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Course on the organization of construction "Technology for the construction of buildings and structures with a metal frame

  • Added: 28.06.2016
  • Size: 2 MB
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Contents: 1. Introduction with description of this structural diagram of the building................ 3 2. The sheet of amounts of works on installation of combined designs of one standard tier............................................................................6 3. The sheet of amounts of works on the device of multilayered external walls of standard floor...........................................................................9 4. Selection of load-gripping devices and accessories......................... 11 5 Technical choice of tower crane............................................12 6. Technical choice of machines and mechanisms........................................18 7. Local resource and summary sheet......................................21 8. Description of the production technology of works......................................26 9. Requirements to safety measures............................................... 33 10. Tolerances and deviations , quality control....................................... 41 11 Definition of a reserve of materials, warehouse spaces and loading fronts..................................................................................47 12. Technical and economic indicators...............................................52 13. Bibliographic List.......................................................... 53

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