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PP machine 6P82 -Diple

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PP machine 6P82 -Diple

Project's Content

icon Подшипник серьги.cdw
icon Подшипник серьги.jpg
icon Проверка на технологическую точность 6Р82.cdw
icon Проверка на технологическую точность 6Р82.jpg
icon Спецификация хобота.cdw
icon Спецификация хобота.jpg
icon Схема сборки.cdw
icon Схема сборки.jpg
icon Хобот ремонт.cdw
icon Хобот ремонт.jpg
icon Хобот сборочный чертеж.cdw
icon Хобот сборочный чертеж.jpg
icon ПЗ станок 6Р82 -Диплом.docx
icon Планировка участка.cdw
icon Планировка участка.jpg

Additional information



1 General section

1.1 Purpose, common machine arrangement

1.2 Technical characteristics of the machine

1.3 Lubrication of the machine (lubrication of the repaired unit)

1.4 Purpose, general device of repaired unit

1.5 Characteristics of quick-wear parts of repair unit

1.6 Machine Unit Repair Specification  

2 Process section

2.1 Preparation of the machine for repair

2.2 Punch List Compilation

2.3 Scheduling of the unit repair

2.4 Possible methods of repair of quick-wear 

parts of the unit to be repaired

2.5 Selection of the optimal option to restore  the specified

subassembly parts

2.6 Application to IIR

2.7 Disassembly of repaired unit

2.7.1 Disassembly diagram of the repaired unit

2.7.2 Sequence of works execution during unit disassembly

2.8 Process route of assembly of repaired unit

2.9 Process route for restoration of the assigned 

subassembly parts

2.10 Process route for manufacturing of the specified part of the unit 

2.11 Inspection and testing of the unit

2.12 Recommendations for machine maintenance with 

in order to increase the durability of the parts of the ul

2.13 Normalization of repair operations (3.4operations)

2.14 Normalization of assembly operations (3,4 operations)

3 Economic section

3.1 Calculation of labour intensity and determination of the number of workers in the workshop

3.2 Calculation and selection of equipment

3.3 Calculation of MC area

3.4 Payroll Calculation

3.5 Calculation of cost of basic, auxiliary materials and 

spare parts

3.6 Cost estimate for technical inspection, current

of RMC repair, overhaul

4 Organizational section

4.1 Procedure of equipment transfer for repair and from repair

4.2 Site Characteristics

4.3 Industrial sanitation

4.4 Safety precautions for metal cutting machines

4.5 Safety precautions during repair works

4.5 Safety precautions during repair works

4.6 Fire protection

4.7 Causes of fires

4.8 Ensuring fire safety 

4.9 Fire extinguishing equipment

4.10 Electrical Safety

4.11 Reasons for Electrotravmotism

4.12 Electrical Safety Methods and Tools

4.13 Environmental protection

5. Conclusion

5.1 List of used literature 

5.2 Appendix A. Process of assembly of repaired unit

5.3 Appendix B. Process of the part to be restored (repaired)

6. Graphic part of the project executed on A1 sheets in 

in accordance with ESKD requirements

6.1 Assembly drawing of repaired unit

6.2 Drawing of manufactured part

6.3 Drawing of part to be repaired

6.4 Assembly diagram of the repaired unit

6.5 Machine Geometry Accuracy Check Diagram

6.6 Site Layout


The main way to increase the productivity of domestic engineering is the widespread introduction of new equipment and production technologies: CNC machines; automatic lines; automated and robotic complexes; flexible production systems. To do this, it is necessary to improve repair production, ensuring reliable operation of machines and equipment, in all sectors of the national economy.

It is possible to develop branded repair and maintenance by manufacturers of complex and particularly accurate mechanics. Provide requirements for spare parts of machinery and equipment.

Determining the limits of economic feasibility of repair, and on this basis - optimal service life of equipment and ways of the most rational repair organizations is becoming increasingly important.

Machine-building enterprises have a large fleet of technological equipment for the production of various products. The quality of the products and labor productivity depend on the accuracy and reliability of their operation, therefore all types of equipment, including metal cutting machines, must work smoothly. But even parts of machine tools made of the most wear-resistant materials cannot be eternal. If preventive work is not carried out in a timely manner, the machines will lose productivity, begin to issue scrap, an emergency may arise.

To keep the process equipment in working condition, a system of maintenance, repair of equipment is created at each enterprise, the service of the chief mechanic carries out work in this direction. The main tasks of repair services are: the introduction of industrial methods and the development of specialized capacities, the maximum use of existing equipment with proper operation, constant maintenance and timely repair.

