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Modular Type Powder Fire Extinguishing System Design

  • Added: 03.08.2014
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Object: Warehouse. Project developer: IK'VisnSecurity '. Year of project release: 2014. Systems: Fire extinguishing, Powder fire extinguishing

Project's Content

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Additional information


1. General part

2. Brief description of the object

3. Main Design Solutions

4. Principle of plants operation

5. Calculation of plant parameters

6. Occupational safety

7. Removal of powder

1. General part

1.1. This project was developed for the warehouse of alcoholic beverages by VIjnSecurity LLC on the basis of a design assignment and an agreement concluded with ARTVINE LLC.

1.2. The basis for the design was the architectural drawings provided by the customer.

1.3. The project is developed in accordance with the requirements of:

No. 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements";

Rules of fire regime in the Russian Federation;

PB 0357603 "Rules for design and safe operation of pressure vessels";

Construction Norms and Regulations 110195 "The instruction about an order of development, coordination, a statement and structure of the project documentation on construction of the enterprises, buildings and constructions";

Code of Rules SP 3.13130.2009 "Fire Protection Systems. Warning and management system for evacuation of people in case of fire. Fire safety requirements "

Code of Rules SP 5.13130.2009 "Fire Protection Systems. Fire alarm and fire extinguishing units are automatic. Design Codes and Regulations ";

Code of Practice SP 7.13130.2009 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Fire safety requirements ";

RD 78.36.00299 "Technical means of facilities safety systems. Symbols and schematic graphic elements of systems ";

"Electrical Installation Rules" (PUE) Sixth Edition 1998, Seventh Edition


1.4. Design decisions, equipment and materials corresponding to the latest achievements of Russian science and technology were made during the design.

1.5. Installation of fire extinguishing and fire alarm units shall be carried out in accordance with VSN 2509.67-85 "Rules for the production and acceptance of works. Automatic Fire Extinguishing Units "and RD 78.14593" Guidance Document. Systems and complexes of security, fire and fire alarm. Rules for production and acceptance of works. "

1.6. The project used equipment that is mass-produced and has certificates of conformity in the GOST R Certification and Fire Safety System of the Russian Federation.

2. Brief description of the object

2.1. Type of construction - reconstruction.

2.2. According to SP 5.13130.2009, the entire storage area is subject to protection.

2.3. Protected rooms have the following characteristics:

- heated;

- relative air humidity up to 60%;

- no corrosive medium;

- category B2;

- Class 2;

- ceiling height 4.9 m;

- rack height 4.2 m.

The complete characteristics of the protected premises are given in Appendix 1 to the design assignment.

3. Main Design Solutions

3.1. When choosing options for means and methods of fire extinguishing the object, the following main factors were considered:

- fire hazard of substances and materials in protected premises;

- possibility of fire propagation in protected premises;

- building structures;

- power supply sources.

3.2. Based on the analysis of these factors and the requirements of regulatory and technical documents for fire extinguishing in protected premises, an automatic powder fire extinguishing unit based on Tungus6 modules was designed. Powder fire extinguishing unit is designed for detection, automatic fire extinguishing and fire alarm.

The method of extinguishing is throughout the area.

3.3. Fire extinguishing agent in protected rooms is "IST1" fire extinguishing powder as per TU 21490015457278900, designed to extinguish class A, B, C, E fires and electrical installations under voltage up to 1000V.

The fire extinguishing powder "ISTO1" has the certificate of conformity No. RU.PB01.V.00583, hygienic conclusion No. 000088.04.09.

According to the degree of exposure to the human body, "IST1" powder belongs to low-hazard substances of hazard class IV in accordance with GOST 12.1.00776.

Irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the eyes - weakly expressed; on the skin - absent. The powder composition used is not toxic, does not corrode metals in dry form. After a fire, the powder can be removed with a vacuum cleaner or washed away with water.

3.4. Modules of powder fire extinguishing are adopted as modules: WFP (N) 6IGEU2 ("Tungus6") - ceiling attachment (as per TU 48540105457278905).

Modules are reusable products.

Module consists of housing accommodating fire-extinguishing powder and cold gas source with igniter and aerator for powder pseudo-liquefaction. In the lower part of the body there is a spray nozzle with a membrane, in the upper part the modules are equipped with brackets: for ceiling or wall mounting.

