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Project for automatic installation of fire extinguishing with finely sprayed water in the store


Object: Industrial Goods Store and Office. Project developer: Eternis. Year of project release: 2011. Systems: Water Extinguishing, Fire Alarm, Fire Extinguishing, Fine Fire Extinguishing

Project's Content

icon 01 Обложка-титул.doc
icon 01_Общие данные.dwg
icon 02 Содержание.doc
icon 02_План АПС.dwg
icon 03 ПЗ.doc
icon 03 Спецификация.doc
icon 03_План ТРВ.dwg
icon 04_Схема АСПТ.dwg
icon 05-06_Схемы.dwg

Additional information


Cover sheet 1 sheet

Contents 1 sheet

Explanatory note 12 sheets

Working drawings of the main set of 6 sheets

Equipment and materials specification 1 sheet

1. Basis for development of detailed documentation

This working documentation of the system of automatic fire extinguishing with fine water in the industrial goods store and office is made on the basis of the Customer's Assignment for the development of design documentation, architectural and construction drawings submitted by the Customer, and is developed in accordance with regulatory documents:

- GOST 12.1.00491 Fire safety. General requirements;

- GOST 12.4.00983 * Fire equipment for protection of objects. Main species. Accommodation and maintenance;

- GOST 21.40688 Wired communication means. Schematic symbols on diagrams and plans;

- Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements";

- SP 5.13130.2009 "Code of Rules. Fire protection systems. Fire alarm and fire extinguishing units are automatic. Design Codes and Regulations ";

- SP 3.13130.2009 "Code of Rules. Fire Evacuation Warning and Control System ";

- Specification 4854502964505122010 Technical Specifications for Design of Fire Fighting Plants with Finely Sprayed Water MUPTV "TVGaran" for Groups of Homogeneous Objects;

- RD 2595390 Automatic fire extinguishing, fire, security and fire alarm systems. Symbols and schematic graphic elements of systems;

- SNiP 110195 Instruction on Procedure for Development of Approval Approval and Composition of Design Documentation for Construction of Buildings and Structures Enterprises.

- Electrical Installation Rules (PUE);

2. Brief description of protected premises

2.1. The automatic fire extinguishing system shall be protected by finely sprayed water, office premises, recreation rooms, premises of trading rooms and utility premises of the store.

2.2. Protected rooms are located in a two-story building.

2.3. The external walls of the building are brick, made of ceramic brick, plastered .

2.4. Internal partitions - brick and frame-lined from GCL. Window blocks - aluminum, filling window openings - double-glazed windows, door blocks - plywood, door boxes - made of hard wood.

2.5. There are two exits from each floor of the building.

2.6. The height of the rooms to the floor is 3.5 m.

2.7. Corridors, work rooms and a number of other rooms have a suspended ceiling. The distance from the suspended ceiling to the floor is not more than 0.5 m.

2.8. Heated rooms, temperature range from + 15 0С to + 30 0С. Relative air humidity in rooms at average temperature + 20 0С is not more than 70%.

2.10. There is no dust, smoke and vibration in the rooms.

2.11. The average noise level in the premises is about 40 dB, but not more than 50 dB.

2.12. There are no aggressive environments and explosive zones in the premises.

Rooms belong to category B3 - B4, D and D on fire hazard according to NPB 10503 and area of class P - IIa on PUE.

2.13. The equipment provided for by the project has certificates of conformity in the GOST R Certification Systems and is included in the "List of technical means of fire, security and fire alarm allowed for use at objects of various forms of ownership in Russia."

3. Main technical solutions adopted in the project

3.1. Automatic fire alarm

3.1.1. Automatic fire alarm system (APS) is designed for automatic fire detection in protected premises of the building, fire alarm signal to the room with 24-hour stay of the duty personnel, control of fire protection systems of the building, execution of necessary measures for evacuation of people and call of fire department.

3.1.2. The automatic fire alarm system includes a set of technical facilities consisting of automatic and manual fire detectors, a receiving and control device and a number of auxiliary electronic units.

The fire alarm system is organized "without the right to disconnect."

3.1.3. Based on the characteristics of the protected premises, fire hazard, combustible materials contained in them, as well as, guided by SP 5.13130.2009, trading rooms, lounges, administrative and utility rooms of the building are protected by automatic smoke fire detectors of the IP type 21245 (fire safety certificate SPB.RU.OP001.B03500, ROSS RU.NB.43 certificate)

Each room is protected by at least two automatic fire detectors of type IP 21245.

