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Reconstruction of utilities in the residential quarter - heating networks, water supply, sewerage

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The course project Operation and reconstruction of TGB.N systems are shown in the drawings - on the first sheet: the general plan of the reconstructed section of the thermal network, the trenchless method of replacing the pipeline without increasing the flow diameter is shown. On the second sheet there is a schedule for repair work with the construction of a schedule for the movement of labor. The note contains all necessary calculations

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Organization of working conditions

1 Works on replacement of pipes of thermal network (T1,T2)

Determination of trench earth structure parameters during thermal network reconstruction

1.1 Determination of excavation scope for trench

1.2 Selection of a set of soil mining machines

1.3 Choice of earthworks

1.4 Transfer of pipes to the place of laying, installation and removal of floor slab

1.5 Composition of accepted sets of machines and equipment

2 Trenchless replacement of sewage pipeline

2.1 Determination of excavation volumes for working and receiving pits

2.2 Selection of a set of soil mining machines

2.3 Selection of earthworks option

Organization of warehouses and temporary buildings


Procedure of works execution

Quality Control and Safety

List of used literature


In this course work, issues related to the organization of the reconstruction of heating networks, water supply and sewerage are considered. The following aspects of this activity are to be studied and elaborated:

- determination of types and scope of work on the basis of technical assignment, regulatory documents and adopted calculation methods;

- Scheduling using network planning and management methods, as well as volume scheduling;

- execution of design documentation (set of drawings) in accordance with the initial data and results obtained at previous stages;

- execution of explanatory note reflecting the main stages of the course project execution with calculation and results of work.

The task of reconstruction of heating networks and sewerage is urgent due to the fact that today in the Russian Federation most of the engineering networks are in dilapidated condition and require immediate replacement or reconstruction.

Against the background of the global crisis, the issue of choosing a way to eliminate faults and modernize engineering structures (erecting new or reconstructing existing ones), taking into account the shortage of labor, temporary and financial resources, is especially acute.

Organization of working conditions

In accordance with the current regulatory and legal documents, the conditions for the reconstruction of engineering networks are organized. This set of measures includes: the definition of grips, the conditions for the organization of the construction site, the organization of the camp from temporary buildings, the location of materials for the work, the selection of machines for the work.

Grips must be defined to start the reconstruction work. The complex of work under consideration is geographically indivisible, therefore, for all brigades engaged in reconstruction, a single capture is allocated. The division of labour will be carried out on a functional rather than territorial basis. In accordance with the conditions of the initial data of the course design and the above assumptions, the entire section for the reconstruction of the thermal network is selected as a grip.

Repair work is underway in the existing built-up quarter, which imposes a number of serious restrictions. The most important, of which is the factor of constrained working conditions. The construction site is enclosed by temporary fencing in order to avoid the penetration of unauthorized people, including children, into the construction site. During the reconstruction in the residential quarter, some entrances are blocked. But the infrastructure of the microdistrict is such that access to residential buildings remains due to additional detours. Therefore, the organization of temporary access and bypass roads is not required.

The work involves the use of heavy construction equipment and the supply of construction materials. This circumstance indicates the need to arrange entry and exit gates at the construction site - 2 pcs. The gate is located on the existing road. At the entrance to the construction site, maximum speed limit signs of 5 km/h are installed. The long reconstruction period determines the need to install a camp from temporary buildings. The selection and placement project will be discussed in more detail below. On the territory of the construction site, it is necessary to organize the storage of materials, for which a warehouse is arranged.

The second stage of reconstruction is the replacement of sections of existing water supply and sewerage networks. They are located under the existing carriageway. On assignment, it was necessary to provide a method that did not block the road, so recovery methods were chosen: for the water supply - the Phoenix process, for sewage - the Vipliner restoration. The advantages of these methods are: speed of execution, savings, a small amount of earthworks. For this, two small pits were dug - working and receiving. The same machines as in the previous stage of reconstruction are used for restoration works.

Procedure of works execution

At the preparatory stage, measures and works related directly to the preparation of the construction site and reconstruction areas for the production of construction and construction equipment are carried out. The main tasks of this stage are: creating the necessary technical, technological and organizational conditions for the implementation of the main construction and construction projects and their uninterrupted logistics; ensuring the maximum reduction of the period of reconstruction of engineering networks; creation of safe conditions for reconstruction works .

The following features affect the performance of earthworks during the reconstruction of buildings: constrained conditions; short terms of works execution; A large amount of manual work ensuring sufficient soil compaction in backfills; large number of communications; great restriction of earthworks; no places for dumping.

To carry out the work, a general plan, a diagram of the work and schedules of its execution, the design of devices, fixtures, equipment, auxiliary devices required for the work, instructions for quality control, safety requirements, environmental protection measures are being developed.

Prior to earthworks:

1. indicate the position of all communications on the ground;

2. install temporary barriers;

3. lift all materials and accessories (pipes, rigging devices, etc.);

4. remove the plant layer.

The development of the pit and trench is carried out by an excavator, a bulldozer.

Machines perform the same operations as during the construction of new facilities, however, they are carried out in more difficult conditions, which leads to a decrease in their productivity, an increase in manual labor, a transition to small-sized and more maneuverable equipment. Manual labor is used in particularly cramped places, as well as where, according to safety rules, it is forbidden to use machines and mounted equipment.

A hydraulic excavator EO2621A equipped with a reverse blade is used for the pit and trench arrangement, while the direction of movement of the excavator in constrained conditions occurs in a straight line.

