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Design of the main motion drive of the 6P82 machine

  • Added: 09.07.2014
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Course project. Three drawings, explanatory note

Project's Content

icon Аннотация.doc
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1 Development of kinematic diagram and kinematic calculation of speed box

1.1 Selection of drive motor

1.2 Determination of the overall drive control range

1.3 Determination of the total number of speed stages

1.4 Selection of drive design options

1.5 Determination of the number of possible kinematic variants

1.6 Determination of maximum gear ratios by group of gears

1.7 Building Structural Grids

1.8 Plotting of rotation speeds

1.9 Determination of gear ratios in gear groups

1.10 Determination of Gear Gear Numbers

1.11 Determination of torques on the shafts of the gearbox

2 Calculation of straightforward involute transmission

2.1 Determination of gear module by calculation of contact endurance of teeth

2.2 Determination of gear module by calculation of teeth endurance during bending

2.3 Definition of standard gear module

2.4 Determining the Axial Distance of the Gear Train

3 Construction of velocity box convolution

3.1 Development of speed box layout diagram

3.2 Drawing of speed box convolution

3.3 Determination of forces acting in gears

4 Calculation and selection of bearings

4.1 Determination of reactions in shaft supports

4.2 Selection of bearings by static lifting capacity

4.3 Selection of bearings by dynamic lifting capacity

4.4 Selection of bearings by shaft diameter

5 Calculation of solid shaft section

5.1 Determination of diameter of middle shaft sections

5.2 Calculation of shafts for fatigue strength

5.3 Calculation of strength of keys and splined joints

List of sources used

Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix B

Appendix D

Appendix D

Appendix E

Appendix Zh


This document is a report on the sequence of work performed during the course project. It describes the main stages of design of the main movement drive of the machine, the stages of design development of the spindle assembly.

The design stages of the main motion drive include kinematic and power calculation of the speed box, calculation of the speed box shafts, as well as calculation and selection of bearings.

The explanatory note contains 37 pages. The graphic part is made on 3 sheets of A1 format.

The graphic part of the course project includes:

- kinematic diagram of the machine;

- speed box scanning;

- convolution of speed box.


The creation of modern, accurate and high-performance metal cutting machines leads to increased requirements for their main units. In particular, the main movement and feed drives are required: to increase rigidity, increase the accuracy of rotation of shafts, spindle units. Machines must be capable of high-performance manufacturing without manual post-blowing of parts that meet modern ever-increasing accuracy requirements.

Milling machines are widely used in all branches of the machine building industry. They are designed for turning from bar material. On such machines, it is possible to carry out rough and finishing coiling, shaped coiling, trimming, thread cutting, reefing and cutting.

In most machines, gearboxes with stepped speed control connected to an asynchronous motor are changed as the main movement drive. The main motion drives are subject to the following requirements: providing the necessary cutting power, maintaining the constancy of cutting power in speed and torque boxes, providing a given speed control range, high efficiency, reliability, ease of maintenance and small dimensions.

For machining of machine parts with different sizes and cutting tools, with different cutting properties, with a large number of technological operations, in order to obtain optimal cutting modes, it is necessary to change the rotation speeds of the spindle in the range from nmin to nmax.

Between the highest and lowest speeds of rotation of the spindle, intermediate frequencies can be arranged continuously (smoothly) or stepwise (intermittently). The use of stepless speed control makes it possible to more easily implement optimal cutting modes. With the use of stepless adjustment, the design of the machine is simplified. DC motors are used as electric stepless drive.

Stepwise adjustment makes it possible to set a limited number of rotation frequencies within a given range. For this reason, the amount of control may not always be optimal. Stepwise control mechanisms are compact, simple and have a higher efficiency than stepless control.

Drawings content

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