Repair shop for farms with a fleet of 75 tractors

- Added: 08.07.2012
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Set of drawings and documentation for thesis work.
Project's Content
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Additional information
Project Task
Source Data
1. Architectural and structural part
1.1 Space-planning solution of the building, TEP
1.2 Design Solution
1.3. Calculations
1.3.1 Heat Engineering Wall Calculation
1.3.2 Heat Engineering Calculation of Insulation Thickness in Coating
1.4 Information on Exterior and Interior Decoration
1.5 Specification for Architectural and Structural Drawings
1.6 Process
2. Process Part
2.1 Calculation of scope of work
2.2 Engineering of Job Instruction
2.2.1 Scope of application of Job Instruction
2.2.2 Operation procedure
2.2.3 Calculation of labor costs
2.2.4 Need for machinery, equipment, materials, workers by profession
and qualifications
2.2.5 Calculation of TEP as per Job Instruction
2.2.6 Quality assurance of construction and installation works, safety precautions
2.3 Schedule Design
2.3.1 Selection of motor codes and methods of works execution with their justification
2.3.2 Determination of labor costs, m/shift, resource requirements
2.3.3 Selection and calculation of mounting mechanisms
2.4 Construction plan design
2.4.1 Calculation of storage areas
2.4.2 Calculation of the number of employees and determination of areas
administrative - domestic premises
2.4.3 Calculation of temporary water supply, power supply
2.4.4 Safety and fire safety measures
2.4.5 Environmental protection... 3. Economic part
3.1 Determination of estimated construction cost
3.2 Calculation of cost-effectiveness of design solutions
3.3 Technical and economic indicators of the project
Currently, industrial buildings are being built in Russia. Most of them are built according to model projects. Typing is based on the selection of the most efficient volumetric and structural solutions for this period, which give the best economic result in the construction and exploitation of buildings and structures, as well as ensuring comfort in their use. The typification of buildings forming a building does not exclude the creation of individual projects. The development of the construction of industrial buildings is practically connected with the history of the development of the material culture of human society.
The human home has gone a huge way from caves and primitive huts to multi-storey, modern houses, equipped and landscaped. Currently, the aesthetic side of the architecture of industrial buildings and complexes is of great importance. The problem of the harmonic architectural and planning environment is one of the most important creative tasks of modern architecture and urban planning.
Experience has shown that when skillfully taking into account the natural features of the area, using traditional and modern materials and techniques, including individual buildings built according to individual projects, urban areas acquire unique architectural expressiveness.
Selection of CMR production methods and mechanisms
Planning of the construction site and cutting of the vegetal layer of soil of group 1 is carried out by bulldozer DZ6, on the basis of transformer 1100, thickness of the vegetal layer is 250mm.
After the planning works are completed, the main axes of the building are broken down.
The excavation of the pit and trenches is carried out by a hydraulic single-bucket excavator on a caterpillar track with a bucket capacity of 0.5 cubic meters, with loading of soil into a dump.
Trenches are divided by transverse and parallel passages. Backfilling is performed by bulldozer.
Soil compaction is carried out using a roller.
Prior to installation of the formwork, the following works shall be performed:
Removal of groundwater and surface water is organized;
Excavation work was completed and ladders were installed to lower people into the pit:
The axes were divided over the foundation installation site;
Access to workplaces was arranged and formwork shields and elements of their fasteners were brought in in an amount that ensures uninterrupted operation of carpenters;
Electricity was supplied and lighting of workplaces was arranged;
Foundation formwork consists of wooden boxes installed on each other. Each box, in turn, consists of a pair of embedded and a pair of covered panels. Any shield consists of boards connected to each other by drain films. The nails are clogged into boards and drain films on the side of the shield facing the concrete.
Installation of valves
Prior to installation of reinforcement elements, the following works shall be performed:
Formwork of lower stage of foundations is installed and adjusted;
Entrances for the installation crane and storage areas for reinforcement grids, frames and blocks are installed;
Crane, welding transformers, tools, accessories and equipment are prepared for operation;
Preparation for foundations is cleaned of dirt and debris; Foundation reinforcement is installed from nets and frames made in advance in the reinforcement shop.
Due to the great labor intensity of transportation and the large size of the mesh, they are not made entirely on the foundation, but from two different parts. Installation of reinforcement elements of foundations is carried out in the following order. Concrete linings measuring 70x70mm are staggered on the prepared base through 0.71.0m, which provide the necessary thickness of the protective layer of concrete. After checking, the first half of the bottom stage grids of the foundations are laid, and then the second half of the grids is laid in the overlay and their welding is carried out. Then the frame is mounted with its electrical attachment to the grid. The frame is installed according to a template consisting of two racks assembled T-shaped. On the lower rack there are hairlines for fixing the installation of the foundation frame of various widths.
Foundation concreting
Prior to concreting of foundations the following works shall be performed:
External water supply for concrete watering was installed during its strength gain;
Inventory supports and conveyors, feeders and vibrators are installed;
Correctness and reliability of formwork installation, attachment, hinged platforms were checked;
Acts on hidden works on preparation of bases and laying of reinforcement have been drawn up;
Formwork and fittings were cleaned of dirt, debris, rust.
The foundations are concreted according to the following scheme:
Dump truck - vibration feeder - transmitter - design.
