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Children's Entertainment Centre - ASG Diploma

  • Added: 29.07.2014
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Thesis, with all drawings and explanatory note

Project's Content

icon Вариант1.doc
icon Вариант2.doc
icon Вариант3.doc
icon Пояснительная запи.doc
icon смета на дп.doc
icon смета на дп.gsf
icon ШАЙМИТОВА.doc
icon диплом.dwg
icon s_panin_final.dwg
icon Копия диплом 3D4копирование.jpg
icon смета на дп.gsf

Additional information

2. architectural and construction part.

2.1. Common part.

The DP for the construction of a children's entertainment center in is developed on the basis of documents, the list of which is given in the project. The site of the designed structure is located within the city

Natural and climatic conditions of the construction area.

Design ambient temperature -450С

Standard weight pressure of snow cover - 1.00 kPa

Design value of snow cover weight is 2.4 kPa according to TSN 2030197 "Loads and impacts."

The standard value of wind pressure is 0.23kPa.

Seismicity 9 points.

geotechnical conditions on principle - II

Climatic area I-A

For the relative elevation of 0.000, the floor elevation of 1 floor is taken.

The design solutions of the building provide:

standard durability and optimal operation mode;

serviceability and possibility of monitoring the technical condition of the main components and systems of engineering equipment;

savings in labour and heat and energy resources;

reduced costs for maintenance and repair of engineering equipment structures.

2.2. Master Plan.

The master plan is the main document according to which the development of the allocated area is underway. It is a drawing of the area on which the location of buildings and structures to be designed, existing, reconstructed and demolished is shown. Newly built buildings are placed depending on their functional or technological connection and in accordance with fire and sanitary standards. These standards define the minimum distances between them.

Sanitary breaks are established depending on the height of higher buildings. Between the ends of buildings having windows, the gap must be at least 12 m.

The master plan also depicts the boundaries of the built-up site, auxiliary buildings, green spaces, various sites, driveways, roads.

The site reserved for the object is located on the market on the street. Karl Marx.

The main space of the main and side facades of the improvement project is provided for to be occupied by a green lawn with the inclusion of flower beds, paths and platforms, with a coating of asphalt concrete and concrete decorative tiles.

The main entrance to the public building is located on the main facade, in the central part of the end. The number of entrances to the building is determined by calculation depending on the evacuation conditions of people.

The improvement of the main courtyard includes the breakdown of tracks and the installation of torch lamps, benches. On the left side of the building is a parking lot.

Technical and economic indicators.

1. Plot area - 6578.07 m2

2. Area of driveways, sidewalks and sites - 501.28 m2

3. Building area - 2726.6 m2

4. Landscaping area - 3050.12 m2

2.3. Landscaping.

The main driveways and sidewalks are made with a paved asphalt concrete. Sidewalks in a square 2 m wide are made concrete.

The project also provides for the planting of trees and shrubs. The applied assortment of green spaces consists of local breeds that have high frost resistance and decoration. Small architectural forms are placed on the sites: benches, urns.

An open parking lot for 10 cars is arranged on the territory of the children's entertainment center.

2.4. Space-planning solutions.

The main design solutions for the planning of premises comply with technological and functional requirements, taking into account sanitary, fire, environmental and urban planning requirements.

The capacity (capacity) of public buildings is accepted in accordance with functional requirements and based on the calculation standards established by SNiP II6075 * *.

It is recommended to link the design of public buildings and structures in cities and other settlements with the organization of public and other transport entrances, with the placement of stopping points and parking lots, and the arrangement of convenient and safe pedestrian routes.

It is necessary to strive to ensure that the architectural and compositional solutions of public buildings correspond to their urban planning significance.

When designing public buildings and structures, it is necessary to comply with the requirements for environmental protection and improvement, taking into account the regional characteristics of the construction area.

When designing buildings with a stylobate, it is advisable to provide access for firefighters from automechanical stairs to the floors of the high-rise part of the building.

