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Reconstruction of intra-village water supply networks - Water supply to Berdnikovo village

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Water supply project with special sections passed state expertise

Project's Content

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icon НВ.bak
icon НВ.dwg
icon ООС Бердниково.doc
icon Титульники Бердниково.doc
icon ОПЗ.doc
icon Замечания-Бердниково.doc
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icon Объектная смета Бердниково.xls
icon ПЗ на сметы.doc
icon ССР Бердниково 4 квартал 2010 Изм.3.xls
icon ССР Бердниково в базовых 2001 Изм.3.xls
icon Таблица ответов на замечания.doc
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icon Таблица ответов на замечания.docx
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icon GOST_A_0.TTF
icon GOST_B_0.TTF

Additional information


1 Introduction

2 Summary of the object to be designed

2.1 Substantiation of the site selection and informing the population about the proposed economic activity

2.2 General information about the designed object

3 Protection and management of land resources

3.1 Brief description of the land of the construction area

3.2 Impact of water supply on territory, land use conditions

3.3 Recultivation of disturbed land during the construction of the facility

3.4 Measures to reduce impact on land

4 Protection of the air pool

4.1 General provisions, purposes and tasks of subsection development

4.2 Summary of physical, geographical and climatic characteristics

district and construction site conditions

4.3 Characterization of sources of air pollution

4.4 Air impact during construction

4.4.1 Gross emissions from motor vehicles during the construction of water supply

4.4.2 Calculation during application of paint coatings

4.4.3 Emissions from removal of vegetal layer

4.5 Proposals for setting limit emission standards (IPA)

4.6 Measures to reduce the impact on the atmosphere during construction

4.7 Charge for emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere

5 Protection of surface and groundwater from pollution and depletion

5.1 Existing provision

5.2 Technical specifications

5.3 Water consumption and drainage during operation

5.3.1 Water consumption

5.3.2 Drainage

5.4 Water consumption and drainage during construction

5.4.1 Water consumption

6 Environmental protection during waste storage (disposal)

6.1 Types and quantity of wastes during construction and operation of the facility

6.2 Hazard assessment of wastes

6.3 Waste Storage (Disposal)

6.4 Waste Disposal Fees for Production and Consumption

List of sources used

2 Summary of the object to be designed

2.1 Substantiation of the site selection and informing the population about the proposed economic activity

The criteria for selecting the alignment location were:

- no planning restrictions in route passage

- minimum length of water supply compared to other options.

According to Order of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection No. 372 dated May 16, 2000, public participation on the intended economic and other activities is carried out by the customer in accordance with Russian law.

3 Protection and management of land resources

3.1 Brief description of the land of the construction area

The water supply construction route passes through residential areas of Berdnikov village.

Geomorphologically, the territory is located within the flood terrace of the river. Irtysh, the relief is gentle. In the geological structure up to a depth of 4 m, upper-quaternary cover semi-solid clays and hard loams, alluvial sands and loams from tugo- to fluxeplastic consistency, semi-solid clays of the Pavlograd retinue take part.

Geological-lithological section:

layer 1 - soil plant, power 0.3m

EGE-2 - medium-sized sand, power 0.7 m

EGE-3 - semi-solid clay, power 0.91.2m

EGE-4 - solid subsidence loam, power 0.7-08m

EGE-5 - refractory loam, power 0.71.7m

EGE-6 - soft-plastic loam, power 0.40.7m

EGE-7 - fluid-plastic loam, power 0.41.4m

EGE-8 - semi-solid clay, open power 3.7m

The groundwater level is set at a depth of 1.8-2.4 m. The water is very slightly salted, not aggressive to W4 concrete and weakly aggressive to reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures during periodic wetting. Soils above the ground water level do not possess any kind of aggression to concrete and reinforced concrete structures.

Solid loams have subsidence properties, subsidence conditions of type I.

With respect to carbon and low alloy steel, soils have high corrosion aggressiveness. There are no wandering currents.

According to the degree of frost hazard in the zone of seasonal freezing, IGE2.4 soils belong to almost unpowered, IGE3,5,8 - to medium-permafrost, IGE6 - to strong-swept, IGE7 - to excessive-swept; the normative depth of freezing of clays and loams is 1.93.

There are no wandering currents.

3.2 Impact of water supply on the territory, conditions

land use

During normal operation, the designed water supply does not have a negative impact on the ground surface.

