ZHBI plant with the development of a workshop for the production of hollow slabs

- Added: 29.07.2014
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Additional information
2. Characteristics of the designed enterprise
2.1 Product range of the enterprise
3 Production technology
3.1 Justification of production method
3.2 Raw material base and transport
3.3 Operating mode of the enterprise
3.4 Description of manufacturing process
3.5 Calculation of demand for production areas
3.6 Calculation of steam, water and electricity quantity for main production
4. Organization of production processes
4.1 Production structure
4.2 Development of organizational and technological structure
4.5-4.7 Calculation of duration of process operations and construction of cyclogram
4.8. Workforce Calculation and Workshop Management Organization
4.9 Production load calculation and employment factor
main workers
4.10 Calculation of auxiliary areas of main production
4.11 Organization of auxiliary services of the workshop
4.12 Organization of service divisions of the enterprise
4.13 Product Marketing Organization
4.14 Organization of raw materials and finished products warehouses
4.15 Organization and calculation of cargo flows
4.16 Organization of incoming, operational control and finished products services
4.18 Technical and economic parameters of production organization
List of literature used
Slabs are the most common reinforced concrete structures, which have become the most widespread for the construction of interstory floors both low-rise and high-rise house building. Floor slabs are made using heavy grades of concrete, light structural concrete of a dense structure, as well as dense silicate concrete. Slabs working on bending are made of prestressed reinforced concrete, and to increase soundproofing properties and reduce the weight of the slab they are de-barked with voids.
To reduce the consumption of materials and reduce their own weight, reinforced concrete floor slabs are made lightweight (hollow) or ribbed. This is achieved by removing concrete from weakly stressed zones or using light and cellular concretes. The general principle of designing slabs of any shape of cross section is to remove as much concrete as possible from the stretched zone while maintaining vertical ribs that ensure the strength of the element along the inclined section.
Slabs of residential and public buildings are made of prefabricated reinforced concrete solid, hollow or ribbed slabs. Solid section plates have length up to 6, 6 m, width 3 m and thickness 120160 mm, their weight up to 7 tons.
Hollow slabs are made with cylindrical voids up to 6 m long, up to 2.4 m wide and 220 m thick, weighing up to 4 tons or up to 912 m long, up to 1.5 m wide, 300 mm thick. Ribbed plates are made of U-shaped section up to 8.8 m long, up to 1.5 m wide, up to 400 mm high, their weight is up to 4 tons.
For large spans, 2T ribbed plates are used. They are made up to 15 m long, up to 3 m wide and up to 600 mm high, weight up to 11 tons. Heavy concrete, as well as light structural concrete, are used to make slabs. When light structural concrete is used, the weight of panels is reduced by 20% compared to panels made of heavy concrete.
Slabs are reinforced with grids and frames made of A-W class steel and BP1 wire. If the plate spans are more than 3 m, it is advisable to make them pre-stressed using high-strength reinforcement. Plates are made mainly according to conveyor and flow-in-aggregate technology, and to large length - according to bench technology.
3 Production technology
3.1 Justification of production method
The conveyor method of producing reinforced concrete products made it possible to achieve integrated mechanization and automation of the technological processes of manufacturing products, to significantly increase labor productivity and increase the output of finished products with the most complete and efficient use of technological equipment. The use of this method is rational for mass production of products according to a limited nomenclature with a minimum number of types.
In the conveyor production method, molds with products are moved with a forced rhythm along all process stations of the line by special transport devices.
The process of manufacturing products takes place in such a sequence: the prepared mold is supplied to the molding station, where a concrete mixture is laid in it using concrete stackers, then at the same station or at the next one the concrete mixture is compacted on vibration platforms or using various vibration devices. Then the concrete surface is smoothed and finished and the products are placed in the heat-moisture treatment chambers. The conveyor lines can be batch and continuous. On periodic action lines, the movement of forms with products occurs at certain intervals - rhythm.
The number of form trolleys is determined by the line capacity, heat treatment mode. The molding rhythm time is determined by the time of the busiest post. Thermal units of continuous (horizontal slot and vertical chambers of the tower type) and periodic action (multi-tier slot and pit chambers) are used on conveyor lines. Periodical conveyors with molds moving on rails have become most widespread. The number of posts on conveyor lines is 6... 15, the rhythm of the conveyor 10... 22 min, the speed of movement - 0.9... 1.3 m/s.
The conveyor production method makes it possible to automate process operations as much as possible, achieve high production efficiency due to the use of the forced mode of moving products along the posts; provide reduction of heat energy consumption due to continuous process of heat treatment of articles; efficient use of process equipment; Ensure a significant increase in productivity.
