Hotel complex -diple, AR

- Added: 29.07.2014
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Additional information
1 Initial data
1.1 Construction site 8 1.2 Design data 8 1.3 Geological data
1.4 Existing access roads
1.5 Local building materials
2 Master Plan
2.1 Characteristics of the General Plan
2.2 Location of the building on the site
2.3 Site improvement
2.4 Master Plan TEP
2.5 Space Planning Solution
3 Technical and economic comparison of design variants
3.1 Initial data
3.2 Feasibility Study of Design Options
according to the method of reduced costs
3.2.1 Determining the Economic Effect Arising from
differences in the reduced costs of the compared variants
3.2.2 Determination of the economic effect arising in the sphere
building operation for service period of selected elements
3.2.3 Determination of economic effect resulting from reduction of construction duration
3.3 Determination of estimated cost of labour intensity of options
3.4 Summary of estimated cost and labour input
works on design solutions options
4 Architectural and construction part
4.1 Space Planning Solution
4.2 Structural solution of the building
4.3 Heat Engineering Calculation
4.4 Sanitary and engineering equipment
4.4.1 Heat supply
4.4.2 Heating and ventilation
4.4.3 Water supply and sewerage
4.4.4 Power supply and electrical equipment
4.5 Fire Safety
4.6 Noise Control Measures
5 Design and structural part
5.1 Calculation of cast-in-situ slab
5.1.1 Initial data
5.2 Collection of loads on the building frame
5.3 Calculation of the building frame
5.4 Results of slab calculation
5.5 Results of calculation of floor girder
5.6 Foundations and Foundations
5.6.1 Design Basis and Geotechnical Survey Analysis
5.7 Foundation slab calculation
5.8 Results of foundation slab calculation
6 Technology of construction production
6.1 Selection of cranes for frame installation
6.2 Work of the preparatory period
6.3 Works of the main construction period
6.4 Combination of installation, construction and special
construction works
6.5 Winterization
6.6 Guidance on how to control the quality of buildings and
7 Organization of construction
7.1 Scheduling 66 7.2 Calculation of labour intensity
7.3 Technical and economic indicators
7.4 Table of Network Works and Resources
7.5 Network Chart and Optimization
7.6 Construction Plot Plan
7.7 Calculation of Water Demand
7.8 Calculation of power demand
8 Economic part
8.1 Local estimate for civil works of hotel
8.2 Object Estimate
8.3 Summary Estimate
9. Standardization and quality control
10 Safety of life at work and environmental friendliness of the project
10.1 Characteristics of the designed building
10.2 Occupational Safety Measures
construction and installation works
11 Fire-fighting measures
12 Environmental protection
13. Protection of population and territory in emergency situations
Capital construction is important in solving economic and social problems. All changes in industry, transport and other areas of production are directly related to construction. The success of further expansion of production capacities and improvement of living conditions of the population depends on the implementation of capital construction programs.
The implementation of tasks to consistently strengthen the material and technical base of society and improve the well-being of the people requires a continuous increase in the volume of construction in all sectors of the national economy.
In this diploma project, a four-story hotel was designed on the street. Machugi in Krasnodar.
1 Design Input
1.1 Construction site and characteristics of construction area
The project provides for the construction of a four-story hotel on the street. Machugi in the city of Krasnodar.
1.2 Wind and snow load. Design temperatures, freezing depth, seismicity of the area
The project was developed for the construction and climatic region of III B with the following natural and climatic conditions:
standard wind load for the IV district - 0.48 kPa;
snow cover weight for area I - 0.50 kPa;
design ambient air temperature - -19;
ground freezing depth - 0.80 m;
seismicity of the area - 8 points;
humidity zone - dry;
internal design temperature - 20
1.3 Basic information on soils, groundwater level
Geomorphologically, the site is located on the 11th floor terrace.
According to the technical report on engineering and construction surveys carried out by OOO Prospector, order No. 0511332004, the geological section is represented by deposits of Quaternary age of various genesis: man-made, deluvial aeol, alluvial. The description of these sediments is given in the section "Foundations and Foundations" of this project.
The surface of the site is flat, with an asphalt surface, with a slope to the north, towards Machugi Street. Surface elevations on site vary from 31.1 m to 32.2 m.
Groundwater during the survey was opened in the sands at a depth of 7.3-8.0 m (absolute elevations 23.9-23.2 m). The opened horizon has a weak local pressure, the head height was 1.2-2.3 m, the steady ground water level was recorded at 23.4 m.