Electrical start of modules is performed with current pulse of not less than 120 mA, duration of not less than 0.11 s. Voltage at contacts must be not less than 1.9 V. According to the certificate for modules speed (time from the moment of actuating pulse supply to the module starting element to the moment of fire extinguishing powder release from the module) is not more than 10 s, the action time (duration of fire extinguishing powder supply) is not more than 1 second.

3.5. Refer to drawing 01/02.2014APT1, sheet 1 "General Data" for basic characteristics of the units.

3.6. According to item 9.2.15 of SP 5.13130.2009, this project provides a set for re-voltage of Tungus6 modules and IST1 powder for replacement in the unit.

The stock shall be stored in the facility warehouse in accordance with the requirements of the Powder and Cold Gas Source Specification.

Reloading of modules should be carried out at the maintenance stations of modules licensed by the State Fire Service for this type of work.

It is allowed to have no stock at the site if the service contract of the plant is concluded.

3.7. Two types of electrical start-up are provided in protected rooms:

• automatic - at actuation in the protected room of at least 2 automatic fire heat detectors;

• local - when pressing the manual fire detector located at the exit of the room.

In a warehouse for detection of the fire which are followed by temperature increase fire thermal announcers of the maximum action of SP 1011AA3 are established. Automatic fire detectors are installed on the floor of protected rooms. On the escape route, a manual fire detector of type "IPR5133" is installed to give an alarm when a fire is visually detected. Fire announcers are included in a loop of the reception and control and starting S2000ASPT device.

When "Fire" signal is received, fire pulse is generated in automatic starting circuit. In the protected room, the warning sound alarm "Powder drains!" Is turned on, ventilation is turned off, the warning system is turned on. After 30 seconds, when the door closing information is received, the warning alarm "Powders!" is turned off, the alarm "Powders enter!" is turned on and voltage is applied to the module starters.

3.8. In the automatic start mode, the plant operates during the period when there are no people in the protected room. Electrical diagram of Orion system devices provides for automatic start-up disconnection when people are in the protected room and actuation of Automatic Off warning alarm.

The automatic start-up is switched off and restored using a reader installed in the warehouse room. At the same time, before entering the protected room, the light alarm of the plant operation mode is activated.

3.9. Technical facilities of the system for control of powder fire extinguishing units provide automatic control of:

- integrity of fire alarm loops along their entire length;

- integrity of electrical start-up circuits for breakage and short circuit;

- integrity of control circuits of light and light-sound annunciators.

3.10. Information on the fire, operation, malfunction of installations is displayed on the front panel of the S2000ASPT device installed in a warehouse.

The volume of information complies with modern standards and provides for light and sound alarms:

• on fire occurrence;

• about plant actuation;

• failure of the main power supply voltage;

• failure of powder fire extinguishing units.

Sound signals about fire and operation of powder fire extinguishing plants differ in tone from signals about malfunction.

3.11. The fire evacuation warning and control system is one of the components of the complex of technical means and organizational measures that ensure the safety of people in case of fire or other emergency.

The fire warning system is designed to inform people about the fire and control their evacuation to a safe area.

3.12. In accordance with SP 3.13130.2009, a type 2 warning system was designed at the facility. EPSS of this type ensures the transmission of light and sound message to premises where people can be exposed to a dangerous fire factor, as well as to premises where people can remain when blocking escape routes by fire.

3.13. Control, control of lines with annunciators for a break and short circuit is built on the basis of the C2000ASPT device of the Orion integrated security system.

The power and number of audible annunciators is selected based on the requirements to provide a sound level exceeding the level of constant noise by 15 dBA, but not more than 120 dBA at any point in the protected premises.

3.14. The audible warning is activated automatically after receiving a fire message using the technical means of the fire alarm units.

3.15. Electrical wiring of powder fire extinguishing units and warning system shall be made by non-spreading cables laid in corrugated pipes.

3.16. All Orion devices are designed for 24-hour operation.

Automatic installations of powder fire extinguishing, fire alarm and fire warning systems belong to consumers of the first category of reliability of power supply and according to PUE are provided by two independent power sources.