The use of advanced technologies for restoring parts ensures their long-term operability, reduces the consumption of spare parts and materials, leads to a reduction in the machine time in repair, which ultimately leads to savings in working time.

Process Section

2.1 Preparation of the machine for repair

2.1.1 External inspection of the machine: completeness of all machine mechanisms, bolts, nicks, fracture fractures and other and other defects visible without disassembly of the machine. The machine is cleaned of chips, dirt, dust and lubricating-cooling liquid. The platform near the machine is freed from parts and auxiliary mechanisms. Before disassembly, the machine is disconnected from the electrical network, belts are removed, the half-coupling of the engine shaft is disconnected, oil and LPG are drained from the tank.

The sign "Do not include - repair" is displayed at the repair site.

2.1.2 Disassembly of the machine. The process of repair of industrial equipment begins with its disassembly, after which parts are cleaned, washed and defected.

Disassembly has a significant effect on the subsequent restoration of parts of this machine. The machine is disassembled on a special section of the repair and mechanical workshop for assembly units, and then for parts. The need to disassemble a particular welding unit or machine as a whole is determined by the type of repair and the tasks facing the repairmen in each individual case.

From the reference literature of the textbook (see the list of literature 1 and 3), select the disassembly rules for our repair unit.

Rules for disassembling the trunk of the 6P82 machine.

a) Disassembly of the mechanism leads to a violation of the density of connections, only the unit that is to be repaired is disassembled.

b) Before disassembling the machine, you must familiarize yourself with the technical certificate of the machine, the hobby drawing, draw up a diagram - disassembly schedule - assembly.

c) Perform defects of parts and make a punch list.

d) Disassembly of the machine body shall be started with removal of casings, protective enclosures and covers to provide access to disassembled assembly units.

e) Disassemble with tools and accessories, which prevent damage of suitable parts.

f) When disassembling parts, do not allow their distortion, jamming and damage, do not make great efforts to difficult parts: find out the cause of jamming and eliminate it.

g) Parts of the assembly shall be stacked in special boxes and marked.

and) The pins in the through holes are removed by the beards;

k) Remove the hull from the machine by means of crane beam.

2.11 Inspection and testing of the unit

When receiving a repaired machine, external inspection, idling test, load test, cleanliness and accuracy of processing are performed, the machine is checked for rigidity and geometric accuracy of the machine is monitored.

2.11.1 External inspection. Quality of repair is determined primarily by external inspection. At that it is checked:

a) quality of guides, presence of minor damages;

b) table surface quality;

c) note of individual units to the frame (clearance not more than 0.04mm);

d) oil leaks through the mating, covers;

e) whether bearing seals are reliable against dust and dirt ingress, whether bearing lubrication is reliable;

f) there is also lubricant on friction surfaces;

g) whether the shaft connections are reliable by couplings, whether there are no protruding keys, screws;

h) whether the movable parts of the equipment move smoothly (without jerking and jamming, fixation in the installed positions should be reliable).

2.11.2 Idling check (run-in). The purpose of the test is to determine the quality of repair whether the machine units interact correctly, as well as the initial running-in of friction parts.

Before the start of the test, all moving parts are abundantly lubricated, oil is poured into the cavities of the body parts and into the lubricants.

Run-in shall be started at the lowest revolutions at minimum load and carried out for at least half an hour. The lubricant is then replaced. Tests of the mechanisms of the main movement of machines are carried out at all numbers of revolutions, gradually moving from low revolutions to maximum ones.

At maximum revolutions, the spindle must rotate for at least an hour and until the temperature of the bearings is set. No excessive noise, knock or vibration shall be observed in idling equipment tests.

The oil pressure in the lubrication system shall be stable within the specified limits. Bearing heating shall not exceed 50˚S.

After testing the feed mechanism at idle, check:

a) bearing temperature;

b) oil supply to all units of the machine from the centralized lubrication system both during machine start-up and during tests.

2.11.3 Load tests. The repaired and assembled machine is tested under load by processing the sample parts at different speeds in accordance with the technical data of the machine passport.

The test is carried out with the machine load up to the nominal drive power, gradually increasing the cross section of the detachable chips. Short-term overload of the machine is allowed at not more than 25% of its rated power. All mechanisms of the machine during its testing under load must work properly (only a slight increase in noise in gears is permissible), devices that protect the machine from overloads - act reliably.

