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Exchange rate on the topic Calculation of the construction of the main pipeline section


Coursework with drawings and explanatory note

Project's Content

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Additional information




1. General part

1.2 Physical and geographical characteristics of the Tyumen region

1.3 Climatic conditions

1.4Engineering and geological features

1.5 Natural Resources

1.6 Hydrological characteristic

2.1 Description of pipeline construction processes

2.2 Axis and boundaries of construction strip

2.3 Land reclamation

2.4 Earthworks

2.5 Insulation-laying works

2.6 Pipe Selection for Piping Construction

2.7 Welding operations

2.8 Ballasting, ensuring stability of pipelines position at design elevations

2.9 Construction of crossings under highways and railways, through water obstacles

2.10 Cleaning of cavity and testing of pipeline

2.11 Selection of equipment for cleaning of internal cavity and testing of pipelines

2.12 Measures for industrial safety and environmental protection

3. Design part

3.1 Calculation of pipeline diameter

3.2 Selection of type and calculation of parameters of developed trenches

3.3 Selection of earth-moving equipment and operation technology

3.4 Calculation of fuel consumption by earth-moving equipment

3.5 Selection of pipe laying grade during insulation and laying operations

3.6 Calculation of crane hazardous area

3.7 Determination of welding mode parameters

3.8 Calculation of pipeline strength and deformation

3.9 Calculation for pipeline stability

3.10 Calculations at the intersection of artificial obstacles

3.11 Water Obstacle Crossing Calculations

3.12 Pipeline Cleaning and Testing Calculations

3.13 Determination of pipeline filling time with air and water

4. Define Capital Investments

4.1 Calculation of working capital

4.2 Calculation of the number of maintenance personnel

4.3 Insurance Deduction

4.4 Proprietary Costs

4.5 Transportation Oil Losses

4.6 Other expenses

4.7 Cost Price

4.8 Labor productivity

4.9 Net income

List of literature


The transportation of oil and gas is very important for the country's economy, since the reliability of the mode of transport depends not only on the Russian consumer, but also on the world, both western and eastern, and therefore on the prestige of Russia as a reliable partner. Pipeline transport is one of the modes by which gas and oil are delivered to the end user.

Pipeline transport is a transport that transfers liquid, gaseous media and solid materials over pipelines. Depending on the type of product transported, the following types of highly specialized pipeline systems are distinguished: oil pipelines, oil product pipelines, gas pipelines and pipelines for transporting non-traditional goods.

This is one of the most capital and metal-intensive modes of transport. Being environmentally friendly in normal operation, it can cause irreparable damage to nature during accidents. Hence the attention paid to the reliability and efficiency of the main pipelines during their design and operation.

Not only the length of pipelines grows, but also the diameter, the capacity of oil and gas pumping equipment increases significantly, and the working pressure during transportation increases.

Pipelines with a diameter of more than 1000 mm occupy a leading place, the average pumping range of oil and gas exceeds 1000 km, the length of individual pipelines reaches 40005000 km or even more.

This course work will consist in calculating the construction and operation of a section of the main oil pipeline. And attention will also be paid to the problems that we will encounter when designing it.

1. General part

1.2Physicogeographic characteristics of the Tyumen region

Tyumen region is located in the southeastern part of the West Siberian Lowland Plain. In terms of area, it takes 3rd place among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, second only to Yakutia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory, and 1st place among the Ural Federal District. Altitude 70 meters. Federal District - Ural. Economic district - West Siberian.

The MT site will be located in:

Tyumen district, which runs on the territory of the southwestern part of the Tyumen region.

The area of ​ ​ the district is 3.7 thousand square kilometers. The Tura rivers flow through the district - 260 kilometers, Pyshma - 150 kilometers. In total, there are 26 small rivers in the region, the largest: Balda - 78 kilometers, Tsinga and Duvan - 29 kilometers, Akhmanka - 25 kilometers, Karmak and Karga - 15 kilometers. T. c. Whale

Tyumen Priishimye, Many features of nature are due to the nature of its geological structure and the history of development. The territory of Tyumen Priishimye is located in the south of Western Siberia (see Appendix, Fig.1). Western Siberia is tectonically part of the young UraloSiberian platform. The West Siberian Plain, made of a powerful thickness of Mesozoic Okaynozoic precipitation, is an Epigertsin plate of a young platform.