Conveyor lines are most effective in specialized mass production of products: plates and panels of coatings, floors, external wall panels. The line makes it possible to manufacture panels of high factory availability with maximum mechanization of molding processes and finishing at all posts. Post-operational process dissection and narrow specialization ensure high productivity. Process continuity increases equipment utilization.
However, the conveyor method requires significant capital investments and maintenance costs for mechanisms and equipment, does not have the flexibility of technology when switching to a new range of you-start products.
3.3 Operating mode of the enterprise
The nominal number of working days per year is 260;
Number of working shifts per day - 2;
Number of working shifts for heat treatment - 3;
Working shift duration - 8;
Duration of scheduled stops for repair - 13 days;
The estimated number of working days per year is 247.
3.4 Description of manufacturing process
After heat treatment and cooling of articles, stressed reinforcement bars are cut off by machine. Finished products are transported to finishing station. Pallets are cleaned and lubricated with a special machine. Then grids and stressed reinforcement grids are laid. Then electrothermal voltage of reinforcement is performed. At the forming station, the tray is fixed and the lifting section lowers it to the vibration platform. The removable frame is automatically lowered. After application of inamine layer of concrete mixture and its compaction punches are introduced, non-strained reinforcement (upper mesh, frames, embedded parts) is installed. The remaining part of the concrete mixture is laid and compacted at the power of the vibration platform and vibration load. At the end of compaction process punches are removed from concrete, vibration load and frame are lifted. The pallet is lifted and pushed along the guides to the next post. Molding time - 19 minutes.
After finishing the open surfaces, the tray with the product is transported to a slotted steaming chamber, where the products are heated with blind steam (heated with steam registers) with the addition of a small amount of sharp steam (heated with steam supplied through ejector devices or pipes with holes) (10% of the total flow rate). The heat treatment mode is as follows: rise to 85.. .90 ° С - H, isothermal heating -, b h, cooling - H.
At the finishing station, finished products are masked and sealed, marked and taken to the finished products warehouse.
4. Organization of production processes
4.1 Production structure
The designed LBI plant consists of main and auxiliary workshops.
The main workshops include:
1. Forming workshop for production of hollow floor slabs with the size of 7180x1490x220mm according to conveyor technology.
2. Forming workshop for production of hollow floor slabs with the size of 7180x1490x220mm according to conveyor technology.
3. Moulding shop for production of hollow floor slabs measuring 6580x1490x220mm, manufactured according to conveyor technology.
4. Reinforcement workshop for the production of reinforcement products: grids, frames, embedded parts, mounting loops, individual rods.
5. Concrete mixing unit for production of heavy concrete of specified class for products of selected nomenclature.
7. The laboratory and the technical control department are designed to carry out input, operational and acceptance control.
Auxiliary production includes:
1. Mechanical repair shop designed for repair and maintenance of production equipment and vehicles of the enterprise.
2. Compressor room designed to supply compressed air for production needs.
3. Boiler room, which serves for heating rooms in winter, as well as for steam production.
4. Transformer.
5. Places for fire hydrants.
Service production includes
1. The finished product warehouse is designed to store finished products before their export to the consumer.
2. Warehouses of cement (silo type) and aggregates, for storage of raw materials.
3. Transport boxes for road, rail and intra-plant transport.
4. Lubricant warehouse.
5. Open type warehouses for fine and coarse aggregate.
4.12 Organization of service divisions of the enterprise
The servicing divisions of the enterprise include transport, energy, etc.
Organization of the enterprise's energy economy
Enterprises distinguish between the energy supply system corresponding to the concept of "plant-wide energy management" and the energy use system - a set of technological and auxiliary installations for the final use of energy. These systems include elements of industrial enterprise energy, each with its own peculiarities and having its own special role in production and energy processes.
The power supply system consists of the following elements:
- factory energy sources - fuel warehouses, gas tanks, oil storage facilities, power plants, boiler houses, machine compressor, refrigeration, air separation and other stations, water intakes, etc.;
- factory power utilities - fuel supply systems, gas and fuel oil pipelines, electrical and thermal networks, air ducts and compressed gas pipelines, cold pipelines, water pipelines and water pipelines, etc.;
- factory energy converters - gas distribution stations, electric transformers and switching equipment, intermediate heat exchangers (boilers - steam-water and water-water), reduction and cooling units (ROP), units for drying and throttling of compressed air and gases, etc.;
- primary energy itself, which is supplied to end-use installations, as an indispensable element of industrial energy and the subject of special attention of energy engineers.
The main tasks of the energy sector are:
1) uninterrupted provision of the enterprise, its divisions and workplaces with all types of energy in compliance with the parameters established for it - voltage, pressure, temperature, etc.;
2) rational use of energy equipment, its repair and maintenance;
3) efficient use and economical consumption in the process of production of all types of energy.