During the construction period, land surface violations will occur. These violations are temporary. The following are the types of work, during which, the surface of the earth will be violated:

- removal of vegetal soil along the gas pipeline route;

- delivery and laying of pipes along the route;

- arrangement of temporary passes;

- development of water supply trenches;

- arrangement of domestic premises platforms;

- arrangement of material storage sites.

During the construction of the water supply system, land is transferred to temporary and permanent use.

The area of temporary withdrawal includes the work area. For temporary buildings and structures of a mobile type, which are located on the work area (pro-slave, heating facilities, toilet, material storage sites, parking and refueling equipment), additional land removal is not required - they should be placed in the area of ​ ​ the construction strip of the diversion, moving parallel to the advance of the construction column along the route.

3.3 Recultivation of disturbed land during the construction of the facility

In accordance with the "Land Code of the Russian Federation" after the completion of construction work, disturbed land and occupied land should be brought into a state suitable for further use, that is, it is necessary to reclaim disturbed land.

Land plots provided for temporary use after completion of construction works shall be reclaimed (restored).

The construction strip of the gas pipeline along the entire width of the branch shall be recultivated.

The most responsible for preserving the environmental conditions of the route area is the period of construction during which great attention should be paid to the implementation of a well-thought-out system of measures to protect nature, namely:

- it is mandatory to recultivate the land plot;

- Strictly adhere to the roads and routes for the transport of goods and transport agreed with local authorities;

- it is forbidden to wash, repair and refill construction machines and mechanisms (except for places specially equipped for this purpose);

- during welding and other works fulfill the requirements of instructions and fire prevention;

- Prohibition of dumping of petrol, oil and lubricants outside places specially equipped for this purpose, where the possibility of their getting into the soil is eliminated.

The water supply route does not pass through spikes and arable land .

After the construction works the following shall be recultivated:

removal of construction debris with subsequent removal to the MSW landfill

backfilling of trenches with mineral soil with a roller device ensuring creation of an even surface after soil shrinkage

measures to prevent erosion processes in the construction strip, including final bulldozing; restoration of road cuvettes (their layout and soil compaction at crossing points during backfilling of trenches).

At the end of the reclamation, land that has been set aside for temporary use is returned to the former owners in a state suitable for its further use for its intended purpose.

To carry out land surface reclamation work, equipment is used that previously performed the main work on the construction of the gas pipeline.

Work related to technical and biological reclamation is recommended to be carried out in the warm period of the year from May 1 to October 10, when the vegetal soil is in a not frozen state.

3.4 Measures to reduce impact on land

To reduce the impact on the surface of the land during the construction period, the project provides for the following measures:

priority construction along the highway

passage of construction equipment is allowed only within the land diversion strip

It is necessary to strictly adhere to the roads and routes for the transportation of goods and transport, agreed with local authorities

during work in the summer dry period of the year, bonfires are prohibited, thus preventing the ignition of nearby vegetation

prohibition of the use of faulty, fire hazardous vehicles and construction and installation equipment

works related to increased fire hazard shall be performed by specialists of appropriate qualification

It is forbidden to drain fuel and lubricants outside places specially equipped for this purpose, where the possibility of soil contamination is excluded.

In order to reduce the areas where ground surface damage may occur, the project provides for maximum approximation to the site of work of the parking area of ​ ​ equipment, storage of materials and their placement in the area of ​ ​ work.

To prevent the occurrence of an emergency during the operation of machines and mechanisms, the project recommends timely scheduled preventive repairs.

The dates of the reclamation are accepted in accordance with the construction schedule and are set in the work execution project.

4.6 Measures to reduce the impact on the atmosphere during construction

The project proposes the following environmental measures aimed at protecting the atmospheric air in the work area:

- periodically monitor the content of pollutants in exhaust gases, use gas treatment neutralizers;

- to keep the values of pollutant emissions from vehicles within the design limits, it is necessary to ensure the control of the fuel system of the mechanisms, as well as fuel supply control systems that ensure its complete combustion;

- allow the machines and mechanisms to operate in good condition, especially carefully monitor the condition of technical means that can cause the sunbathing of natural vegetation;

- Prohibition of incineration of construction waste and garbage.

