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Workshop of the ZHBI plant with a capacity of 62 thousand m3 per year


In the course project, a concrete mixing workshop of the ZHBI plant with a capacity of 62 thousand m3 per year is being designed. Nomenclature of manufactured products: Rafter beams B20, External wall panels B7.5, Girders B15 Course design task: to develop a structural and technological diagram of the concrete mixing workshop; Calculate the need for raw materials; perform calculations for the design of raw materials and finished products warehouses; give technological calculations and design of concrete mixing and molding shops; develop the general plan of the enterprise; sections and plans of concrete mixing shop. The graphic part contains the general plan of the enterprise, sections and plans of the concrete mixing workshop. The course design contains 2 sheets A1 of the graphic part, 54 pages of the explanatory note containing 5 sources General plan of the plant ZHBI M 1:500, Conventions, Explication, Plan of the forming workshop M 1:300, Section 2-2 M 1:250, Section 1-1 M 1:250, Layout of the conveyor technology for the manufacture of floor slabs, Diagram of the production of slabs-slabs-slabs.

Project's Content

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Additional information




1. Choice of Production Technology

2. Calculation of requirements of basic materials (cement,


3. Process calculation and design of material warehouses, finished products and necessary process equipment

3.1 Calculation of cement warehouse

3.2 Calculation of aggregate warehouses

3.2.1 Calculation of small aggregate storage

3.2.2 Calculation of dense coarse aggregate storage

3.2.3 Calculation of light coarse aggregate storage

3.3. Calculation of Finished Goods Warehouse

4. Rebar Shop

5. Process calculation and design of concrete mixing shop

6. Molding of articles:

6.1 Conveyor Design

6.2 Bench Design

8. Quality control of LBI production

9. Plant Master Plan

10. Health, safety, industrial sanitation

and firefighting activities

List of literature used


Reinforced concrete compared to other building materials appeared relatively recently and almost simultaneously in Europe and America. However, by now it has become the most widespread in construction, has its own history and its outstanding figures.

The date of birth of reinforced concrete is considered to be 1850, when the Frenchman Lambeau made a boat from wire mesh coated with cement mortar, which in 1855 was shown at the world exhibition in Paris. The widespread use of reinforced concrete in Russia is associated with the name prof. N.A. Belelyubsky, who in 1888-1891. in Moscow and St. Petersburg made public tests of various full-scale reinforced concrete structures (slabs, arches, pipes, bridges, etc.). The first technical conditions for reinforced concrete structures were published in 1908, and in 1913 in Russia it was already used in the structures of 3.5 million m3 of concrete and reinforced concrete.

After the Great October Socialist Revolution, reinforced concrete in our country became especially widespread.

Reinforced concrete consists of concrete and steel reinforcement, rationally located in structures for perceiving tensile, and in some cases - compressive forces. Concrete, being an artificial stone, resists compression well and is much worse (1020 times) - stretching. This feature of concrete is most unfavorable for bent and stretched elements, widespread in buildings and structures.

Reinforcement (reinforcement) of the stretched zone of bent elements by materials having significantly higher tensile strength than concrete makes it possible to significantly increase their bearing capacity. This material is most often steel, and structures obtained on the basis of rational combination of concrete and steel, provided that their joint work is ensured, are called reinforced concrete .

Experiments show that steel is almost the ideal partner of concrete. This is due to the following circumstances: good adhesion of concrete and reinforcement; concrete and steel have close coefficients of temperature deformation, as a result of which in normal conditions the operational qualities of structures do not decrease; concrete is a reliable protection of reinforcement against corrosion, high temperatures, mechanical damage.

The main advantages of reinforced concrete, which provides it with wide distribution in construction, include: fire resistance, durability, high mechanical strength, good resistance to seismic and other dynamic effects, the ability to erect structures of a rational shape, low operating costs (compared to wood and metal), good resistance to atmospheric effects, the possibility of using local materials. Energy costs for the production of reinforced concrete structures are significantly lower than metal and stone. Disadvantages of reinforced concrete: high density, high heat and sound conductivity, labor-intensive alterations and amplifications; necessity of holding till strength acquisition, occurrence of cracks due to shrinkage and force effects. Many of these disadvantages can be eliminated by using concrete on porous aggregates, special treatment (steaming, vacuuming, etc.), preliminary stress, etc.

There are reinforced concrete structures monolithic, prefabricated and prefabricated.

When erecting buildings and structures from prefabricated reinforced concrete structures, at first, separate elements are made at special plants or landfills, from which structures are built at the construction site. This method is industrial. At the same time, modern manufacturing technology, rational design forms, the ability to manufacture and install in winter are provided. Labor intensity is reduced by 3-4 times compared to monolithic structures. Prefabricated reinforced concrete structures are most suitable when the number of types of elements is limited and their use is provided for in buildings of various purposes. This requires maximum unification and typification of design schemes, spans, loads.

Reinforced concrete is used in a wide variety of construction industries, finding its own optimal forms in each of them. Industrial single-storey and multi-storey buildings, residential and public buildings for various purposes, agricultural buildings are built from reinforced concrete. Reinforced concrete is widely used in engineering structures, transport, hydraulic and energy construction, shipbuilding, mechanical engineering, etc.

Production of prefabricated reinforced concrete products, as a rule, is organized at specialized enterprises in separate workshops or spans of construction materials plants, at landfills of construction sites or enterprises. The final products of these types of enterprises are reinforced concrete products, and in some cases commercial concrete.

Plants for the production of prefabricated reinforced concrete products include: workshops of the main production, concrete mixing and reinforcement workshops, warehouses of cement, aggregates, reinforcement steel, molds, finished products, various materials, including fuels and lubricants, transformer substation, compressor, laboratory and repair units.

