installed in the electrical panel on the ground floor.

Electric power metering is adopted as a single one for power and lighting consumers with a RLC meter installed on the introductory distribution panel.

The project provides for working, emergency, evacuation, duty and repair lighting.

- Working lighting is provided in all rooms;

- evacuation - in the corridor, kitchen, group, undress, staircases, reception rooms, in the hall for music and gymnastics;

- emergency - in electrical switchboard ;

- secure - in bedrooms and in the ward of the isolation unit;

- repair - in the room of electrical panel and ventilation chambers.

Repair lighting is carried out by portable lamps, which are included in plug sockets. Lighting of entrances and staircases is provided from automatic control unit of UAV lighting. The photosensor is installed in a staircase on the 2nd floor on the inner side of the outer frame of the window and is shielded from direct sunlight and foreign light sources.

Noise reduction measures

Coolant speed in pipelines of water heating systems is taken depending on permissible equivalent sound level in rooms up to 1.5 m/s.

When the heating risers cross the floors, the holes are closed with elastic materials.

Energy-saving activities

Automatic temperature controllers are installed to control heat flow, two-circuit regulator TPM32 with valves for heating and hot water supply system is provided in thermal input units.


The ventilation of the designed building is supply-and-supply, with the natural impulse of air movement, through reinforced concrete ventilation units emerging to the roof.

Ventilation units are installed along the M100 cement mortar layer. Punch holes in ventilation units for ventilation grilles "in place." Stitch the stitches.

Drawings content


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