2.11.4 Cleanliness and accuracy testing. The accuracy test shall determine:

a) geometric accuracy of the machine itself;

b) accuracy of processing of articles on this machine;

The cleanliness test (obtaining the required roughness) of the treated surface is carried out by turning the sample under certain cutting modes (there should be no crushing marks on the treated surfaces).

Accuracy of the article sample processing is checked by measuring the processed

details. Part shape errors must be within tolerances.

2.12 Recommendations for machine maintenance for the purpose of

increasing service life of parts of the unit

Recommendations for maintenance of the machine to be repaired shall be specified. Types of works carried out in order to increase the life of the machine.

Durability and uninterrupted operation of the equipment is ensured primarily by compliance with the rules of its operation, which are mainly reduced to the following:

a) The equipment shall be used in accordance with its purpose and technical characteristics; assembly of machines, machines, cleaning of mechanisms and details should be carried out, strictly adhering to the corresponding instructions;

b) For lubrication of parts and assemblies it is necessary to apply oils of established grades and perform lubrication within the periods specified in the lubrication card;

c) It is necessary to carry out thorough and timely operational and planned repair maintenance, technical inspections of lubricant;

At many enterprises, signs (instructions) are posted at machine tools, reminiscent of the rules for caring for assembly units of machine tools. A lubrication map shall be drawn up for each stand.

The service life of the parts is significantly increased with reduced friction in the equipment mechanisms, therefore it is necessary:

a) To achieve the required roughness of working surfaces treatment in the parts restored after wear, as well as newly manufactured parts;

b) Apply wear-resistant coatings on the surface of both restored and manufactured parts;

c) Increase hardness of working surfaces of parts by strengthening and by various methods;

d) Ensure proper supply of lubricant to friction surfaces in a timely manner;

e) Protect the working surfaces of mating parts from dust, chips and other contaminants.

Recommendations for machine maintenance.

When packing the machine, all external machined surfaces are protected from corrosion in a Putifir and lacquer coating.

Anti-corrosion coating shall not be removed prior to installation of the machine on the foundation.

Removal of the anticorrosion coating is carried out with pure rags, slightly wetted with nitro-solvent, and in the absence of such gasoline or turpentine. The use of metal scrapers, sandwich, etc. for this purpose is categorically prohibited.

After the machine is completely cleaned of anti-corrosion coatings and dust, the entire machine is wiped dry and the treated surfaces are wiped with rags slightly wetted in machine oil.

Due to the fact that cleaning of joints of movable connections is difficult, it should be repeated in these places after connecting the machine to the electric network and shifting the movable parts from their places.

After installation of the machine on the foundation and cleaning of the anti-corrosion coating, the machine is connected to the power grid. In this case, grounding of the machine according to the current safety standards is mandatory.

Start is started by testing the action of controls and automatic lubrication. If any malfunctions are detected during start-up, they shall be rectified following the instructions given in Section "Machine Control," "Electrical Data Sheet" and "Machine Lubrication." If the methods specified in these sections cannot be resolved, stop testing the machine and notify the manufacturer.

2.13. Rationing of repair operations (3.4 operations)

Technical rate of time for restoration and machining

The part is one of the main parameters for calculating the cost of the process of restoring the part, the number of production equipment, the wages of workers and production planning.

The unit time norm (Tsht) consists of the main and auxiliary time, the time of technological and organizational maintenance and rest time.

During successive transitions, the main time per operation is summed up by transitions.

Auxiliary time includes: time for installation and removal of part, time for change of machine operation mode and tool change, time for organizational maintenance and rest are taken as a percentage of main and auxiliary time, determining their value by table of standards [6].

Organizational Section

4.1 Procedure of equipment transfer for repair and from repair

The typical system provides for a certain procedure for the delivery and acceptance of equipment for repair and from repair. Equipment for repair and from repair shall be transferred, as a rule, in accordance with the monthly repair schedule. In cases of failure requiring unscheduled repair, an act is drawn up in which external manifestations of the failure, its cause and, if necessary, the culprits of the failure are indicated. The certificate signed by the head and mechanic of the production shop is the basis for transferring the equipment to unscheduled repairs.

Equipment stopped for major or medium repairs shall be cleaned of dirt and chips. Oil and coolant shall be drained from all housing parts and tanks. Responsibility for preparation of equipment for transfer for repair lies with the shop administration. When sent to a special repair plant, the machine must be packed in containers that ensure its safety, and treated and unpainted surfaces and parts are covered with lubricant or anti-corrosion composition. When delivered using vehicles, it is allowed to send equipment on skids.