In the course project, it is necessary to design an LBI plant with a capacity of 61 thousand m3 per year. Range of products: beams rafter 11950х1400х300; external wall panels 5960х1180х400; crossbars 11975х520х850.

Tasks of the exchange rate project: to develop a structural and technological diagram of the plant; Calculate the requirement for basic materials perform technological calculations for the design of cement warehouses, aggregates, finished products; perform technological calculations and design of concrete mixing and molding workshops; develop the general plan of the enterprise.

Rebar Shop

Reinforced concrete products and structures are reinforced with pre-fabricated welded reinforcement elements in the form of grids, as well as flat and spatial frames. These elements form the main - working, distribution and installation fittings. Auxiliary reinforcement are loops, hooks, retainers, embedded metal parts.

In order to reduce the cost of direct reinforcement of structures, it is necessary that the reinforcement elements have the highest degree of readiness, be as large as possible and do not require any additional pre-assembly operations on site.

Reinforcement is manufactured at the reinforced concrete plants in the reinforcement shop on production lines equipped with high-performance welding and other machines. The manufacturing process should be based on the principle of a single process flow from the preparation of reinforcement steel to the production of the finished product, if possible without intermediate transshipment operations and interoperative storage of blanks and semi-finished products.

Reinforcement frames and grids are manufactured in accordance with working drawings, which indicate the class, steel grade and length of rods, their diameter and number, pitch of rods in longitudinal and transverse directions, places of welding of embedded parts, mounting loops, etc.

The production of reinforcement products provides for the organization of storage of reinforcement steel in warehouses. Reinforcement steel warehouses shall be covered and equipped with crane racks adjacent to the reinforcement shop. High-strength wire and products from it are stored in closed rooms. Reinforcement steel is placed in the warehouse of the plant by grades, profiles, diameters and lots.

Reinforcement steel is transported from the warehouse to the reinforcement workshop using an electric car or car. Reinforcement is delivered internally by bridge cranes, telefers, auto and electric cameras, and manual trolleys.

The layout of the reinforcement shop is determined by the type of products produced and their complexity and can be different. Depending on the type of reinforcement shop, its location with respect to the moulding shop is determined - in the same unit as the moulding shop or in a separate building. If the plant has a limited range of products not exceeding 10 standard sizes, then it is advisable to place the reinforcement workshop together with the molding in one block.

The reinforcement shop blocked with the moulding has three equipment layout diagrams. The first scheme - the equipment is placed in front of the molding units, on the same spans, and in the second scheme - parallel to the molding shop, in a separate span and more often in a separate transverse span adjacent to the ends of the molding span. The third scheme allows installation of equipment along the process flow and eliminates counter movements of reinforcement blanks, which is not always achieved in the first scheme.

Reinforcement shop consists of separation of billet, welding, pre-assembly and manufacturing of embedded parts. These departments perform the following main operations: editing, cutting, bending and butt welding (billet); welding of flat frames and grids; bend grids and frames; preliminary assembly of volumetric frames; manufacturing and metallization of embedded parts; rework of reinforcement articles (welding of reinforcing rods and embedded parts, cutting of individual rods to form holes in meshes, etc.).

In accordance with the necessary processes, rebar shop equipment is selected and arranged. The equipment includes:

1) machines for straightening and cutting reinforcement steel, combining all operations for cleaning, straightening and cutting reinforcement steel and its strengthening by drawing; steel electrothermal hardening machines ;

2) machines for cutting rod reinforcement - drive scissors or combined presses;

3) machines for bending individual reinforcement rods and flat grids ;

4) welding equipment - welding arc devices, butt, point and multipoint machines.

Since the production of reinforcement in the workshop is carried out by several flows, then the arrangement of equipment in the workshop is carried out by in-line mechanized lines. Machines and apparatus are installed in strict sequence of technological process. One flow line is created for the manufacture of light reinforcement nets, the second for heavy reinforcement. Between the flow lines along the workshop there is a transport passage with a width of 3.0-3.5 m when transporting fittings with wagons.

Finished reinforcement products are transferred to self-propelled trolleys, which deliver them to the molding stations of reinforced concrete products.

Molding of articles

The moulding process includes the steps of preparing the molds, reinforcing, laying and compacting the concrete mixture, forming the articles and then shedding the surfaces. Depending on the production flow chart, the design of the process equipment, the operational requirements for the product, the composition and molding characteristics of the concrete mixture, individual operations can be combined or excluded from the process.

Plant Master Plan

The general plan of the plant is a graphic image of all buildings and structures of the ZHBI plant, as well as warehouses, transport and energy facilities, engineering and technical communications, a network for organizing the maintenance and protection of the enterprise, elements of landscaping.

Plant master plan with capacity of 61 thousand m3 per year:

In the main body there are two bench lines for the manufacture of rafters; bench line for making girders; conveyor line for making external wall panels. Perpendicular to the main spans of the main body, a reinforcement workshop is located, which makes it possible to supply reinforcement to these spans using self-propelled trolleys. The concrete mixing shop is attached to the main building. It has two mixers, of which the concrete mixture in self-propelled bunkers along three trestles is supplied to the spans of the main body.

The spans of the finished product warehouse are placed perpendicular to the spans of the main body and are equipped with bridge cranes.

The main raw materials are delivered by road, and finished products are exported by road and rail.

Main technical and economic indicators of the master plan:

- building area;

- area of the site;

- building factor;

- landscaping area;

These indicators must comply with the requirements of building codes and regulations.

Drawings content

icon Генплан.dwg
