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Reconstruction of utilities in the residential quarter - heat networks, VK

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Course on reconstruction of residential quarter engineering systems with drawings and notes

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1. Work on replacement of heat pipes

Determination of trench earth structure parameters during thermal network reconstruction

1.1 Determination of earthwork scope for neck countries

1.2 Selection of a set of machines for soil development

1.3 Choice of production option for earthen bots

1.4 Transfer of pipes to the place of installation, installation and removal of the slab

1.5 Composition of accepted sets of machines and equipment

2. Trenchless replacement of sewage pipeline

2.1 Determination of excavation volumes for working and receiving catches

2.2 Selection of a set of machines for soil development

2.3 Choice of the production option of earthen bots

Organization of warehouses and temporary facilities


Technology of production of bot

Quality control and safety equipment

Reclamation of Cretaceous

Measures to carry out work in winter time

List of used literature


In this course work, issues related to the organization of the reconstruction of heating networks, water supply and sewerage are considered. Timely organized reconstruction of heating networks will ensure the achievement of many results, such as, for example, reducing accidents of heating lines, improving their wear resistance and heat supply quality, and reducing heat production costs.

The following aspects of this activity are to be studied and studied:

- determination of types and scope of work on the basis of technical assignment, regulatory documents and adopted calculation methods;

- Scheduling using network planning and management methods, as well as volume scheduling;

- execution of design documentation (set of drawings) in accordance with the initial data and results obtained at previous stages;

- execution of explanatory note reflecting the main stages of the course project execution with calculation and results of work.

Work Organization Conditions

In accordance with the current regulatory documents, the conditions for the reconstruction of engineering networks are organized. This set of measures includes: the definition of grips, the conditions for organizing the construction site, the organization of the camp from temporary buildings, the location of materials for the work, you-select machines for the work.

Grips must be defined to start the reconstruction work. The complex of work under consideration is geographically indivisible, therefore, for all brigades engaged in reconstruction, a single capture is allocated. The division of labour will be carried out on a functional rather than territorial basis. In accordance with the conditions of the initial data of the course design and the above assumptions, the entire section is selected according to the re-design of the thermal network.

Repair work is underway in the existing built-up quarter, which imposes a number of serious restrictions. The construction site is enclosed by temporary fencing in order to prevent third-party people, including children, from entering the construction site. With re-construction in the residential quarter, some entrances are blocked. But the infrastructure of the microdistrict is such that access to residential buildings remains due to additional detours. Therefore, the organization of temporary access and bypass roads is not required.

The work involves the use of heavy construction equipment and the supply of construction materials. This circumstance indicates the need to arrange entry and exit gates at the construction site - 2 pcs. The gate is located on the existing road. At the entrance to the construction site, maximum speed limit signs of 5 km/h are installed. The long reconstruction period determines the need to install a camp from temporary buildings. On the territory of the construction site, it is necessary to organize the storage of materials, for which a warehouse is arranged.

The second stage of reconstruction is the replacement of sections of existing water supply and sewerage networks. They are located under the existing carriageway. On assignment, it was necessary to provide a method that did not block the road, so recovery methods were chosen: for the water supply - the Phoenix process, for sewage - the Instituform method. The advantages of these methods are: speed of execution, savings, a small amount of earthworks. For this, two small pits were dug - working and receiving. The same machines as in the previous stage of reconstruction are used for restoration works.

Works on replacement of pipes of thermal network (T1,T2).

In most cities of Russia, heat network pipelines are installed from ordinary steel pipes laid in a concrete channel. As heat insulation materials of the pipe in the channels, usually fibrous materials are used, and this is the main reason for the catastrophic state of the networks. Now the service life of trunk networks is 12 15 years, GVA networks 3-5 years. With the wear of heating networks of more than 60%, the number of accidents increases avalanche-like. Leaks and unaccounted for water flows in heat supply systems accounted for 15-20% of the total water supply in Russia, and heat losses reach 50%.

The way out of this position is to use insulation for installation of heat networks of pipes in polyurethane foam (PCP). Such pipes with factory-made insulation are widespread in Europe. Heat networks installed from pipes in the insulation PPUs can serve 3040 years, and heat losses are reduced to 2%.

1.2 Selection of a set of soil mining machines

All production processes at the construction site are performed by several sets of machines organized in a single flow. A separate set includes: a driving machine, in this case an excavator.

