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Meat processing plant cooling plant project with capacity of 25 tons

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Design calculation of DBE meat processing plant, drawings

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1 Feasibility Study

2 Space planning solution

3 Technical calculation of insulation of enclosing structures

4 Calculation of heat inflows to cooled rooms and determination

thermal load for selection of chamber equipment and


4.1 Heat inflows through enclosing structures

4.2 Heat inflows from loads during refrigeration

4.3 Operational Heat Losses

4.4 Calculation of cooling capacity of compressors

5 Calculation and selection of main refrigeration equipment

5.1 Calculation and selection of compressors

5.2 Calculation and selection of capacitor

5.3 Calculation and selection of chamber equipment

5.3.1 Calculation and selection of batteries

5.3.2 Calculation and selection of air coolers

5.4 Determination of evaporation system capacity

6 Calculation and selection of auxiliary equipment

6.1 Linear receiver calculation and selection

6.2 Calculation and selection of drain receiver

6.3 Calculation and selection of pipelines

6.4 Selection of liquid separator

6.5 Selection of oil separator

6.6 Selection of oil collector

6.7 Calculation and selection of intermediate vessel

6.8 Selection of deaerator

7 Selection and calculation of water supply system and pumps for cooling

8 Refrigeration Automation

9 Calculation of cost-effectiveness of the project

10 Life Safety

10.1 Occupational Safety and Safety

10.2 Production sanitation

10.3 Emergencies

10.4 Ecology

List of sources used



71 p., 22 Tables, 12 sources, 74 formulae.

The purpose of the diploma project "Project of the chilling plant with a capacity of 25 tons/shift in the city of Tekeli" is to design a chilling plant with the selection of main and auxiliary equipment.

During the thesis project, the following tasks were solved:

the project feasibility study is given;

refrigerator layout is made;

the necessary insulation of enclosing structures is calculated;

Heat inflows to cooled rooms are calculated;

the necessary basic equipment is selected;

the necessary auxiliary equipment is selected;

selected water supply system;

refrigerating unit automation tools are selected;

The cost-effectiveness of the project has been assessed;

labor protection issues were considered.


A refrigerator is a building structure or device designed to cool, freeze and store food or other goods, usually at a temperature below ambient temperature. A combination of refrigeration devices that ensure the constant effect of low temperatures on perishable products from the moment of their production to the moment of consumption is called a refrigeration chain. The continuity of the refrigeration chain makes it possible to supply the population with perishable products of high quality at any time of the year.

Production refrigerators are built at enterprises processing perishable products and serve for the primary heat treatment and short-term storage of raw materials and products produced by these enterprises. Production refrigerators have relatively powerful refrigeration equipment, since the presence of cooling and freezing devices requires a significant consumption of cold [1].

Refrigeration is now a highly developed industry capable of meeting a wide variety of requirements arising from the need to remove heat from various facilities at temperatures below ambient temperature.

Refrigeration equipment is used in enterprises of various industries. Practically no such industries, wherever

artificial cold was changing.

One of the most important applications of artificial cold is meat, and the dairy industry is part of the agricultural industry.

industrial complex. The main tasks of the agro-industrial complex are to achieve sustainable growth of agricultural production, reliable provision of food and agricultural raw materials to the country. The solution of the tasks set for the agro-industrial complex depends on the introduction of the achievements of refrigeration equipment and technology for the development of a network of refrigerators, equipping industries of the agro-industrial complex with refrigerated transport, containers for transporting and storing products. In meat and dairy industry, artificial cold is used for cooling, freezing and storage of dairy and meat products [2].

In the food industry, artificial cooling ensures the long-term preservation of high quality perishable products; and it is due to the insufficient use of cold in the world that up to 40% of food products are lost [3].

Artificial cold is an integral part of the technological processes of perishable products production, their subsequent preservation, transportation and sale. Exposure to cold compared to other methods of preserving food products causes a minimal change in their basic properties: nutritional value, mass, taste, appearance.