The total area of ​ ​ the Priishimye districts is 28.1 thousand km ².

1.3 Climatic conditions

The climate of the Tyumen region is mysterious and not predictable. Due to its position, Tyumen is influenced by winds that come from the north through the plain and from the south from hot Kazakh steppes. When, during the time of grandmothers, in Tyumen there were harsh winters with low temperatures and a lot of snow. It's not like that right now. Snowy winters are rare, and the winter itself is warm and the temperature is below thirty - rather an exception, perceived as a great and, unfortunately, a rare holiday in school-age children. Usually, such children's holidays happen in the first month of the year. The city is now in the stage of economic and territorial growth. As a result, the environmental condition deteriorates annually.

Ishim district is characterized by a typically continental climate with harsh and long winters, short hot summers, short spring with late cold returns, short autumn with early frosts.

The climate is formed under the influence of Atlantic air masses, as well as air masses of temperate latitudes, the Asian mainland and the Arctic.

Climate types of temperate latitudes are influenced by: the physical properties of air formed at mid-latitudes, the occurrences of Arctic and tropical air masses and cyclonic activities on the polar and Arctic fronts. The prevailing wind direction is the south-west, which dominates from September to April. In summer, north and north-west winds are predominant.

The air temperature experiences large fluctuations from year to year, from month to month, as well as during the day. Temperature fluctuations in January are within 500, and in July are within 350. The average air temperature in January is minus 170, and in July - plus 190.

1.4Engineological features


cast., forming lake deltas and forming in lake-like extensions of river valleys, where, as a result of a small slope, river waters spread out, forming stagnant shallow basses. They are characterized by signs characteristic of both the floodplain facies of alluvium and the lake cast. Lithological composition of soils. sands, loams, sandy loams, clays. It is characterized by a thin layering with an alternation of sandy, clay and sluggish horizons. An enabling environment for education.

Aeolian deposits - a genetic type of continental sediments, are represented by material brought by the wind. They are formed due to sandy and dusty particles of marine, delta, alluvial, proluvial, lake and fluvioglacial deposits. Sarykul and Tyninsky soils. Suer alluvium. Sands are polevoshpatkvartsev with quartz and flint gravel, aleurites and sandy loam with clay lenses.

Alluvium - uncemented deposits of constant water flows (rivers, streams), consisting of fragments of varying degrees of run-in and sizes (boulder, pebbles, gravel, sand, loam, clay). The granulometric and mineral composition and structural-textural features of alluvium depend on the hydrodynamic regime of the river, the nature of the rocks that are washed up, the relief and the catchment area. River deltas consist entirely of alluvial deposits and are alluvial cones of the leader. The presence of alluvial deposits in the section is a sign of the continental tectonic regime of the territory.

1.5 Natural Resources

In the Tyumen region, the bulk of the country's oil and gas reserves is concentrated. The total volume of exploration drilling exceeded 45 million meters. Oil production is concentrated in the middle Priobye. Gas is produced mainly in the northern regions. Large oil fields - Samotlorskoye, Kholmogorskoye, Krasnoleninskoye, Fedorovskoye, gas - Urengoyskoye, Medvezhye, Yamburgskoye. The depth of occurrence is from 700 m to 4 km. Peat, sapropels, quartz sands, limestones are mined. About 400 deposits of raw materials for the production of building materials have been explored.

Ore minerals and precious stones are discovered on the eastern slope of the Circumpolar and Polar Urals (in particular, deposits of lead, copper, chromites).

The region is rich in fresh water reserves, which are represented by large rivers - Ob, Irtysh, Tobol, lakes (650 thousand) - Chernoye (224 kmI), Bolshoi Uvat (179 kmI), etc., groundwater, which contains more than half of the Russian iodine reserves (30 ml/l) and bromine (4050 ml/l).

Most of the territory (43 million hectares) is covered with forests. In terms of forest resources, the region ranks third in the Russian Federation after the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Irkutsk Region. The total wood supply is estimated at 5.4 billion meters.

Ishim district spread in the heart of the Ishim plain. It is the forest-steppe edge entering the ToboloIshimskiy forest-steppe region. In the expanses, forest trees, steppe areas, small lakes and river valleys replace each other.