Reconstruction of the sewage pipe is carried out by the "VIPLAINER" method. The method consists in pulling a new polyethylene pipe using a pneumatic punch. Pneumatic piercer is a self-propelled pneumatic percussion machine operating from stationary or mobile source of compressed air. Its body is a working element forming a well, and the striker, which is mixed in the body, performs reciprocating movements under the action of compressed air and strikes the front end of the body, clogging it into the ground. Reverse movement of the housing is prevented by friction forces against the ground.

To perceive forces at the moment of air punch starting from the pit and increase accuracy of penetration, starting devices are used that create friction forces on its housing. This method destroys the old pipe. This makes it possible to lay a pipe of larger diameter. First, working and receiving pits are dug (dimensions of pits are accepted depending on the diameter of the laid pipe and the length of the pneumatic punch). The air piercer starts pulling a new pipe from the working pit. The new pipe is a shortened branch pipe (depending on the constriction of the conditions, the branch pipes are made of different lengths), the branch pipes are supplied manually. Deviation of the air punch from the specified direction can be caused by incorrect targeting, shift during start-up or any obstacle during movement. Therefore, to guide the movement of the pneumatic punch, an additional power element located in the receiving pit is used, it is connected by means of bypass blocks with a flexible connection to the tip of the pneumatic punch and thereby exerts a control effect on it. The penetration speed under this method is 3040 m/h.

Quality Control and Safety

Assurance of quality control of construction works is achieved by systematic monitoring of performance of each production process. Internal operational control is carried out during the work.

1. Quality control of earthworks.

The main document when performing quality control of work is the operational control scheme, which performs: a sketch of an earthen structure with a leader of permissible deviations; list of operations to be monitored; control composition; method and time.

During arrangement of pits the following is checked:

a) Horizontal reference;

b) Correct distribution of axes;

c) Vertical elevations;

d) Accidental soil overruns.

Control is carried out using theodolite, leveler, roulette, cord. Acts are drawn up for the completed part of the earth structure (including hidden works), which, together with as-built drawings, soil test results, work logs and other documentation, are presented during the technical delivery of the object acceptance.

2. Quality control of soil compaction.

a) moisture content of compacted soil is controlled;

b) the thickness and degree of soil compaction, the rhythm of machines operation are controlled. Soil density is checked in laboratories.

During earthworks:

1. Organization of works

1.1. When performing earthworks and other works related to the placement of workplaces in excavations and trenches, it is necessary to provide measures to prevent the impact on workers of the following hazardous and harmful production factors related to the nature of the work:

- collapsing rocks (soils);

- falling objects (pieces of rock);

- moving machines and their working organs, as well as objects moved by them;

- location of the workplace near the difference in height of 1.3 m or more;

- increased voltage in the electrical circuit, closure of which can occur through the human body;

- chemically hazardous and harmful production factors.

1.2. In the presence of hazardous and harmful production factors, the safety of earthworks should be ensured on the basis of the implementation of the following labor protection decisions contained in the organizational and technological documentation (PIC, PPR, etc.):

- determination of safe steepness of loose slopes of pits, trenches (hereinafter referred to as excavations) taking into account loads from machines and soil;

- selection of types of machines used for soil development and their installation sites;

- Additional measures to control and ensure the sustainability of slopes due to seasonal changes;

- determination of installation places and types of fences of pits and trenches.

1.3. In order to prevent soil erosion, formation of landslides, collapse of excavation walls at excavation sites, it is necessary to ensure removal of surface and underground water before their start.

The place of work should be cleaned of boulders, trees, construction debris.

1.4. Excavation works in the protection zone of high-voltage cables, the existing gas pipeline, other communications, as well as in areas with possible pathogenic contamination of the soil (landfills, cattle trucks, a cemetery, etc.) must be carried out along with permission after obtaining permission from the organization operating these communications or the sanitary supervision body.

Work under these conditions should be carried out under the direct supervision of the work manager, and in the protective zone of cables under voltage or existing gas pipelines, in addition, under the supervision of employees of organizations operating these communications.

1.5. The development of soil in the immediate vicinity of existing underground communications is allowed only with the help of shovels, without the use of impact tools.

The use of earth-moving machines at the intersection of excavations with existing communications that are not protected from mechanical damage is allowed by agreement with the organizations - owners of communications.

2. Organization of workplaces.

2.1. At placement of jobs in dredging their sizes accepted in the project have to provide placement of designs, the equipment, equipment and also passes in workplaces and to jobs with width in light not less than 0.6 m, and in workplaces - also necessary space in a zone of works.

2.2. Excavations to be developed shall be protected by protective fences taking into account the requirements of state standards. Warning signs must be installed on the fence, and at night - signal lighting.

2.3. For the passage of people through the recesses, transitional bridges must be arranged in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 1203.

To pass to the workplaces in the recesses, ladders or stairs with a width of at least 0.6 m with fences or stairs (wooden - not more than 5 m long) should be installed.

2.4. When performing work related to the presence of workers in excavations with slopes without anchorages, it is necessary to provide slope steepness in accordance with the type of soil.

2.5. Before the employees are allowed into the recesses with a depth of more than 1.3 m, the responsible person must check the condition of the slopes, as well as the reliability of the groove walls.

Boulders and stones and soil peels found on slopes shall be removed.

2.6. Admission of employees to excavations with slopes subjected to humidification is allowed only after a thorough inspection by the person responsible for ensuring the safety of the work, the condition of the slopes and the collapse of unstable soil in places where "visors" or cracks (delaminations) are found.

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