1.4 Existing access roads, wastewater treatment facilities
Entrances to the plots are provided from the side of the street. Machugi. The location of the entrances takes into account the need for further access to public buildings, entrances to residential buildings, as well as the passage of fire engines.
The removal of stormwater from buildings and from the site is designed by creating slopes to the rain receiving wells, and non-residential buildings to be demolished. The buildings are mostly dilapidated and of little value.
Streets adjacent to the construction site are characterized by:
st. Machugi - a street of local importance
The relief of the site is calm, the groundwater horizon is high. The dominant wind direction is east, northeast.
The existing terrain is saved as much as possible in the project and the amount of excavation is minimal. Excess non-vegetal soil is taken to storage places, vegetal soil - used for landscaping.
Slopes of footpaths are sufficient to divert surface water. Relief elevations range from 31.1 to 32.2.
Restoration of the pavement adjacent to the designed building is provided.
1.5 Local construction materials, availability of construction industry enterprises in the construction area
In Krasnodar, where the hotel is being built, construction industry enterprises are widely developed, which makes it possible to take most of the preparatory processes outside the construction site.
sand quarry - 20 km
brick factory - 35 km
ZHBI plant - 15 km
ruberoid plant - 27 km
inert materials quarry - 28 km
2 Plot Plan
2.1 Brief description of the construction site
The site of the designed four-story hotel on the street. Machugi.
The relief of the site is relatively flat, with a weak slope in the north direction.
With the master plan, the projected area is divided into the following functional zones:
Space-based planning and architectural solutions
A four-story hotel on the street. Machugi in Krasnodar is designed with a height of the first floor of 4.2 m, the second and subsequent 3.6-3.5 m.
The building consists of 2 blocks:
1 U-shaped main block, which will house hotel rooms, administration rooms and support rooms.
2 rectangular block, part of which is inside 1 block, and part protrudes towards Machugi street. In the second block there will be terraces, entertainment rooms, an elevator.
The size of the building in the plan is 33.3x21.9m.
The basement is provided with two independent exits to the outside. Entrances to stairs are made through vestibules with fire doors.
The types of hotel rooms provided for by the projects meet the social modern conditions and are represented by one- and two-room rooms.
Architectural and construction part
4.1 Space Planning Solution
The building of the residential building is designed from 2 structurally connected block of sections.
The roof is inclined, with an external drain. Floor height 4.2, 3.6, 3.5 m
The foundations are designed as a monolithic reinforced concrete slab 70 cm high with a concrete preparation of 10 cm.
The walls of those underground are prefabricated monolithic with vertical monolithic inclusions from monolithic railway cores connecting the foundation slab with the basement floor.
4.2 Structural solution of the building
The structural diagram of the structural structures of the building is made as a rigid monolithic reinforced concrete frame consisting of columns and a beam monolithic floor. Such structural measures are due to the transition period in the construction industry of the Krasnodar Territory to the construction of buildings and structures with increased seismic stability.
This project provides for:
geometrical ratios of dimensions of spacers, openings in walls, and elements of walls are adopted taking into account normative antiseismic requirements;
installation of additional embedded parts for reinforcement of individual bonds of enclosing structures;
The stairs are designed from prefabricated railway stages along metal cones.
Self-supporting exterior walls consist of 3 layers:
Ceramic brick t = 120 mm;
Insulation polystyrene foam type ISOVER t = 52 mm;
Blocks of cellular concrete t = 200 mm.
Brick partitions t = 120 mm .
A basement is made under the entire building. The foundation is designed in the form of a monolithic reinforced concrete slab made of concrete of class B25, W4. Plate thickness is 700mm. The main reinforcement of the plate is with separate rods. The joints of the working reinforcement (along the length of the rods) should be placed in the run-off.
Under a base plate to make concrete preparation 100 mm thick of concrete of C of B7.5. The medium density sand cushion h = 1.0m is performed below. The cushion is made with layer-by-layer compaction, the thickness of the compacted layer is 20 cm. Below, the lying ground of the base is pre-compacted with crushed stone.
Brickwork of walls and partitions should be made of full ceramic brick M100 on solution M50 with mandatory reinforcement with nets (the first grid is laid on the first row of masonry, followed with increments of 450 mm) and addition of plasticizing additives. The use of a solution without a plasticizer is not allowed. Masonry dressing - chain with complete dressing and filling of all seams. Multi-row masonry is not allowed.
