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Design of a plant for the production of hollow-core slabs by formless molding. Capacity 19500 m3 per year


Department: "Technology of building materials, products and structures"
COURSE PROJECT On the discipline: "Technology of concrete products and structures"
On the topic: "Design of a plant for the production of hollow-core slabs by formless molding. Capacity 19500 m3 per year"
Tashkent 2018

In this work, a plant for the production of hollow-core slabs by formless molding with a capacity of 19500 m3 per year is designed.
The graphic part contains a plan and a section of the workshop for the production of hollow-core slabs by formless molding, specification, pz

I. Technological part...................
1. Nomenclature of products......................................................
2. Selection and justification of the method of production ................................
3. Continuous formless molding
4. Mode of operation of the workshop................................................................................
5. Calculation of the productivity of the workshop by type of product ................................
6. Determination of the needs of the workshop (enterprise) in raw materials and semi-finished products ................................................................
7. Design of technological lines ................................................................................................
8. Calculation and selection of technological equipment ................................................................................
9. Labor protection in modern construction................................
10. References....................................................................

Project's Content

icon проектирование завода по производству многопустотных плит.dwg
icon безопалуб Раимов ф.docx
icon проектирование завода по производству многопустотных плит-Модель.jpg