The height of the floor of the public building is accepted according to the standards for designing residential buildings in those cases, when the building or its separate part is intended mainly for accommodation of residential premises, for example, sleeping buildings of recreation institutions, residential part of hotels, sleeping buildings of boarding schools, etc. When one or two apartments for staff are placed in a public building and if it is impossible to place them in a separate part of the building, the floor height is taken according to the design standards of public buildings.

The height of the floor of small public buildings, intended mainly for construction in rural areas, can be taken equal to the height of the floor of residential buildings. A list of such buildings is given in the VSN for the design of various types of public buildings.

The height of the underground in the absence of equipment in it that requires constant maintenance by personnel (pumps, fans, elevators, gate valves, etc.) can be taken at least 1.6 m to the bottom of the projecting floor structures.

In IA, IB and IG climatic subareas with strong winds of variable direction, it is possible to arrange additional external tambours with two inputs from different sides for using one of them depending on the wind direction. It is also necessary to protect the entrances to the building with windmill walls.

When designing the entrances to buildings, the construction of which is carried out when using permafrost soils as a base according to principle 1, it is recommended to reduce the height of the outer wings by moving part of the steps inside the building.

The height of the fence of external stairs and grounds of sports facilities, cinemas, theaters, clubs and shops is recommended to be taken at least 1.2 m, and the rest of the buildings at least 0.9 m. If the width of the external stairs is more than 2.4 m, it is advisable to provide intermediate handrails.

The norms of the dressing room area given in SNiP do not apply to self-service dressing rooms (schools, school interns, vocational schools, etc.), which should be designed according to the relevant VSN.

When designing dressing rooms for maintenance personnel of public buildings, when the installation of individual lockers for changing clothes is required, be guided by the corresponding SNiPs.

When designing sanitary units, it is recommended to use the normals of their layout (NP20473).

The calculation of the number of appliances in latrines and showers is given in the VSN for the design of various public buildings.

This paragraph contains a list of rooms that can be designed without natural lighting in addition to SNiP II479 "Natural and artificial lighting." For example, according to SNiP II479, it is allowed not to provide for natural lighting in corridors, passages and passages of public buildings. In cases where corridors are designed with natural lighting, paragraph 2.16 of SNiP 2.08.02 - 85 should be followed.

The list of premises given in item 2.15 of the SNiPa can be supplemented in the VSN for the design of various types of public buildings. Room lighting standards are shown in SNiP II479.

It is recommended to provide emergency evacuation lighting that meets the requirements of SNiP II479 in the hall rooms without natural lighting located in the basements.

It is desirable to provide smoke removal from such premises in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 3.26 of SNiP 2.08.02 - 85.

Access to the first floor from assembly and conference halls, lecture halls and pools, trading halls, salons for visitors to consumer service enterprises located in the basement and basement floors, it is recommended to provide for separate staircases located at a distance of at least 6 m from other staircases.

It is desirable that the walls and ceilings of such rooms be decorated in accordance with the requirements for halls with a capacity of 1,500 seats or more.

The lowest floor level and other conditions under which passenger elevators must be installed are specified in the standards for the design of public buildings.

Without calculation, the installation of passenger elevators in buildings can be carried out in the following cases:

if the storey is less than specified in the norms;

when elevators are installed for special technological purposes (utility elevators of hotels and turbos; elevators for transportation of pharmacy goods, linen, treatment waste in hospitals and for other similar purposes);

when the number and parameters of elevators required for installation in the building are specified in the regulatory document or in the manual to it.

The calculation of vertical transport includes: drawing up schemes for the movement of passenger flows (hereinafter - passenger flows);

determination of estimated passenger flows during different periods of buildings operation;

placing elevator units in the building plan;

resolving issues of mutual arrangement of elevators and organization of their operation;

selection of the travel interval of passenger elevators in accordance with the required level of comfort for passengers in the building;

determination of design filling of passenger elevators cabin and preselection of elevator size by lifting capacity and speed in accordance with the required level of comfort of passenger service in the building;

calculations to determine the number and parameters of elevators required for installation in the building;

technical and economic analysis of the results of calculation of various versions of vertical transport systems and selection of the design option.