3.17. To ensure the safety of people, elements of electrical equipment of fire protection plants must meet the requirements of GOST

All metal parts of electrical equipment that are not normally energized, but which may be under it, due to failure of insulation, are subject to grounding (earthing). The potentials must be balanced. Protective grounding (grounding) must be performed in accordance with the "Electrical Installations Design Rules" (PUE, Edition 7, Chapter 1.7), SNiP 3.05.0685 "Electrical Devices," the requirements of GOST 12.1.03081 and the technical documentation of the plants. The resistance of the grounding device shall be not more than 4 ohms and shall be provided by the customer.

4. Principle of plants operation

4.1. In the automatic start mode, powder fire extinguishing units operate during the period when there are no people in the protected room.

In case of ignition from electric fire detectors, signals are transmitted to the control instrument. In protected rooms the warning sound and light alarm is activated.

After 30 seconds the electrical signal is transmitted to the circuit of automatic start-up of the controlled area module.

4.2. In the diagram of the module "Tungus6," when voltage is supplied to the output of the electric igniter in the cold gas source (IHG), intensive gas release begins, leading to an increase in pressure, inside the module housing, opening the membrane and ejecting fire extinguishing powder into the combustion zone.

4.3. The main operating mode of the plants is automatic.

The automatic start of the installation is disabled when the door is opened in the protected room or by applying the TouchMemory key to the wiper.

The unit is switched to remote start from the manual fire detector. Further operation of the units is similar to operation during automatic start-up.

Restoration of automatic start-up mode is performed by the responsible person.

5. Calculation of plant parameters

5.1. The calculation of the installations was made in accordance with SP 5.13130.2009, based on the size of the protected area of ​ ​ the room, the type of basic combustible materials and the structural features of the protected rooms, taking into account the characteristics of the modules.

5.2. As a result of the calculations, the Tungus6 modules of the ceiling attachment were designed - 24 pcs.

6. Occupational safety

6.1. Installation of the plants should be guided by the requirements of chapter SNiP III480, including the requirements set out in sections:

- electrical installation works;

- electric welding and gas welding works;

- Loading and unloading works;

- operation of technological equipment and tools;

- installation works;

- equipment test.

When performing electrical installation works, it is also necessary to comply with the requirements of SNiP 3.05.0685 and PUE.

When working with a construction pistol, it is necessary to comply with the requirements "Instructions for the use of powder tools in the manufacture of installation, special and construction works" VSN 41080.

When working with the power tool, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of GOST 12.2.00775.

When working with adhesives, it is necessary to observe precautions and safety rules in accordance with GOST 12.1.00776 "SSBT Harmful substances. Classification and general safety requirements. "

During operation of fire extinguishing units it is necessary to follow the operating instructions, technical descriptions and certificates of the equipment included in the unit; RD 25.96490 "System for maintenance and repair of automatic fire extinguishing, smoke removal, security, fire and fire alarm units. Organization and procedure of works "; "Rules for technical operation of electrical installations and consumers"; "Safety Rules for Operation of Consumer Electrical Installations" (PTE and PTB).

6.2. Persons under 18 years of age who have undergone a medical examination, who have a document certifying the right to work with the installations and who have undergone an introductory safety instruction and instruction on safe working methods at the workplace are allowed to service the installations.

6.3. During operation of fire extinguishing units, the following basic rules shall be complied with:

- disassembly and repair of the module in accordance with GOST 51330.1899 is allowed to be carried out at a specialized enterprise licensed to carry out this type of work;

- perform all repair and scheduled works with electrical equipment of the units only after power supply disconnection.

The presence of working and protective grounding shall be checked; perform all operations with serviceable tool; clean and paint after voltage removal from nearby current-carrying elements;

repair of defects detected during testing should be performed after disconnection of plants from power supplies;

during repair works, if necessary, portable lamps shall be used for voltage not exceeding 12V.

6.4. Not allowed:

- storage of modules near heating devices;

- impact on the module of atmospheric precipitation, direct sunlight, exposure to aggressive media, moisture;

- striking the module housing and cold gas source;

- module disassembly except for maintenance works as per module certificate;

- module operation in case of hull damage (dents, cracks, through holes).

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