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Manipulator - tilter - Drives of machine tools and machine tools - course

  • Added: 01.07.2014
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Course project - Manipulator - tilter. Drawing, Explanatory Note

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icon Записка№3В6.doc
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1. Rotation drive

2. Lift drive

3. Grip drive

4. Selection of pump station

5. Selection of control equipment

5.1. Reduction valves

5.2. Throttles

5.3. Hydraulic valve

5.4. Three-position distributor

5.5. Two-position hydraulic distributor

5.6. Check valve

6. Pipeline Calculation

6.1. Defining the Internal Diameter of a Pipeline

6.2. Determination of minimum pipe wall thickness for pressure and drain lines

6.3. Determining the Outer Diameter of a Pipe

6.4. Oil selection

6.5. Definition of Reynolds number

7. Calculation of losses

8. Calculation of adjustment and mechanical characteristics

9. Hydraulic drive diagram


The wide use of hydraulic drive in process machines requires the operator and designer to have special skills in analyzing the hydraulic diagrams of the equipment, the ability to carry out the necessary hydraulic calculations, select hydroelements according to catalogs, and also find failures in hydraulic systems. Typically, the hydraulic drive of process equipment includes: a hydropower source (pump station), one or more actuators and control, distribution, control and control equipment.


As a result of the work done, the manipulator-tilter drive was designed. Main characteristics are calculated and dependency graphs (adjustment and mechanical) are built. By operating pressure, the hydraulic drive turned out to be high pressure (6.320MPa). Assuming the operating conditions of this drive, cycle control can be recommended for it.

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