The main river is Ishim, which makes an arc here, flowing from south to east. The floodplain of Ishim is wide, characteristic of the large rivers of the region: with lakes, channels, elders, wetlands and islands. South of the city of Ishim lies the large lake Mergen. In addition, there are several dozen small lakes: round, low-water, often overgrown with aquatic plants. Their considerable part belongs to a nature protection zone of the international value "Wetlands Grounds of the ToboloIshimskiy Forest-steppe".

1.6 Hydrological characteristic

Tyumen region

More than 70 thousand watercourses with a length of more than 10 km flow through the region, their total length is 584.4 thousand km. The largest rivers of the region - Ob (185 km ³/year) and Irtysh (36.5 km ³/year) - have navigable significance.

In the region there are approximately 70 thousand lakes. In the north and in the central part, thermocarst and swamp lakes are common, in the south - drainage-free salt reservoirs in depressions of the relief.

Ishim region

The maximum volumes of runoff and water consumption fall on the phase of spring-summer flood. Ishim is characterized by the spread of a flood wave, which leads to a decrease in expenses downstream from the village of Ilyinka to the mouth by one and a half times. The maximum costs vary widely across all targets. The maximum spring flood falls in May - June. In the lower reaches, the river in the flood spills up to 15 km. The total flow of suspended sediments in the middle course of the river is 500-600 thousand tons per year, 200-250 thousand tons are carried outside the basin in the form of suspended particles. The predominant part of sediments takes place in the Ishim channel in the spring, in winter the number of sediments is negligible, and in the summer autumn period it is one percent of the annual runoff of sediments. The greatest turbidity is observed after the peak of flood, but in some years - with maximum water consumption.

2. Process Part

2.1 Description of pipeline construction processes

- General organizational and technical preparation for pipeline construction is performed by the construction organization and includes:

preparation and conclusion of master contract and subcontracts with the customer;

receipt of the relevant design and estimate documentation from the customer, including the construction organization project;

analysis of design estimates and approval of proposed changes with the customer and the project organization;

formalization of construction financing;

removal in kind of route and sites for construction;

execution of work permits and permits;

addressing the issues of domestic service of builders;

Conclusion of logistics contracts.

-Preparation and conclusion of the general contracting agreement with the customer is carried out on behalf of the construction organization in accordance with the terms of the tender (tender) for the right to carry out work in the established manner on the basis of the relevant licenses of the Ministry of Construction and the State Gortekhnadzor of the Russian Federation.

2.3 Land reclamation

According to GOST, the stages of land reclamation are sequentially performed complexes of land reclamation works.

Land reclamation is carried out in two stages:

• technical - the stage of land reclamation, including their preparation for further targeted use in the national economy. This stage provides for the planning, formation of slopes, removal, transportation and application of soils and fertile rocks on reclaimed lands, the construction of hydraulic and reclamation structures, the burial of toxic overburden rocks, as well as other works that create the necessary conditions for the further use of reclaimed lands;

• biological - a stage of land reclamation, which includes a complex of agrotechnical and phytomeliorative measures aimed at improving agrophysical, agrochemical, biochemical and other soil properties.

According to item 1.9 of GOST, during the technical stage of land reclamation, depending on the direction of reclaimed land, the following main works should be performed:

1. rough and finished surface layout of dumps, backfilling of upland, water supply and drainage channels; sloping or terracing; filling and layout of mine failures;

2. release of reclaimed surface from large-sized fragments of rocks, production structures and construction debris with their subsequent burial or organized storage;

3. construction of access roads to reclaimed areas, arrangement of entrances and roads on them taking into account the passage of agricultural, forestry and other equipment;

2.4 Earthworks

Earthworks during construction of main pipelines are connected with digging of trenches (for underground pipelines), backfilling of trenches with pipelines laid in them. For surface pipelines earthworks are connected with device of protective embankments above pipeline thread. Earthworks are associated with the development of soils. Soil development methods depend on their strength. Soft soils are developed by cutting, i.e. layer-by-layer cutting using special mechanisms (usually excavators), hard soils (rock, frozen, etc.) - by explosive method, preliminary loosening (for frozen soils). To develop soils by cutting, earth-moving and earth-moving vehicles are used. Earth-moving machines only develop soil and transfer it to a nearby dump. Earth-moving vehicles not only develop soil, but also transport it to distances from tens of meters to several kilometers. Excavators are included in the excavation machines, and 4 bulldozers and staplers are included in the excavation vehicles. Excavator - an excavating machine with a main working element in the form of one or more buckets. Ladle has cutting edges (knife or separate teeth). When excavating into the ground and moving the ladle, ground layers are cut and the ladle is filled with soil. As the ladle is filled with cut soil, it is removed to the dump and the cycle is repeated.