Masonry category according to normal adhesion II. Design masonry resistance Rp > 1.2kG/cm2 (temporary resistance to axial tension along unbound seams. Actual Rp data shall be confirmed by laboratory act.
Horizontal waterproofing shall be made of cement mortar of 1:2 composition with sealing additives. You can fill the vertical waterproofing with hot bitumen in two times on the primer. After installation of vertical dressing waterproofing make clay lock.
The holes in the internal walls of the utility floor must be sealed with elastic materials (after corrosion protection of pipes) after laying of utilities.
Rebar grids are installed at the corners and intersections of walls.
Sanitary and engineering equipment
4.4.1 Heat supply
Heat supply is provided from existing on-site heat networks. The heat carrier - couples with the temperature of 130 wasps, pressure of 2.8 atm.
4.4.2 Heating and ventilation
Heating accepted steam. The steam line passes above the heating devices, and the condensate line above the floor. Pipelines are laid with a slope of at least 0.002. Air removal from condensate line is provided from high points by air cranes. Condensate drains are provided at the outlet of the building and at the outlet of each branch for condensate removal at the condensate pipeline.
The pipelines shall be laid in the sleeves at the intersections of the slabs, the edges of the sleeves shall be made 30 mm above the surface of the clean floor. As heating devices, take registers from smooth pipes with a diameter of 100.
Ventilation of rooms is accepted as plenum with mechanical and natural air inducement.
In the basement, mechanical exhaust and natural inflow through opening framugs of windows and doors are designed. Mechanical drawing is provided from bathrooms and housings.
4.4.3 Water supply and sewerage
The following water supply systems are designed in the building:
household drinking;
fire protection;
The source of drinking water supply is the city water supply network with a diameter of 200 mm, a pressure of 1-2 at.
The scheme of the house-drinking water supply of the building consists in the following:
water from the city network of the domestic water supply system through the existing 100 mm diameter inlet is supplied to the building and further to sanitary devices and irrigation taps.
Water consumption for domestic drinking needs is:
daily - 3.5 m3;
maximum hour - 2.5 m3;
The supply of hot water to the showers and "bidet" is provided from 2 electric heaters installed near the showers.
Domestic networks of domestic drinking and hot water supply are laid out of steel water and gas galvanized pipes as per GOST 326275.
The scheme of fire-fighting water supply of the building consists in the following: in case of fire, water from the existing fire water reservoir, with a capacity of 150 m3, is taken by pumps located in the existing reconstructed pump station of fire-fighting water supply, and supplied to the fire cranes of the designed building, to eliminate small fires.
The following canalization systems are designed in the designed building:
The scheme of operation of domestic sewage is as follows: sewage from sanitary devices by gravity is sent to the external sewage network of the city with a diameter of 500 mm.
Due to the fact that the sides of sanitary devices installed in the basement are below the level of the hatch of the nearest sewage well, the project provides for the installation of an electrically driven gate valve at the discharge of sewage from the building, the operation of which is automated from the level of sewage in the sewage pipe.
The consumption of domestic waste water of the designed building is:
daily - 3.5 m3;
maximum hour - 2.5 m3.
Internal sewage networks of the building are designed from cast-iron sewage pipes with a diameter of 15050 mm according to GOST 6942.380.
The external drain network of the building is designed from steel electric welded pipes according to GOST 1070491 - suspended pipelines from cast-iron sewage pipes according to GOST 6942.380 - risers and outlets from the building.
Rainwater consumption from the roof of the building is 32.6 l/s.
The drainage of rainwater is provided for in the existing rainwater sewage network of the city.
Install internal networks of the building in accordance with SNiP 3.05.0185.
After installation and testing, paint pipelines of all systems with oil paint in two times.
4.4.4 Power supply and electrical equipment
The compressor station is powered from the existing complete transformer substation. For this purpose from KTP to a vvodnoraspredelitelny board of compressor the cable of the AVVG1kV brand with a section of 3х95+1х35 mm2 prokladyatsya.
At the inlet of the compressor room, the board PR 8501 is installed, from which power and lighting loads are supplied, as well as the control panel of the submersible pump. Start-up equipment of compressors comes complete with process equipment.
Group networks of power electrical equipment are made by wire of APV grade in steel pipes.
The working and repair electric lighting of the lighting fixture with incandescent lamps is designed. Lighting network is performed by AVVG cable.
There is a provision for grounding of metal frames of boards, electric receiver housings, which, if the insulation of electrical networks is violated, may be energized.
All electrical installation works shall be carried out in accordance with PUE requirements.
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