Course work "Molding workshop of the ZHBI plant (EFFICIENCY) with the development of technology for the production of road slabs

- Added: 13.03.2017
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The course work "Molding workshop of the ZHBI plant (EFFICIENCY) with the development of the technology for the production of road slabs" includes the content, a note containing calculations of the composition of concrete, the required amount of equipment, the areas of the finished product warehouse, fillers, reinforcement. The graphic part shows the workshop itself and its section
Project's Content
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Additional information
Characteristics of the designed enterprise
Characteristics of local conditions
Raw material base and transport
Substantiation of design solutions of articles design
Main provisions of molding shop technology
Determining the Quantity of the Main
and auxiliary equipment
Determination of required workshop area
Laboratory and OTC
Determination of the required number of workers and workshop personnel
Calculation of energy resource requirements
Architectural and construction part
Safety, Health and Safety Measures
and fire fighting equipment
List of sources used
Precast reinforced concrete remains the main building material. In recent years, the use of reinforced concrete in housing, civil and transport construction has significantly increased.
In this course project, a workshop for the production of prestressed road slabs was developed. The project contains calculations of individual technological operations of the production process, the amount of main and auxiliary equipment, auxiliary areas for repair and storage of molds, holding of finished products and storage of reinforcement products, calculation of the need for energy resources. The characteristics of local conditions with wind rose construction are presented.
Slabs are used for roads in areas with an estimated outdoor temperature of up to and including minus 40 ° C .
The construction site is Vitebsk.
Characteristics of the designed enterprise
To successfully fulfill the tasks set for the construction industry, the prefabricated reinforced concrete industry must go on to mass production of high-quality products and structures. It is necessary to:
- further increase of the degree of factory readiness of products with installation of all components at the plant;
- increase of volume of prestressed structures using various types of high-strength reinforcement;
The road slab manufacturing company should be equipped with modern high-performance equipment using the latest advances in concrete technology. This enterprise is designed to increase the output of road slabs while improving the quality at a minimum cost of money, labor and materials.
The increase in the output of road slabs, the increase in labor productivity and, as a result, the increase in specific production is possible using the most modern highly mechanized and automatic lines, the use of high-quality materials with stable characteristics, a scientifically sound regime and a clear organization of production.
It is necessary to design the enterprise in the region where production for this type of product is not established, as well as in case of large demand of the region for these reinforced concrete products.
It is advisable for the enterprise to be located close to the railway, since the enterprise manufactures products throughout the region and there is a problem of its delivery to the facility. Rail transport solves this problem. It is also economically profitable for railway transport to supply raw materials for the production of products, which in turn leads to a decrease in the cost of production.
The plant must also have technical and drinking water supply.
2.1. Composition of the plant.
The plant for the production of prestressed road slabs includes the following structures:
- administrative and household building;
- block of molding shops;
- rebar shop;
- concrete mixing shop;
- mechanical repair shop;
- reinforcement steel warehouse;
- additive warehouse;
- aggregate storage;
- finished product warehouse;
- warehouse of semi-finished products;
- boiler room;
- treatment facilities unit;
- CPT;
- placeholders reloading points;
- aggregate transportation gallery;
- galleries connecting the administrative and household building and production buildings;
There are transport highways on the territory of the plant. There is a railway approach.
Raw material base and transport
The following raw materials were supplied to the plant of reinforced concrete products for housing and civil construction.
Cement. For production of road plates portland cement of M400÷M500 brands is used. Cement shall comply with the standards and requirements of GOST 3051597 "Cements. General Specifications. "
Cement is delivered to the plant by rail (in copres, closed cars, tanks), due to the territorial location of the enterprise.
For the transportation of cement by rail, cement trucks of the bunker type with a carrying capacity of 60 tons are widely used, which are a two-section bunker with a volume of 45.3 m3.
For the unloading of cement from railway cement trucks-tanks, a pneumatic unloading method is adopted. Cement supplied to the receiving device is directed by screws to the bucket elevator, which lifts it up, and then cement is loaded into any silo by means of aerogelobes located in the upper gallery.
Cement is dispensed from silos through bottom or side pneumatic unloaders and lower aerodelobes. Cement is supplied from the warehouse to the concrete mixing shop by pneumatic screw pumps. Cement warehouse is equipped with remote control from consoles.
Rubble. Granite crushed stone is used as a coarse aggregate, the quality of which must meet the requirements of GOST 826793 "Crushed stone from natural stone for construction work. Specifications. " Coarse aggregate is delivered to the plant by rail. Rubble is brought from the village of Mikashevichi. Unloading is carried out in receiving silos, from which crushed stone then enters the warehouse through belt conveyors.