Before packing, all movable parts of the machine must be fixed in a position in which it has the smallest dimensions. The responsibility for preparation for shipment lies with the workshop mechanic and is carried out at his request by the packing shop, repair and construction site or other department of the enterprise with carpenters. The following technical documentation shall be sent to the specialized repair plant at the place with the object of repair:

a) all documents arriving from the manufacturer's factory (passport, manual

factory acceptance certificate, etc.)

b) act of technical inspection before repair;

c) list of the set of parts and assemblies sent for repair in the place with the machine.

The equipment shall be inspected to determine the condition and completeness before being sent for repair. Equipment transferred for repair may consist of parts that have different degrees of wear, need to be restored or need to be replaced, but in case of any wear of individual parts or violations of the correct interaction of units, it must be equipped, as a rule, with parts.

It is the responsibility of the OGM inspection team to complete the technical documentation transferred with the equipment to the SRZ and to perform the inspection. Each overhaul machine shall be subjected to acceptance tests in the following sequence: external inspection; idling test, load and operation test.

The equipment to be repaired at the SRH is tested at the repair plant, and repaired at the RMC at the installation site, after installation. Test results are submitted to the certificate of equipment delivery from repair. According to the results of all tests and inspections provided for and inspections provided for by the standard, the commission, consisting of the chairmen of the shop customer, RMC and OTC, submits a conclusion on its suitability for operation to the certificate of equipment acceptance from repair. The technical test certificate of the machine, signed by the members of the commission, is a document certifying compliance of the repair with the requirements of the specification.

Equipment undergoing routine repairs shall be externally inspected and tested at idle and in operation. The commission, consisting of a representative of the shop customer, RMC and OTC, draws up the ongoing repair of the equipment with a record in

repair record-keeping card without drawing up certificates.

4.2 Characteristics of the section.

The Mechanical Repair Shop (RMC) is part of the workshop area, where machines and equipment for repair and restoration work are located. The RMC is characterized by the presence of the following machines: turning-screw, slip-grinding, round-grinding, tooth-cutting, etc., in accordance with the necessary minimum set of equipment. In accordance with safety and maintenance standards, the machine must be positioned in such a way as to provide the necessary area around the machine for the convenience of its maintenance. One of the characteristics of the section is to provide convenient passages between machines, blanks, repaired equipment and technological equipment. The width of the passages is usually 1.21.5 m, but not less than 0.8 m.

The border of the carriageway shall be established taking into account the overall dimensions of vehicles with movable goods. The distance from the borders of the roadway to the structural elements of buildings and parts of equipment should be at least 0.5 m, and at the movement of people 0.8 m.

The dimensions of the site are established based on the dimensions of the equipment, safety requirements and sanitary standards .

The area of ​ ​ the plot is 324 m2.

4.4Security Techniques for Metal Cutting Machines

The employee shall:

a) Install and remove the working tool and workpieces, as well as measure them only on the disconnected and stopped machine;

b) Monitor the timely removal of chips and waste materials from the workplace;

c) Disconnect the machine from the power grid: in case of interruption in operation; leaving the workplace even for a short time, if it is not connected with simultaneous maintenance of several machines; sudden termination of power supply in the workshop (on the site, in the workshop); cleaning, cleaning, lubricant and performance of other works on service of the machine; removing and putting on the drive belts; - from before installation on the machine, clean the machined parts and fixtures for their fixation, especially the contacting base and fastening surfaces, from chips and oil, in order to ensure the correct installation and reliability of the fixation;

d) Install the workpiece on the machine in such a way as to prevent it from falling out;

e) To secure the part to untreated surfaces, use devices with notches on pressure jaws;

f) Bring the part to the mill only after turning on the machine;

g) Before removing the part from the clutches, cartridge or pressure strips, stop the machine and remove the cutting tool .to avoid damage to the hands;

h) Turn on the mechanical feed until the part touches the mill;

and) Before each cutter installation, check the attachment strength of the teeth or hard alloy plates in the cutter body;

k) Work only with the fenced cutter, and in the absence of fencing of the part processing zone use protective glasses;

l) When processing parts made of viscous steels, use cutters with chip breakers;

m) Near the rotating cutter, remove chips by means of a special brush with a handle with a length of at least 250 mm;

n) Before fixing the mandrel, cutter or adapter bushing in the spindle, clean and wipe the contacting surfaces;

o) At installation of a shaft of a mandrel or mill in an opening of a spindle to make sure that the cone sits down densely, without side play;

f) High-speed milling shall use fences, devices for collection and removal of chips in. Chip collector (chip extractors), transparent screens or personal protective equipment.

