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  • icon Waiting For Moderation: 23

Low-rise residential building in Krasnoyarsk



15 sheets of drawings + explanatory note.


1 sheet - title

Sheet 2 - general data + list of reference and attached materials

3 sheet - side and main facades

4 sheet - plan of the first floor + explication

5 sheet - plan of the second floor + specification of filling window and door openings

6 sheet - layout of floor slabs + specification for the scheme of slabs

7 sheet - layout of floor slabs + specification for the scheme of slabs

Sheet 8 - Jumper List, Jumper Specification

9 sheet - layout of elements of the truss system + specification to the layout

10 sheet - roof plan

11 sheet - section 1-1, section 2-2, node 1

12 sheet - node 2, node 3

13 sheet - layout of the elements of the foundation (FL), specification of the elements of the foundation, sweep along the B axis

Folio 14 - explication of floors

Sheet 15 - list of finishing of premises

Project's Content

icon kursovaya_kottedzh.dwg
icon PZ_kottedzh.docx

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