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Ventilation Acrylic Bath Workshop Project


Working project. Ventilation of the Workshop for the production of acrylic baths is accepted plenum-exhaust with mechanical motive. 40-fold air exchange was taken into the bath reinforcement room (according to the "Rules and Regulations on Safety and Industrial Sanitation" for chemical industry enterprises). Supply and exhaust ventilation in separate rooms is natural. Supply air is supplied directly to the premises in an organized manner. Air removal from rooms by exhaust ventilation systems is carried out from areas where air is most polluted or has the highest temperature. Filters shall be installed to clean air emissions in the B-2 system. Technical characteristics of ventilation equipment are given in the table "Systems characteristics." Ventilation grilles are not adjustable. Fixation of grids to metal air ducts is provided by self-cutting screws. Air ducts of plenum and exhaust systems are of class "H" (normal), rectangular and round section. Sheet galvanized roofing steel is used as material for air ducts, which does not require protective coatings. Attachment of air ducts to construction structures shall be made according to 5.904-1 series, 0.1 issue. To maintain ventilation systems, provide for a number of personnel - 2 people.

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