Overhaul MMLPU City Polyclinic N10, located at: st. Chervishevsky tract, 68a - heating and ventilation

- Added: 09.07.2014
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INTRODUCTIONConstruction equipment is developed on a scientific basis with extensive use of related industries. One of its main parts is climate technology
Microclimate maintenance is by nature a multifactorial process, the implementation of which is associated with the need to ensure the given temperature parameters of air mobility, humidity of the concentration of the main gas components, assimilation of metabolic products, as well as various kinds of harmful substances released during human life.
Internal mode of rooms is formed under the influence of disturbing and regulating influences. Disturbances include both sources and drains of heat and moisture, as well as insolation, transmission flows of heat and moisture, infiltration and exfiltration through external fences, receipts from people, animals, plants, heated and cooled surfaces of equipment, materials and other components of the domestic and technological process. Control is counteracting the disturbing effects of heat and moisture from microclimate supply systems - heating, ventilation, air conditioning
Heating operation is characterized by a certain periodicity during the year and variability in the use of plant capacity, depending primarily on meteorological conditions in the cold season
To create and maintain thermal comfort in the rooms during the cold season, technically advanced and reliable heating systems are required, in the warm period air conditioning systems
Heating and ventilation are designed to maintain in the premises in addition to the necessary temperature of certain humidity, mobility, pressure, gas composition and air cleanliness
The purpose of any ventilation device is to create an air environment in residential, public and industrial premises that meets sanitary and hygienic requirements and production conditions, which is achieved by removing contaminated air from the premises and replacing it with fresh (external), i.e. ensuring the necessary air exchange
SUMMARYThis diploma project will reconstruct the heating and ventilation systems of the clinic
The project was carried out on the basis of architectural and construction drawings and tasks, in accordance with the current norms and standards, meets the requirements of environmental, sanitary and hygienic, fire safety standards and rules and ensures safe operation of the designed facilities for life and health
Design temperature of external air for heating and ventilation is accepted minus 38 wasps the average temperature of the heating period minus 7.5 wasps. Duration of heating period - 225 days
• The following rooms are located in the clinic:
• Corridor
• Doctors' offices
• Procedural room
• Biochemical office
• Blood Collection Room
• Dentist's Office
• X-ray. Office
• ECG Cabinet
• Rest room
• Archive
• Dignity. knot
• Washing
• Bathroom
The source of heat supply is urban heating networks. After thermal point, water comes to a heating system with parameters 95-70oC
Fixation of pipelines and heating devices to walls is made according to series 4,904-69. 6 The building provides for water heating with local heating devices. Heating system - double-tube with lower coolant wiring. Cast iron radiators MS-140 TU 21-26-259-87 and registers of 3 smooth pipes d108x4.5 are used as heating devices. Existing control unit, removal of water heater
Pipelines located in the basement are insulated by roving (bundle) from glass complex threads with a thickness of 40mm. Coating layer after insulation consists of roll glass plastic
Piping at wall passages shall be enclosed in waterproofed sleeves
Pipelines of the heating system of the designed building are accepted from steel water and gas pipes. Pipelines, valves are painted with oil paint in two layers, by primer, in one layer
In this project, a new system of plenum-exhaust ventilation with mechanical inducement has been designed, taking into account the requirements. Air intake is performed through air intake grids. Air is released using umbrellas located above the roof of the building at 1m. Air ducts are designed from galvanized steel sheet. Places of air ducts passage through walls, partitions are sealed with mineral-wool fire-proof, heat-insulating slabs
In the cold period, the external air supplied by the plenum ventilation systems is heated due to plants with heat recovery, then it is heated to the specified internal air parameters, using heating plants, for the uninterrupted operation of which frost protection is provided. Outside air is treated in plenum chambers, where it is cleaned from dust in cell filters
Plenum units are equipped with automatic and control systems, which provide:
- monitoring of supply air temperature parameters;
- control of air temperature parameters;
- protection of water heaters from freezing;
- automatic operation of the air valve;
- indication of system operation mode
To prevent noise from the veins. room of ventilation chamber installations (walls and floors) to be soundproofed with mineral wool slabs on synthetic binder, stratified. 50 mm
I. INITIAL DATA 1.1. Brief description of the building.The object is a 1-story polyclinic No. 10 in the city of Tyumen
1.2. Selection of design parameters of internal air.Selection of design parameters of internal air is accepted depending on functional purpose, sanitary and hygienic and technological requirements
A working and serviced area is considered to be a space up to 2 m high above the level of the floor or site on which people are located or there are jobs
Design conditions are selected depending on the purpose of the premises and the time of year
One of the main factors characterizing the climatic conditions of the room is air temperature. Its required values depend on the nature of human activity, climatic conditions of the area, the time of year, etc.
