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Technology of reconstruction works in the production building (trellis-cutting workshop) - Reconstruction and repair of buildings and structures


Course project. Drawing, Explanatory Note

Project's Content

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Additional information


This course work considers the technology of reconstruction work in the production building (trellis-cutting workshop).

The purpose of the work: to identify the main defects of individual elements of this building and to develop job instructions for the elimination of these defects, the technology of construction and installation work, to select the main tools and mechanisms.

The relevance of the reconstruction of the production building is due to the possibility of its further operation, subject to the rules for its maintenance and timely repair work.

The introduction of the explanatory note discloses the concept of reconstruction of buildings.

The punch list contains information about the causes of destruction of individual elements and methods of their elimination.

In the special sections on reconstruction of individual parts of the building, the processes of work execution, requirements for quality and acceptance of work, technical and economic indicators, safety and labor protection were dismantled, calculation of labor costs and work schedules was made.

The course work contains a graphic part, which shows the reconstructed building and the main technological processes. Technological instructions have been developed to replace the wooden staircase and strengthen the wooden columns.


Reconstruction of the building - a complex of the construction works and organizational and technical actions connected with change of the key technical and economic indicators (quantities and floor area, the total structural volume and total area of the building, capacity or capacity or its appointment) for improvement of conditions of stay, quality of service, increase in volume of services.

Development of design and estimate documentation for overhaul and reconstruction of buildings (facilities) shall include:

- technical survey, determination of physical and moral wear and tear of design objects;

- preparation of design and estimate documentation for all design solutions for redevelopment, functional reassignment of premises, replacement of structures, engineering systems or their re-arrangement, improvement of the territory and other similar works;

- feasibility study of reconstruction;

- development of reconstruction organization project and work execution project, which is developed by the contracting organization

The purpose of the reconstruction of buildings is to replace and restore individual parts or entire structures and equipment of buildings due to their wear and tear (physical wear and tear), as well as to eliminate moral wear and tear in order to increase the level of improvement in them.

1 Short Overview

In this course work, the technology of reconstructive work of an industrial building (trellis-cutting workshop) is considered. The structural diagram of the building is frame. Foundations - precast reinforced concrete. Foundation beams - precast reinforced concrete. Foundation blocks - concrete. Columns - wooden (production part), prefabricated reinforced concrete (administrative-household building). Paving slabs - wavy asbestos cement, prefabricated reinforced concrete. Beams - wooden (workshop), reinforced concrete (administrative building). External walls - arbolite panels. Partitions - from plaster sheets, brick. Doors, windows - wooden. Floors - wooden, mosaic, cement sand, linoleum, ceramic tiles. Stairs - wooden, metal. The roof is rolled, made of 3 layers of ruberoid .

2.1 Causes of defects

1) Wooden staircase - a long period of operation, non-fulfillment of measures for antiseptic treatment of structures;

2) Wooden columns - fire impact.

3 Job Instruction for Replacement of Wooden Ladder with Metal Ladder

3.1 Scope of application

The process sheet has been developed to replace the existing internal wooden staircase with a metal one. The work is carried out by a link of 4 people.

4.1 Scope of Job Instruction Application

The process sheet has been developed for the performance of work on strengthening wooden columns in axes (26; A) installation of overlays on both sides. Work is also performed on fire-retardant treatment of all wooden columns and reinforcement elements.

4.3 Process Technology and Organization of Labor

During reinforcement of wooden columns with straps the following separate works are performed:

1. Billet of wooden reinforcement elements. Performers: carpenter of 4 categories - 1, carpenter of 3 categories - 1.

2. Cleaning of wooden column surfaces - removal of fire damaged top layer of wood.

Performers: carpenter of 4 categories - 1, carpenter of 3 categories - 1.

3. Installation of wooden linings on reinforced columns. Performers: carpenter of 4 categories - 1, carpenter of 3 categories - 1.

4. Application of fire-retardant compositions with spray gun and brush (in hard-to-reach places) Performers: painters of 4 categories - 2, painter of 2 categories - 1.

Application of protective composition is carried out in 2 - 3 of reception with interval of 20 - 40 minutes, providing normalized total flow rate.

Labor rationing and cost calculation are carried out according to the ENiR.

Workplace organization diagrams are presented in the graphic part. The sequence and duration of the work are reflected in the schedule.

