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Automatic Fire Alarm and Powder Extinguishing System Project

  • Added: 03.08.2014
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Object: Guest House. Project developer: PKO LLC'IK Energogarant '. Year of project release: 2011. Systems: Fire alarm, Powder fire extinguishing

Project's Content

icon Заказная спецификация лис. 1.doc
icon Заказная спецификация лис. 2.doc
icon Заказная спецификация лис. 3.doc
icon Заказная спецификация лис. 4.doc
icon Пояснительная записка.doc
icon Проект.dwg
icon Титул - Рабочая проект.doc

Additional information


1. General part

2. Brief description of the object

3. Main Design Solutions

3.1. Automatic Powder Fire Extinguishing Units

3.2. Automatic fire alarm units

4. Calculation of parameters of automatic powder fire extinguishing plants

5. Occupational safety

6. Disposal of fire extinguishing powder


1. License

(attached to 2 copies of documentation)

2. Brief description of the object.

2.1. The guest house is located in the cottage village "Lukomorye" at the address: Moscow region, Istra district, Kostrovsky village, village. Tatishchevo, 750 south-east, uch.6.

2.3. The walls of the house consist of a log from the inside protected by panels and finished with non-combustible materials.

2.2. Protected rooms have the following characteristics:

- heated;

- air flow rate is not more than 1 m/s.

3. Main design solutions.

The security post (the design of the security post in the project is not provided) is located on the territory of the cottage village and is connected to the projected guest house via the Ethernet interface.

The security post has a personal computer with the Orion AWS installed, which monitors the state of the system in the designed guest house. At loss of communication with a protection post the function of control and management is undertaken by PKiU "C2000M".

3.1. Automatic installation of powder fire extinguishing.

3.1.1. According to the contract and the Code 5.13.1302009, this project provides for the protection of powder fire extinguishing installations of all premises of the house, with the exception of toilets.

3.1.2. When choosing options and methods of fire extinguishing of premises, the following main factors are considered:

fire hazard of substances and materials in protected premises;

possibility of fire propagation in protected premises;

construction structures.

3.1.3. Based on analysis of these factors and requirements of regulatory and technical documents for fire extinguishing, automatic powder fire extinguishing units based on Buran2.52С type modules have been designed in protected premises. Powder fire extinguishing plants are designed to detect, automatically extinguish a fire and issue a fire alarm to a room with round-the-clock duty - a security post located on the territory of the cottage village.

3.1.4. The powder involved in the modules is not dangerous to humans. Irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the eyes - weakly expressed; on the skin - absent. The powder composition used is not toxic, does not corrode metals in dry form. After a fire, the powder can be removed with a vacuum cleaner or washed away with water.

3.1.5. Modules of powder fire extinguishing are adopted as modules: WFP (p) 2.5 (2C) -I-GE-UKhL 3.1 ("Buran2.52C") - ceiling attachment (as per TS 48540044030223197).

Modules are reusable products.

The module consists of a housing in which fire extinguishing powder and a starting unit are placed.

As a starting unit, a self-starting device of the dual-axle type UZO2S is used, which operates both in the thermal self-starting mode and in the forced electric starting mode.

Electrical start of modules is performed with current pulse of not less than 120 mA, duration of not less than 0.1 s. Voltage at contacts must be not less than 10 V.

The function of thermal self-treatment when the temperature of the medium is reached in the area of ​ ​ the thermally conductive cord 180 ° С.

3.1.6. All protected rooms of the first floor are distributed in directions with electrical starting.

For the distribution of rooms by directions, see sheet 5 of the project "Situational plan of fire extinguishing directions with electronic start-up."

3.1.7. On the ground floor there is one type of electrical start-up:

remote - by pressing the remote start button located in the fireplace and duplicated in the hallway.

When "Fire" signal is received, command pulse is generated to automatic starting circuit. In the corridors of the floors, a warning sound alarm is turned on. After 30 seconds, the module starters are energized.

3.1.8. Technical facilities of the system for control of powder fire extinguishing units provide automatic control of:

- integrity of fire alarm loops along their entire length;

- integrity of electrical start-up circuits for breakage and short circuit;

- integrity of control circuits with audible annunciators.