Feeder conveyors are installed on inventory rearrangements. To facilitate the unloading of concrete mixture from the dump truck body, the latter is equipped with vibrators. Concrete mixture shall have mobility corresponding to cone settlement not more than 60mm. The conveyor belt shall be loaded with a concrete mixture as thick as possible, the belt shall be equipped with an on-board fence,
Works on foundation concreting are organized by the in-line method. Concrete laying in foundations is carried out in two stages. The first stage is the concreting of the shoe. At the same time concreting is carried out in layers with a thickness of 0 4 m, the second stage is the laying of concrete above the shoe. After concrete mix is laid, concrete mix is compacted by depth vibrators. During vibration, make sure that the vibrator does not touch the working reinforcement. The vibration time at one place is determined by the cessation of subsidence of concrete; mixture and appearance of cement milk on concrete surface. The cement film is removed by a water-air jet under a pressure of 0.55MPa immediately after the cement setting is completed and the concrete reaches a strength of 24kg/cm2. Care for freshly laid concrete in hot weather is carried out by covering open surfaces with mats, baggage, sawdust or sand with watering water. At an air temperature of 15 ° C and above, water is watered in the first 3 days of the day, every 3 hours and once at night, and in subsequent days at least three times a day.
Installation of coating plates
All types of prefabricated planar coating elements are mounted "by weight" using a crane. During installation of coating elements of single-storey buildings with boom cranes, slabs are laid in stacks. Preparation for installation of plate elements of coatings mainly consists in cleaning and straightening of embedded parts. Four-branch flexible sling, four-branch flexible sling with crossbeam are used as sling devices. Following laying of slab elements of coatings, all anchor anchorages are installed and welded, followed by their sealing with concrete or solution mixture. Embedded parts on the girders shall be welded immediately following the laying of each plate in order to secure them by welding at least in three corners. In the coverings of one-story buildings, one of the extreme slabs is laid first, for which scaffolding is used, from which beams were laid on columns. Subsequent slabs are laid from previously laid ones.
Prior to brickwork, the following works shall be performed:
The zero cycle has been completed with the execution of an act for the performance of work;
The installation crane has been selected, brought, installed and tested with permission for its operation;
Before the start of masonry of the walls of the first tier, it is necessary to break down the axes of the building, clean the workplace from garbage, snow, supply bricks to the place of work of masons, install solution boxes in the required amount.
Construction of concrete floors
Before installation of concrete floors the base surface is cleaned of debris, thoroughly wetted with water and ground with cement milk.
Monolithic concrete floors are made single-layer with thickness of 2550mm. Concrete is laid in strips with width of 2.5Zm. limited lighthouse racks. Concrete mixture is leveled by rule and compacted with vibration racks.
Surface of concrete coatings is ground by grinding machines. Grinding begins not earlier than reaching concrete strength, at which it is excluded
Thermal insulation device
Heat insulation is made of slabs. The plates are glued with a hot bitumen mastic or, this method is allowed, laid dry. When laying insulators in any way, the density of their abutment to the base is monitored,
Before laying the slabs, it is necessary to attach wooden racks and plugs in places of future attachment of metal crutches for overhangs and protective aprons
Before laying the slabs, it is necessary to protect the heat insulation slabs from damage when the workers walk along them and transporting the necessary materials, the slabs should be laid "on themselves."
The sequence of laying of heat-insulating plates is as follows: first, bitumen or bitumen mastic is applied to the surface of the profoil and immediately leveled with a thin layer .
Heat-insulating plates are laid on leveled layer of hot bitumen and bitumen is pressed. In cases where the sides of the slabs are uneven and the seams between the slabs may exceed 5 mm, it is necessary to pre-cut the slabs or fill such seams with strips of the same heat insulating material before laying. Improperly laid slabs (swinging or deflecting) are re-glued.
Roof arrangement
The first elephant is glued onto a dry base. Base primer is sprayed with cold primer composition by means of pneumatic unit. Primer is made on gripper with width of 34m. The surface is turned with a continuous layer, without omissions. The drying time of the primers is about 12 hours. Before the sticker, the rolls are rolled out onto the roofs, dry, and the boundaries of the sticker of the panels are drawn with chalk. The sticker of the panels is led parallel to the skate, starting from the roof cornice. The carpet is glued in layers: first, 1 layer is littered throughout the area, after its inspection, acceptance, 2 and so on. Mats are glued with bitumen mastic.
Determination of estimated construction cost.
Local estimates
Local estimates are the first estimated documents and are drawn up for individual types of work on buildings and structures for site-wide works based on the volumes determined as part of the detailed documentation.
local estimates are made for the following types of work:
- construction works;
- Internal sanitation:
- internal electric lighting;
- electric power plants;
- installation and purchase of process equipment:
- low-current devices;
- purchase of devices;
Local estimates are carried out in sections based on the process sequence. After each section, the local cost estimate determines the total cost of the section and carries out accruals.
Local estimates are used to determine the estimated cost of construction and construction.
The estimated cost of CMR consists of direct costs (FP), overhead costs (HP) and estimated profit (JV).
Direct costs are directly related to the production of specific CMR types. The value of direct costs is determined by direct invoice based on physical quantities for structural types of works, estimated norms and prices. Direct costs consist of material costs, machine operation costs, including the driver's salary, and basic wages.
Overhead costs - indirect costs associated with construction management, organization of construction production and maintenance of its workers.
Estimated profit - the profit of contracting construction organizations, which goes mainly to the development of the production base and the social sphere of the contractor.
Estimated cost is the sum of direct costs and overhead costs.
The local estimate for electrical installation works is used to determine the estimated cost of electrical installation works.
Accruals for these types of estimates are carried out in the same way as accruals for local

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