Not allowed:

a) Allow sharp increase of cutting speed and depth at manual supply;

b) Insert hands into the hazardous area of the rotating cutter;

c) Allow chips to accumulate on the mill or mandrel;

d) Clamp or press the mill with a wrench on the mandrel by turning on the machine.

4.4 Safety precautions during repair works

During the operation of the mechanisms, it is necessary to add the removed assembly units and parts to pre-prepared places, and not in the passages. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the parts lying on the verses and boxes with parts cannot be accidentally dropped from their places. Large and heavy assembly units are laid on the floor, placing them so that they cannot overturn.

Do not manually remove and install assembly mechanisms and assemblies of significant dimensions and weight. This must be done by mechanized means.

Mechanics repairmen have to perform a variety of locksmith and assembly operations. They work on drilling and grinding machines, deal with the electrical equipment of machines and machines, use lifting mechanisms, from the unit to the rotary crane. The repairman shall be clearly aware of the safety regulations and shall be able to organize the repair works in accordance with these regulations.

Before you begin, check the status of the tool you want to run. A tool with defects must be replaced with a serviceable one. The hammer must be tightly fitted to the handle, which is wedged with a wedge of soft steel or wood. It is impossible to "correct" a hammer with a weakened handle with hits on a mop or other objects, this leads to a greater loosening of the handle.

Also, the handles must be firmly fitted to the stabs, shimmers and other cutting tools. Weakly fitted handles during operation easily slip off the tool, while the sharp shank of the tools can greatly injure the hand. It is forbidden to use a tool without a handle.

Wrenches shall correspond to nut and bolt head sizes; It is not allowed to use keys with cracked and cracked sponges, build up keys with pipes, other keys or otherwise; It is necessary to monitor the serviceability of clutches, pullers and other devices; jaw jaws and similar clamping devices shall not have nicks and their dead stroke shall be as small as possible; it is impossible to use detectors with corrected legs and a screw with downed threads.

Starting work, it is necessary to firmly fix the part in the clutches; a piece that has broken out of the grip can cause a serious wound. When chopping, wear safety glasses and have a safety shield on the left hand.

4.6 Fire protection

Industrial fires pose a great danger to workers and cause serious material damage to the national economy. For this fire protection of enterprises of workshops and areas, due attention should be paid. A lot of work on fire prevention, that is, fire prevention, is carried out by the authorities of the State Fire Supervision of the country. The relevant legislative documents provide for the responsibility of employees for the state of fire safety, training, working elements of fire protection, organization of voluntary fire brigades - providing production facilities with fire fighting equipment, etc.

The project provides for a fire alarm on the site, drawing up a plan for evacuation in case of fire. In terms of explosive, explosive and fire hazard, the designed area belongs to the production of category "D" characterized by the presence of non-combustible substances and materials in a cold state.

In the area, wiring, electrical equipment,

lubricants and detergents. For elimination of possible ignitions on the site the fire cock (Civil Code) with a hose 20 meters long and a fire trunk and also a model fire-prevention stand with the carbon dioxide OHP10 fire extinguisher, a supply of water and sand is provided.

4.7 Causes of fires.

If combustible substances are used in the process and there is a possibility of their contact with air, then the danger of fire and explosion can arise both inside and outside the equipment, in the room and in open areas. Thus, devices, tanks and tanks with combustible liquids pose a great danger, since they are not filled to the limit and a steam-air explosive mixture is formed in the space above the liquid level. Hazardous in terms of fire, paint areas and workshops of enterprises where flammable liquids are used as solvents.

The cause of an explosion or fire can be the presence of combustible dust and fibers in the room.

There are thermal, chemical and microbiological ignition sources - pulses. The most common thermal impulse that has: open flame, spark, electric arcs, heated surfaces, etc.

To ignite a combustible mixture of gases and vapors with air, it is enough to heat to an ignition temperature of only 0.5... 1 mmZ of this mixture. From an open flame, a combustible mixture is almost always lit.

A spark is commonly referred to as a point ignition source. Sparks can be generated by friction, impact, or by electrical discharge. The sources of their formation include machining operations (grinding), as well as tool sharpening, etc.

Open-fire sources - furnace process heaters, devices and processes of gas welding and cutting, waste incinerators, etc.

Fires can occur from electrical installations in which heating conductors of electric current and combustible substance are present (insulation of these conductors). In case of short circuits, electrical conductors are quickly heated to high temperatures.

