Polyclinic in the city of Taganrog. Reconstruction of the heating system in the clinic using underfloor heating

- Added: 01.05.2022
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Project of reconstruction of the heating system of the polyclinic using underfloor water heating
Project's Content
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Additional information
Section 5. information on engineering equipment, utilities networks, list of engineering measures, content of technological solutions
Design documentation - Reconstruction of buildings and structures (KN 61:58:0004487:69; KN 61:58:0004487:67; KN 61:58:0004487:68) in the clinic at the address: ul. Baku, 56; Taganrog; Rostov region is developed on the basis of:
- engineering specification;
- tasks of adjacent sections;
- SP 60.13330.2012 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning";
- SP 131.13330.2012 "Construction climatology";
- SP 50.13330.2012 "Thermal protection of buildings";
5.4.1. Information on climatic and meteorological conditions of the construction area, design parameters of outdoor air.
Design ambient temperatures:
- design temperature for heating design - 18 ° C
- design temperatures for ventilation systems design
in cold period -18 ° C
in warm period + 27 ° C
- design temperature for air conditioning design + 32 ° C
- average temperature of heating period 0 ° C
- duration of heating period 165 days.
5.4.2. Information on heat supply sources, coolant parameters of heating and ventilation systems.
The source of heat supply for the needs of heating, heat supply of ventilation systems is the roof boiler room.
The coolant in the heating system is hot water with 8060 ° C.
Coolant in the heat supply system of plenum plants - hot water with parameters of 9570 ° С.
Hot water is supplied to the building by separate pipes from the roof boiler room (see section VK).
Hot water temperature - 65 ° C.
5.4.3. Substantiation of adopted systems and fundamental decisions on heating, ventilation and air conditioning of premises.
The selection of the heating system and the calculation of the number of heating devices required to heat the entire volume of the building are based on the calculation of heat losses through external enclosing structures (walls, windows, doors, floors, coating).
Hydraulic calculation is performed according to REHAU program .
The results of calculation of heat consumption for the designed building are presented in the table of basic indicators for CW systems.
Heating of the building is carried out by the "warm floor" system.
Coolant temperature is reduced in distribution headers by means of mixing pumps.
Average floor temperature is accepted in accordance with SP 60.13330.2012:
- for floors in rooms with permanent stay of people...... 26⁰S;
- for floors in rooms with temporary stay of people, as well as for bypass paths of indoor pools....... 31C.
Coolant temperature:
- for floors in rooms with permanent stay of people...... 43 - 38⁰S;
- for floors in rooms with temporary stay of people, as well as for bypass paths of indoor pools....... 60 - 55⁰S.
In rooms where the "warm floor" system is not provided, local heating devices-radiators with a smooth surface are installed.
The heating system is adopted as double-tube, horizontal, with associated movement of the coolant in the main lines .
Bimetallic "BMN" radiators of the company "SANTEKHPROM" are adopted as heating devices. Automatic air valves are installed on all heating devices for air discharge. Automatic temperature controllers TS90V and shutoff valves RL1 of "HERZ" company are installed to control heat removal of heating devices and maintain regulated internal air temperatures in the rooms on the supply lines to the radiators.
Hydraulic adjustment of the heating system is provided using HERZ automatic balancing valves 4007.
Water is lowered from lower points through drain cranes.
Main pipelines of heating systems, risers and supply to instruments are designed from universal pipes RAUTITAN pink and stabil (REHAU, Germany). Pipelines are laid in 9 mm thick Energoflex pipe insulation.
The distance from the bottom of the heating device to the floor level is at least 100 cm.
Compensation of heat extensions of main pipelines of heating systems is provided due to angles of turns, lowering and lifting.
At the intersections of wall and slab pipelines, pipelines shall be laid in sleeves in accordance with SNiP 3.05.0185 "Rules of Work Execution and Acceptance."
Heat supply to plenum plants
The heat supply system of plenum plants is adopted according to the dependent connection scheme. Coolant temperature in the heat supply system is 95-70 ° С.
Pipelines are designed from steel water and gas pipes (GOST 326275) and steel electric welded pipes (GOST 1070491).
Automatic air vents are installed in the upper points of the system to remove air. For emptying - drain cranes are installed in the lower points.
Heat supply system pipelines are heat insulated in the following composition:
- anti-corrosion heat-resistant enamel "Zerta" as per TU 2312001492488462000;
- main insulation layer - URSA GEO M25 mats 20 mm thick (NG)
- cover layer - fiberglass rolled as per TU 22960140020496199 (NG).
To ensure circulation and control of coolant temperature of plenum plants, "NED" mixing units are designed, which are included in the supply set of plenum plants.
Power supply of pumps of heat supply mixing units of plenum plants is accepted according to 1 category.
In the clinic, a supply and supply ventilation system with mechanical and natural motivation is designed.
"NED" plenum units are designed for air inflow.
Air intake for plenum systems is carried out through an external grille installed at a height of 2 m from ground level.
Air is released at a height of not less than 1 m above the roof level.
Separate systems of plenum and exhaust ventilation are designed for the premises of cafes (P6, B18), swimming pool (P5, B16), LFK halls (P3, B10, B12), basement (P2), wards, rooms of each floor (P1, P7, B17, B20, V22, Vrazov, 29, VdY2, 29,
Exhaust ventilation from the premises of the clinic is carried out by channel fans installed behind the set ceiling of the corridors and in the serviced room, as well as roof fans.
Air ducts for general ventilation systems are designed from thin-sheet galvanized steel (GOST 1491880) of class H with a thickness of SNiP.
Transit air ducts are made of thin-sheet galvanized steel according to GOST 1491880, class "P," 1.0 mm thick, EI 60.
Plenum and exhaust systems are equipped with adjustable grilles of the RV type from Roven.
Fire protection valves of KPU1N type with fire resistance limit EI 90, "Veza" company, with Belimo electric drives are provided at the crossings of fire partitions.
All transit air ducts shall be insulated with heat and heat protection coating "ALU1 WiredMat 80" 40 mm thick.
All supply ducts shall be insulated by self-adhesive foil insulation, 10 mm thick.
Places of passage of transit air ducts through walls, partitions and ceilings are sealed with non-combustible materials, providing a fire resistance limit of the intersected floor.
In the warm period, in order to maintain a comfortable internal air temperature in the cafe and pool premises, plenum systems (P5, P6) are provided with cooling (KKB5, KKB6).
Noise reduction measures
To reduce noise and vibration from supply and exhaust ventilation systems, the project provides for the following set of measures:
- plenum units are located in a separately enclosed soundproofed room;
- plenum plants of NED company, have a framework structure with heat and sound insulation from mineral wool fiber;
- ventilation units are accepted with sections of silencers;
- connection of fans with air ducts is made through flexible inserts;
- air speeds in air ducts and coolant in pipelines are accepted based on the condition of creation of permissible noise level.
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