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Project boiler capacity 2 MW


Boiler house (reconstruction) with a maximum-hour gas consumption before reconstruction - 256 cubic meters per hour.

Drawing of the boiler house with explanatory note

Project's Content

icon ГСВ.СО-котельная.doc
icon ГСВ.ПЗ.doc
icon 163-16-02 котельная испр.dwg

Additional information


Source Data

Working documentation for the technical re-equipment of the existing boiler house at the address: Moscow region, Lyubertsy district, Lyubertsy, st. Kotelnichesky passage, house 12 a, developed on the basis of:

- design tasks;

- technical specifications for connection of PMT MO "Mosoblgaz" No. 449074/16 dated 27.10.2016.

The section is developed in accordance with the following regulatory documents:

SP 62.13330.2011 "Gas distribution systems. Updated revision of SNiP 42012002 ";

SP 421012003 "General provisions for the design and construction of gas distribution systems made of metal and polyethylene pipes";

SP 421022004 "Design and construction of gas pipelines from metal pipes";

"Rules for gas use and provision of gas supply services in the Russian Federation";

Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Rules for the safety of gas distribution and gas consumption networks."

Hydraulic calculation of gas pipeline

Hydraulic calculation of pressure losses is performed in accordance with SP 421012003.

The pressure range of the gas connection to the burner ramps is 0,0090, 036MPa. The results of the hydraulic calculation show that the design connection pressure will be not less than 0.0143 MPa, which corresponds to the permissible pressure range before the valves of gas burners.

About Boiler Room Functional Assignment

The design documentation provides for the technical re-equipment of the existing boiler house, in part :

- dismantling of 4 existing Universal6 boilers with a total capacity of 2.72 Gcal, with injection burners IGK60M;

- installation of 2 water heating boilers RSD 1000, with a capacity of 1.0 MW (0.86 Gcal/h) each, manufactured by Rossen, complete with a gas type burner BLU 1200.1 PAB TL, Rp32, power Q = 1200 kW, manufactured by Ecoflam.

Boiler room equipment is located at elevation 0.000.

Boiler room category - G.

The three-fold exchange of air per hour and the influx of combustion air into the boiler room is provided using the existing plenum ventilation, consisting of two LM plenum grids, measuring 0.35x0.5 m, located above the window openings, and the existing exhaust ventilation, consisting of 4 TsAGI difflectors No. 4 located on the boiler roof.

The volume of the boiler room is 360.0 m3.

Single glazing of window openings (4 mm thick) is used as easily discarded structures at the rate of 0.03 m2 per 1 m3 of volume. The glazing area of ​ ​ the existing boiler house is 8.19 m ² (7 windows with a glazing area of ​ ​ 1.17 m ² each). The project provides for the installation of an additional window with a glazing area of ​ ​ at least 2.76 m ². Thus, the total glazing area of ​ ​ the boiler room will be 10.95 m ², which is more than the minimum value of 10.8 m ² with a boiler room volume of 360.0 m3.

The main fuel for boilers is natural gas, emergency - is not provided.

In terms of reliability of heat supply to consumers, the boiler room belongs to category II.

Operating and emergency lighting, electrical equipment and its grounding comply with the requirements of the "Electrical Installation Rules."

Piping and valves

Internal gas pipeline shall be made of steel electric welded pipes as per GOST 1070491 * and steel water and gas pipes as per GOST 326275 * from steel 10 GOST 105088.

Open the gas pipeline, attach it on brackets and suspensions in place. To isolate the gas pipeline from metal structures, use polyethylene gaskets according to GOST 1633885 * "Low pressure polyethylene. Specifications. "

Install, accept and test gas pipelines taking into account the requirements of SP 62.13330.2011 "Gas distribution systems. Updated revision of SNiP 42012002, SP 421012003 "General Provisions for the Design and Construction of Gas Distribution Systems from Metal and Polyethylene Pipes," SP 421022004 "Design and Construction of Gas Pipelines from Metal Pipes," Federal Norms and Rules in the Field of Industrial Safety "Rules for the Safety of Gas Distribution and Gas Consumption Systems."

After tightness tests, paint boiler lines with primer in 2 times and oil paint in 2 times according to GOST 1420269 *.

Before putting the boiler house into operation, it is necessary to develop instructions on fire safety measures and bring it to officials under signature.

Welding methods, types, structural elements and dimensions of welded joints of gas pipelines from steel pipes shall comply with GOST 1603780 and SNiP III42.80 *. Welded connection of pipes shall be equal to the main metal of pipes in accordance with SP 62.13330.2011 "Gas distribution systems. Updated revision of SNiP 42012002. "

Service life and operation of buildings, structures and technological devices of gas distribution and gas consumption networks

The duration of operation of gas pipelines, technical and technological devices is established based on the condition of ensuring the safety of technical control objects with predicted changes in their characteristics and guarantees of the manufacturer of technical and technological devices.

The service life of steel gas pipelines is 40 years.

The service life of ball cranes of BROEN BALLOMAX type operating at operating medium parameters not exceeding the "pt" dependence of the crane under the conditions of operation is not less than 30 years.

In order to establish the possibility of operating gas pipelines, buildings and structures and technological devices of gas distribution and gas consumption networks after the terms specified in the design documentation, their technical diagnostics must be carried out.

Operation of the gas consumption network is not allowed in case of malfunction of gas-using equipment or with disconnected process protections, interlocks, alarms and instrumentation provided by the design.

During operation of gas distribution and gas consumption networks, the possibility of their unauthorized change is excluded.

Drawings content

icon 163-16-02 котельная испр.dwg