The main task of refrigeration storage is to inhibit all the changes that can occur in products. The main means of achieving this is to maintain stably low temperatures in the storage cells.

Other conditions play an important role: humidity regime, air speed, sanitary and hygienic condition of premises, packaging method, product quality. Quantitative and qualitative changes during long-term storage depend on the initial state of the product, the correctness of the processing modes preceding storage, and the storage conditions themselves. The products are refrigerated or frozen [4].

Processes in refrigerators require large material and labor costs, since heat treatment and storage of food products are associated with the production and use of cold, operations for the reception, internal storage, storage and delivery of food cargoes. The need for material and technical support of these processes determines the intersectoral relations of the refrigeration industry with refrigeration engineering, instrument making, chemical industry and other branches of the national economy [3].

Feasibility study

Tekeli is a city in the Almaty region of Kazakhstan. Located in the upper reaches of the Karatal River in the foothills of the Dzungar Alatau, at the confluence of the Kora (Karoi), Chazhi and Tekelinka rivers.

The city of Tekeli was founded at the foot of the Dzungar mountains in the late 1930s on the site of a large polymetallic deposit. During World War II, this deposit gave the country lead for every eighth bullet.

The territory of Tekeli is 174 km2, the population is 27 thousand chels..

The basis of the city is industrial production.

The chemical industry is represented by Tekeli Mining and Processing Complex LLP.

The light industry of the city is represented by Topaz LLP.

The main producers of food products are Delta Aqua LLP, Suffle Kazakhstan Malt Plant JSC (beverage production), Green House LLP, SVTEK LLP (vegetable cultivation), Tekeli GMZ LLP (dairy products production).

The city has favorable soil and climatic conditions for agriculture.


During the thesis project, the following tasks were solved:

the project feasibility study is given;

refrigerator layout is made;

the necessary insulation of enclosing structures is calculated;

Heat inflows to cooled rooms are calculated;

the necessary basic equipment is selected;

the necessary auxiliary equipment is selected;

selected water supply system;

refrigerating unit automation tools are selected;

The cost-effectiveness of the project has been assessed;

labor protection issues were considered.

List of sources used

1 Kondrashova, N.G. Refrigeration compressor machines and installations/N.G. Kondrashova. - M.: Higher School, 1984. – 335 pages.

2 Lashutina, N.G. Refrigeration equipment in the meat and dairy industry/N.G. Lashutina. - M.: Agropromizdat, 1989. – 176 pages.

3 Kurylev, E. S. Refrigeration units/E.S. Kurylev [and others]. - S-P: Polytechnic, 2002. – 576 pages.

4 Lebedev, V.F. Refrigeration equipment/V.F. Lebedev. - M.: Agropromizdat, 1986. – 335 pages.

5 SNiP 2.04012001 "Construction climatology"

6 Yavnel, B.K. Kursovoe and graduate design of refrigeration and air conditioning systems/B.K. Yavnel. - M.: Agropromizdat, 1989.

7 Sverdlov, G.Z. Course and diploma design of refrigeration units and air conditioning systems/G.Z. Sverdlov, B.K. Yavnel. - M.: Food industry, 1978. – 264 pages.

8 Bogdanov, S.N. Refrigeration equipment. Properties of substances/S.N. Bogdanov [et al.]. - M.: Agropromizdat, 1985. – 177 pages.

9 Samoilov, A.I. Labor protection during maintenance of refrigeration units/A.I. Samoilov, V. Ignatiev. - M.: Agropromizdat, 1989. - 223 s.

10 Uzhansky, V.S. Automation of refrigeration units/V.S. Uzhansky. - M.: Light and food industry, 1982. – 304 pages.

11 Bykov A.V. Design of refrigeration facilities/A.V. Bykov. - M.: Food industry, 1978. – 255 pages.

12 Bykov A.V. Refrigerators/A.V. Bykov - M.: Food industry, 1982. – 223 pages.

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