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Construction Technology Course Project

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Course project in the discipline "Construction production technology."

Project's Content

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Additional information



1 Quantity takeoff

1.1 Determination of volumes of excavations for foundations

1.2 Determination of excavation volumes during cleaning of trench deterrents

1.3 Determination of backfill scope

1.4 Determination of backfill compaction scope

1.5 Determination of formwork, reinforcement and concrete works

2 Selection of methods and methods of work

2.1 Selection of methods and methods of excavation

2.2 Selection of methods and methods of monolithic and

reinforced concrete foundations

3 Selection of sets of machines and mechanisms

3.1 Selection of a set of machines and mechanisms for production


3.2 Selection of sets of machines for construction of monolithic foundations

4 Occupational Safety Measures

earthworks and construction of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete foundations

5 Quality control of earthworks, formwork, reinforcement and concrete works

6 Calculation on construction of work schedule

7 Technical and economic indicators

8 Diagram of works execution

9 List of assembled elements of prefabricated structures

9.1 List of mounted structural elements

9.2 Structural Installation Methods

9.3 Bill of Quantities

9.4 Selection of main mounting devices and load grippers

9.5 Selection of installation cranes

9.6 Arrangement of building structures installation technology

9.7 Calculation of labor costs

9.8 Installation Schedule

9.9 Quality control of installation works

9.10 Occupational safety during installation works

9.12 Definition of techno-economic indicators

List of literature used


Explanatory note contains 75 pages, including 10 drawings, 12

tables, 10 sources. The graphic part is made on 2 sheets of A1 format.

The project of technology for erection of 2-storey

industrial building.

The project provides for the use of modern construction

materials and structures.


An important role in industrial, civil, housing construction

plays the industrial method of construction from prefabricated structures of factory manufacture.

Industrial construction allows you to turn construction

installation sites on which mechanized construction of buildings and structures is carried out from elements manufactured at specialized plants. It reduces labor intensity, reduces the duration of construction and the time for commissioning, reduces the cost of construction.

The development of installation works is based on the further growth of the complex

mechanization and automation of operations. The use of efficient materials and structures such as light concrete, asbestos cement and reinforced cement materials, aluminum alloys plays a significant role in the development of installation work.

The development of installation works is facilitated by the use of reinforced concrete and

metal pre-stressed structures, prefabricated reinforced concrete shells, structures from tubular elements, lightweight structures of coatings from profiled stamped flooring and sheets from aluminum alloys, structural coatings.

Installation methods that allow for

reduce labor intensity of works, such as non-return, forced installation by large construction blocks of full factory readiness.

Reduction of manual labor at installation is based on increase

level of installation processability, improvement of installation machines, complex mechanization, wide automation of construction production.

Quantity takeoff

The object under construction is a two-story industrial


The process sequence of the machines is as follows:

a) cutting the vegetable layer;

b) in the development and movement of soil layers;

c) in layer-by-layer leveling and layer-by-layer rolling of soil .

This set of works is performed sequentially in all sections of the

this site with one or more sets of machines operating in parallel or in series.

In this set, one or more master machines are assigned,

performing the main production process - soil development.

Leading machines determine the pace and rhythm of work, the rest are


Soil development is carried out by excavator with reverse shovel.

Selection of methods and methods of work execution

2.1Selection of methods and methods of earthworks

Selection of methods and methods of excavation and construction

foundations depend on the time of work (summer, winter), on the specified duration of work, on the scope of work, on hydrogeological conditions, etc.

When selecting methods and methods of work, remember

that the decisions taken should be economically feasible under the specified conditions.

We do not need to lower groundwater, since the level of groundwater

the water is below the foundation depth.

To extract trenches for foundations we accept mechanized

way of development of soil, namely development of soil the excavator with the return shovel - E10011E .

Single bucket excavator when cutting recesses for foundations can

perform soil development with loading into vehicles and skills.

For backfilling trenches, local clay and

sandy soils, so a single bucket excavator designed for backfilling will develop a skill, and excess soil - with loading into vehicles. Excess soil is removed at the KRAZ222 dump truck at a distance of 5 km.

Soil from the excavator dump must be moved by bulldozer

DZ-28 at a distance of 20 m from the excavation so that it does not interfere with the construction of foundations.

After the development of the trench, immediately before the device

foundation preparation, it is necessary to develop soil damage and level the bottom of the excavation under the design elevation. Excavation of soil or cleaning of the bottom over all excavation areas shall be performed only manually.