3.1.4. In accordance with SP 5.13130.2009, Appendix A, item A.4, protection by automatic fire detectors of rooms of category B4 and D on fire hazard (entrance and staircase vestibules), rooms with wet processes (ventilation chambers, washing rooms, bathrooms, showers, etc.), as well as staircases are not provided.

3.1.5. The space behind the suspended ceilings is also protected by automatic smoke detectors of the IP 21245 type.

3.1.6. Manual fire detectors IPR3SU (certificate CRU.PB02.V.00048) are installed on escape routes to send a signal about the fire, in case of its visual detection.

3.1.7. According to FZ 123, a fire warning system of the 2nd type is provided for notifying people about a fire in the building. On the first and second floors of the building, on the escape routes, "EXIT" annunciators are provided, the activation of which is provided with the simultaneous operation of two automatic smoke fire detectors of the IP 21245 type or one manual fire detector of the IPR3SU type.

5. Principle of operation of automatic fire extinguishing plant with finely sprayed water.

The design provides for three modes of start-up of automatic fire extinguishing plant:

Automatic - starting is carried out from automatic fire detectors;

Manual - start from manual fire detector;

Remote - pressing of the corresponding button on the block of indication and management of fire extinguishing of "S2000PT" installed in protection.

Automatic mode

At operation of two and more fire announcers of IP21245, one protected zone, "S2000ASPT" passes into the FIRE mode and gives a sound signal in the form of difficult multifrequency tone and a light signal "Fire" on the device panel. The automatic start delay is counted for the time required to evacuate people, stop ventilation equipment, close air dampers, fire valves (at least 30 s), make a decision to disconnect automatic start (by the operator at the fire department). Delay time is set when programming "S2000ASPT".

Upon termination of counting of a delay of PPKUP of "S2000ASPT" forms an impulse on start of the corresponding modules of fire extinguishing of the room in which there was an ignition. The fire extinguishing agent (water) is supplied to the outlet nozzles, through which it exits to the protected rooms.

Due to the fact that the plant uses a fire-extinguishing substance (drinking water) that is environmentally friendly and safe for people, and in accordance with paragraph 11.2211.26 of NPB 8801 *, the device does not provide for blocking the automatic start when people are in the protected room, this project does not provide.

Manual mode

In case of shutdown of automatic start-up (pressing of the corresponding button "S2000ASPT") the project provided a possibility of manual actuation of installation from the tame fire announcer. To perform a remote start, it is necessary to evacuate all people from the room, tear the seal from the detector protective cover and actuate the manual start device by pressing the button. In this case, the plant will immediately enter the "FIRE" mode and the plant start algorithm described above will be worked out. Manual fire detectors of IPR3SU type are installed near each entrance to the protected room at a height of 1.5 meters from the floor level.

Remote mode

Remote start of automatic fire fighting by sprayed water is carried out by pressing of the corresponding button on the block of indication and management of fire extinguishing of "S2000PT" installed in protection. To each protected placement on "S2000PT" there corresponds the separate button allowing to carry out fire extinguishing start, start-up cancellation, transfer of installation to the automatic or manual mode.

6. Arrangement of equipment and laying of alarm loops

6.1. "C2000ASPT" shall be installed on a wall with zero propagation of non-combustible fire or structure at a height convenient for maintenance and visual inspection. "S2000ASPT" shall be installed in such a way that the height from the floor level to the operational controls is 0.8 - 1.5 m, and at a distance of at least 1.0 m from the heating systems (item 3.3.4 of RD 78.14593). Additional light-and-sound alarm devices may be installed at the customer's discretion.

6.2. Automatic fire detectors shall be installed on the main and suspended ceilings of protected rooms at a distance of not less than 0.5 m from lighting lamps and not less than 1.0 m to ventilation system ventilation holes.

6.3. The distance from smoke fire detectors IP 21245 to the wall is not more than 4.5 m, between detectors as well, not more than 4.5 m at the height of protected rooms up to 3.5 m.

6.4. Manual fire detectors IPR3SU shall be installed on walls on escape routes at a height of 1.5 m from the floor level. Illumination in the places of installation of manual fire detectors shall be at least 50 lux.

