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Diploma design of oil supply system


Diploma project of the main oil pipeline MN Salavat-Orsk. Explanatory note, set of drawings

Project's Content

icon маслосистема dwg (2).dwg
icon маслосистема dwg.dwg
icon оборудование для диагностики.dwg
icon ПРОФИЛЬ.dwg
icon РАЗДЕЛ1.doc
icon РАЗДЕЛ2 КИП.doc
icon РАЗДЕЛ3БЖД.doc
icon РАЗДЕЛ4ЭКОН.doc
icon самот. участ..dwg
icon СКЗdwg.dwg
icon ТЕХ.САЛАВАТdwg.dwg

Additional information



Designations and abbreviations




1.1. Characteristics of the linear part of the Salavat-Orsk oil pipeline

1.2 Brief description of oil pipeline NPS "Salavat-Orsk"

1.2.1 General information of LPDS "Salavat" Characteristics of the pump shop Characteristics of the oil supply system Characteristics of the tank farm Process operation mode of "Salavat" LPDS

1.2.2 Characteristics of NPS "Mrakovo" General information of NPS "Mrakovo" Characteristics of the pump shop Process operation mode of "Mrakovo" NPS

1.3 Methods of pipeline corrosion protection

1.3.1 Cathodic protection

1.3.2 Protector protection

1.4 Complex diagnostics of the line part of the trunk

oil pipeline

1.4.1 General provisions

1.4.2 Composition and procedure of diagnostic works

1.4.3 Basic technical data of in-pipe inspection

shells SCR 1 and SCR 1- cleaning scrapers Caliper profiler "Ultraskan WM" projectile-flaw detector "Ultrascan CD" projectile-flaw detector

1.4.4 Results of the pipeline diagnostic examination

1.5 Operation of main pipelines with gravity


1.6 Hydraulic calculation of "Salavat-Orsk" LM

1.6.1 Calculation of pumped oil parameters at design

to temperature Characteristics of West Siberian oil at design

to temperature

1.6.2 Salavat-Orsk oil pipeline hydraulic calculation

1.7 Calculation of pipe wall thickness

1.7.1. Pipeline Strength Check

1.7.2 Check of oil pipeline for deformation



2.1 Selection and justification of the automation object

2.2 Structure of automation system

2.3 Pump unit automation

2.3.1 Main pump unit control

2.3.2 Protection of the main pump unit

2.4 Automation of oil supply system of pump units


3.1 Selection and justification of the object

3.2 Analysis of pump shop hazard and hazards during operation

main equipment

3.2.1 Explosion and fire hazard of production

3.2.2 Atmospheric electricity

3.2.3 Static Electricity

3.2.4 Toxicity

3.2.5 Noxious effects of noise and vibration

3.2.6 Lighting

3.2.7 Meteorological conditions

3.2.8 Electrical hazard

3.2.9 Pressure

3.3 Technical and organizational measures for protection

from harmful effects

3.3.1 Sealing of pump units and pipelines

3.3.2 Fire and Explosion Protection

3.3.3 Static Electricity Protection

3.3.4 Protection against toxic substances

3.3.5 Noise and vibration protection

3.3.6. Protection against electrical hazards

3.3.7. Overpressure protection

3.4 Industrial Safety

3.4.1 Emergency Response Plan

3.4.2 LPDS "Salavat" fire extinguishing system Characteristics of fire extinguishing system Calculation of required water volumes and

foaming agent for fire extinguishing in the pump shop building

3.5 Environmental friendliness of the project


4.1 Analysis of production and economic activity of the enterprise

4.1.1 System of enterprise performance indicators

4.1.2 Methods of analysis of business activities of the enterprise

4.1.3 Analysis of oil transfer volumes and cargo turnover

4.1.4 Oil transfer cost analysis

4.1.5 Labour Utilization Analysis

4.2 Optimizing Production Inventory Schedule Sizes

for repair of the main oil pipeline

4.2.1 Profit Maximization Objective

4.2.2 Insurance Stock Task

4.3 Determine where to store the materials required for repair


APPLICATION Oil supply system of NPS

The oil supply system is designed for lubrication and cooling of oil main pumping units operating in the pumping station system. Lubrication system of bearings of main pumps and electric motors at NPS is centralized, circulating with cooling of oil with air in oil coolers.

