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Automatic Water Installation Project fire extinguishing with explanations


AUGPT archive.

The fire extinguishing agent is "Gas Fire Extinguishing Composition Chladon 125 (FE-25)" (hereinafter - GOTV). The Chladon 125 gas extinguishing composition does not affect the ozone layer, is environmentally safe, does not affect interior items, electrical equipment and material values.

Project's Content

icon кемерово.dwg
icon Титул.doc
icon 04_Ведомость рабочих чертежей основного комплекта_проверено.doc
icon 03_Ведомость ссылочных и прилагаемых документов_проверено.doc
icon 02_ПЗ.doc
icon 01_Содержание_проверено.doc
icon 07_Спецификация _.doc

Additional information






3.1 Purpose of AIGPT

3.2 Composition of ATG


4.1 Process Part

4.2 Electrical Part


5.1 "Automatics ON" mode

5.2 "Automatics OFF" mode

5.3 Remote Start






1. common part

The following mat rials are used in the development of detailed documentation:

GOST 2799088 Means of security, fire and fire alarm. General technical requirements.

SNiP 11.0195 Instruction on the composition, procedure for development, approval and approval of design and estimate documentation for the construction of buildings and structures.

SNiP 2.01.0285 Fire safety standards.

SNiP 210197 Fire safety of buildings and structures.

SanPiN Sanitary rules and regulations.

RD 78.14593 Security and fire alarm systems and complexes. Rules for production and acceptance of works.

RD 78.14693 Instruction on technical supervision of performance of design and installation works on equipment of facilities by means of security alarm.

SP 5.13130.2009 "Fire protection systems. Fire alarm and fire extinguishing units are automatic. Design Codes and Regulations. "

NPB 11003 List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment subject to protection by automatic fire extinguishing units and automatic fire alarm.

SP 3.13130.2009 "Fire protection systems. Warning and management system for evacuation of people in case of fire. Fire safety requirements. "

"Electrical Installation Rules" - PUE.

The working documentation of the gas fire extinguishing system has been developed in accordance with the requirements of environmental, sanitary and hygiene, fire fighting and other standards in force on the territory of the Russian Federation and ensuring the safe operation of the integrated system for life and health of people, subject to the measures provided for in the working documents.

2. object description

The gas fire extinguishing system is to be equipped with a room for the archive storage of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the Kemerovo region. The protected area is 169.2 m2.

The total height of the room is 2.84 m.

The volume of the protected room is 285, 8 m3.

The temperature in the rooms is + 15 °... + 20 ° C. Dust, smoke formations, vibration, aggressive media and significant electromagnetic interference in the protected room are absent.

The fire load is shelves with paper.

Description of automatic gas fire extinguishing unit

3.1 Purpose of AUGPT.

Gas fire extinguishing modules are used for localization and volumetric extinguishing of fires of class A (burning of solid substances), B (burning of liquid substances), C (burning of gaseous substances) according to GOST 2733187, and electrical equipment.

AUGPT is designed to detect fire and generate command pulses for actuation of warning and fire extinguishing in the protected room.

AUGPT sends the following signals to the object fire alarm system:

- fire alarm;

- fire extinguishing start-up;

- emergency extinguishing shutdown;

- automatic locking;

- failure;

- gas leak;

3.2 Composition of ATG.

The AUGPT includes:

fire control and acceptance device "S2000ASPT";

block of indication and management of "S2000PT";

battery for storage and supply of gas fire extinguishing agent SIEXHC (Version 2);

fire smoke sensors IP2123CM;

device for manual fire extinguishing of IPR-K;

devices for monitoring the position of the door in the protected room of the IO 1026;

devices of light-sounding and light warning about fire alarm and actuation of "Gas! Go away "(Blick ZS24)," Gas! Don't come in! " (Blick C24);

devices of the light signaling of shutdown of the automatic mode of a board "Automatic equipment is switched-off" (C24 Patch of light);

fire alarm loops, electrical circuits of power supply, control and control of ATG.

