Polyclinic in taganrog

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Project documentation of the thermomechanical part for the polyclinic in Taganrog
Project's Content
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Additional information
Section 5. information on engineering equipment, utilities networks, list of engineering measures, content of technological solutions
5.1. Basis of Design
Design documentation "Reconstruction of the store and objects of unfinished construction to the clinic at the address: Rostov region, Taganrog, ul. Baku, 56/passage 6th Linear, 461, passage 6th Linear, 48a," developed on the basis of the design task.
The initial data for the implementation of the design documentation "Reconstruction of the store and objects of incomplete construction to the clinic at the address: Rostov region, Taganrog, ul. Baku, 56/passage 6th Linear, 461, passage 6th Linear, 48a" is:
- design task approved by the customer;
The following guidance documents were used in developing the project documentation:
- SP 89.13330 Updated version of SNiP II3576 "Boiler plants";
- Federal rules and regulations in the field of industrial safety "Rules of industrial safety of hazardous production facilities using equipment operating under excessive pressure";
- SP 411042000 "Design of independent heat supply sources";
- SP 61.13330.2012 (Updated version of SNiP 41032003) "Thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines."
5.2. Purpose of construction
The project documentation "Reconstruction of the store and objects of unfinished construction to the clinic at the address: Rostov region, Taganrog, ul. Baku, 56/passage 6th Linear, 461, passage 6th Linear, 48a," in the boiler room provides:
- installation of two Steel 333 hot-water boilers from Riello, with a heating capacity of 333 kW with a modulated burner;
- installation of network pumps;
- installation of heating pumps;
- installation of boiler recirculation pumps;
- installation of hot water heaters;
- installation of hot water pumps;
- chemical water treatment unit;
- makeup pumps installation;
- installation of auxiliary equipment.
Flue gases from boilers are removed through individual steel double-layer chimneys of Rosinox company, 250/350 mm diameter and 7.65 m high. The project provides for the installation of two chimneys. The chimney is located more than 1012 m from the existing residential development. External pipe surface - polished mirror (BA), matte mirror (2B). Weld butt joint by MICR0TIG method. Bell joint on clamps. Internal pipe - stainless acid-resistant steel (1.0 mm). External pipe - stainless food steel (0.8mm). Thermal insulation thickness of basalt fiber is 25mm and 50mm, thermal insulation density is 120140 kg/mw. in the finished product. Temperature - 450 ° C. Coefficient of temperature decrease through layer of thermal insulation is 25mm ~ 0.25, through layer of heat - insulation is 50mm - 0.14. The coefficient is conditional and varies greatly when the temperature of the inner wall changes .
5.3. Information on the production program and product nomenclature, characteristics of the accepted production flow chart as a whole and characteristics of individual process parameters.
Heat consumers in terms of heat supply reliability belong to the second category. Heat generation is intended for heat supply to the clinic. The boiler room operates without permanent maintenance personnel. In terms of explosion and fire safety, the boiler house belongs to category "G." To accommodate the boiler room roof .
The installed capacity of the boiler house for the generation of thermal energy is 0.6 MW.
Coolant parameters:
- Temperature 95-70 ° С,
- pressure in the supply line of the GVA system - P = 0.25 MPa,
- pressure in the reverse line of GVA system - P = 0.15 MPa.
- pressure in the supply line of the heating and ventilation system P = 0.25 MPa,
- pressure in the reverse line of the heating and ventilation system P = 0.15 MPa .
5.4. Justification of core resource requirements for technological needs.
Process heat consumption in the hot water supply system - year round, 24 hours a day for the heating system during the heating period
. 5.7. Justification of quantity and type of equipment.
Main equipment are two Steel 333 boilers with a capacity of 333 kW, Stratos 40/14 CAN PN 6/10 boiler pumps, hot water pumps TOP S 40/15, heating pump TOP SD 40/15 -3, ventilation pump TOP SD 40/15 3, make-up water pumps JP Basic 3Pundt RIDAN hot water heaters, HVO unit, 500 l water tank, 80 l membrane tanks, tap water pumps.
General-purpose automation allows you to serve the boiler room in automatic mode. The signal about equipment failure is output to the common control panel installed in the place of permanent stay of people (dispatching station of the operating organization).
Flue gases from boilers are removed through individual steel insulated chimneys from each boiler with a diameter of 250/300 mm by Rosinox. The height of the chimney is 7.65 m (elev. elev. 20.10 m). Double-walled chimney systems - "sandwiches" are a structure consisting of two pipes of different diameters (external and internal), the space between which is filled with an incombustible heat insulation layer made on the basis of high-quality basalt rocks, the thickness of the insulation layer is 50 mm. Gas ducts - getter.