In multi-storey buildings with heavy passenger traffic, if it is necessary to install a large number of elevators, it is recommended to select their number and parameters with the definition of vertical transport performance indicators (waiting time for passengers, travel time, queue length) using computer simulation methods. The specified work on orders can be performed by the head research organization for elevators.

Initial data for vertical transport calculation:

elevator lifting height; Number and purpose of floors ;

building operation technology;

characteristics of premises located on floors and directly affecting the values ​ ​ of passenger or traffic flows;

characterization of each type of flow carried by passenger elevators;

required level of comfort for passengers in the building.

Methodological basis of calculation of vertical transport (elevators) are given in Appendix 2. It also contains the basic concepts (terms) used in the design and calculation of vertical transport (elevators).

When placing a freight elevator in a building used for transporting people, it should be borne in mind that the elevator control system does not provide for the elevator to perform associated stops on calls. On calls from the floor, only the vacated cabin can come.

When two or more such cargo elevators are installed nearby, they cannot be combined by a group control system, since each of them operates separately and has its own call buttons on the floors.

The nomenclature of passenger elevators that can be installed in public buildings and structures is given in GOST 5746 - 83 *.

The elevator control system for public buildings according to GOST 5746 - 83 * "mixed collective in two directions," that is, on each floor there is a call button for stopping the elevator, for moving up and for moving down (at the lower stop the call button is only for moving up, and at the upper stop - only for moving down). The elevator group (see Appendix 2) is equipped with a group control system. In this case, one call button post per elevator group is installed on each floor. The group control system directs one of the elevators of the group to the resulting call, which provides a minimum waiting time for passengers, eliminates the movement of several elevators per call, and improves the performance of elevators.

The control system of elevators of public buildings ensures their operation in the "fire hazard" mode. The "fire hazard" mode is activated automatically by a signal from the automatic fire alarm of the building regardless of the load and direction of movement of the elevator car and ensures the forced movement of the elevator to the main landing floor (except when the elevator is at stops below the main landing floor).

Upon arrival on the main landing floor, the elevator car doors open and remain in the open position. The elevator control system can only be returned to the normal operation mode from the machine room.

The "fire hazard" mode ensures the safety of passengers in elevators during a fire in buildings.

When designing elevators in buildings, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of the rules for the construction and safety of elevators. According to these rules, the location of elevator shafts above passageways and rooms in which people can be located is allowed only in cases where the floor located under the shaft is able to withstand the impact of the counterweight free falling at the highest possible speed.

The set of design documentation for the building and construction shall include a drawing for the order of elevators, drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the elevator manufacturer.

In buildings with more than 2 elevators, it is desirable to provide for dispatching control over the operation of elevators. Control equipment can be located in a separate room or in the control room of other engineering equipment of the building. The control room can serve a group of buildings.

In buildings having more than 2 elevators, it is desirable to provide a room for a workshop for repairing elevators. This room can be placed in the basement and basement floors. A room for the elevator repair shop can be provided for a group of nearby buildings.

The type, carrying capacity, speed and dimensions of the cargo elevator cabins shall be selected taking into account the technological requirements, maximum weight and dimensions of the cargo and its accompanying people, as well as the values ​ ​ of cargo flows.

In cases specified in the VSN for the design of various types of public buildings, the choice of freight elevators should be justified by calculation.

The dimensions of the elevator halls and tambours in front of the cargo elevators shall be not less than the internal dimensions of the shaft and allow the delivery and placement of goods with means of transport delivering these goods. Cargo elevator shaft doors shall not exit from buildings and structures. If it is necessary to load and unload the elevator from the street in front of its doors, a tambour with doors is arranged to protect the elevator from precipitation and provide regulatory conditions for the elevator.

The conditions to be created for the normal operation of elevators are specified in GOST 22011 - 76 *.

Passenger elevators are installed on the main tracks of people. It is best to place them in the center of the building and concentrate them, as a rule, in one elevator unit. It is permissible to disperse elevators in buildings with a length of more than 120 m. An increase in the number of elevator units in buildings with a smaller length can be in the following cases:

If it is necessary to allocate separate parts of buildings with independent transportation services in accordance with the technology of buildings operation;

according to the conditions of zone organization of elevators

when, according to the calculation of vertical transport, more than one group of elevators should be installed in buildings;

when the distance from the doors of the most distant room to the doors of the nearest passenger elevator exceeds 60 m.