Sand. Quartz sand is used as a fine aggregate, which must meet the requirements of GOST 873693 "Sand for construction work. Specifications. " Sand is supplied to the plant from local quarries by road. Sand is discharged directly to the receiving hopper.
GSM. Fuel and lubricants are delivered by freight from the city oil depot. EX-A lubricant shall be used to lubricate the mold. Lubricant should have good adhesion to metal, do not cause concrete destruction, be constant in composition, uniform and stable during storage, be well retained on vertical surfaces of molds, do not leave fat stains on products.
The emulsion must be stored at a temperature of 20 0C, which ensures the preservation of the properties of the emulsion. During long-term storage, it is also necessary to intermittently mix the entire liquid. For this purpose compressed air supply is provided. Lubricant is prepared at a temperature of 60-65 deg.
Emulsion EX-A according to TU RB 1441,6891.03 with acid number 9 ± 1%, density at temperature 200C 860930 kg/m3. mass fraction of water is not more than 2%. Emulsion stability - no more than 0.8 cm3 of oil shall be released within 3 hours.
Reinforcement steel. The factory uses rod reinforcement of classes S500, S800 and S1200, hot-rolled rod of classes S240, S400, S500, S800, high-strength wire of periodic profile S500 and S1400.
Fittings are delivered to the plant by rail in bars and bays. Arriving transport comes directly to the warehouse and is unloaded at special unloading sites. Reinforcement products are delivered from the Zhlobinsky BMZ and from enterprises of the Russian Federation.
Reinforcement steel shall comply with the requirements of STB17042006 "Non-stressed reinforcement for reinforced concrete structures. Specification "and STB17062006" Reinforced concrete reinforcement. Specifications. "
Water. The plant uses technical water. Water shall comply with all standards specified in STB 111498 "Water for concrete and mortar. Specifications. "
For the production of a concrete mixture, water is used, in which the content of organic surfactants, sugars or phenols, each, should not be more than 10 mg/l. Water shall not contain films of petroleum products, fats, oils.
There shall be no colouring impurities in the water used for concrete mixtures and concrete watering if the concrete is subject to technical aesthetics.
Concrete mix. Concrete mix shall comply with STB 15442005. The water-cement ratio of the concrete mixture should be 0.35-0.4, mobility - within 1-3 cm, the mixture should be uniform. The minimum cement consumption in concrete on dense aggregates during production of reinforced concrete products shall be not less than 220 kg/m3, the maximum - not more than 600 kg/m3.
For the preparation of concrete mixture, a stationary batch concrete mixer with forced mixing of materials is used, which is carried out by rotating blades mounted on a horizontal shaft. Mixing occurs along complex paths, which increases the homogeneity of the concrete mixture. According to ONTP 0785, the stirring time is 60180 seconds.
Main provisions of molding shop technology
6.1. Justification of production method.
The choice of the technological method of production depends on the range of products, the volume of products produced, the features of reinforcement, the composition of concrete, TVO modes and other factors.
The initial data for the production method selection are:
- planned performance;
- structural and technological features of the basic product are the most mass type of product or a group of product types of the same type.
In this course project, an aggregate flow method of production is chosen, since this method is most effective in specialized mass production of products that include road plates. In addition, this method of production is quite mechanized among existing ones.
In this production method, molds with articles are moved from post to post. Each post performs its own work. Aggregate flow technology is widespread and is especially useful in the manufacture of various geometrical elements.
The practice of using the aggregate flow method of production at existing plants allows, with relatively simple technological equipment, to achieve high removals of products from 1m3 steaming chambers, a significant reduction in the cost of production and a decrease in the cost of production.
Aggregate-in-line technology is more flexible and maneuverable in relation to the use of technological equipment and allows, by re-setting it, to transition from one type of product to another, as well as to replace obsolete equipment without significant line redesign.
6.3. Technology for making prestressed road slabs.
The manufacturing process consists of the following operations:
1. Fracturing, cleaning, lubrication and assembly of molds.
2. Reinforcing
3. Laying of concrete mixture.
4. Vibroconsolidation
5. The process of finishing the bottom surface of the plate.
6. Thermal moisture treatment of slabs.
7. Finishing the slabs.
Post of decompression, cleaning, lubrication and assembly of molds includes the following operations :
- installation of the mold on the conveyor line;
- attachment of four mold locks with a manual tool;
- opening of end and longitudinal sides of the mold by means of scrap or mounting;
- cleaning of mounting loops from concrete strains;
- slinging of the slab by means of cross-arm for all available mounting loops;
- lifting of the plate to vertical position;
- transportation of the plate with a bridge crane to the finishing post with the support of the person responsible for safe movement of the cargo;
- plate installation on the finishing post, disassembly;
- cleaning of mold sides from concrete strains by means of scraper, pneumatic scraper and brush;
- removal of concrete residues using broom and scoop in waste bucket;
- application of lubricant over the entire working surface of the mold with a fishing rod;
- moving the mold to the reinforcement station.