The driving machine is a single-bucket excavator EO3324 with a reverse blade, hydraulic drive, Vk = 0.63 m3.

Technical specifications:

Ladle volume - 0.63 m3.

The largest digging radius Rk is 5 m.

The greatest digging depth Nk is 6.2 m.

Speed of movement w - 2.26.7 km/h.

1.3 Choice of earthworks

We accept the following backfilling processes for the trench:

1. Delivery of soil;

2. Manual backfilling;

3. Bumping of soil by bulldozer with dump into pit;

4. Manual leveling of soil;

5. Compaction of soil with manual ramming.


Calendar plans in construction include all planning documents, in which, on the basis of the volumes of construction and installation works and made organizational and technological decisions, the sequence and timing of construction are determined. Scheduling plans are the main documents within the PIC and PPR.

In accordance with the construction calendar plans, support calendar plans are developed - schedules for the need for work personnel and material and technical resources.

The structure, composition and level of detail of the master data of the calendar plans depends on the purpose of the project documentation, which includes the calendar plan, and, therefore, is determined by the period of work to which it is dedicated.

The work schedule for the object in the form of a linear or network schedule is designed to determine the sequence and timing of civil, special and installation works carried out during the construction of the object. These deadlines are established as a result of rational linkage of the deadlines for the performance of certain types of work, accounting for the composition and number of core resources, primarily working teams and leading mechanisms, as well as specific conditions of the construction area, a separate site and a number of other significant factors.

According to the calendar plan, the need for labor and material and technical resources, as well as the timing of deliveries of all types of equipment, are calculated in time. These calculations can be performed both for the entire object and for individual construction periods. On the basis of the calendar plan, they monitor the progress of work and coordinate the work of the performers. The work dates calculated in the schedule are used as starting points in more detailed planning documents, such as weekly and shift jobs.

The procedure for developing the schedule is as follows:

make a list (nomenclature) of works;

- according to which, for each type of work, their volumes are determined;

- selection of methods of basic works and leading machines;

- calculation of normative machine and labour intensity;

- determining the composition of brigades and links;

- process sequence of works execution is detected;

- work replacement is established;

- determine the duration of individual works and their combination among themselves; at the same time, the number of performers and shift are corrected based on these data;

- comparing the estimated duration with the standard duration and making the necessary adjustments;

On the basis of the plan implemented, schedules of resource requirements and their provision are developed.

The site work schedule consists of two parts: left - calculation and right - graphic.

The list of works is completed in the process sequence with their grouping by types and periods of works.

Scope of work is determined by working drawings and cost estimates. Labor intensity of works and machine time costs are calculated according to the current GESN [1] taking into account the planned growth of labor productivity by introducing a correction factor for overfulfication of standards. In the course project, repair and restoration work is carried out. Therefore, when calculating the labor intensity of work and machine time costs, HESNr and HESN were used.

By the time the schedule is drawn up, work methods must be defined and machines and mechanisms selected. During scheduling, conditions of intensive operation of the main machines should be ensured by using them in 2-3 shifts without interruptions in operation and excessive relocations. The duration of mechanized works should be determined only based on the capacity of the machine. Therefore, the duration of mechanized work is determined first, and then the duration of manual work is calculated.

Duration of mechanized works (days) is determined by formula:


where is the required quantity of machine;

- number of machines;

- number of work shifts per day.

The number of machines required depends on the scope and nature of the construction works and the timing of their execution.

Duration of manual works (days) is calculated by formula:

, (19)

where - labor intensity of works (person);

- the number of workers who can occupy the work front.

When using the main machines (mounting cranes, excavators, etc.), the number of work shifts is usually taken to be at least 2. The work schedule - the right part of the schedule, clearly depicts the progress of work in time, the sequence and linkage of work with each other.

Calendar deadlines for individual works are established on the condition of strict technological sequence, taking into account the need to provide a front for subsequent works in the minimum possible time.

The main method of reducing the construction time of facilities is in-line parallel and combined construction and installation work. Works that are not connected to each other must be performed in parallel and independently of each other.

It is necessary to draw up a schedule to solve the main task - to reduce the duration of repair and restoration work as much as possible. Minimization of the duration of work has a limit in the form of three restrictions: the size of the work front, the presence of working personnel and the technology of work. The minimum duration of individual works is determined by the technology of their execution.

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