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The project of automatic fire alarm and powder fire extinguishing of the shopping center at the address: Moscow, Zhulebensky district 25


The project of powder fire extinguishing in shopping center / the Project sozherzhit a set of drawings: - the notification - the security and fire alarm system modules powder a pozharotusheniyapoyasnitelny note, specifications

Project's Content

icon ПЗ.doc
icon Состав проекта.doc
icon Спецификация 1111.xls
icon Условные обозначения.docx
icon acad.err
icon Drawing4.dwg
icon Оповещение.bak
icon Оповещение.dwg
icon Оповещение.xml
icon охранно-пожарная 1.bak
icon охранно-пожарная 1.dwg
icon охранно-пожарная 1.xml
icon охранно-пожарная 2.bak
icon охранно-пожарная 2.dwg
icon охранно-пожарная 2.xml
icon план 1 этажа.bak
icon план 1 этажа.dwg
icon план 1 этажа.xml
icon план подвала.bak
icon план подвала.dwg
icon план подвала.xml
icon пожаротушение.bak
icon пожаротушение.dwg
icon пожаротушение.xml
icon Структурная схема.bak
icon Структурная схема.dwg
icon Структурная схема.xml
icon Условные обозначения.bak
icon Условные обозначения.dwg
icon Условные обозначения.xml
icon plot.log
icon Пожаротушение.apj
icon Пожаротушение.ds$
icon Пожаротушение.dst

Additional information


1. General Data

2. Object characteristic

3. Main Design Solutions

4. Equipment composition and location

5. Operating principle of the system

6. Calculation of the number of modules

7. Health and safety measures

8. Professional and qualified personnel working for

system maintenance and operation facility

9. Maintenance and maintenance of the system

10. Programming of system instruments

11. Layout of WFP attachment on the site and drawing of attachment plate

12. Conditionally graphic images

1. General data.

1.1. This design of the powder fire extinguishing system is based on the design assignment. The initial design data was the drawings of the architectural part of the object issued by the customer.

1.2. The project is developed in accordance with the requirements of:

• Federal Law No. 123FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements"

• RD 15334.0-03 Intersectoral Rules for Occupational Safety (Safety Rules) during Operation of Electrical Installations

• SP 5.13130.2009 Automatic fire alarm and fire extinguishing units

• SP 3.13130.2009 Fire Evacuation Warning and Control System

• GOST 2.10495 ESKD. General requirements for text documents

• Construction Norms and Regulations 110195 Instruction about an order of development, coordination, a statement and structure of the project documentation on construction of the enterprises, buildings and constructions

• GOST 12.1.00491 Fire safety. General requirements.

• GOST 12.1.03081 SSTB Electrical safety. Protective grounding, grounding

• JV. 6.13130.2009 Fire protection systems.

2. Brief description of the object.

2.1. The object of protection by the automatic fire alarm and powder fire extinguishing system is the Korablik trading room, located at 25 Zhulebensky District, Moscow.

2.2. The building has retail space.

2.3. Korablik's trading premises located in the basement of the building shall be equipped with fire alarm and powder fire extinguishing systems in accordance with the requirements of Appendix AND SP 5. 13130.2009.

2.4. Ship's trading premises shall be equipped with warning systems in accordance with the requirements of SP 3.13130.2009.

3. Main design solutions.

Automatic powder fire extinguishing system

3.1. To protect the premises in the trading room of Korablik, a powder fire extinguishing system based on Buran2.5 modules was adopted.

3.2. The automatic powder fire extinguishing system also performs fire alarm functions.

3.3. The system can be started both automatically and manually.

3.4. Smoke is the primary sign of the fire in the trading room, therefore "IPD3.1M" smoke detectors are included in the system. Manual IOPR 513/1011 detector is used for manual system start-up

3.5. To control the system, the instrument for receiving and monitoring and controlling automatic fire extinguishing means C2000ASPT is used.

3.6.. For light signalling, "POWDER LEAVE," "POWDER DO NOT ENTER," "AUTOMATICS are provided."

3.7. The Touch memory "Reader" key reader is installed to enable/disable automatic system startup. Readers are installed at the entrances to each room of the trading room. The automatic start-up on/off function can only be accessed by a person who has an identifier registered in the memory of the control device.

3.8 The source of reserve power supply of ARK.1 S2000ASPT device A*ch with a capacity of 7 is built in the device.

3.9 The ARK.3 C2000M control panel serves for management of the systems of powder fire extinguishing. The console also displays the status of the system.

3.10 The control and starting S2000KPB block serves for start of a system of powder fire extinguishing .

4. Equipment composition and location

Equipment shall be placed in accordance with SP 5.13130.2009 and description on the devices.

4.1. Device reception and control and managements of automatic fire extinguishing means of "S2000ASPT", production of NVP "Race car", Korolyev. The device is designed for autonomous or centralized fire protection of objects in one zone of powder fire extinguishing. Install the device in the retail space at a height of 1,51.8m from the floor level.