Reinforcement Post:
- installation of valves in the design position;
- reinforcement tension;
- installation of mounting loops;
- moving the mold to the molding station.
Process of concrete mix laying:
- transfer of concrete laying to concrete-hauled estocade for loading of concrete laying bin with concrete mixture. Transfer of concrete laying to forming station;
- laying of the lower layer of concrete mixture by concrete laying;
- leveling manually, with a shovel, of a laid layer of concrete mixture. The thickness difference of the concrete mixture layer after leveling shall not exceed 20 mm;
- vibration compaction of the laid layer of concrete mixture until its subsidence disappears, air bubbles exit, cement milk appearance on the surface and alignment of the upper surface, but not less than 1 min;
- laying of the upper layer of concrete mixture by concrete laying;
- leveling of laid layer of concrete mixture by means of scoop shovel. Cleaning of mold sides from excess concrete mixture by brushing;
- vibration compaction of the upper layer of concrete mixture until its subsidence stops, air bubbles exit, cement milk appearance on the surface;
- smoothing of the concrete of the upper layer of the slab with a roller fixed on the concrete laying device;
- smoothing of the upper surface of the articles by hand;
Thermal moisture treatment:
- moving the moulded article mold to the temperature rise zone of the pit chamber;
- temperature rise within two hours to 60650C;
- isothermal heating for 6 hours;
- cooling of products within one hour.
The process of finishing the plates consists of the following operations:
- repair of slabs in case of defects;
- application of primer composition on upper and side end faces;
- marking;
- acceptance of products by the technical control department.
6.6. Requirements for operation of moulds. Cleaning and lubrication of molds.
Moulds for production of pre-dressed structures shall ensure production of articles with dimensions within permissible deviations.
The mold must be made in accordance with the requirements of GOST 1888673 "Steel molds for the manufacture of concrete and reinforced concrete products."
Molds must be rigid and have minimal deformability: from reinforcement tension forces, own weight, concrete mixture weight and reinforcement. Also from the pressure created by the concrete mixture during its vibration compaction; when the crane is moved, as well as when installed at work stations. When applying process effects to the form, including temperature ones transmitted during accelerated hardening of concrete by steaming, contact heating, etc.
When calculating force shapes for stiffness and deformability of forces from reinforcement tension, maximum possible forces are taken.
It is recommended to design the shapes so that the equal force of the stressed reinforcement is located in the center of gravity of the shape section. In this case, a significant reduction in the weight of the molds is achieved.
Stiffness of molds intended for production of prestressed structures is controlled by measurement of their deflection and longitudinal displacement of stops after reinforcement tension and concrete laying.
Deflection is measured in the middle of the span at two points (on both sides) when the mold rests on two supports located at a distance of 0.050.1 m from the ends. Measurement is carried out with accuracy up to 0.5 mm. using leveling, deflectometers, indicators, or other devices.
The deflection value, if there are no special requirements for stiffness, is recommended to take no more than 0.001 distances between stops.
When designing molds, it is necessary to provide measures that eliminate the possibility of jamming of products when transferring the compression force to the structure.
To secure stressed reinforcement on molds, stops shall be provided. It is recommended to perform stops considering easy installation of reinforcement elements.
Periodically, after manufacturing of each 25 articles, it is necessary to check the correct distance between the outer faces of the stops. In case of violation of this distance, it must be restored by repair work.
The mould must have safety visors to protect people in the event of a tensioned reinforcement breaking.
When fabricating prestressed structures, the mould shall be adjusted according to the level and location along the longitudinal axis of the stressed reinforcement with the accuracy that allows to meet the requirements for the protective layer. The inner surfaces of the molds are cleaned from the concrete adhered to them immediately after smearing with scrapers or metal brushes. Lubrication of the mold is performed manually using a brush in the following sequence: grease is poured onto the tray with a thin film; grease is rubbed along the bottom and sides of the tray with a brush: first in the transverse direction, and then in the longitudinal direction.
Architectural and construction part
Based on the calculation, we accept a workshop with overall dimensions of 18 x 144 (UTP1) at a height of crane tracks of 8.15 m.