To avoid fires, smoking is allowed only in designated places.

The chemical impulse is due to the fact that the temperature rises due to exothermic chemical reactions of the interaction of certain substances, and the microbiological one is associated with the vital activity of microorganisms that affect the increase in temperature. Their distinctive feature is that the processes that cause these pulses begin at ordinary temperatures and lead to spontaneous combustion.

Special danger is posed by oiled special clothes and wiping materials stacked in heaps. In case of poor heat removal, heating, which began at normal temperature, after 3... 4 h may end in spontaneous combustion.

Production facilities are characterized by increased fire hazard, as they are characterized by the complexity of production processes; significant quantities of LVW and GW, liquefied combustible gases, solid combustible materials; large equipment with electrical installations and more.


1) Violation of the technological mode - 33%.

2) Failure of electrical equipment 16%.

3) Poor preparation for equipment repair 13%.

4) Spontaneous combustion of oiled rags and other materials -10%

Ignition sources can be open fire of process plants, hot or heated walls of devices and equipment, sparks of electrical equipment, static electricity, sparks of impact and friction of parts of machines and equipment, etc.

As well as violation of the norms and rules for the storage of fire hazardous materials, careless handling of fire, use of open fire flares, soldering lamps, smoking in prohibited places, non-fulfillment of fire measures for fire water supply equipment, fire alarm, provision of primary fire extinguishing equipment, etc.

As practice shows, the accident of even one large unit, accompanied by fire and explosion, for example, in the chemical industry they often accompany one another, can lead to very serious consequences not only for the production itself and the people serving it, but also for the environment.

In this regard, it is extremely important to correctly assess the fire and explosion hazard of the process at the design stage, to identify possible causes of accidents, to identify dangerous factors and to scientifically justify the choice of methods and means of fire and explosion prevention and protection.

An important factor in carrying out these works is knowledge of the processes and conditions of combustion and explosion, the properties of substances and materials used in the technological process, methods and means of protection against fire and explosion.

Fire prevention measures are divided into organizational, technical, regime and operational.

Organizational measures: provide for the correct operation of machines and in-plant transport, the correct maintenance of buildings, territories, fire training.

Technical measures: observance of fire rules and standards in the design of buildings, during the installation of electrical wires and equipment, heating, ventilation, lighting, correct placement of equipment.

Regime measures - prohibition of smoking in unknown places, prohibition of welding and other fire work in fire hazardous rooms and the like.

Operational measures - timely prevention, inspections, repairs and testing of process equipment.

4.8 Ensuring fire safety.

Fires cause enormous material damage and in some cases are accompanied by deaths. Therefore, fire protection is the most important responsibility of every member of society and is carried out on a national scale.

Fire protection is aimed at finding the most efficient, economically feasible and technically justified methods and means of fire prevention and elimination with minimal damage with the most rational use of extinguishing forces and technical means.

Fire safety is the condition of the facility, in which the possibility of fire is excluded, and in case of its occurrence, the necessary measures are used to eliminate the negative impact of fire hazards on people, structures and material assets.

Fire safety can be ensured by fire prevention measures and active fire protection. Fire prevention includes a set of measures aimed at preventing a fire or reducing its consequences. Active fire protection - measures that ensure successful fire control or an explosive situation.

The combination of forces and means, as well as measures of a legal, organizational, economic, social and scientific and technical nature, form a fire safety system.

The main elements of the fire safety system are state authorities, local self-government bodies, enterprises and citizens who take part in ensuring fire safety in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.9 Fire extinguishing equipment.

To stop burning, it is necessary: to prevent the penetration of oxidant (air oxygen), as well as combustible substance into the combustion zone; Cool this area below the ignition temperature (self-ignition); dilute combustible substances with non-combustible ones; intensely inhibit the rate of chemical reactions in the flame (inhibition); to break mechanically (to tear off) a flame.

Based on these basic methods and based on known methods and techniques for extinguishing fires.

Fire extinguishing substances include: water, chemical and air-mechanical foams, aqueous solutions of salts, inert and non-combustible gases, water vapor, hydrocarbon halide extinguishing compositions and dry fire extinguishing powders.

Water is the most common and affordable means of extinguishing. When it enters the combustion zone, it heats and evaporates, absorbing a large amount of heat, which contributes to the cooling of combustible substances. During its evaporation, steam is formed (from 1 liter of water - more than 1700 liters of steam), which limits air access to the combustion center. Water is used to extinguish solid combustible substances and materials, heavy oil products, as well as to create water curtains and cool objects located near the fire center. Even flammable liquids can be extinguished with finely sprayed water. To extinguish poorly wettable substances (cotton, peat), substances that reduce surface tension are introduced into it.