3.1.9. Information about fire, actuation, installation malfunction is displayed on the display of "С 2000" panel and duplicated on the computer post of the security post with "Orion" AWS installed.

3.1.10. According to PUE, powder fire extinguishing plants in terms of ensuring the reliability of power supply are classified as electrical receivers of the 1st category, therefore, the power supply of the plant is carried out from two independent sources. Input after ALT is provided to bring to NPP cabinets. Batteries of power supply sources are used at the moment of ALT switching .

3.2. Automatic fire alarm installation.

3.2.1. Fire alarm serves for timely detection of fire, transmission of information on fire to the post.

3.2.2. The project provides for the registration of sunbathing using fire alarm equipment and the transfer of fire information to the Orion AWS to the premises of the security post.

3.2.3. The fire alarm system is built on the basis of the integrated Orion security system of Russian production, which has a certificate of conformity and a certificate of fire safety.

3.2.4. The technical implementation of the Orion integrated security system is based on the use of the main (master, control) network controller of the system, which uses the C2000M control and control panel and a computer with the Orion AWS software.

The Orion integrated security system provides a modular construction structure, is multifunctional and economical, has an addressable construction principle, which ensures the monitoring of the state of each fire detector separately and the state of system elements of the entire fire protection complex via a two-wire address signaling loop through the network controller "S2000KDL." The S2000KDL controller can connect to the address two-wire line up to 127 address announcers and/or controlled chains via address dilators.

3.2.5. All rooms except toilets are equipped with automatic fire alarm.

3.2.6. Smoke address-analog fire detectors of "DIP34A" type are installed in the above rooms. Heat fire detectors of "C2000IP" type are installed in the dining room and fireplace room. Automatic fire detectors are installed on the floors of protected rooms. Manual fire detectors of type "IPR5133A" are installed on the escape routes. An alarm when a fire is visually detected is sent by destroying plastic glass.

The S2000KDL network controller can receive from the adresnoanalogovy fire announcers ("DIP34A", "S2000IP") connected to it not only messages "Attention", "Fire", "Malfunction", "Service is required", "Is disconnected", but also analog values of smoke and dust content ("DIP34A"), temperature in a point of installation ("S2000IP").

All elements of the system are in constant diagnostic mode and any deviations from the norm are displayed accordingly on the panel screen and are accompanied by an audio signal, and the fire sound signal differs in tone from the fault signal.

The information is presented on the liquid crystal indicator of the control and monitoring panel in Russian. The messages are easy to read, and the address information necessary for accurate detection of the fire or malfunction area in the system is displayed.

3.2.7. In standby mode, the network controller monitors the serviceability of detectors, connecting, address and interface signaling lines. If the trunks are damaged, a fault is reported.

3.2.8. In case of fire, when smoke or heat appears in the guarded room, fire detectors are activated. When fire detectors are activated, the network controller issues acoustic and light alarms indicating the address of the triggered detector.

3.2.9. The notice on the fire and condition of installations of the fire alarm is displayed on the display of the C2000M remote controller installed under a ladder near a case the EXPERT, and also personal computer with an automated workplace ORION installed in a protection post with the round-the-clock personnel on duty.

3.2.10. Wiring of fire alarm units is performed by non-spreading cable laid in installation boxes and corrugated PVC pipes.

3.2.11. According to PUE, fire alarm installations in terms of ensuring the reliability of power supply are classified as electrical receivers of the 1st category, therefore, the power supply of the plant is carried out from two independent sources. Input after ALT is provided to bring to NPP cabinets. Batteries of uninterruptible power supply sources are used at the time of ALT switching. 3.2.12. Detailed information on the operation of the control instrument and fire detectors is given in their technical descriptions .

3.2.13. To ensure the safety of people, elements of electrical equipment of the automatic fire alarm installation must meet the requirements of GOST *.

All metal parts of electrical equipment that are not normally energized, but which may be under it, due to failure of insulation, are subject to grounding (earthing). The potentials must be balanced. Protective grounding (grounding) shall be performed in accordance with "Electrical Installations Design Rules" (PUE, Edition 7, Chapter 1.7), SNiP 3.05.0685 "Electrical Devices," requirements of GOST 12.1.03081 and technical documentation of manufacturers of components. The resistance of the grounding device shall be not more than 4 ohms and shall be provided by the customer.

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