Design of process line for production of structures for frame house building as a part of ZHBI plant - Diploma, NPP

- Added: 09.07.2014
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Additional information
1 General part
1.1 Characteristics of the enterprise
1.2 Engineering Feasibility Study
1.3 Design and technological characteristics and nomenclature of manufactured products
2 Process Part
2.1 Operating mode of the enterprise
2.2 Production Annual Program
2.3 Selection of raw materials, basic materials and semi-finished products for
production of products
2.4 Selection of production method of articles
2.5 Feasibility Study of Production Method
2.6 Process Flow Chart
2.7 Main Equipment List
2.8 Preparation of the material balance sheet of the enterprise
2.9 Determination of Concrete Mix Demand
2.10 Design of concrete mixing compartment
2.11 Design of aggregate, cement, finished products warehouses
2.12 Calculation of elemental operations duration
2.13 Justification of demand for production areas
2.14 Operational control and quality control of finished products
2.15 Organization of the production process
3 Heat engineering part
3.1 Heat treatment of prefabricated reinforced concrete products
3.2 Heat treatment parameters
3.3 Characteristics of the basic article
3.4 Structural features of the thermal installation and principles of its heat supply organization
3.5 Process calculation
3.6 Heat Engineering Calculation
3.7 Hydraulic calculation
4 Automation of production
4.1 Essence and tasks of automation at construction industry enterprises
4.2 Automation of production processes of reinforced concrete girders
4.3 Automation Implementation Efficiency
5 Architectural and construction part
5.1 Natural and climatic conditions
5.2 Plot Plan Solutions
5.3 Architectural and planning solutions
5.4 Space-planning solutions of the production building
5.5 Space-planning solutions of domestic premises
5.6 Building Engineering Equipment
5.7 Selection of translucent structures
5.8 Ventilation
5.9 Improvement
5.10 Technical - Economic Indicators of the Master Plan
6 Scientific part
6.1 Aspects of hydromechanochemical activation
6.2 Test results of samples prepared using hydromechanical activation
6.3 Test results of samples prepared using hydromechanochemical activation
6.4 Concrete Specimen Test Results
7 Economic part
7.1 Calculation of unit capital investments
7.2 Determining the Cost of Production
7.3 Justification for construction
7.4 Calculation of technical and economic indicators
8 Ecology
8.1 Summary of physical, geographical and climatic characteristics
conditions of the district
8.2 Characteristics of the plant location area by level
air pollution
8.3 Summary of Production Technology
8.4 Sources of environmental impact
9 Safety of life
9.1 General characteristics of the process
9.2 Protection of employees against harmful production factors
9.3 Occupational Safety Measures
9.4 Emergency Prevention and Protection in Emergency Situations
2.1 Operating mode of the enterprise
The company operates 300 days a year (non-working days: holidays - 12, weekends (Sundays) - 53) with a two-shift mode, the duration of the shift is 8 hours. Repair and maintenance of the equipment is carried out on Saturday on the second shift.
The operating mode is:
• 2 shift molding shop;
• heat treatment of 3 shifts;
• reception of raw materials and materials by railway transport 3 shifts;
• concrete mixing shop 2 shifts;
• auxiliary workshops 3 shifts.
3 heat engineering part
3.1 Heat treatment of prefabricated reinforced concrete products
One of the components of the construction industry is heat treatment, which spends about 30% of the cost of producing building materials and products. In addition, heat treatment consumes about 80% of the fuel and energy resources consumed for the entire production cycle. Thus, the creation of economical thermal processes that allow you to obtain products of excellent quality with minimal fuel and electricity costs will make it possible to significantly reduce investment in the construction sector.
Heat treatment of construction materials and products is advisable in two aspects. On the one hand, it is necessary to analyze the ways of converting raw materials into finished products or semi-finished products during heat treatment - this task is purely technological. On the other hand, it is necessary to consider the operation of thermal plants, which is determined by the laws of thermal engineering .