The oil supply system of the LPDS "Salavat" NPS includes:

- two gear pumps Sh40419.5/4, with a supply of 19.5 m3/h;

- two oil tanks - iron tanks with a volume of 1.0 m ³;

- two oil coolers with a cooling surface of 18 m ² ,

- two filters with filtration surface 0.362 m ², oil flow through one filter 5.8 m3/h;

- emergency tank, volume 0.5 m ³, installed at a height of 6 m from the pump room floor.

Process diagram of oil supply system of main pumping units of LPDS LPS "Salavat" is presented on sheet 3 of graphic part of diploma design.

Lubrication system equipment (except for oil coolers) is located in the pump building at 1.5 m below the floor level to provide gravity oil removal from MPA bearings. The connections are installed with a slope towards the oil tanks

Oil communication consists of pressure and drain pipes designed for oil supply and discharge. Suction pipes are made as short as possible. Oil system pipelines are laid in the pump room in the channel intended for auxiliary systems pipelines

The oil supply system is 100% redundant.

Before entering the oil system, the oil is cleaned in filters. Two identical oil filters - main and standby are installed in parallel. Each filter is switched off by two valves. Oil pressure sampling points or direct installation of pressure gauges for pressure measurement before and after oil filters are required. Filter clogging is determined by pressure drop.

One of the oil filters is in operation, the second one is closed in reserve .

Depending on the hydraulic resistance of the pressure pipeline, flow rate and head generated by the oil pump, the pressure of the oil pump adjusted by the reduction valve is determined with one oil filter operating. Oil filter differential is determined. The first-initial value of pressure at the filter inlet is recorded at the moment of half-replacement of oil and filter element. Recommended pressure at oil pump discharge is 2.0 kg/cm2. If this value exceeds by more than 0.2 kg/cm2 it is necessary to switch over to the standby filter and clean the filter element.

Oil is supplied from the oil tank by the oil pump to the oil cooler. The oil cooler is a tubular heat exchanger. Oil cooler is intended for oil cooling and is installed outdoors. Oil is cooled by atmospheric blowing of heat exchanger or by fans. In cold season oil cooler is cut off by shut-off valves, at that oil cooling takes place in working tank, storage tank, process pipelines. The circuit provides both parallel and sequential operation of oil coolers. A bypass is provided on the pressure line to control oil flow and pressure.

The temperature mode in the oil cooling system shall ensure the oil temperature at the bearing inlet within 3555 0С. NPS automation system provides for MPA disconnection when the bearing temperature reaches 80 0С by process protection "maximum bearing temperature," having previously issued a warning signal about bearing failure at temperature 70 0С.

Oil is supplied from oil coolers through oil pipelines to storage tank. Oil is supplied from storage tank through oil pipelines through calibration washers to sliding bearings of units. Oil pressure upstream of pump and motor bearings is set to not more than 0.08 MPa and not less than 0.03 MPa. Oil from bearings, via oil wires - by gravity, is supplied back to oil tanks.

In case of emergency power outage, oil for lubrication of pump unit bearings is supplied from the emergency tank under the action of hydrostatic pressure. The volume of the storage tank is selected according to the operating conditions of the NPS at disconnected oil pumps of at least 810 m-nots until the static oil pressure on the MPA bearings reaches the value of technological protection "minimum oil pressure."

Replenishment of oil volumes in the oil tanks is performed by gravity flow from the clean oil tank located outside the NPS. Emptying is carried out by one of the working oil pumps .

Oil tanks are equipped with instrumentation to monitor minimum and emergency oil levels.

The grade of oil used depends on the type of pump, its operating conditions and is determined by the manufacturer. Usually, turbine, machine, aviation oils, as well as thick greases (solidols and constalines) are used to lubricate the bearings of pumps and motors. On the Salavat LPDS, turbine oil of the T-22 brand is used.

