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  • icon Waiting For Moderation: 2

Reconstruction and maintenance of buildings and buildings



Project's Content

icon Чертеж реконструкция IX.dwg
icon Чертеж реконструкция IX-Model.pdf
icon Пояснительная вреконструкция IX.docx

Additional information



1. Design Program

2. Volume-planning solution of production building before and after reconstruction

2.1. Volume-planning solution of production building prior to reconstruction

2.2. Volume-planning solution of production building after reconstruction

3. Structural solution of production building before and after reconstruction

3.1. Structural solution of production building prior to reconstruction

3.2. Structural solution of production building after reconstruction

4. Specification of prefabricated elements

5. Technical and economic assessment of the design solution of the building before and after reconstruction

List of used literature

2. Volume-planning solution of production building before and after reconstruction

2.1. Volume-planning solution of production building prior to reconstruction

The designed building is an industrial one-story building, it is a blocking of workshops. The building is solid. The building provides 4 tracks for rail transport.

The building consists of two parallel spans in the axes AB, the width of the spans is 24m each, 10.8 m high with a length of 96m with a pitch of external columns of 12m, with a pitch of internal columns of 12m. In spans A-B, bridge cranes with a lifting capacity of 10t are provided.

Longitudinal span has temperature seam with compartments.

In the transverse direction, the stability of the building is ensured by the rigidity of the columns embedded in the foundation and by a rigid coating disk, in the longitudinal direction - additionally by steel bonds. Link rods are constructed from paired hot-rolled profiles welded by straps and subassemblies. Connections are bolted to embedded elements in reinforced concrete articles with subsequent welding.

Monolithic reinforced concrete foundations with sub-columns and slab are provided for the main columns. The top of the foundation is located at elevation -1.050m (0.15), which makes it possible to install the frame elements after the end of zero cycle work.

Around the building there is a pavement with a width of 1 m.

2.2. Volume-planning solution of production building after reconstruction

The reconstructed building is an industrial one-story building, it is a blocking of workshops. The building is solid. The building provides 4 tracks for rail transport, which are extended to the axis ½ during reconstruction.

The building consists of two parallel spans in the axes AB, the width of the spans is 24m each, 10.8 m high with a length of 120 m with a pitch of external columns of 12m, with a pitch of internal columns of 12m. In spans A-B, bridge cranes with a lifting capacity of 10t are provided .

Longitudinal span has temperature seam with compartments.

In the transverse direction, the stability of the building is ensured by the rigidity of the columns embedded in the foundation and by a rigid coating disk, in the longitudinal direction - additionally by steel bonds. Link rods are constructed from paired hot-rolled profiles welded by straps and subassemblies. Connections are bolted to embedded elements in reinforced concrete articles with subsequent welding.

Monolithic reinforced concrete foundations with sub-columns and slab are provided for the main columns. The top of the foundation is located at elevation -1.050m (0.15), which makes it possible to install the frame elements after the end of zero cycle work.

Around the building there is a pavement with a width of 1 m.

The end wall panels of the production building along axis 1 are dismantled during reconstruction, and also dismantled along axis 1 of the Fachwerk column .

Sanitary and hygienic requirements during reconstruction are fulfilled

The building class is II.

The degree of durability is II.

Degree of fire resistance - II.

The number of evacuation exits in the building is 6.

Structural solution of production building before and after reconstruction

3.1. Structural solution of production building prior to reconstruction.

Existing building with full reinforced concrete frame.

Foundations, foundation beams

For the designed building, we accept monolithic reinforced concrete foundations for the columns of the building consisting of a sub-column and a two-stage slab part. The foundation cut is located at an elevation of 0.150 m. The foundation depth is 2.550 m.

Foundation for columns in places of temperature seam is provided as monolithic and serves to support two columns .

Foundations are reinforced with standard reinforcement grids (horizontal element) and flat frames (vertical element) made of reinforcement of periodic profile, concrete is used of class B15.

The walls are supported by foundation beams laid along the foundations through supporting reinforced concrete columns. The top is at -0.03 m. Waterproofing of two layers of ruberoid on the mastic is arranged at this level.