5 Protection of surface and groundwater from pollution and depletion

5.1 Existing provision

Currently, the existing village water supply system is laid out of steel pipes, which have become completely unsuitable for further operation. The existing water supply does not solve the fire needs of the village, due to the lack of fire hydrants. On existing water supply networks, water collection columns do not work or are absent. The wear of water supply networks is 92%.

5.2 Technical specifications

Designed networks of Berdnikovo village - non-annular from polyethylene pipes PE80 SDR21 (4.0 atm.) Ø110 mm (drinking) as per GOST 185992001 and SDR17 Ø32 mm (drinking) as per GOST 185992001. According to SNiP 2.04.0284 * installation of water collecting columns and fire hydrants is provided on the networks.

In lower places, water outlets are provided, in higher ones for air discharge - vantuys. Shut-off valves shall be installed to disconnect the repair areas. From the wells where water outlets are provided, water is pumped out by mobile pumping units through disassembling temporary pipelines to the nearest cuvettes of roads or tanker trucks.

The designed water supply networks shall be laid along the roadway of the streets. Street crossing is provided in an open way.

It is envisaged to design a water tower with a capacity of V = 25m3 with a height of 12 m to the bottom of the tank. The tower equipment consists of a pressure discharge pipeline, overflow and discharge pipes. To accommodate the necessary equipment, a well is arranged next to the tower, in which manually operated gate valves are installed on the water supply and drain pipe. From the well, the downcomer is drained with a burst of the jet into a spout with a capacity of 3 m3. The water tower is adopted according to the p.p. 901529 "Unified water steel towers of factory manufacture (Rozhkovsky system) with a capacity of 15, 25, 50m3," and the discharge according to the series OM 49001. A fence (with the entrance for the fire engine) of the water tower security area is provided - a 15m fence 2m high, made of mesh with the installation of metal posts (it is possible to use dismantled water pipes as racks ).

In Vrk4 connect the designed water supply through flanges to the existing cast iron water supply Ø 100 for water supply of the existing dryers.

During operation, water supply does not have a negative impact on surface and groundwater. The use of water is not required for the operation of the gas pipeline. Waste water is not available due to lack of water consumption.

During the construction of the gas pipeline, earthworks along the gas pipeline construction route are a potential source of pollution of surface and underground waters.

In addition, a negative impact on surface and groundwater can occur when the work area is contaminated with industrial and household waste.

The most significant impacts on the water environment during the construction period include:

- Contamination of groundwater and surface runoff;

- Changing the existing natural water balance of the Territory.

The listed impacts are temporary, their duration is determined by the construction terms.

The following types of works are a potential source of surface and underground water contamination during the gas pipeline construction:

- excavation works along the route;

- filling of equipment with fuel.

When moving construction equipment and performing earthworks at the linear part and intersections with small water barriers, the surface of the earth will be disturbed and, as a result, natural runoff can be disturbed.

When filling equipment, water pollution can occur during the installation of the filling site without hard coating, during the storage of fuel and lubricants on the site, the operation of faulty equipment and in the event of an unforeseen fuel and lubricants spill.

In addition, a negative impact on surface and groundwater can occur when the work area is contaminated with industrial and household waste.

In order to protect surface and underground waters from pollution for the period of construction works, the following measures were taken in the working documentation:

- compliance with the rules of works execution in the gas pipelines protection area

- the passage of construction equipment outside the short-term temporary lease is prohibited

- to prevent contamination of the earth's surface with waste, it is provided to equip workplaces and domestic premises with containers for household and construction waste and timely removal of them from the construction site to an authorized landfill

- fuel and lubricants draining at construction site is prohibited

- no washing of machines and mechanisms on the construction site

- construction materials used in construction shall have a quality certificate.

The following measures are provided for protection against groundwater contamination during construction:

- it was decided to refill construction equipment from vehicles "from wheels" on a specially equipped temporary site with a hard surface from road plates laid with a slope to the tray for collecting accidentally spilled oil products into a sealed container. In case of accidental spillage, oil products along the central trough are collected in a sealed container with a volume of 1 m3.

- when work is completed, remove the site, remove the tank with oil products for recycling.

Fuel storage on site is not provided. The tanker will be at the filling site for 1 hours once a week during the entire construction period.

Fueling of vehicles is carried out at existing gas stations.

The working design provides for the operation of machines and mechanisms in good condition, therefore there should be no oil spills

Drawings content

icon Водонапорная башня.dwg

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