Main Design Solutions

4.1 Process Part

The fire extinguishing agent is "Gas fire extinguishing composition Chladon 125 (FE25)" (hereinafter - GOTV). The Chladon 125 gas extinguishing composition does not affect the ozone layer, is environmentally safe, does not affect interior items, electrical equipment and material values.

In addition, Chladon 125 has maximum thermal stability compared to other chladons, the temperature of thermal decomposition of its molecules is more than 900 ° C. High thermal stability of chladon 125 allows it to be used to extinguish fires of smoldering materials, since at a melting temperature (usually about 450 ° C) thermal decomposition practically does not occur.

Chladone is 125 safe for people, since fire extinguishing concentrations in chladons are an order of magnitude less than fatal concentrations with a duration of exposure of up to 4 hours. About 5% of the mass of chladone fed to extinguish the fire is subjected to thermal decomposition, so the toxicity of the medium formed by extinguishing the fire with chladons will be much lower than the toxicity of the pyrolysis and decomposition products.

"SIEXHC 67L" is adopted as the gas fire extinguishing module. The module is a cylinder with a shut-off device (ZPU).

The cylinder is designed for storage of GTV and is an all-tensioned vessel of cylindrical shape with a bottom and a neck, made of alloyed (chromolybdenvolfram) steel.

The bottle neck has internal and external threads for installation of the shut-off device and a flange intended for attachment of the protective cap and suspension of the automatic control system. The main parameters of the cylinder are knocked out on the upper part of its outer surface.

The modules serviceability is monitored by pressure, the pressure in the module is controlled automatically through the pressure sensor installed on the module shut-off head.

SIEXHC gas fire extinguishing batteries are designed for use with GTV together with propellant gases (Freon 125 and Freon 227ea). SIEXHC gas fire extinguishing batteries consist of the following main parts:

- gas fire extinguishing modules;

- manifold;

- exhaust pipelines;

- set of fasteners (or balloon rack);

- small-size launch bottle (with the number of modules in the battery over five).

A 100% GTV reserve is provided for keeping the plant ready for operation during the reloading of modules with the main stock and ensuring that the plant is quickly put into operation and stored on site.

The estimated delivery time of the required amount of fire extinguishing agent to create its minimum concentration is no more than 10 seconds.

Automatic gas fire extinguishing plant includes module with GTW, distribution pipelines with outlet nozzles-sprayers and control system.

To uniformly distribute the fire extinguishing agent in the volume of the protected room, the project uses 11/4 "jet nozzles installed under the cover of the protected room .

The delay time of the exhaust of the fire-fighting equipment to the protected room is assumed to be 30 sec. In accordance with GOST 12.3.04691 "Automatic fire-extinguishing plants" and calculation of the time of evacuation of people from the room according to GOST 12.1.00491 .

The entrance door in the rooms shall be equipped with a finisher. Calculation of the quantity of GTV and the number of modules was carried out in accordance with Appendix D SP 5.13130.2009 and is given in the hydraulic calculation Appendix 1. A battery of 5 modules with a capacity of 67 L and 4 nozzles 1 ¼ "is required to complete the AUGPT fire extinguishing of the archive room.

4.2 Electrical part.

Based on the characteristics of the room, the type of fire load, the peculiarities of the development of the combustion center, the project provides for the protection of the archive room using smoke fire detectors of the IP 2123CM model. As a receiving-control and control device, a device for receiving-monitoring fire-protection starting (PPKOPP) of the domestic company "Bolid" model S2000ASPT is used.

PPKOPP S2000ASPT is installed in the protected room. A unit for fire extinguishing control C2000PT, as well as a backup power supply unit RIP12 are installed in the duty room.

These devices display information on the state and operation of the AGGPT unit, including information on the state of the automatics mode ("Automatic is off" lamp), leaks of the hydroelectric test equipment.

AUGPT is integrated into the AR system of the entire building via RS485 interface and all information about the status of the AUGPT is transmitted to the AR panel.