The nomenclature of structures of single-story industrial buildings includes: load-bearing and enclosing elements of various heights and lengths, crane-free and equipped with bridge cranes, without lights and with lights. The nomenclature of combined structures of one-storey industrial buildings includes also foundation beams, columns, subcrane beams, beams of coverings, plates of coverings and wall panels.
- foundation beams are used for external and internal walls with separate foundations; pitch of columns 6 and 12 m, length of beams 4,35.95 and 10,211.96 m, respectively.
- columns - main elements of prefabricated frames of one-story industrial buildings. In industrial buildings with a height of 10.8 to 18 m. With bridge cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 50 tons, two-branch columns with a length of 11.8519.35 m are used with cross sections of the crane part 400x1000-600x1900 mm.
crane beams are made with pre-stressed I-beam shape of cross section. With the pitch of columns 6 and 12 m. Beams are made, respectively, 5.95 and 11.95 m long, 1000 and 1400 mm high, 600 and 650 mm wide, 120 and 140 mm thick, 340 mm wide lower shelf.
- coating beams can be 12 and 18 m span, and in individual structures - 24 m span. The pitch of coating beams is 6 and 12 m. The most economical cross section of coating beams is I-beam with a wall, 60-100mm thick. The walls of the beams in the middle part of the span, where the transverse forces are insignificant, may have holes of round or polygonal shape, which slightly reduces the consumption of concrete. The section height of the trapezoidal gable beam in the middle of the span determines the slope of the upper belt 1:12 and the typical size of the section height on the support 800 mm (or 900 mm).
- reinforced concrete ribbed slabs covering industrial buildings measuring 3 x 12 and 3 x 6 m. They are used for pitched and low-slope roofs. Slabs measuring 1.5 x 12 and 1.5 x 6 m. They are used as good elements, in places of increased snow deposits at the lights, in differences in the profile of the coating. Ribbed plates of 3 x 12 m, accepted as standard, have longitudinal ribs with a section of 100 x 450 mm, transverse ribs with a section of 40 x 150 mm, a shelf with a thickness of 25 mm, widening in corners - bushings, which ensure reliability of operation in conditions of systematic influence of horizontal forces from braking of bridge cranes.
- panels of the walls of industrial buildings are made in accordance with the unified pitch of the columns of the frame and for the main panels equal to 6 and 12 m., And for spacers 3 m., 1.5 m., 0.75 m. And for angles, the length of the panel is: panel thickness, thickness plus 250 mm. and thickness plus 300 mm. thickness of panel walls is assigned on the basis of heat engineering calculation and is unified based on conditions of simplification of their manufacture by the following thicknesses: from light concretes 160, 200, 240, 300 mm, from cellular concretes 160, 200, 240 mm.
All individual, above mentioned building elements shall have strength and stability, crack resistance and participate in the general operation of the building. The building as a whole must be reliably resistant to deformation in the horizontal direction under the influence of various loads and impacts, i.e. it must have sufficient spatial rigidity .
Safety and environmental protection
The possibility of injury to personnel is associated with a large number of moving mechanisms, the use of electrical equipment. Therefore, when conducting the process, it is mandatory to fulfill the requirements set forth in the "Safety and Industrial Sanitation Rules for the Production of Prefabricated Reinforced Concrete and Concrete Structures and Products":
Concrete layouts and concrete dispensers.
1.Bunkers shall be equipped with platforms and stairs for maintenance. Work platforms shall be not less than 0.7 m wide and have railings.
2. Concrete layouts and concrete dispensers shall be equipped with sound alarm (electric calls, sirens).
3.Vibrators on the hopper shall be closed with sound-insulating casings.
4. Running wheels at a height of 1012 mm from the rail head shall be enclosed with metal casings.
5. Concrete layouts and concrete dispensers shall be equipped with limit switches for their automatic shutdown at dead end stops installed at the end of the rail track.
Vibration equipment.
1.Vibration equipment shall be equipped with soundproofing devices.
2.Vibroplanes must be isolated from the foundation of the production room by vibration damping devices (spring, rubber, etc.)
3. Limiters shall be installed on the vibration platform to prevent horizontal shape shift.
4.Vibroadditions shall be equipped with inventory support supports used in cleaning and lubrication of the working surface.
5. It is forbidden:
- become the maintenance personnel on the operating vibration site or the form installed on it.
- clean the vibrating loads, which are in suspended condition, without their fixation.
Pit chamber.
1.The chambers shall be equipped with hydraulic closures or other structure ensuring tightness of connection of the cover with the chamber to prevent steam release.