Passenger elevators need to be concentrated in groups and arranged in rows. The number of elevators in a row must be no more than four.

Recommended combinations and location of passenger elevators in groups (i.e. elevators combined by group control systems) are shown in Fig. 8. In each group, the passenger elevators marked with 1 shall be of the same carrying capacity; elevators, indicated by the number 2, with a carrying capacity of 1000 kg with cabin dimensions (width, depth) of 11002100 mm; elevators indicated by the number 3, - for buildings of medical institutions with a cabin size of 14002400 mm.

The elevators in each case are accepted at the same speed except for combinations where the elevators 3 may have a lower speed according to the documentation of the elevator manufacturer.

The construction part of the elevators is designed according to the documentation of the head research organization for elevators.

When designing buildings, a drawing to order elevators is required. This drawing indicates that the group control system must be included in the delivery.

It is recommended to coordinate the calculation of vertical transport with the CPSC for elevators, justifying the choice of the number and parameters of elevators, the combination and location of elevators in the group, as well as other issues.

The most successful is the solution of the elevator unit with a dead end elevator hall. Placing elevators on three sides of the elevator hall is not recommended; if such a solution could not be avoided, the area of the elevator hall should not be smaller than if the same number of elevators were placed in two rows.

When designing buildings for construction in IA, IB and IG climatic subareas, it is necessary to make compact space-planning decisions whenever possible, avoid complex plans and different altitudes of individual parts of the building.

In the external walls of basements and technical sub-floors that do not have exhaust ventilation, it is necessary to provide products with a total area of ​ ​ at least 1:400 floor area.

In buildings with a height of 9 floors, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of attaching electric-powered building cradles or other device for repair and cleaning of facades.

Premises in the basement and basement floors of public buildings can be used for the second purpose for the needs of civil defense for the premises of the main purpose of shelters and anti-radiation shelters in accordance with regulatory documents.

Premises intended for use for the second purpose are recommended to be provided inside the building under the buildings of the smallest floor.

When using premises for civil defense, it is desirable to give preference to large premises, as, for example, a lobby with a dressing room, foyer, lounges, retail lounges, a group of rooms of catering enterprises, a laboratory and an audience for studying special objects with non-stationary, special equipment, rooms for visitors, demonstration halls, halls of family celebrations, reception points for consumer services, shooting tires, sports halls for training, cinemas or their halls with a capacity of up to 300 seats, exhibition halls, etc.

The total area for sheltered premises should be at least 75 m2, and it is desirable that the area of individual premises be at least 25 m2.

The total area of rooms intended for sheltered in anti-radiation shelters shall be not less than 25 m2.

Premises used as shelters shall normally be not more than 3.5 m high and not less than 1.8 m high.

In storerooms and utility rooms, racks, pallets and other types of equipment are preferably designed to accommodate the sheltered.

Rooms intended for use for anti-radiation shelters are recommended to be designed based on the minimum time and funds for their conversion and urgent increase in protection against ionizing radiation (provide for window grids in pits that allow strengthening of the walls of the basement above the ground surface, external window boards for sealing window openings, screens at the entrances, etc.).

A mass of building elements for strengthening walls and closing window openings in order to urgently increase the protection of premises from ionizing radiation is recommended to be taken up to 80-100 kg.

In premises intended for use for the second purpose as a shelter, it is undesirable to use plaster, facing tiles and other peeling finishing materials in interior decoration.

It is recommended: whitening and painting with adhesive and oil paints to obtain matte surfaces, facturization of the front surface of the prefabricated elements in factory conditions, sealing of the seams and the front surface, panel finishing materials with appropriate fire characteristics.


locker rooms;

technical premises;

security premises;


castellansha and factory rooms;

pantries of desiccants;


1st floor:

game halls;

children's cafe;

junior groups;

2nd floor:

game halls;

senior teams;

administrative offices.

A winter garden is attached to the building.

Drawings content

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