During operation, the chemical and physical properties of the oil change. There is an increase in viscosity due to evaporation of light fractions, acidity from air and metal, an increase in the content of mechanical impurities, oil is flooded or saturated with oil when they get from glands, cooling system, etc. Such changes in oil quality reduce its lubricating properties and increase wear of friction parts.

The service life of the oil depends on its quality, the degree of wear of the parts, the material of the friction parts, specific pressures, temperature regime and the amount of oil in the circulation system.

Oil quality is periodically checked in the laboratory. The oil should be replaced if the content of mechanical impurities is more than 1.5%, the water content is more than 0.25%, the acid number is more than 1.5 mg KOH per 1 g of oil, the flash point is reduced to 150 ° C, the coke content is increased to 3%. Process operating mode of "Salavat" NPS

The transfer process is carried out according to the approved process charts of the oil pipeline and the transfer process modes.

"Salavat" BKNS process diagram is shown in Figure 1.2.

LPDS "Salavat" carries out intake of oil on the ShkapovoSalavat oil pipeline through reception latches No. No. 7, 8 .

The process diagram of piping of the NPS allows oil pumping according to the following systems:

- with tanks connected - this system is used to compensate for the unevenness of costs in the runs between stations. The main amount of oil passes through the pipeline, bypassing the tank farm;

- "from pump to pump" - during this transfer system, oil does not enter the LPDS tanks, but immediately enters the filter traps.

Then the oil passes through filter traps No. 1u, 2u or 3u, 4u, where it is cleaned. One of the filters is in operation, the other is in reserve. Pressure drops in filter mud traps must be recorded once every 12 hours, and after work on the linear part at least once per hour. The value of the maximum pressure drop on the filter trap is 0.05 MPa. If the maximum pressure drop on the filter trap is exceeded, it shall be disconnected and cleaned .

To protect process pipelines and valves of the tank farm from overpressure, safety valves of SPPC No. 1-4 are installed at the NPS. Pressure of setup of safety valves Rn of =1.6 MPas. Oil discharge from safety valves is provided in process tanks of RVSP No. 13, RVS No. 4.

To supply oil from tanks No. 1-4 to the main pumps, retaining pump units No. 1.2 are provided. From the tanks, oil is pumped out by the pressure pump unit No. 1 or No. 2 and supplied to the main pump station .

Pressure control unit is installed on pipeline section from main pump station to main oil pipeline to maintain preset pressure values at NPS outlet.

The maximum pressure at the outlet of the main pump house is 5.6 MPa.

Control valves No. 1.2 DU 377 mm, Ru = 6.4 MPa are installed in the pressure control unit.

After the pressure regulator assembly, oil is supplied through the discharge gate valve of NPS No. 16 to NPS Mrakovo.

1.4 Comprehensive diagnostics of linear part of LV

1.4.1 General provisions

The in-tube diagnostic system is the main component of the diagnostic system of the linear part of the MN.

The tasks of technical diagnostics are to determine the presence and parameters of defects of the pipe wall and welded joints (based on information obtained during the in-pipe inspection of sections of the main oil pipeline), classify defects by the degree of danger and make a decision:

- on the possibility of operation of main oil pipelines in design modes;

- on the need to switch to reduced operation modes;

- on the need to repair the pipeline section (with exact location of its venues).

The AT involves determining the state of objects with a certain accuracy, and the result of this process should be a conclusion on the technical state of the object with an indication of the place, and if necessary, the type and cause of the defect.

Modern AT systems of pipelines are not only means of obtaining information about their actual state at the stages of construction and operation, but also active quality and reliability control bodies.

At the stages of construction and operation of pipelines, it is possible to objectively assess the real environmental situation in the area of direct technological impact of this facility.