Backfilling shall be performed mechanically,

layer-by-layer (if necessary with leveling of soil by mechanism or manually), with uniform layer-by-layer compaction, mechanized method.

Bulldozer D259 transports soil in the sinuses of the trench.

Soil compaction is performed with the help of rollers DU36, DU-10, DU


To keep the order in laying, leveling, compaction

soil by hand and compaction of soil by mechanized method the whole area of backfilling is divided into grips, on each of which its own type of work is performed.

2.2 Selection of methods and methods of monolithic and

reinforced concrete foundations

For the construction of monolithic foundations use shields

small panel disassembly formwork made of steel sheets, 2 mm thick - steel formwork (SB).

Reinforcement works are performed by laying or installation in

finished formwork (and sometimes in the process of its construction) of finished reinforcement products: nets and spatial frames. The scope of reinforcement works is given in Table 1.5.2. Rebar products are manufactured centrally in the rebar shops of construction industry enterprises, and delivered to the construction site in the form of flat grids and separate rods, since the area of reinforcement products warehouses, the carrying capacity of vehicles and the carrying capacity of machines during loading and unloading are better used. Reinforcement products are delivered to the construction site by ZIL555 car.

Installation of rebar products in design position is performed

manually, since the weight of the articles is less than 100 kg.

During concrete works the following processes are performed:

Preparation and transportation of concrete mixtures, supply, laying and compaction of concrete mixture;

Concrete hardening care.

Preparation of concrete mixture centrally, on district

concrete plant with an annual capacity of 100150 thousand m3 of concrete mixture. The construction site is located in the area of ​ ​ the plant's range (2535km), which allows you to use a concrete truck for transporting a concrete mixture.

Depth selectors are used for compaction of concrete mixture


List of prefabricated elements to be mounted

To list the prefabricated elements to be mounted

are necessary: the plan of a facade in AG axes, the plan of a facade in axes 110, a building section, the layout of plates of a covering, the layout of plates of overlapping.

Installation methods of structures

Installation methods are selected based on provisions that take into account

specified type of building and its design characteristic.

Installation methods of prefabricated structures vary depending on:

- used set of main machines;

- directions of installation process development;

- applied technological techniques and accessories;

- order of installation of structural elements.

In the direction of development of the installation process, we apply a transverse

method of mounting, when structures are mounted sequentially along transverse axes.

For the installation of the building we use tower cranes, placing them behind

building cross section limits.

Building columns are mounted using rigid braces, single

or group conductors.

For multi-storey frame industrial buildings recommended

complex method, in which columns are mounted together with girders and slabs, as well as differentiated one, in which the structures of the building are mounted separately within the grip.

For installation, the building should be divided into mounting grips or sections,

their number depends on the size and configuration of the building. The length of the grip is determined based on the condition of ensuring the rigidity of the mounted part of the building, effective loading of the crane, the need for installation equipment and compliance with safety precautions.

9.6 Arrangement of building structures installation technology

Preparatory work

To preparatory works for erection of building structures

relates to preparation of construction sites and construction objects for installation works. Timely performance of preparatory works is the key to performance of construction and installation works.

Preparatory works include:

- laying of railway tracks and arrangement of roads for delivery

construction structures on the construction site;

- planning and cleaning of waste from the construction site;

- equipment of unloading and storage areas, sites

pre-assembly by necessary auxiliary devices, as well as lifting machines and devices for unloading, storage;

- laying of crane tracks in the area of operation of rail installation cranes;

- installation of installation cranes and other installation equipment,

testing them and registration with the State Technical Supervision bodies;

- equipment with electrical lighting and power cables of the construction


- delivery to the construction site, and sometimes to the device of various

equipment, accessories, mounting equipment, scaffolding, stairs, etc.;

- arrangement of anchors, stands, supports and other devices for installation

and temporary fixation of mounted structural elements;

- provision of the construction site with temporary buildings

administrative, economic, cultural and domestic use, closed warehouses;

- preparation of structures for installation, as well as suspension, at

necessity, stairs, scaffolding, fixtures for temporary fixation;

- instrumental verification of compliance with standard and high-altitude design

positions of foundations and other support elements. The check is executed by an act .

Organization of delivery and warehousing of structures

Delivery of reinforced concrete structures from manufacturer

is carried out by road transport.

During transportation, structures perceive significant

dynamic loads, therefore, during loading, the product is arranged so that a working condition close to the design one is created.