6.5. To lay loops of the fire alarm KPSVEVngLS cable 1х2х0.8 in the nonflammable pipe corrugated by PVC behind false ceilings and in an electrotechnical box on ceilings and walls of rooms at the height not less than 2.2 m from the level of a floor (item 7.4 RD 78.14593). It is forbidden to lay the alarm loop, as well as its separate sections in the form of external overhead lines .

Fire alarm cables shall be routed as far as possible from power and lighting wires. Cross alarm loops with power and lighting wires at an angle of 900.

6.6. Places of installation of fire automation devices as well as fire detectors can be specified during installation without violating the requirements of SP 5.13130.2009.

7. Power supply and earthing

7.1. According to SP 6.13130.2009, according to the degree of ensuring the reliability of the power supply, the automatic fire extinguishing unit with finely sprayed water belongs to consumers of the 1 category of reliability of the power supply according to PUE: power supply is carried out from two independent power sources.

7.2. For implementation of uninterrupted power supply of the S2000ASPT device in it the pressurized battery of =12 V, 7 A h (reserve input) is installed.

If there is no voltage in the main network (220V, 50Hz), "S2000ASPT" automatically switches to power supply from the built-in storage battery (AKB). At restoration of tension in the main network "S2000ASPT" automatically passes to power supply from network 220 V, and joint stock bank - into the recharge mode. Transition of "S2000ASPT" to work from built in by joint stock bank is also back carried out automatically without delivery of alarm signals.

The tank tank capacity and their number are sufficient for operation of the automatic fire extinguishing system for at least 24 hours in standby mode and at least 3 hours in "Fire" mode, which meets the requirements of SP 5.13130.2009 item 15.3.

7.3. To ensure the safety of the automatic fire alarm system operation, all electrical equipment under 220 V voltage should be grounded in accordance with the requirements of GOST, PUE and SNiP 3.05.0685.

7.4. The grounding should be performed by copper wire, which is connected to the existing grounding network. The cross section of the grounding wire is selected so that the total resistance of the grounding device does not exceed 4.0 ohms.

7.5. Do not use heating, water and other systems as the grounding circuit. Metal structures of the building, which are in contact with the ground, can be used as natural grounding electrodes.

7.6. In the circuit of grounding and zero protective conductors it is not allowed to install fuses, contacts and other disconnecting elements, including contactless ones.

7.7. The grounding conductors shall be laid directly along the walls. Grounding conductors shall be laid in places of passage through the wall or slab with their closing.

8. Installation of wiring and hardware

The connecting and signalling lines of the automatic fire extinguishing unit with finely sprayed water in the protected rooms and along the routes are laid in separate non-combustible plastic (PVC) pipes, electrical ducts and on low-current cable trays. Wires and cables shall be laid in accordance with PUE, SP 5.13130.2009.

Cable passes through internal walls and intermediate floors should be made in sections of water and gas pipes. The gaps between the wires or cables and the pipe at the point of passage, as well as between the resulting gaps between the sleeves (pipes) and the structures must be tightly sealed with a easily removable composition of non-combustible materials.

Painting of components of fire extinguishing units, including pipeline connections, shall comply with the requirements of GOST 1420269 "Pipelines of industrial enterprises identification painting, warning signs and marking boards" and industry standards.

At the time of commissioning, the fire extinguishing module start-up circuits shall be connected to simulators. After completion of commissioning and acceptance tests, the modules are connected normally, in accordance with the technical documentation.

9. Procedure for works execution and acceptance

Installation and commissioning works shall be performed in accordance with the requirements of RD 78.14578 and the requirements of the Customers. Acceptance of construction and installation works and hidden works shall be carried out by commission and executed by acts on completion of construction and installation works and hidden works in accordance with RD 78.14578.

10. Calculation of the number of maintenance personnel

The personnel number standards take into account the performance of maintenance and scheduled maintenance of the automatic fire extinguishing plant by the plant operating the plant.

Maintenance and maintenance of the automatic fire extinguishing plant with finely sprayed water are carried out by communication electricians of at least the 5th discharge.

Maintenance and repair of the automatic fire extinguishing plant with finely sprayed water, in order to ensure its reliable and trouble-free operation at the facility, is carried out by: communication electrician of 5 categories - 2 people.

Calculation was made according to RTM 25.48882.

Drawings content

icon 01_Общие данные.dwg

icon 02_План АПС.dwg

icon 03_План ТРВ.dwg

icon 04_Схема АСПТ.dwg

icon 05-06_Схемы.dwg