There are two types of foam: chemical and air-mechanical.

Chemical foam is formed by the interaction of alkaline and acidic solutions in the presence of foaming agents.

Air-mechanical foam is a mixture of air (90%), water (9.7%) and foaming agent (0.3%). Spreading over the surface of the burning liquid, it blocks the focus, stopping the access of air oxygen. Solid combustible materials can also be extinguished with foam.

Inert and incombustible gases (carbon dioxide, nitrogen, steam) reduce the concentration of oxygen in the combustion center. They can extinguish any foci, including electrical installations. The exception is carbon dioxide, which cannot be used to extinguish alkali metals, since its reduction reaction occurs.

Fire extinguishing agents - aqueous solutions of salts. Solutions of sodium bicarbonate, calcium and ammonium chlorides, glauber salt, etc. are common. Salts precipitated from the aqueous solution form insulating films on the surface.

Halocarbon extinguishing agents make it possible to inhibit combustion reactions. These include: tetrafluorodibromomethane (Freon 114B2), methylene bromide, trifluorobromomethane (Freon 13B1), etc. These compositions have a high density, which increases their efficiency, and low freezing temperatures allow use at low temperatures. They can extinguish any foci, including electrical installations under voltage.

Fire extinguishing powders are fine mineral salts with various additives that prevent their caking and lumping. Their fire extinguishing capacity is several times higher than that of halocarbons. They are universal, since they suppress the burning of metals that cannot be extinguished with water. The powders include: sodium bicarbonate, diammonium phosphate, ammophos, silica gel, etc.

All types of fire fighting equipment are divided into the following groups:

1 fire engines (cars and motor comps);

2 fire extinguishing units;

3 fire extinguishers;

4 fire alarm equipment;

5 fire rescue devices;

6 fire manual tool;

7 fire equipment.

Each industrial enterprise must be equipped with a certain number of certain types of fire fighting equipment in accordance with all-Union and departmental standards.

Primary fire extinguishing equipment serves to eliminate small sunbathing. These include: fire barrels operating from the internal fire pipeline, fire extinguishers, dry sand, asbestos blankets, etc.

Locations of fire fighting equipment shall be indicated by signs. Approaches to fire extinguishers and other fire-fighting equipment shall be convenient and not cluttered.

4.10 Electrical Safety

Electrical Safety - Life and Health Preservation System

employees in the course of work related to the influence of electric current and electromagnetic fields. Electrical safety includes legal, socio-economic, organizational-technical, sanitary-hygienic, therapeutic-preventive, rehabilitation and other measures. The rules of electrical safety are regulated by legal and technical documents, regulatory and technical base. Knowledge of the basics of electrical safety is mandatory for personnel serving electrical installations and electrical equipment.

4.11 The main causes of electrotraumatism are:

1 The occurrence of stress where under normal conditions it should not be.

Such cases occur quite often in practice. Energized

there may be equipment enclosures, metal structures, building elements of buildings, etc. This is most often due to damage to the insulation of cables, wires or windings of electric motors and electrical connection of conductive parts with these structures.

2 Possibility of touching uninsulated current-carrying parts.

3 Formation of electric arc between human and current-carrying

electrical installation parts with voltage over 1000V.

4 Inconsistency and erroneous actions of personnel.

Technical measures during energized works

includes the use of insulating, enclosing and auxiliary protective means.

4.12 Electrical safety methods and facilities.

The means and methods of protecting a person from electric shock are as follows:

1 Reduction of operating voltage of electrical installations;

2 Potential leveling (grounding, grounding);

3 Electrical separation of high and low voltage circuits;

4 Increase of insulation resistance of current-carrying parts (working, reinforced, additional, double, etc.);

the use of protective disconnection devices and means of collective protection (protective, blocking, signalling devices, safety signs, etc.), as well as isolating means of protection.

Voltages up to 42V AC and 110V DC do not cause damaging factors with relatively short exposure. Therefore, wherever possible, except in cases specifically specified in the rules, electrical installations with an operating voltage not exceeding the given values ​ ​ should be used without additional protection.

However, when the power of electric installations with low operating voltage increases, the currents consumed by them increase, and therefore the cross section of conductors, dimensions, energy losses, and the cost of electric installations increase. The most economical are electrical installations with a voltage of 220... 380 V. Such voltages are dangerous to human life, which causes the need to use additional protective equipment (protective grounding and scratch).