4.5 Quality Control

Wooden structures should be made of dried wood, which should be antiseptic.

The finished protective coating shall be checked for compliance with manufacturer's standards.

When applying a fire-retardant coating, the finished coating is accepted by the contracting authority.

During acceptance check of coating appearance and thickness is performed. The coating shall not have cracks, exfoliations and uncolored places. No penetrations more than 1.5 mm thick are allowed. The quantity of penetrations less than 1.5 mm thick shall not exceed 5 per 1 m2.

The appearance of the coating is checked by each structure.

Ways of disposal of structural disassembly materials

Reinforced concrete elements of the building that meet quality requirements are used in agriculture (for example, farms, vegetable storage facilities, repair shops, etc.), urban (for example, warehouses, garages, etc.), road and other construction.

Reinforced concrete elements of the building that do not meet quality requirements shall be processed for crushed stone and sand.

Waste of insulation, glass and ceramics are processed in process lines into raw materials for the production of building materials and products (for example, wall plates and blocks).

Bitumen is melted from roofing waste in special installations, which has multi-purpose applications (for example, in construction).

Blocks obtained from the removal of structures should be reused at the facilities after appropriate processing. And, if the units can be installed on the same facility from where they were dismantled, and their repair does not require labor-intensive operations and the use of significant production areas, then they are put into good condition directly on the construction site. If it is impossible to restore them in the conditions of the construction site, then the structures are sent to a centralized base (section) to bring them to the necessary design state.

Floor blocks consisting of steel beams with concrete or reinforced concrete filling, as well as reinforced concrete beams, concrete or reinforced concrete inserts and in satisfactory condition, are used to replace similar structures on the same or other objects. In case of corrosion damage of steel beams, they are cleaned from rust and painted. Then they are used to replace similar structures, but in areas with smaller spans between supports. Blocks of stairwells (steel scaffolds, concrete or reinforced concrete steps) and stairways (steel beams and reinforced concrete slabs) in a satisfactory condition are used for the arrangement of similar structures. In corrosion damage, they are cleaned from rust and painted, then used to replace similar structures. Window, door and balcony blocks (boxes and bindings, boxes and door webs) are also used.

Rubble stone, perch and crushed stone are used as aggregate in concrete masonry; crushed stone - also for the construction of bases for floors, sidewalks, footpaths, platforms, roads and access roads. Brick without cracks apply to a laying of walls, partitions and seal of apertures, a brick with cracks - to a laying of self-bearing structures, the brick halves which kept the mechanical qualities - to repair of walls and a laying of partitions with reinforcing, brick crushed stone - as inert filler of concrete and to the basis device under floors on soil, sidewalks, walking paths, platforms, roads and access roads.

Pipes, connecting parts, sanitary and heating devices, equipment and fittings - after their overhaul can be installed during the replacement or installation of heating, water supply systems, etc.

According to the "Instructions for the re-use of products, equipment and materials in housing and communal services," materials and products obtained from the dismantling of building structures and the dismantling of engineering equipment and used, including after their restoration or processing, at repair and construction facilities, as well as sold to the public or disposed of as secondary raw materials, are considered re-used.

The feasibility of reusing materials and products at repair and construction facilities should be established on the basis of a feasibility study when developing standards for their release, taking into account the costs of restoration and processing. The volume of output and cost of reusable materials and products shall be established in the design and estimate documentation for major repair, reconstruction and demolition facilities based on the standards of output of materials and products.

The volume of materials output stipulated by the norms can be specified by the design organization according to the data of engineering surveys and technical surveys. Materials and products to be reused at this site shall be separated from the total yield. The procedure of works execution, which provides output of reusable materials and products provided for in the design documentation, shall be developed as part of organizational and technological documentation (work execution project, Job Instructions).

The safety of reusable materials and products shall be ensured at all stages of preparation and performance of works, including: engineering surveys (technical survey) at the facility; preparation and transfer of the object to the contracting organization; performance of works at the facility; transportation and storage of materials and articles; bringing materials and products into a suitable condition.

Materials and products intended for sale to the population, restoration and processing are not subject to. They are transferred to the trading organization. To determine the amount of materials obtained from disassembling structures of buildings and structures and suitable for reuse, the structures are additionally examined.

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