Mass prefabricated reinforced concrete structures are transported as follows


- columns and beams - on cars with semi-trailers,

They are equipped with supports and turn freely about vertical axis. From 1 to 4 columns are transported per flight;

- slabs and coverings - on-board machines, vehicles with

trailers and semi-trailers; Plates shall be stacked in 2 or more rows in height, depending on their mass and carrying capacity of vehicles;

- wall panels - on special trailers in vertical


Since the manufacturer is at a distance of 5 km from the construction

site we accept the following arrangement of transportation of prefabricated structures: manufacturer - layout of elements at the installation site (purchase warehouse).

Prefabricated structures shall be delivered according to schedule

picking of installation works, which are made taking into account the sequence of installation of elements in the installation area.

Responsibility for correct stacking of products, ensuring

safe methods of loading, the quality of the products is borne by the manufacturer. The plant issues a passport for shipped products, while a note is made in the consignment note about the correctness of laying and fixing parts on vehicles.

Acceptance of products in the warehouse is carried out by the persons responsible for them

storage. At the facility, acceptance is carried out by representatives of the installation organization, work manufacturer, master or other authorized person.

The area of building structures warehouses consists of cargo

site occupied by structures and operational site occupied by passageways, driveways, parking places of vehicles under unloading.

The object warehouse is located in the area of the installation cranes.

The elements are stored close to the design location. The sites should be carefully planned with a slope from the roads and be 1 m away from them. The installation sequence must be taken into account when selecting the storage location. When determining the site of acquired warehouses, they proceed from the condition of creating on it the maximum possible 3-day reserve of structures necessary for the uninterrupted progress of installation work .

Prefabricated elements, in most cases laid on

warehouses in a position in which they were transported on vehicles.

Large number of prefabricated elements (e.g. girders,

columns, slabs and coatings, wall panels, etc.) are laid in warehouses in multi-tiered stacks in horizontal rows. Each stack is laid on two lying or lining bars, two gaskets are arranged between rows of stacks. Gaskets are arranged strictly in two vertical planes with liners. Distance between liners and gaskets is taken so that unacceptable and residual deformations and surges do not occur in structural elements.

For items such as columns that are stacked in warehouses in

different from the design position, the locations of the linings are determined by calculation during the design of these elements, checking their strength during transportation and storage. These places are marked on the elements during their manufacture.

Unloading of elements is made by the KC1562A truck crane.

Columns are laid on an edge, and cassettes are used.

Girders are stored in design position on gaskets. Plates

floors and coatings - in a stack with a height of not more than 2.5 m - on liners and gaskets.

Height of stacks, based on their stability conditions, equipment

safety, safety of structures and convenience of elements slinging shall not exceed:

- steel structures 1.5 m;

- foundation blocks and walls of basements, columns, staircases -

four rows;

-balls (on the edge) - three rows;

- slabs and flooring of floors up to 10 rows;

-lestern marches of 5 rows.

The articles are arranged so that they are not deformed, not contaminated,

their faces did not spoil. Linings or gaskets between articles shall be rectangular in shape. Water should not stagnate on the structure, for which they are laid with a slight slope.

Holes in concrete products are laid so that water does not get there,

snow. Gaskets between articles, which are stacked, are placed one on the other strictly vertically. Thickness of gaskets is selected so that overlying elements do not rest on hinges or protruding parts of underlying elements. Section of liners for article stacks has at least 100 * 100mm .

Wall panels are stored in vertical or slightly inclined

positions in comb-type cassettes or pyramids.

Organization of work on capture and inside the brigade

Each process is performed by specialized units combined in

integrated brigade. The work of the links inside the brigade is organized by a flow-dissected method according to the schedule of the rhythmic construction flow. The duration of each link on the grip is assumed to be equal to the duration of the lead link, which in turn is determined by the capacity. To organize in-line work, the structure is divided in plan into grips, and in height into tiers. When selecting spatial parameters (grips and tiers), it is necessary to observe certain rules.

When broken down into grips:

-horisontal cutting assumes the equilibrium of each simple

labour-intensive process (with possible deviation up to 25%);

-the gripping size should be linked to the size of the block concreted without

interruptions or with work seams;

-the number of grips on the object must be equal to or multiple of the number


When broken down into tiers:

-one-story building is divided into two tiers; multi-storey - beyond the tier

floor (not more than 4 m high) with floors is accepted;

-which is broken down into tiers, take into account the design need of the device

working and temperature joints.