Protective grounding - intentional connection of metal non-conductive parts of the electrical installation to the ground. The electrical resistance of such connection shall be minimum (not more than 4 ohms for networks with voltage up to 1000 V and not more than 10 ohms for others). At the same time, the housing of the electrical installation and its personnel will be at equal potentials, close to zero, even when the insulation is broken and the phases are closed to the housing. There are two types of grounding: remote and contour.

Remote grounding is characterized by the fact that its grounding conductor (an element of the grounding device directly contacting the ground) is located outside the area on which the equipment is installed. This method is used to ground the equipment of mechanical and assembly shops.

Contour grounding consists of several connected grounding conductors arranged along the contour of the site with protected equipment. This type of grounding is used in installations above 1000 V.

Noise - intentional electrical connection with a zero protective conductor of metal non-current-carrying parts, which may be energized. It is considered the main means of ensuring electrical safety in three-phase networks with grounded neutral voltage up to

1000 V.

In a busy network, distinguish between zero protective and working conductors. A zero protective conductor is a conductor connecting the occupied parts of electric power consumers (receivers) to the grounded neutral of the current source. The zero operating conductor is used to supply current to the electric receivers and is also connected to the grounded neutral, but through a fuse.

Use zero working wire as zero protective wire

It is impossible because when the fuse burns down, all cases connected to it can be under phase voltage.

Protective disconnection devices include devices that provide automatic disconnection of electrical installations in case of danger of electric shock. They consist of sensors, transducers and actuators. Devices have been developed that respond to the housing voltage relative to the ground and to phase distortion in emergency situations.

Insulating protective means are designed to isolate a person from parts of electrical installations under voltage. There are main and additional insulating means.

The main insulating means for servicing electrical installations with a voltage of up to 1000 V are: insulating rods, insulating and measuring ticks, voltage indicators, dielectric gloves, a locksmith and mounting tool with insulating handles, means for energized repair (insulating stairs, platforms, etc.)

Additional insulating means are: dielectric halos, mats, insulating supports.

All insulating protective equipment other than rods intended for temporary earthing, mats and supports shall be subjected to electrical tests after manufacture and periodically during operation.

4.13 Site and Plant Environmental Protection

Elements of environmental pollution in the designed area

there can be mainly metal chips, grinding machine dust, oils and mechanical impurities, emulsion (LFR) lubricating cooling liquid, water with intervening impurities from cleaning the area. In order to prevent pollution of the environment by the production activities of the site by the project

provides for:

- obligatory reliable equipment of chip machines with traps, further processing of chips its briquetting and sending for processing.

- lubricating coolant without leaks is sent to trays, sumps and reused.

- grinding machine is equipped with suction by dust collector in sleeve filter.

- exhaust fan is equipped with cycle for removal of mechanical air impurities.

- spent emulsion and water from periodic wet cleaning of premises is sent to plant-wide treatment facilities.

The task of protecting the air environment from harmful emissions and emissions is to ensure the concentration of harmful substances in the air of the working zone, on the territory of the enterprise, the atmosphere of populated areas is not higher than the maximum permissible concepts. This objective is achieved by the following methods and means:

- rational arrangement of sources of harmful emissions in relation to workplaces;

- removal of harmful emissions from sources of their formation by means of local or general exchange exhaust ventilation;

- use of air cleaning devices for removal of harmful substances;

- application of individual means of protection of human respiratory organs. In order to reduce pollution of the territory of the industrial enterprise, as well as populated areas, emissions of polluted air from workshops, premises of industrial enterprises and technological areas removed by ventilation, are carried out through high pipes in order to better disperse them in the atmosphere of reducing concentrations of harmful substances.


In this diploma project, a plan of the RMC site for the repair of technological equipment was developed, which amounted to 324m. Based on the task in this area, the overhaul of the 6M13P machine is carried out. Repairable unit - gearbox. The task said that I need to develop a technological process for the restoration of the splined shaft and produce a new block gear, which was done in the explanatory note. Based on the wear of the side surfaces of the splines (0.15mm), I chose the repair method - the distribution of splines. This recovery method will allow you to obtain the necessary requirements for the part and at the same time you need a minimum of material costs and time, which reduces the cost of repair. Thanks to the introduction of new technological equipment and specialists. devices managed to get an annual economic effect (9.5%), which favorably affects the economy of the enterprise.

Since the wear value of the carriage guides is 0.2 mm, I choose the restoration method - grinding.

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