4.2. The C2000M control panel, NVP "Race car", Korolyev, is intended for management of the system of powder fire extinguishing. The device should be installed in the administrative part of the building on the 1st floor at a height of 1,51.8m.

4.3. The block control and starting S2000-KPB is intended for start of modules of powder fire extinguishing. Install the device in the retail space at a height of 1,51.8m

4.4. Redundant power supply RIP24 is.01 is used for backup power supply of powder fire extinguishing systems. For redundant power supply of the system devices there is 1 power supply:

ETB.1 - to be installed in the trading room.

4.5. Fire smoke optic-electric detector IPD-3.1M manufactured by the state of emergency "Arton," Chernivtsi is designed to detect the fire and issue a notice "Fire." Installed in the trading premises of Korablik.

4.6. The announcer security dot magnetocontact IO 1026 of production of LLC MPP MagnitoKontakt, Ryazan ïðåäíàçíà÷åí äёÿ of blocking of doors on opening. The magnetic contact detector in the powder fire extinguishing system is used to block automatic start-up when the door is open. It is installed on the doors of the trading room.

4.7. The Touch memory "Reader" key reader is designed for setting/de-guarding in the security alarm system and for switching on/off the automatic start of the powder fire extinguishing system. It is installed inside at the entrances to the trading room.

4.8 Fire light annunciators "BlikS24" "LEAVE POWDER," "BlikS24" "AUTOMATION IS OFF," "BlikS24" "POWDER IS NOT IN" manufactured by SvetlanOptoelectronics CJSC, St. Petersburg are used as information indicators for warning about fire extinguishing agent start-up. They are installed above the entrances of the retail premises according to the drawings.

4.9. The announcer fire manual IOPR 513/1011, productions of LLC FaktorSpetselektronika, Moscow is intended for manual launch of the fire extinguishing system. It is installed at the entrances in the trading room.

4.10 Powder fire extinguishing module Buran2.5 "WFP (r) 2.5IGEUHL cat.3.1, manufactured by LLC" EPOTOS 1, "Moscow is designed to localize and extinguish fires of solid combustible materials, combustible liquids, as well as fires arising in electrical equipment. The module consists of a metal body made of two spherical parts tightly connected to each other, in which there is fire-extinguishing powder. gasifier, electric activator and self-starting unit. It is installed in the trading premises of Korablik according to the drawings.

5. Operating principle of the system

Automatic mode:

When monitoring the fire alarm loop using C2000ASPT when the smoke detector is activated, the device sets to "WARNING" mode. When 2 smoke detectors are activated, the device enters "FIRE" mode. After setting to "FIRE" mode the system start is delayed for 30 s after the door to the room is closed. If the door to the room has been closed, then the delay count will begin immediately. After counting of delay time the S2000ASPT device will transfer the notice "FIRE" via interface to the C2000M control panel. UCP S2000M will transmit a signal on fire extinguishing system start-up to test and start-up unit S2000KPB, which will start fire extinguishing system using current pulse.

Manual start:

When the manual detector is pressed, a fire warning will occur and the C2000ASPT device will enter the "FIRE" mode. If the door to the room was closed, then the delay time will be counted - 30 s. After counting of delay time the S2000ASPT device will transfer the notice "START-UP" via interface to the C2000M control panel. UCP S2000M will transmit a signal on fire extinguishing system start-up to test and start-up unit S2000KPB, which will start fire extinguishing system using current pulse.

Self-start mode:

When the room reaches the self-start temperature (85 ± 5) on the electric activator, inside the body, an intense gas release occurs, which leads to an increase in pressure, destruction of the lower part of the body without formation of fragments and the release of fire extinguishing powder into the combustion zone.

8. Professional and qualification composition of persons working at the facility for maintenance and operation of the system

8.1. The personnel number standards take into account the performance of maintenance and scheduled maintenance of the system.

8.2. The above works are carried out: electrician locksmith of the 4th category - 1 person; electrician of the 5th category - 1 person

9. Maintenance and

maintenance of the system

9.1. Maintenance of the equipment is carried out in the scope of certain technical documentation for this product.

9.2. Maintenance of fire detectors is carried out in accordance with the operating manual for this product.

9.3. System operability is checked in accordance with the current regulatory documents.

9.4 Personnel who carry out periodic visits to retail premises shall be instructed about hazardous factors for humans that occur when powder is supplied from fire extinguishing modules.

9.5 When cleaning powder in case of unauthorized (accidental) or standard actuation of the module, it is necessary to comply with the safety requirements specified in the regulatory and technical documentation for fire extinguishing powder.

9.6 Disposal of fire-extinguishing powder wastes is carried out in accordance with the instructions "Disposal and regeneration of fire-extinguishing powders," M. VNIIPO, 1988, 25s.

Drawings content

icon Оповещение.dwg

icon охранно-пожарная 1.dwg

icon охранно-пожарная 2.dwg

icon план 1 этажа.dwg

icon план подвала.dwg

icon пожаротушение.dwg

icon Структурная схема.dwg

icon Условные обозначения.dwg

Условные обозначения.dwg