The size of the grips usually corresponds to the length of the building section or includes

an integer number of concreted elements or defined by the boundaries of the sections intended for the arrangement of seams.

Installation Sequence and Installation Process Technology

individual features

Installation of building structures in multi-storey buildings begins with

installation of columns.

Before the columns are installed in the foundations, the following must be performed:


- install foundations for columns, check

correctness of their position in terms of plan and height, apply axial hairlines on the upper faces of the foundations and hand over by act with application of geodetic survey scheme of their actual position;

- perform backfilling and soil layout around the building;

- lay down crane tracks and install tower cranes;

- provide the necessary mounting devices to the installation area,

inventory and equipment;

-Transmit and unload columns at storage site located

in the area of ​ ​ the tower cranes;

-assembly of installation teams;

-process technical documentation, issue as-built working documents

drawings and a working map.

Prefabricated reinforced concrete column stock take full requirement for

section (design standards of VNITSOM PT Gosstroy of the Russian Federation). Each batch of columns shall be provided with a certificate issued to the consumer by the manufacturer. Leave and acceptance of columns is prohibited without passport.

Requirements for installation works quality

The quality of individual installation operations characterizes

reliability of building structures and units, their stability and bearing capacity.

One of the important conditions for the assemblability of the structure is

correspondence of geometrical dimensions of mounted elements. Therefore, when performing erection work, it is necessary to calculate tolerance fields that ensure the specified accuracy of erection of structures.

The accuracy of the placement of the elements affects the bearing capacity,

operational properties, as well as on the labor productivity of installers and the total costs of crane time.

During installation of columns, installation errors depend on accuracy

splitting of the installation hairlines and their alignment with the position of the layout axis at the base and at the top of the column.

When performing works, the permissible and

actual deviation. At that actual deviations of mounted elements are determined by geodetic means of control. The design tolerance field and actual deviation parameters are recorded in the erection log.

Verticality of single high columns is checked after their

installations using two theodolites, which are located at right angles along the digital and letter axes of buildings. Theodolites are located at a distance from the column so that the angle of inclination of the pipe does not exceed 30 °. Verticality of low columns is adjusted with the help of one theodolite.

After verifying the verticality of the row of columns, the upper ones are leveled

planes of cantilevers and ends, which are supports for girders, trusses and beams. Depending on their elevations, each column is assigned a lining thickness.

The accuracy of the installation depends on the reconciliation tools.

The first accuracy class is provided when installing the top of the element

by adjusting it with adjustable mounting devices. Control over the accuracy of alignment of landmarks is carried out using optical plumbs, levelers and theodolites. The second and third accuracy classes are achieved by a limited free mounting method based on the use of mounting equipment containing limiting devices, which allows the elements to be installed in the design position without subsequent geodetic verification. Only basic elements are geodesically verified. A lower - fourth accuracy class is provided when reconciling structures using adjustable mounting links and monitoring the accuracy of driving the top of the element using a plumb or reikiotves, as well as theodolites. In the fifth and sixth classes of accuracy, the installation of the top of the elements is not subject to high requirements, the assembly of such elements is carried out by a free method without mounting equipment, and quality control is carried out by a plumb.

At arrangement of monolithic joints visual and

instrumental quality control. During visual inspection of monolithic joints, the following are established: appearance, color, monolithicity, presence of foreign inclusions, surface looseness, porosity of the structure, presence of shells.

The presence of such flaws and their number may cause suspicion about

reduce concrete strength and require more detailed checks, which are carried out by instrumental methods.

Simultaneously with visual inspection of structures

measuring and geometrical dimensions, value of supports and displacements, position of embedded parts, actual position and diameter of reinforcement, thickness of protective layer of concrete, presence of metal corrosion.

Quality control of welds and joints is performed visually and

instrumentally. For visual inspection, a hammer is used to pierce welds and open slag inclusions, a caliper, a measuring ruler, a template for measuring welds, teeth for punching welds, etc.

When designing the installation sequence, it is necessary to take into account

used installation equipment, accessories and accepted procedure for installation of individual structural elements, based on the following provisions:

- columns in the foundation sleeves are mounted in rows;

-the columns on the columns are mounted depending on the accepted type


The procedure for erection of multi-storey buildings should provide

installation of elements "on the crane," that is, first, the elements most distant from the crane are installed.

Erection of multi-storey building elements from the warehouse,

located in the area of the installation crane.

Drawings content

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