The essence of the heat treatment consists in the fact that when the temperature rises to 60 ° C, the rate of hydration reaction of binding substances increases, physical and chemical transformations occur, a structure is formed, heat and mass transfer processes occur, and a stressed state occurs.
When the temperature rises and at the beginning of isothermal heating, the temperature in the article is lower than the environment and the outer more heated layers thereof increase in volume to a greater extent than the inner ones. During this period, especially with a rapid rise in temperature, significant stresses arise in concrete and cracks are formed and contact between the cement stone and the aggregate is disturbed.
When the temperature decreases, the temperature of the concrete will be higher than in the environment and the movement of heated air in it to the open surface of the product begins, as well as migration from the deep layers of the concrete of moisture with its intensive evaporation.
In view of the above processes occurring in the concrete to be heat treated, optimized heating modes are required. The properties of construction materials are largely determined by the heat treatment mode used, the type and nature of work of factory thermal plants, their design and operational characteristics.
Heat treatment is estimated by the strength achieved by the time of its completion as a percentage of the strength of the same concrete at the 28-day age of normal hardening and by the comparative strength at the 28-day age of concrete that has undergone heat treatment and subsequently normally hardening, and the same concrete that has not undergone heat treatment. The efficiency of such treatment depends on the choice of starting materials and concrete composition, as well as on the accepted treatment mode.
4 automation of production
4.1 Essence and tasks of automation at construction industry enterprises
The efficiency of production management in modern conditions is largely determined by the availability of methods and technical means of product quality management at all stages of the technological process. The tasks of product quality management and optimization of technological processes are solved on the basis of complex production automation, wide implementation of systems and automation tools.
One of the main conditions for the successful solution of the tasks of production automation is the provision of automatic control systems for technological means of operational automatic control of parameter characteristics of processes - physical, chemical and other values.
Automation, as a qualitatively new stage of the production process, is characterized, first of all, by freeing a person from the functions of direct control and control. It ensures the implementation of the most advanced technological processes, as well as the optimal use of raw materials, energy and equipment to last the specified quality parameters of the products.
The task of automatic control is to effect the process. These effects are aimed at maintaining certain modes or improving the functioning of the controlled object in accordance with the control purpose.
The quality of management is characterized by a technical and economic indicator, which can be the cost of the product, process performance, etc.
When designing activities related to process automation, the entire process line should be considered as a single interconnected system that should ensure the execution of individual operations and the process.
The main task of the automatic monitoring system is to measure parameters of the control object and compare current with permissible values, record parameter values and their current deviations from the task (installation), alarm of emergency and abnormal situations.
With the correct development of an automated production control system (ACMS), it is possible to improve the quality of the enterprise: the profit of the enterprise increases to 15% due to the best organization of production; labor productivity increases by at least 20% due to reduced idle capacity. In addition, capital cost savings are achieved by increasing production volumes in the same areas.
4.2 Automation of production processes of reinforced concrete girders
4.2.1 Automation of initial material supply accounting
The supply of raw materials at the concrete plant is carried out mainly by rail. In this regard, it is necessary to carry out automated mass accounting of each car before and after its unloading, as well as record a modest receipt for each material separately for the entire delivery period.
Modern automated car weighing systems Carl Schenck (Germany) allow you to register their mass dynamically in motion without disconnection. The DFS100 railway scales do not have a special platform, the lifting device is a section of the rail track 25 m long, laid on a regular track ballast, with strain gauges attached to the rails. As a result of measurements, the following data are recorded: the number of cars, the number of axles, the load on each axle, the weight of the car, the ratio of loads on the left and right sides of the car, the possible overload is controlled. Then, after unloading, the cars are weighed again (in reverse order).
Maximum measurement error 2.5% at carriage speed up to 80 km/h and 0.5% at speed not more than 15 km/h. Range of operating temperatures in the location of converters from minus 20 to plus 50so.
4.2.3 Description of Concrete Address Feed Automation Scheme
The concrete address feed system is intended for transportation (supply) of concrete from concrete-filling units (BSU) to the places of consumption.