The second existing factor is air humidity. In a warm period with high humidity in combination with high temperature, the heat exchange of a person with the environment deteriorates, which leads to overheating of the body. With a low moisture content of air, characteristic of the cold period, the return of heat by humans increases due to the intensive evaporation of moisture from the surface of heat, the surfaces of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract dry out, which contributes to the penetration of pathogens into the respiratory organs. In addition, materials dry and deform, the danger of spark discharges increases during the accumulation of static electricity, as well as the danger of condensation of water vapors on cooled surfaces
1.3.. Determination of outdoor air parametersSelection of design parameters of outdoor air is based on the concept of provision of design internal conditions in the room, i.e. permissible duration of deviation of microclimate parameters from design values
Design parameters shall be the same for all components of the thermal mode of the room
The specified microclimate parameters and air cleanliness in the premises should be ensured within the limits of the calculated outdoor air parameters for the corresponding construction areas (2). For the city of Tyumen, these parameters are within the following limits
1.4. Outdoor Climate Parameters
1. Development district - Tyumen
2. Temperature of the coldest five-day week - (-38 wasps)
3. Absolute minimum air temperature - (-50 wasps)
4. Average temperature of the coldest day - (-42 wasps)
5. Average temperature of the heating period - (-7.8 wasps)
6. Temperature of external air during the warm period - (24 wasps)
7. Heating season duration - 225 days
8. Moisture zone - 2 (normal)
1. Heat supply source, coolant parameters
Source of heat supply are city thermal networks with parameters 130-70oC. After thermal point, water comes to a heating system with parameters 95-70oC
II Flooding. 2.1 Design of heating systems.A heating system is a set of structural elements with connections between them, designed to receive, transfer and transfer the necessary amount of heat to heated rooms. Heat transfer is carried out with the help of liquid and gaseous working medium
The medium to be moved is called a heat carrier. As the heat carrier in this degree project water with parameters 95-70oC is used
For policlinic it is necessary to accept at a temperature of heat carrier of 95 wasps of two pipe heating systems with radiators of MS-140 brand and registers from smooth pipes (d 108kh4.5mm)
Main pipes of heating system are laid with lower wiring. For the convenience of maintenance in systems with lower wiring, the placement of supply highways is provided on the technical floor at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the outer wall, reverse in the basement, technical underground or channels. In systems with lower wiring, the laying of supply and return heat pipelines should be provided jointly in the basement, and in the absence of it - in the technical underground or channels
Risers are laid open and located mainly near external walls at a distance of 35 mm from internal surface to pipe axis. Double-tube risers are placed at a distance of 80 mm between axes of pipes, at that feeding riser is located on the right
2.9.2 Heating system testing, acceptance and handoverInstalled heating systems shall be tested, installed and brought to such condition that all technical indicators of them correspond to the design data
Heating systems are accepted in three stages, external inspection, hydrostatic or manometric tests and thermal effect tests
During external inspection as-built drawings and compliance of performed works with the approved design are checked (working design), correct assembly and strength of pipes and heating devices attachment, installation of instrumentation, shutoff and control valves, arrangement of drain and air cranes, observance of slopes, uniformity of heating of devices (to touch), relative noiselessness of pumps and the system as a whole, absence of leakage in threaded connections, sections of radiators, cranes, gate valves, etc.
After external inspection, the test is carried out according to the program determined by the heating system and the time of year. For ease of detection of defective places, each system is tested by nodes, and then the whole. Tests shall be carried out before start of painting works
Testing of water heating systems shall be carried out at disconnected coolant sources (water heaters, elevator units) and expansion vessels by hydrostatic method with pressure equal to 1.5 working pressure, but not less than 0.2 MPa at the lowest point of the system. The numerical value of the pressure for testing of the inputs to buildings and thermal units connected to the heating plants must be agreed with the CHP management
Water systems shall be considered to have passed the test by hydrostatic method if during 5 minutes its pressure drop under test pressure does not exceed 0.02 MPa and there are no leaks in welds, pipes, threaded joints, valves, heating devices and equipment
Manometric tests of heating systems are performed as follows: the system is filled with air with a test excess pressure of 0.15 MPa; if defects of installation are detected by hearing, pressure is reduced to atmospheric pressure and defects are eliminated; then the system is filled with air with a pressure of 0.1 MPa and held under test pressure for 5 minutes. The system is recognized as having passed the test if, when it is under test pressure, the pressure drop does not exceed 0.01 MPa
When starting heating in winter conditions, it should be possible to quickly empty it from water, as well as switch on and off in parts
Serviceable and effective operation of heating systems is determined as a result of their seven-hour continuous operation with coolant in the supply pipeline, the temperature of which must correspond to the ambient air temperature, but not less than 323 K (50 ° С), and the circulation pressure in the system according to the working documentation
Upon delivery of the systems, a set of as-built drawings (working documentation with notes on changes made to them), all acts of acceptance of hidden works, equipment certificates, acts of hydraulic tests and acts of thermal testing of the systems are presented
Поликлиника N10(исправленная).dwg
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