2.6 Pipe Selection for Piping Construction

The material for pipe structures is selected based on many indicators. But first of all, the choice of material depends on climatic conditions. In addition, an important criterion for material selection is the type of medium the system will transport. Mainly metal and plastic pipes are used. The metal pipes may be cast iron or steel. Plastic, in turn, is divided into: polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene (PE), polypropylene and others.

In addition, you can find systems of concrete, asbestos cement, ceramics, glass.

The most popular material used in the manufacture of pipes for main systems is steel. Steel products have a number of advantages: reliability, strength, efficiency, ease of welding. A main pipe of such material serves, as a rule, quite long and reliable.

According to the production method, all pipes for trunk structures are usually divided into:

Do not have a seam.

Having a longitudinal seam.

Having a spiral seam.

The main seamless pipe is used in structures with a diameter of up to 529 mm. Welded pipes are used with a diameter of 219 mm and higher. The length of the produced pipes, as a rule, ranges from 10.5 to 11.6 m. The diameter of the outer surface and the thickness of the walls of the pipes are subject to certain standards.

In addition, all pipes for pipelines are divided by the climate in which they are used:



Conventional pipes are used in the construction of structures in the middle and south latitudes, and northern ones in cold climatic conditions. The operating temperature for the first group of pipes is 0 ° C or higher. For northern pipes, the operating temperature is from -20 ° C to -40 ° C.

The steel that is used for pipe elements is subjected to different treatments and is generally low alloy.

2.7 Welding operations

Depending on the material of the pipes, the method of their welding is also chosen:

thermal welding;



Welding is classified according to parameters such as manual welding, automatic welding, semi-automatic welding. In addition, welding can be classified according to the conditions of forming a welding seam, according to the energy used, according to the method of protecting the welding seam during welding.

Thermal welding includes welding methods such as:

electric arc;






Pipe welding technology is approved by special rules. In this case, pipes from different materials intended for different uses are welded by different methods and methods.

Electric arc welding is carried out by an electrode, which melts under the influence of an electric arc, connects metal parts to be welded to each other. The steel electrode made of steel is coated with a special coating, which serves to protect the electric arc from air and forms a slag film that protects the hot surface of the weld from air.

Electrode welding without coating forms a poor-quality seam, giving it brittleness and low mechanical strength.

Automatic flux welding is a process where the electrode is a metal wire heated under a layer of loose material called flux. This method is most commonly used in large piping applications. But there is one negative feature of this method, which is that welding is carried out by turning the pipe, which is not always possible. In a situation where it is required to weld the pipe in a non-rotating position, manual arc welding is used.

Manual arc welding allows you to cook seams in any position of the parts, even in the ceiling, which is considered the most difficult thing.

Electron beam welding is carried out in special chambers with rarefied air and the use of tungsten wire.

2.8 Ballasting, ensuring stability of pipelines position at design elevations

At the stages of pipeline design and construction, the main factor complicating the construction process is the specificity of the territories characterized by a variety of natural climatic, hydrological, engineering and geological conditions, as well as the presence of natural and artificial obstacles (small and large watercourses, reservoirs, lakes, swamps, ravines, railways and highways, etc.). In these circumstances, ensuring the longitudinal stability of pipelines is one of the primary tasks to be solved. Ballasting and fixing facilities are provided for this purpose in pipeline construction. This article gives a classification of currently known devices for fixing pipelines, their design solutions and peculiarities of use are considered. Based on the analysis, the possibility of using devices in certain conditions is given, their main advantages and disadvantages are established.