Tap water for makeup is treated in water softening plant with capacity of 0.2 m3/h AQUAFLOW SF 10 56 of "AQUAFLOW" company. Tap water corresponds to GOST for drinking water.
Water pressure in makeup pipeline is 0.20 MPa. On the make-up pipeline the solenoid normally closed Du15 valve (feed regulator) of EV of 220 V which on an impulse from the return pipeline of network water opens and carries out feed of a system is installed. Make-up water tank with volume of 0.50 m3 is installed for water reserve.
Control of heat energy supply for heating is high-quality and is carried out by means of a three-way valve by ambient temperature.
Horizontal sections of pipelines shall be laid with a slope of 0.004 in the direction of medium movement. The drainage system ensures complete removal of moisture during heating, cooling and emptying of pipelines, for which the latter have a slope of horizontal sections of at least 0.004. (Order No. 115 dated March 24, 2003 "On Approval of Rules for Technical Operation of Thermal Power Plants").
5.8. Design Solutions
Explosion safety conditions in the boiler room are ensured by the presence of easily dumped structures - window openings with single glazing 3.0 mm thick. The design area of glazing is taken on the basis of 0.03 m2/1 m3.
Air exchange in the roof boiler room is determined in accordance with the process specification and the requirements of the regulatory documentation. The combustion air is taken directly from the boiler room. Exhaust natural ventilation is performed on the basis of 3-fold air exchange for boiler house without permanent maintenance personnel.
The internal water supply of drinking water is designed to supply water to the technological needs of the boiler room (make-up of the heat network).
Pipelines are category-free.
The fire resistance rating of the building is II, the structural fire hazard class is CO, the functional fire hazard class of the autonomous heat supply source is 5.1, the fire and explosion safety category is "G." Filling of external walls is made of wall blocks (fire protection walls of the 1st type), floor of the 2nd type. Wall decoration - plaster with subsequent painting with water emulsion paint. Floors - ceramic tiles with waterproofing. Waterproofing is designed for a water bay height of 10 cm, entrance doors have thresholds to prevent water from entering the boiler room during a pipeline accident. The boiler room is located on the roof of the building and is separated from the main building by a technical floor 1.8 m high.
Boiler room roof consists of: 2 layers of built-up material:
- upper layer "Technoelast Flame Stop" - 4 mm;
- lower layer - EPP technoelast - 4 mm.
- Ogruntovka - Bitumen primer (TechnoNicole) - 1mm.
- A coupler - rigid it is cement the sandy M200 solution reinforced by grid VR1100h100mm - 50 mm.
- Protective layer - TechnoNicole film - 1 mm.
- Slope-forming layer - extrusion foam polystyrene TechnoNicole XPS Wedge - 10-260mm.
- Insulation - extrusion foam polystyrene TechnoNicole XPS CARBON PROF 300 - 100mm.
- Vapor insulation - type Bipol (TechnoNicole) 1mm.
- Cast-in-situ railway floor slab.
Drain pipelines are brought to the ladder located in the boiler room (section "VK").
For transportation and installation of equipment to the boiler room there are open door openings 0.9 m wide (section "AP").
Windows are provided to provide the room with natural lighting.
The signal about equipment malfunction is output to the security room on the 1st floor.
In the boiler room, there is a blocking of electric motors and mechanisms for supplying fuel to the boiler room. The boiler room is provided for automatic closing of the fast-acting shut-off valve at the gas inlet to the boiler room at power cut-off and at the signal of gas content of the boiler room. In the boiler room, signals (light and sound) are transmitted to the control room:
- equipment malfunctions, at that the cause of the call is recorded in the boiler room;
- signal of operation of the main quick-acting shut-off valve of the boiler house fuel supply;
- when the gas content of the room reaches 10% of the lower flammability limit of natural gas.
In accordance with the requirements of SP 411042000, SP 62.13330.2010, the following automation scope has been completed:
- signal of operation of the main fast-acting shut-off valve of fuel supply;
- alarm when the room gas content reaches 10% below the natural gas ignition limit in the boiler room.
To control the operation, an installation is provided on the basis of the Aries system, which controls the pumps, the shut-off valve. For safe gasification, devices and systems for automatic shutdown of gas supply in case of emergency situations are provided: if the gas flow exceeds the permissible value, for example, as a result of a gas pipeline rupture or unauthorized interference by unauthorized persons, installation of shut-off valves in external gas pipelines for gas flow, which automatically block gas supply, is carried out in the design of external gasification networks; in case of presence of explosive concentrations of gas or dangerous concentrations of carbon monoxide in the room - the device transmits a pulse to the solenoid valve, which cuts off the gas supply. In accordance with the requirements of item 12.23 of SP 60.13330.2012, automatics provides for the cessation of fuel supply at: termination of electricity supply; faults of protection circuits; ignition burner flame extinguishing; coolant pressure drop below the maximum permissible value; achievement of maximum permissible coolant temperature; smoke removal violation
In the design, pipes are used: for mains and make-up water pipelines -
steel electric welded pipes as per GOST 1070491;
- for drain and discharge pipelines - steel electric welded pipes as per GOST 10704-91
- for pipework pipelines - steel pipework as per GOST 326275.
