Meat processing plant project with a capacity of 38 tons per shift: boiled Russkaya sausage 21.2 tons, semi-smoked sausage 16.8 tons

- Added: 18.05.2020
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presentation of workshop design and process diagram of sausage products production
Project's Content
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Additional information
Characteristics of the construction area
Product Range
2.1 Raw material quality requirements
2.2 Process and process diagrams of production of the designed assortment
2.3 Requirements for Finished Product Quality
2.4 Product and Process Calculations
2.5 Equipment selection and calculation
2.6 Calculation of production, storage and auxiliary rooms
3.1 Objectives and objectives of production control
3.2 Diagrams of technochemical control of raw materials and finished products
3.3 Microbiological control of production
4.1 The Meaning and Objectives of Occupational Safety at the Present Stage
4.2 Industrial sanitation and hygiene
4.3 Process Equipment Safety Requirements
4.4 Fire prevention measures
5.1 Determine the cost of raw materials, auxiliary materials and energy for the planned production
5.2 Determination of capital investments, depreciation amount and property tax
5.3 Determination of the wage fund for industrial workers
5.4 Determination of the total cost of production
5.5 Calculation of project price and financial results
5.6 Key Project Performance Indicators
The meat industry is one of the socially significant sectors of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation. The need for its development is due to an increase in consumer demand for meat and meat products, an average degree of investment activity and relatively high rates of dependence on imports.
The meat industry accounts for 1.2% of Russia's GDP, and about 15% of the gross production of the food and processing industry.
The specifics of meat production are closely interlinked with one of the most important sectors of agriculture - animal husbandry. Therefore, ensuring economic growth and increasing the competitiveness of Russian producers in the market of meat and meat products is possible only if the development of livestock production is accelerated.
The main goal of developing a forecast for the development of the meat industry of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation is to increase the level of provision of the country's population with meat and meat products of domestic production in accordance with rational consumption standards based on the effective functioning of industry enterprises. Sustainable consumption standards reflect a set of products in sizes and ratios consistent with modern scientific principles of balanced nutrition, taking into account the established structure and traditions of nutrition of the majority of the population.
According to statistics, in 2014 the population of Russia was provided with all types of meat and meat products at the level of 74 kg per capita, with the share of import income being about 18%. In 2010, security was at 69 kg per capita, with the share of imports reaching 28%. Thus, at present, the production of meat and meat products has almost reached the indicator of a rational consumption rate, which is determined by the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Research Institute of Nutrition" at the level of 7075 kg per capita. At the same time, the physiological rate of consumption of meat and meat products (in terms of meat) is 8,286 kg per capita.
Currently, the development of the agro-industrial complex meat industry with an increase in consumer demand for meat and meat products is characterized by relatively high indicators of dependence on imports. According to world standards, food security requires that the import of food into the country in total consumption should not exceed 15%. [4]
In order to ensure the consumption of meat and meat products at the level of physiological norm per capita, it is necessary to radically rebuild the entire raw material base, the supply system, livestock slaughter and primary processing of meat raw materials, and develop an optimal structure for the production of meat and meat products.
It follows from the above that the development project of the sausage production plant is relevant.
Characteristics of the construction area
Anapa is located in the southwestern part of the Krasnodar Territory of Russia, on the Black Sea. Anapa is located 1691 km from Moscow, 170 km from Krasnodar, 360 km from Sochi at the junction of the Greater Caucasus and the Taman Peninsula.
Here, the forested Caucasian foothills are replaced by flowering valleys, and the plains of Taman are interspersed with sea estuaries. Summer heat is softened by cool winds from the sea.
Sandy beach (see Anapa spill) with a smooth arc borders the sea, forming a convenient and beautiful bay. Shallow water in the Anapa region warms up well. The average water temperature in the bathing season, which lasts from May to October, 2225 ° C.
The Caucasian mountains in the Anapa region are small and are low, forest-covered hills up to 200 meters high. Due to the low nature of the mountains, the rise of air masses and condensation of moisture do not occur here, which is the reason for the arid and hot summers usual for the Mediterranean climate. In winter, cyclones from the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea or the Atlantic Ocean dominate, which cause cloudy weather, with prolonged cover precipitation. Sometimes cold anticyclones from the north and north east invade, which bring short frosts. The average annual rainfall in Anapa is 560 mm.
Very rarely, about once every ten years, severe frosts occur in Anapa. For example, on January 23, 2006, the temperature in the city fell to − 24 ° C. For comparison, in Sochi on this day the temperature did not fall below − 3.3 ° C.
As a federal resort hosting millions of guests annually, Anapa is the largest market for agricultural and industrial products of Kuban and Russian producers. In 2010, the growth of the trade industry amounted to more than 120%. More than 2 thousand business entities work in the structure of the consumer market of the resort city of Anapa, more than 17,000 jobs are provided to residents of the city and the district. Annually, the consumer sector fills the city's budget by more than 400 million rubles. In order to provide Anapchans and guests of the resort with the highest quality agricultural products at affordable prices (meat and fresh pork from 250 p/kg), the city has a program of "fair - to each district." In all 10 rural districts of the municipality and 5 districts of the city, fairs with the widest range of products operate on an ongoing basis. [16]
3.1 Objectives and objectives of production control
The purpose of production control is to ensure the safety for a person of the harmful influence of production control facilities by properly fulfilling sanitary, sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) rules, measures and monitoring their compliance.