The targeted supply of concrete makes it possible to significantly reduce the technological time of concrete supply to the workplace, completely eliminate the simple due to the untimely delivery of the latter, which is extremely necessary when forming reinforced concrete products by a continuous molding method. When using the concrete address feed line, the need for lifting cranes to deliver or reload concrete silos is reduced or completely eliminated.
The address feed process is controlled in the control room of the BSU.
Concrete is ordered in the BSO via the Skakoflex order panel located near the forming site. The Simatic TP270 (Siemens) operator touch panel displays the order parameters (grade, quantity) of the concrete.
Upon confirmation of the order by the operator, the Elematic concrete trolley (V = 3 m3), from the span along the rail track laid through the columns, leaves for the concrete loading area.
The transport badya is equipped with a speed control system. The main part of the path of the concrete locomotive moves at a speed of 3.4 m/s. When approaching the concrete loading/unloading site, the speed gauge VCA20 using the braking system SAUTCM/485 reduces the speed to 0.3 - 0.5 m/s .
The movement of the trolley is monitored by the STEX48 contact sensor, which is installed under the concrete mixer.
The signal from the sensor is transmitted to the Simatic S7300 controller and through the manual control unit and the non-contact starter, controls the operation of the concrete locomotive engine and the concrete mixer gate valve. When the contact is closed, the trolley stops and concrete is loaded into it. The level sensor AD204 (I) (minimum value - 0.2 m, maximum - 2.1 m) provides a signal to the Simatic S7300 controller, where it is compared with the installations and goes to the manual control unit and to the contactless starter - the concrete supply gate valve is closed, the shuttle engine is turned on and it is sent to the span to the molding site.
The transport concrete trolley carries concrete to the portal concrete laying and with the help of the distance control system and the speed meter VCA20 reduces the speed to 0.3 m/s. When crossing the beam of the laser contactless position sensor DL 60 (response time 130 ms, control ± 3 mm) located on the portal, the shuttle stops at the level of the concrete laying bin, thereby monitoring the progress of the portal. In the absence of concrete in the bin of the intermediate dosing tank, the bin leaves for the concrete loading zone from the concrete trolley of the address supply line. The movement of the hopper is monitored by the STEX48 contact sensor. When contact is closed, the shuttle hatch opens and concrete is loaded into the hopper of the dispenser-accumulator.
Having issued the entire volume of concrete, the transport concrete trolley leaves for the next portion in the BSU.
4.2.4 Description of the automation of the heat treatment process of girders
One of the most important technological processes in the production of prefabricated reinforced concrete is heat treatment, which provides accelerated hardening of molded concrete products in special thermal units. The main purpose of automatic monitoring and control of this process is to comply with the specified concrete hardening modes at minimum energy consumption.
The process of heat treatment of products on the bench is a complex multi-stage operation, requiring a clear implementation of the approved technology.
When automating heat treatment, the most advanced is the program control of the bench temperature with control over the degree of concrete hardening during heating.
Upon completion of the molding process, the time switch EV201 operates, which through the microprocessor supplies a signal to the actuating equipment of the water supply valve. For remote monitoring and recording of water flow rate, its temperature and pressure, the M243 TSP temperature sensor, Metran100DD flow sensor and Metran100DI pressure sensor are installed on the main pipeline. Water temperature quitting the system (80so), temperature in the middle, in the end and at the beginning of the stand is controlled. At the end of the heat treatment, quality is checked by the PRIZE radiation sensor, the signal is transmitted to the concrete strength meter IPSMG4.
4.3 Automation Implementation Efficiency
Successful solution of automation problems and wide introduction of modern methods of control and quality management systems of concrete and reinforced concrete products allows to significantly increase the overall level of construction and industry of reinforced concrete, to ensure high efficiency of concrete products application and production.
Stability of concrete quality allows to ensure reduction of design factor of safety factor of structure and structure as a whole and, therefore, increase of technical and economic efficiency of reinforced concrete application.
As a result of the automation schemes proposed in this section, labor costs are reduced by 75%, technical and economic indicators are increased by 30%, units of service personnel are released, labor safety and quality of finished products are improved.

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