PCCOP S2000ASPT performs the following main functions prescribed by the requirements of regulatory documents:

- monitoring of fire alarm loops condition (dust content, operation);

- monitoring of the state of electrical start-up circuits of the fire extinguishing module shut-off device;

- control of means of sound and light signalling for the safety of people;

- automatic start of the unit in case of actuation of at least two fire detectors in the loop installed in the protected room;

- remote start-up of the unit;

- blocking of automatic start-up of the plant at the service personnel entering the protected room;

- actuation of warning light and light-and-sound alarm in the protected room about the start of reference for the plant start-up;

- actuation of light signalling at the entrance to the protected room about the gas content of the room;

- monitoring of voltage availability at the main and standby power supply inputs;

- activation of fire warning;

- notification of plant operation and fire extinguishing agent passage into the protected room by means of pipeline pressure check;

- check of circuits integrity to the annunciator to notify people about the system operation;

- notification of installation malfunction via communication line with the duty room.

For prompt removal of GHTV after fire extinguishing, the smoke removal system from the protected archive room is provided for.

Principle of operation of the installation

The AGPT unit operates in two modes "Automatic switching on" and "Automatic switching off."

5.1 "Automatics ON" mode

In the standby mode of operation of the plant, PPKOPP constantly monitors the fire alarm loops in the protected room. In case of fire, PPKOPP outputs the corresponding sound and light-and-sound signals. At actuation of one fire detector - signal "WARNING," at actuation of two detectors in loop - signal "FIRE." "S2000ASPT" transfers information on emergence of the fire to "S2000PT" and to the building PS system.

PPKOPP device provides actuation of warning alarm ("GAZ! GO AWAY!, "" GAZ! DO NOT ENTER!) and, with a delay of 30 sec., open the electromagnetic drive of the module shut-off device.

5.2 "Automatics OFF" mode

The equipment works as a fire alarm unit with the output of "WARNING" and "FIRE" signals, but the impulse to start the gas and turn on the warning alarm is blocked.

5.3 Remote Start

Remote extinguishing start is carried out from the C2000PT device. To start, apply magnetic wrench to the unit housing and press "START" button for corresponding direction.

It is also possible to start locally, which is carried out from the key button before entering the protected room. To start, insert the key and press the button. In the forced start mode, the unit operates as specified in item 5.1. with the exception of waiting for smoke detectors to operate.

Placing System Elements

PPKOPP "S2000ASPT" is located inside the protected room. Smoke fire detectors are installed on the floor. The gas fire extinguishing battery is located inside the protected room. The remote start button is located before entering the protected room. Warning light and light-and-sound alarm equipment is installed inside ("GAS LEAVE" light-and-sound annunciator) and outside the protected room ("GAS DO NOT ENTER" and "AUTOMATION IS OFF" annunciators) above the door opening. A reader is also located outside. A finisher and QMS are installed directly on the door. The indication unit is located in the room with round-the-clock arrival of duty personnel.

Cable network

The cable network of control lines is carried out by the cables of KPSEngFRLS brand 2х2х1 laid on the walls - in electrotechnical boxes on a ceiling - in a gofrotruba .

Fire alarm loops in the protected room and along the routes are laid separately from power and lighting cables and wires at a distance of at least 0.5 m during parallel laying.

Power supply

According to PUE, automatic fire extinguishing plants in terms of ensuring the reliability of power supply are electric receivers of a special group of category 1. Power supply of the unit is provided from an AC power source with automatic switching in emergency mode to backup power supply from accumulator batteries installed inside the housing of PPKOP "S2000ASPT." Storage batteries provide power supply of the device in standby mode for at least 24 hours and in "Fire" mode for at least 3 hours. The power consumed from the network by the PPKOPP instrument S2000ASPT is 30 W.

~ 220V, 50Hz power supply connection is provided by the Customer.

Indication unit located in the duty room is supplied to the pi unit


Maintenance and maintenance of automatic gas fire extinguishing unit

The main purpose of maintenance of modular units is to maintain their operability during the entire service life in order to ensure the system's operability in case of fires and fires.

The system maintenance and repair structure includes the following activities:

- maintenance;

- scheduled maintenance;

- planned overhaul;

- unscheduled repair.

Observation of planned work of installation, elimination of the found defects, adjustment, control, approbation and check belongs to routine maintenance.

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