Production control includes: State veterinary supervision; production laboratory and veterinary and sanitary control; production process and metrological control; monitoring of technical condition of technological equipment and transport; monitoring the training of personnel; medical examinations and occupational hygiene training, certification of quality systems.
Improving the quality of products is one of the main socio-economic tasks. Its solution depends on the implementation in industry of the achievements of science and technology, best practices and is connected with the need for a scientifically sound approach to the creation of a system for controlling the quality of raw materials, technological processes, labor quality and finished products. [10]
3.2 Diagrams of technochemical control of raw materials and finished products
Products of high quality can be obtained only with the use of raw materials, the quality of which meets the necessary requirements, and with the observance of the optimal production mode. Even the smallest deviations in the quality of raw materials and irregularities in the technological regime lead to a decrease in quality and marriage. These deviations are detected by technochemical analysis. However, control serves not so much to detect the failure of the finished product, but to exclude situations that lead to the occurrence of marriage at all stages.
The production and technological laboratory and veterinary public health service of the enterprise in technological process of production, carries out laboratory researches of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products carrying out microbiological, physical and chemical tests; monitoring compliance with temperature conditions in production and auxiliary shops, freezing, defrosting, salting, ripening, sediment of raw materials, storage and sale of finished products.
The production and technological laboratory and veterinary and sanitary service of the enterprise monitor compliance with the technological modes of production, storage and release of finished products:
- accuracy of compliance with established production process modes regulated by process instructions;
- flow of process operations;
- presence of marking of raw materials and auxiliary materials used in production;
- logging of temperature modes of sausage products thermal treatment;
- maintenance of logs "Metering of sodium nitrite receipt and consumption in sausage shop." [10, 12]
3.3 Microbiological control of production
In the process of preparation of meat stuffed meat, mince is seeded by microorganisms entering it from various sources at all stages of the technological process of its preparation: from raw materials, when preparing meat, salting, making mince, filling forms. The degree of initial microbial insemination of mince depends on the sanitary and hygienic conditions of production and compliance with technological regimes.
Raw materials. Raw materials in sausage production are subject to high sanitary requirements, since it is one of the sources of microbial insemination.
To produce sausage products, raw materials obtained from healthy fed animals are used.
Microorganisms' obscurity of the raw materials that are safe in sanitary terms can also vary depending on the sanitary and hygienic conditions of its production, storage, transportation and preliminary treatment, as well as temperature conditions. So thawed meat contains microbes than chilled, since in the process of thawing favorable conditions are created for the propagation of microbes. At the same time, microbial insemination of the surface of thawed meat depends on sanitary and hygienic conditions and compliance with technological thawing modes.
Raw material preparation.
The number of microorganisms in meat increases sharply during cutting of carcasses, bumping, since these operations are performed manually. Typically, muscle tissue with undisturbed integrity is an obstacle to the insertion of microbes from the surface of the meat carcass into the thickness of the muscle tissue. Despite the fact that there are sometimes many microorganisms on the surface of the carcass, they penetrate quite slowly into the depths of the tissues.
In the process of cutting, baking and vein, the area of its contact with the external environment increases and various rotten non-spore-forming and spore bacteria, enterococci, mold fungi, yeast, E. coli, etc. become inevitable in meat.
In order to minimize microbial contamination of raw materials, it is necessary that the preparation process be short-term and carried out at a reduced temperature of the production premises. In addition, the sanitary and hygienic regime of production (careful sanitary treatment of premises, tables, tools, workwear, observance of personal hygiene rules by workers, etc.) should be strictly observed.
Raw material grinding. A special feature is a careful approach to the process of grinding raw materials and mixing them with salt, spices and broth, when it is necessary to prevent the penetration of microorganisms into the product and accurately perform heat treatment of the mass (boiling and cooking for 5060 minutes)
Of particular importance from a sanitary point of view is the process of filling the shell with mince, compliance with temperature treatment modes, cooling of the product and packaging. In these technological operations, violation of hygiene requirements is unacceptable.
Storage is also carried out in a refrigerating chamber with strict observance of temperature and humidity conditions. [6, 12,13]
The developed project of the meat processing plant with a capacity of 38 tons of products per shift ensures the production of high-quality products necessary for the population with the best use of material and labor resources and production capacities.
The product range developed at the enterprise meets modern standards and safety requirements. All products are produced in consumer containers, which meets modern consumer requirements.
Advanced technologies are provided to ensure high productivity. For the production of products, high-performance equipment, installations, units are selected, mechanization of the main production is provided. The workshops were assembled, the number of working personnel and the number of energy resources were calculated, production control was developed, life safety at the enterprise was taken into account and the cost of raw materials and cost of production was calculated.
To produce high quality products, technochemical, microbiological and sanitary and hygienic control was organized.
Feasibility of construction of this enterprise is confirmed by calculations of economic efficiency, level of profitability and payback period. The introduction of this project into production is economically feasible.
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