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Design of the main motion drive of the 2A150 machine

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Course project. Drawings, Explanatory Note

Project's Content

icon кинематика 2А150.cdw
icon Коробка скоростей 2А150 8 с М2.cdw
icon КП Станки ПЗ - 2А150 8с.doc
icon Свертка валов 2А150 8с.cdw
icon Спецификация.spw
icon Сундуков 1.docx

Additional information



1 Design analysis of the machine to be upgraded

1.1 Model 2A Machine Design

1.2 Technical characteristics of the machine

1.3 Main units and mechanisms of the machine

1.4 Selection of modernization direction

2 Kinematic calculation of the designed drive

2.1 Selection of kinematic scheme of the main motion drive

2.2 Selection of electric motor

3 Dynamic calculation of drive parts

3.1 Calculation of torques on drive shafts

3.2 Design calculation of belt transmission

3.3 Calculation of teeth numbers of group spur gears

3.4. Calculation of spur gear modules

3.5 Calculation of gear wheel parameters

3.6 Construction of DVR

3.7 Determining the deviation of real numbers

3 .8 Design calculation of drive shafts

3.9 Selection of speed changers

3.10 Selection of shaft supports type and their calculation

3.11 Calculation of shafts for strength and endurance

3.12 Spindle Calculation

4 Description of the device and operation of the drive


List of literature used



In this course project, the drive of the main movement of the vertical drilling machine was designed. The model 2A150 machine was taken as the basis. Minimum and maximum speed, speed and motor power were set as input. During the project, a speed box for 8 spindle revolutions was developed, a drawing of the kinematic diagram of the machine, a general view of the speed box, and roll-up of the shafts was made to determine the location of the shafts of the box. Verification calculations were performed to determine the accuracy and durability of the drive.


The course project is one of the last stages of the training of an engineer, which allows the student to show the total amount of knowledge received during the training in general scientific, general technical and special disciplines, the ability to apply this knowledge, as well as his practical experience to solving engineering issues.

In the course of a course project, each student must be as independent as possible in resolving all issues related to the implementation of the project.

When developing a project, the student should not be closed to a narrow range of technical issues related to the design of the only unit being developed, it is necessary to understand and consider the range of issues related to the entire machine. Its technological purpose, compliance with the modern level of performance, accuracy, automation, requirements of technical aesthetics, safety, etc. During the project, the student must learn to use GOST, normals and typical designs.

Special attention should be paid to the processability of the structure, as the most important economic factor, as well as to the lubrication of its elements.

The topic of the course project is design development and full calculation of the machine assembly. The designed assembly should contain as many specific machine elements as possible, such as reversing and rotating mechanisms, control mechanisms, spindle assembly, braking mechanisms and various gears. Therefore, in most cases, the development of the drive of the main movement of the machine is given as the topic of the course project, as it most fully meets the tasks set, and much less often - the development of the design of the feed box

1 Design analysis of the machine to be upgraded

1.1 Device of the 2A150 machine.

Vertical-boring machine 2A150 is intended for performance of various drilling works - for processing of various openings in different ways and also drilling, coredrilling, chamfering, expansion, cutting of a carving by machine taps, undercuttings of faces at details in single and small-scale production.

1.3 Main units and mechanisms of the machine

The modernized machine has a standard layout for vertical drilling machines: a column is installed on the base, along the vertical guides of which the table moves. Borehole head accommodates speed and feed boxes communicating main motion and spindle feed motion with tool.

The drive of the main movement and feed movements is automated.

1.4 Selection of modernization direction

An analysis of the design and technical characteristics of the 2A150 revealed the main direction of possible modernization - the modernization of the main movement drive .

This solution may include several main points, namely:

expansion of drive control range

automation of drive control

increased stiffness of spindle unit

4. Description of the device and operation of the drive

The main drive is equipped with an asynchronous motor 4A112M4U3. Motion from it by means of V-belt transmission is transmitted to shaft 2.

By a group of two speeds from shaft 2, motion is transmitted to shaft 3. One of wheels of each pair is rigidly fixed on shaft. Gear shifting is carried out using hydraulic cylinders connected to gear units using forks. The second group transmits motion at two speeds from shaft 3 to shaft 4. The third group transmits the movement at two speeds from shaft 4 to shaft 5. Shafts 2, 3 and 4 are installed in radial ball single-row bearings.

Spindle is installed in radial load-receiving roller conical and ball bearings with thrust bead.


During the course project, a speed box for 9 rpm was developed. The main movement drive of the vertical drilling machine 2A150 was taken as the basis. The optimal drive scheme was chosen and a shaft speed diagram was built according to the calculated geometric speed step - the basis of the drive design. According to the available loads for gears, modules were calculated, shaft diameters were selected, bearings in supports were selected to ensure the required operating modes and durability. A deflection calculation and spindle shaft rotation angle were performed to ensure that the designed drive provides the required accuracy.

Drawings content

icon кинематика 2А150.cdw

кинематика 2А150.cdw

icon Коробка скоростей 2А150 8 с М2.cdw

Коробка скоростей 2А150 8 с М2.cdw

icon Свертка валов 2А150 8с.cdw

Свертка валов 2А150 8с.cdw

icon Спецификация.spw

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