Pipe joints shall be welded according to Rostekhnadzor rules. When installing pipelines, a certified welding technology should be used in accordance with the requirements of RD 0361503 and the organization of Rostekhnadzor with permission to use this technology in accordance with RD 0349502.
For welding use electrodes of E42C and E46C type as per GOST 946776 .
Provide for physical and mechanical inspection of welded joints (5% of the total number of joints, but at least one).
The pipelines inside the boiler house shall be laid with a slope of at least 0.004 in the direction of medium movement.
After testing, cover all installed pipelines with oil paint on two layers of primer.
For pipelines thermal insulation is provided with URSA GEO mats with cover layer of thin-sheet steel as per GOST 1491880. Pipelines are laid openly by building structures and stand-alone supports. Pipe attachment is provided on rigid suspensions and sliding supports. In low points of pipelines there are provided connectors with shut-off valves for drainage of pipelines during hydraulic tests. Automatic air vents are installed at the upper points of the pipelines to remove air during the start-up period. Compensation of heat extensions of pipelines is carried out due to turns and lifts of pipelines.
After completion of installation works, hydraulic tests of equipment and steam pipelines with a pressure equal to 1.25 from the working pressure are provided in accordance with the "Industrial Safety Rules for Hazardous Production Facilities Using Overpressure Equipment."
5.9. Results of calculations on the quantity and composition of harmful emissions into the atmosphere and discharges into water sources.
During the operation of gas boilers, oxides of carbon, nitrogen and sulfur dioxide are emitted into the atmospheric air.
Discharges into water sources are not provided.
The discharge of water from the boiler is determined to the sewage collector of the enterprise through a control pit, in which the total composition and temperature of the effluents are determined and controlled (not higher than 40 ° С). The average water temperature in the well is not more than 30 ° С.
At the same time, taking into account the periodic discharge of water after regeneration and washing of softening filters, with a water temperature of + 10 ° C, the runoff temperature will decrease. To cool down hot effluents, it is not necessary to bring cold water to the well.
5.10. Information on the estimated number, professional and qualification composition of workers with distribution by groups of production processes, number of jobs and their equipment.
General-purpose automation allows you to serve the boiler room in automatic mode.
The number of personnel is determined in relation to the conditions for including the boiler house in the production enterprise.
5.11. List of measures to ensure compliance with requirements for technical devices, equipment, buildings, structures and structures at hazardous production facilities.
The project has been completed in accordance with c:
SP 411042000 "Design of independent heat supply sources,"
SP 89.13330 Updated version of SNiP II3576 "Boiler Plants"
"Industrial Safety Regulations for Hazardous Production Facilities Using Pressurized Equipment."
The design uses equipment operating at a pressure of more than 0.07 MPa. Therefore, the designed facility belongs to hazardous production facilities and falls under the requirements of the federal law "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities" No. 116FZ from 21.07.97, where industrial safety requirements must comply with standards in the field of protection of the population and territories from emergency situations, sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population, environmental protection, environmental safety, fire safety, labor protection, construction, as well as state standards.
Technical devices used at a hazardous production facility are subject to an industrial safety examination in the course of operation in accordance with the established procedure.
Technical devices used at a hazardous production facility are subject to certification for compliance with industrial safety requirements in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The list of technical devices used at hazardous production facilities and subject to certification is developed and approved in accordance with the procedure determined by the Government of the Russian Federation .
Also, in accordance with Article 9 of the Federal Law "On Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities" No. 116FZ from 21.07.97, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of industrial safety for the operation of a hazardous production facility
5.12. Description and substantiation of design solutions aimed at compliance with the requirements of technological regulations.
The main and auxiliary equipment of the boiler house is located in accordance with the requirements of :
- SP 89.13330 Updated version of SNiP II3576 "Boiler plants";
- "Rules for industrial safety of hazardous production facilities using equipment operating under excessive pressure";
SP 411042000 "Design of independent heat supply sources,
SP 112.13330.2012 Fire safety of buildings and structures,
Rules of fire regime in the Russian Federation,
In accordance with the above, equipment was placed on the boiler house plan, the sizes of passages for servicing equipment and evacuation passages were determined.
To fulfill the process regulations and specified parameters of the coolant required for the implementation of the technological needs of the enterprise and safe operation of the installed equipment, a process diagram was developed in the graphical part of the project.
The process diagram provides technical solutions for piping boiler room equipment.
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