Pipeline construction is currently proceeding at a rapid pace. This is due to the increased role of this mode of transport in the oil and gas industry, associated with the accelerated long-range pumping of hydrocarbons, regardless of seasonality, with economic efficiency compared to alternative modes of transport. It is important to note the advantages of pipeline transport, such as uninterrupted delivery, tightness, which, in turn, increases environmental safety, and high automation of the production process. Thus, the importance of pipeline systems is very high in the development of the oil and gas industry, which is an important part of the fuel and energy complex of Russia.

2.9 Construction of crossings under highways and railways, through water obstacles

On the pipeline route, dirt, highways and railways can meet, as well as water and other barriers through which the pipeline must be laid. The way the pipeline is routed through obstacles depends on the nature of the obstacles, as well as on the technical means available.

When laying pipelines through railways, highways and highways, the existing bridges and drainage pipes are primarily used. If there are no such structures near the route, then when crossing the railway, the pipeline is laid in the embankment between the sleepers with a mandatory deepening of it by at least 20 cm. Gate valves are installed on both sides of the pipeline laid through the obstacle.

When overcoming a highway, pipes are laid on its surface between two logs of a larger diameter than the pipe, logs are fastened with metal staples. To ensure smooth movement of vehicles, the transition is sprinkled with soil.

The pipeline is laid in a trench through road roads without cover. Crossings through motorway roads are equipped with signs. Places of crossings are protected so that the possibility of pipe damage is excluded.

Crossings through dirt, highways and railways must be carefully equipped, reliably protecting the laid pipeline from passing transport. It is not allowed that the joint of pipes is located on the roadway or between the rails of the railway track. In all cases, when laying pipelines along the roadway, reinforced pipes are laid.

Through large water barriers, the pipeline is laid by special commands that have the necessary technical means. The piping method is determined during reconnaissance.

2.11 Selection of equipment for cleaning of internal cavity and testing of pipelines

Cleaning of the pipeline is carried out by specially designed technical means:

Accessories that pump pipeline cavities with water;

Accessories that pump the pipeline cavities with air;

Devices that pump out air and water from the pipeline cavity;

With instruments, which determines the location in the pipelines of cleaning and separating devices;

Instruments defining flow points;

Emergency repair equipment;

Communication, transport and dispatcher equipment;

Accessories: installation and commissioning equipment, etc.

The specified equipment is classified according to:

Purpose: cleaning equipment;

Shape: balls, spheres, cylinders or combined shape;

According to the main design features.

With all the variety of cleaning devices, a relatively small group of cylindrical piston devices is most often used in practice. The frequency of their selection is explained by the advantages of their use:

High cleaning speed;

Large area of contact with the surface to be cleaned;

Easy operation and repair.

To repeat

2.12 Measures for industrial safety and environmental protection

Industrial safety, health and the environment are unidirectional activities aimed at:

ensuring uninterrupted operation of equipment and no downtime;

maintaining the health and efficiency of employees, guaranteeing a high level of their productivity;

ensuring the well-being of the environment.

However, as components of a single strategy, these tasks are solved by various tools. For example, environmental protection in the work of an industrial enterprise involves:

development and implementation of a production environmental control program in accordance with 7FZ standards;

regular monitoring of harmful emissions carried out by the company;

Emergency action in the event of emergencies that may harm the environment;

Other activities.

Control in the field of environmental protection is carried out by Rosprirodnadzor.

Occupational safety in the field of industrial safety

Occupational safety and safety at the enterprise

Occupational safety in the field of industrial safety

Industrial Safety Assurance

Ensuring the necessary level of labor protection is based on the fact that it is the preservation of the health and life of the employee that is the key goal of the company. Occupational safety tasks include:

development of local regulatory documentation in this area;

Providing funding for labour protection activities;

insurance of employees against industrial accidents and occupational diseases;

organization of scheduled medical examinations;

monitoring compliance with occupational safety and safety requirements in industrial safety;

Other activities.

The Labour Inspectorate and the Ministry of Labour monitor compliance with the provisions of the Labour Code and other regulations in this area.

Industrial Safety Assurance

Industrial safety requirements for production organizations are formulated in 116FZ: The main ones are:

compliance with legal requirements;

monitoring of equipment operation;

timely performance of industrial safety examinations;

regular maintenance and preventive repair of equipment;

if necessary - overhaul of equipment

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