1.4.2 Composition and procedure of diagnostic works

In-pipe inspection shall be carried out after completion of sub-preparation of the section of the main oil pipeline for diagnosis by the enterprise operating the section of the oil pipeline and sending to the enterprise performing diagnostic work documentation confirming this readiness. The main engineers of the enterprises operating the sections of oil pipelines are responsible for carrying out diagnostic work on the section of the main oil pipeline. Readiness for diagnostics should be ensured by checking the serviceability of the commissioning and receiving chamber of cleaning and diagnostic devices and shutoff valves, cleaning the internal cavity of the pipeline, creating the necessary oil reserves to ensure pumping volumes in accordance with the modes. When using oil reserves from tanks, the possibility of sludge entering the transported oil from the tank should be prevented.

The required completeness of control of the main oil pipeline section shall be achieved on the basis of the implementation of the 4-level integrated diagnostics system, which provides for the determination of the parameters of the following defects and features of the pipeline that exceed the permissible values specified in the approved methods for determining the hazard of defects:

- defects in geometry and features of the pipeline (dents, corrugations, ovalities of the cross section protruding inside the pipe elements of the pipeline valves), leading to a decrease in its flow section;

- defects such as metal loss, reducing the thickness of the pipeline wall (corrosive sores, scratches, metal breaks, etc.), as well as delaminations, inclusions in the pipe wall;

- transverse cracks and crack-like defects in annular welds;

- longitudinal cracks in the pipe body, longitudinal cracks and crack-like defects in longitudinal welds.

In-tube inspection works shall be carried out using sets of equipment corresponding to types of detected defects.

At the first level of diagnostics (for areas examined for the first time), first of all, information should be obtained about the features and defects of the pipeline geometry that cause a decrease in its flow section. To obtain such information, a set of technical means should be used as part of a scraper-caliber and a projectile-philemer. Diagnostic work shall begin with the pro-start of the scraper-gauge equipped with calibration discs complete with thin measuring plates. The diameter of the calibration discs shall be 60%, 70% and 85% of the outer diameter of the piping. According to the condition of the plates after the run (presence or absence of their bending), a preliminary determination of the minimum flow section of the pipeline section is made. The minimum flow section of the linear part of the pipeline, safe for passing the standard profiler, is 70% of the external diameter of the pipeline. To obtain complete information about the internal geometry of the pipeline throughout, after successful passing of the scraper-gauge (i.e. confirmation of the pipeline flow profile required for safe passing), a double pass of the projectile philemer is carried out, which determines the defects of the geometry: dents, corrugations, as well as the presence of features: welds, lining rings and other protruding elements of the pipeline fittings. At the first pass of the profiler, the installation of marker transmitters should be carried out with an interval of 5-7 km. At the second and subsequent passes of the profilemeter, the installation of markers is carried out only at those points where, according to the results of the first pass, narrows were found that reduce the flow section of the pipeline from the agreed maximum level of the outer diameter, presented in the tables of the technical report on the results of the profilemer run. According to the results of profilometry, the enterprise operating sections of the oil pipeline should eliminate constrictions that reduce the flow section by less than 85% of the external diameter of the pipeline.

At the second level of diagnostics, defects of the type of metal losses shall be detected, which cause a decrease in the thickness of the pipeline wall, as well as delaminations and inclusions in the pipe wall using a complex of technical means, which includes: ultrasonic projectile-flaw detector with radially installed ultrasonic sensors; projectile filemaker; scraper-caliber; standard and special (brush) cleaning scrapers.

At the third level of diagnostics, detection of transverse cracks and crack-like defects in annular welds should be carried out using a complex of technical means consisting of a magnetic projectile efectoscope, a magnetic scraper, a projectile template, standard and special (brush and magnetic) cleaning scrapers.

At the fourth level of diagnostics, longitudinal cracks in the pipe wall, cracks and crack-like defects in longitudinal welds should be detected using a complex of technical means as part of an ultrasonic projectile-flaw detector with inclined ultrasonic sensors, a projectile filter, a scraper-gauge, standard and special (brush) cleaning scrapers.

The installation of markers, at the first pass of projectile defectoscopes, should be carried out with an interval of 1.5-2 km. At the second pass of sleep-rows-flaws, the installation of markers should be carried out at those points where there were missed marker points at the first pass and where, according to the data of the first pass of the projectile-flaws, there are losses of information.

Drawings content

icon маслосистема dwg (2).dwg

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