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Balsam Production Shop Ventilation Project. Ventilation project

  • Added: 14.08.2014
  • Size: 669 KB
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The ventilation section of the balsam production shop was developed on the basis of the tasks of adjacent departments, as well as existing regulatory documents.

Project's Content

icon Ответы на замечания.doc
icon Отопл и вентил .doc
icon планы ВЕНТИЛЯЦИИ.dwg
icon Спецификация .doc

Additional information


General Data

The ventilation section of the balsam production shop was developed on the basis of the tasks of adjacent departments, as well as existing regulatory documents.

The construction project provides for the creation of acceptable sanitary conditions for the air environment and the provision of technological requirements for production premises.

The ventilation heat consumption is:

Qvent = 157430W.

Climatological data

For ventilation design the following ambient air parameters are adopted based on SNB 2.04.022000 and SNB 4.02.0103.

Barometric pressure - 990 (745) GPa (mmHg).

Indoor air parameters are taken as per

GOST 12.1.00588 and SNB 4.02.0103.


The ventilation of the workshop is designed plenum with mechanical and natural motivation.

Exhaust is carried out from lower and upper zones in the size of five-fold air exchange by B1 system.

In addition to the main exhaust ventilation, emergency exhaust ventilation, B2 and B3 systems, which in emergency mode bring the volume of exhaust to the required 8-fold air exchange, are also designed.

Emergency exhaust ventilation is blocked with gas analyzers. The air removed by the system of the B1 exhaust ventilation is compensated by inflow from K1 system which maintains temperature in the shop of +25 °C. Emergency ventilation by inflow is not compensated .

In the technological opening (level 2 of the storey), the air and heat curtain U1 was designed.

Natural exhaust ventilation by BE1... BE3 systems is designed in the rooms of the shower room, bathroom and electrical panel.

In the tambour, which separates the balm production shop from the auxiliary rooms, the supply air pressure from the P1 system is designed, which cuts off the influx of harmful vapors from the category "A" rooms.

In addition to the mechanical inflow in all rooms of the workshop, there is also an influx of fresh air through the opening frames of the windows.

All air ducts are made of galvanized steel according to GOST 1491880.

Fire fighting measures

- all ventilation equipment except P1 is switched off in case of fire. The P1 system operates continuously;

- at the intersection of fire-fighting walls air ducts, return explosion-proof and fire-retardant valves with the rated fire resistance limit are installed in air ducts.

Drawings content

icon планы ВЕНТИЛЯЦИИ.dwg

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