Beams are laid around the perimeter of external walls, beams are not laid under the passages of road and railway transport.

Columns and beams of suspended transport tracks.

The building uses the pitch of the extreme columns - 12 m, the average - 12 m. Fachwerk columns are also provided for the width of the spans along the outer end walls after 12 m to ensure the use of 12 meter wall panels. In order to attach wall panels to angular and extreme middle rows with load-bearing columns, fuselage posts formed by connection of beams of I-beam, I-beam or channel profile are welded.

We accept precast reinforced concrete columns of the extreme and middle row along axes A-B with a section of 500x600 mm, with a pitch of 12 m.

Geometric axes of the end columns of the main frame are displaced from the transverse coordination axes inside the building by 500 mm

In buildings with a reinforced concrete frame, paired columns are installed at the locations of the longitudinal temperature seam. In this case, the axis of the temperature seam should coincide with the transverse coordination axis, and the axes of the columns should be shifted relative to the coordination axis by 500 mm.

Crane beams - steel for cranes with a lifting capacity of 10t working according to a split scheme. The section is an I-beam with a developed upper belt. For the span of 18 m, the pitch of the columns of 12 m and cranes with a lifting capacity of 10 t, the height of the crane beam is 1400 mm.

Beams are fixed to column console by means of anchor bolts, which are passed through support sheet, first welded to lower embedded plate, and to column neck - by welding vertical sheet to embedded plates. Rail is secured along crane beams.


The main structural structures of the coating are used in the project

- prefabricated reinforced concrete rope-free rafters for low-slope roofs, 240 mm thick, designed to cover the spans of industrial buildings 24.

For the stability of beams and trusses, spacers are provided along the upper belts of the trusses. Beams and trusses are attached to columns by anchor bolts and welding of support sheets.

Steel links

We receive steel connections located along axes A, B, B-3-4 and 7-8 with column pitch of 12 m - portal connections.


Coverage is used without runs. Reinforced concrete ribbed panels rest directly on the bearing structures of the coating. 12m paving slabs with a width of 3m and a height of 450mm are used.

During installation, the slabs are welded to the rafter structure at least in three corners. The seams between the slabs are filled with concrete.


Roof structure is adopted as follows:

"Technoelast" roll material layer;

leveling cement and sand solution 15;

insulation Foam polysterol 120;

coating vapour insulation

The drainage in the building is internal organized .

Exterior walls

For external walls, 12-meter three-layer railway wall panels of NSP with a height of 1.2 and 1.8 m are used. The lower base panel of the NCP of the first tier rests on a foundation beam through a layer of cement sand mortar, which acts as waterproofing .

Panel wall seams are filled with 6080 mm wide synthetic elastic gaskets and sealing mastic. Synthetic materials and sealing mastic compensate for possible change of thickness of inter-tiered joints.


Partitions are made of ordinary M150 clay brick, M50 solution grade. Internal load-bearing wall with thickness of 380mm with height attachment by welding of mounting parts to the column embedded parts.


The gate is designed for transport. The dimensions of the openings of the gate are taken as multiples of the 600mm module. The dimensions of the openings of the gate are assigned according to the condition: the width is not less than 600 mm more than the width of the transport, and the height is not less than 200 mm. Gates are placed on longitudinal and end walls. The size of the gate is 3.0 x 3.0 m. Recoil double-floor gates are used. They are easy to use and reliable to operate. The walls of the gate are all-metal. The banding is made of bent profiles squeezed with stamped sheets, and insulation is placed between the skins. The walls of the gate are hung on loops. The frame of the gate is supported on the ledges of the foundations of the frame columns. Within the pitch of the columns between which the gate is located, the foundation beam is not laid


Wooden window blocks with translucent filling made of standard glass. Windows are made with double glazing.

Window sizes: 2100x2400, 2100x1500


The entrance doors are wooden, the main ones with dimensions of 2300x1476 mm are double-floor blind, the service doors are single-floor. The method of opening is swing.

The internal doors also have a wooden structure, with a size of 2100x900 mm, same-sex, blind.

The door structure consists of a box that is fixed in the wall opening, and a blind door canvas hung on the box using hinges. Box with suspended canvas forms door unit.

Drawings content

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