2. Removable caps of steaming chambers shall have lifting loops for slinging by lifting crane.
3.Parting chambers on both sides shall be equipped with stationary metal platforms and shall be equipped with railings.
1. Moulds shall be equipped with slinging devices.
2. Devices limiting the angle of sides opening (stop-limiters) shall be provided in moulds with hinged sides.
3. Operation of molds with faulty sides, locks, loops and stop-limiters is prohibited.
4. Stacking of molds shall be performed in assembled form with closed sides of the same size in thickness, at the same distance.
5. Moulds must be cleaned mechanically or manually by scrapers or pneumatic scrapers.
6. When cleaning moulds, workers must be equipped with personal protective equipment: sleeves, workwear, special shoes.
7. Construction of locks shall exclude spontaneous opening of sides.
Superplasticizer C-3 (TU- 6-14-929-85) is added.
- Harmful effects on the body: 3rd class of moderately dangerous substances. It causes irritation of the skin, especially when it is damaged, and mucous membranes of the eyes.
-Protection tools:
-Individual: workwear, respiratory devices, safety glasses, rubber gloves, rubber apron. When getting on the skin, wash off with an abundant stream of water.
-Collective: general supply and supply ventilation.
- Fire and explosion safety: fireproof, dry - difficult to burn.
The arrangement of the equipment is made in such a way that the possibility of crossing transport and technological operations is eliminated as much as possible.
Workplaces, passageways and walkways in workshops are not allowed to be cluttered with materials and finished products in accordance with the Regulations on Safety and Industrial Sanitation in the Construction Materials Industry.
Transportation operations related to the use of bridge cranes are carried out over the central passage of the workshop.
Considering that the designed reinforced concrete plant is located within the city, its territorial boundaries, when creating it, it is necessary to provide a set of measures to protect the environment from industrial impacts, emissions, wastewater and solid production waste. The following groups of measures are distinguished: technological, architectural, planning and sanitary, as well as engineering and organizational.
Technological measures include:
- creation of waste-free technological processes based on new technologies and technological means, integrated use of raw materials and utilization of production wastes, improvement of efficiency of operation of gas and dust collecting plants;
- replacement of local boilers with centralized heat from large CHP and TPP;
- fuel replacement (instead of coal and fuel oil natural gas);
- preliminary purification of raw materials and fuel from harmful impurities, in particular -
reduction of sulphur content in fuel;
- electrification of production and transport, replacement of flame heating by electric;
- use of pipelines, hydro and pneumatic transport for dust materials;
- replacement of intermittent technological processes with continuous ones.
The most current measure of air protection is the construction of enterprises operating on the principle of waste-free production with closed technological processes, with the exception of emissions into the atmosphere from associated emissions and production.
The group of architectural and planning measures includes a set of techniques, including: zoning of the city territory, combating natural dust, rational placement of enterprises, organization of sanitary protection zones, landscaping of populated areas.
In order to reduce the influence of dust and gas released into the atmosphere, industrial enterprises should be located away from residential areas, from the leeward side and separated by sanitary protection zones. Trees and shrubs are planted in sanitary protection zones.
Depending on the hazards of the substances emitted and the degree of their possible purification, each enterprise belongs to one class or another, according to which the dimensions of sanitary protection zones are established. So, the designed plant of reinforced concrete products belongs to the 3rd class and, accordingly, the width of the sanitary protection zone is 300 m. On the territory of the enterprise there are forest plantations, landscaping strips and artisanal plantations. Landscaping stripes and handicrafts are planted with the following trees and shrubs: maple, linden, juniper, poplar, cherry, elm, spruce, white acacia, chestnuts.
Garbage from the territory of the enterprise is taken to the city landfill.
Sanitation activities include special measures to protect the air basin through treatment facilities. When designing a concrete mixing workshop, for air purification and atmosphere protection, cyclones, electrostatic filters of various configurations are installed in it, due to the high degree of dust content of this workshop.
Engineering and organizational measures are applied when existing cleaning methods do not provide sanitary standards. These include: a decrease in the intensity of traffic on individual highways, an increase in the height of the chimney.
Road pollution depends on traffic management. They increase when braking the car at low speeds. This problem is solved by interchanging the intersection of roads at different levels.
The construction and operation of industrial enterprises, residential buildings and other communications leads to progressive pollution of water sources.
Local treatment facilities shall operate at each industrial plant.
Difficult-to-treat wastewater, which cannot be treated at local facilities, is sent for post-treatment to the system of city treatment facilities with subsequent supply to the city-wide water supply.
4 Чертеж.dwg

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