Energy savings are achieved through the following activities:
• elimination and reduction of direct energy losses in networks and places of its consumption (faulty state of power networks, connections of pipelines, hoses, cranes, valves, etc.);
• introduction of highly economical technological processes, instruments, equipment into production (introduction of electrical induction heating of parts during heat treatment instead of heating in resistance electric furnaces reduces power consumption by more than 2 times);
• application of the best operating modes of technological and power equipment, ensuring full use of the power of electric motors and transformers, reduction of idle energy consumption;
• reuse of energy resources - heat (exhaust gases of furnaces, exhaust steam of blacksmiths, heat of cooling water, etc.);
• organization of clear planning, rationing of consumption, accounting and control of energy consumption (drawing up fuel and energy balances for each type of energy).
At large enterprises (in associations), the main energy department is at the head of the energy economy, at medium enterprises - the main energy department, at small enterprises - the energy mechanical department headed by the chief mechanic. The main power engineer is the deputy chief mechanic.
The energy economy of the medium-sized enterprise includes; department of the main power engineering, electric power workshop (or section), heat or steam power workshop, electrical repair and low-current workshops.
The main energy department is headed by the main energy engineer of the plant, reporting to the chief engineer. The following functional units are created in it: the PPR Bureau, the Technical Bureau, the Planning and Production Bureau and the Energy Use Bureau.
The Planning and Production Bureau plans the needs of the enterprise for various types of energy and energy resources. Planning comes down to the compilation of energy balances, which are divided into planned and reported.
The planned energy balance consists in substantiating the enterprise's energy and energy needs.
The reporting energy balance is designed to monitor the actual energy consumption, to analyze the use of energy, as well as to evaluate the quality of work of power plants.
The basis for the preparation of planned energy balances is the specific norms of energy consumption, fuel, etc., as well as the planned tasks for the start-up of main production products.
The Energy Use Bureau is responsible for energy rationing and management.
Organization of transport facilities of the enterprise
Inside the plant, materials, components and other products are transported from plant-wide warehouses in the workshops; blanks, parts, assembly units, finished products and wastes.
Inside the workshops, blanks, parts and assembly units in the process of manufacture and assembly are transported between storerooms and sections and between workplaces.
Distinguish between external and internal transportation of goods. The internal is divided into inter-household and intra-household.
The organization of intra-plant transport and its work have a direct impact on both the course of the production process and the cost of production. The rhythmic work of workplaces, plots and workshops, as well as the uniform start-up of finished products by the plant depend on the work of transport. The time spent on intra-farm and inter-farm transport affects the duration of the production cycle. The cost of maintaining the transport facility in some plants accounts for up to 20% of all indirect costs in the cost of production. In this regard, the main task of the transport system of the plant is the uninterrupted transportation of goods with the full use of vehicles and the minimum cost of trans-port operations.
The vehicles used in factories are classified as follows:
• according to the method of action - intermittent and continuous;
• by mode of transport - rail, rail-free, water, lifting and transport and special transport;
• by purpose - external, inter-household and intra-household;
• in the direction of cargo movement - horizontal, vertical (elevators, lifts), horizontal-vertical (cranes, forklifts); inclined (monorail roads, conveyors).
The structure of the plant's transport facilities depends on the nature of the products produced, the composition of the workshops, the type and scale of production.
The transport department includes groups: planning and economic, dispatching, technical, accounting, etc.
The Planning and Economic Bureau develops a plan for production and economic activities, determines the cargo turnover for the plant and the volume of loading and unloading operations, calculates the need for transport and loading and unloading facilities, the need for personnel and the salary fund, makes an estimate of costs for transport facilities and the calculation of costs for certain types of services.
The dispatch office carries out operational and production planning of transport operations, which is reduced to the preparation of quarterly, monthly and daily transportation plans and to the operational regulation of transport operations. Planning methods are determined by the degree of stability of shipments in the plant.
The Technical Bureau conducts technical preparation of production for the purpose of integrated mechanization and automation of loading and unloading and transportation operations; develops transport and technological diagrams that ensure the connection of individual links of the transport network of the enterprise and technological equipment; generates albums of drawings for each type of lifting and transportation equipment for the manufacture of spare parts and repair work. The Bureau of Accounting conducts the certification of all types of vehicles, carries out accounting and reporting of the operation of the transport facility.
The transport workshop is the material base of the transport economy. The workshop is usually equipped with various vehicles for inter-shop and external cargo transportation.
For external transport, road transport is usually used. For inter-farm transportation - electric cars, trolleys, stackers, loaders.
Electric cars, pneumatic trolleys and other special vehicles are used for internal transport.
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