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Boiler E-1.0-0.9M-3


Complete set of drawings and technical documentation

Project's Content

icon Котел паровой Е-1,0-0,9М-3 М51. СБ.dwg
icon Котел паровой Е-1,0-0,9М-3 М51.
icon М51. ЭЧ.dwg
icon Система питания М39838 СБ.dwg
icon Система питания М39838.doc
icon Система управления М51. СБ.dwg
icon Система управления М51.
icon Е-1,0-0,9М-3 Комплектность М51. КП.doc
icon Котел паровой Е-1,0-0,9М-3 Инструкция.doc
icon Котел паровой Е-1,0-0,9М-3 М51. СБ.bak

Additional information



1. Introduction

2. Appointment

3. Technical data

4. Boiler composition, arrangement and operating principle

5. Installation

6. Caustic and Internal Boiler Cleaning


1. Introduction

2. General Instructions

3. Security measures

4. Installation (Installation) Procedure

5. Boiler preparation for operation

6. Grouting Order

7. Characteristic faults and methods of their elimination

8. Supervision, maintenance, maintenance and organization of repair

9. Technical examination

10. Heating surface wear control

11. Water regime and its chemical control

12. Storage and Preservation Rules

13. Transportation

14. Organization of technical diagnostics

Annex I Recommendations for Alkaline and Chemical Flushing of Boiler

Appendix 2 - Safety Control Procedure

valves and check of springs serviceability


The present technical description contains information on the purpose of the steam boiler E1,00,9M3, its composition, technical data and serves as a guide for studying the design of the boiler and its auxiliary equipment. The study should be further guided by the following technical and regulatory documents:

- boiler certificate;

- certificate for electric pump unit ANTS - 1.6/100;

- operating manual of RMG1 burner.

Due to the constant work on improving the product, which increases its reliability and improves operating conditions, minor changes can be made to the design, which are not reflected in this edition.


Steam boiler E1,00,9M3 belongs to the type of vertically - water-pipe double-drum boilers with natural circulation and is designed to generate saturated steam with a working pressure of 0.8 MPa (8 kgf/cm2), consumed by enterprises of industry, transport and agriculture, for production and heating needs.

The boiler is designed for operation on fuel oil. Works under discharge. The design of the boiler pipe system withstands a short-term pressure in the furnace up to 3000 Pa and a discharge in the furnace up to 400Pa. In terms of resistance to ambient air temperature and humidity, the steam boiler is manufactured in the climatic version of the CCL of placement category 4 as per GOST 1515069. The boiler design ensures seismic resistance of 6 points on the MSK64 scale.

Boiler composition:

Steam boiler E1,00,9M3 (Fig.1) consists of the following main units:

- pipe system, natrub heat insulation with frame and skin (1);

- power supply system (2);

- traction device (3);

- control system (4);

- staircase with platform (5).

Control system.

The control system is a set of devices and devices that allow:

- automatic start of burner device according to the specified program;

- two-position control of the water level in the boiler drum;

- two-position control of fuel supply to air;

- two-position fuel temperature control;

- protection at the upper and lower permissible water level ;

- protection for emergency steam pressure increase;

- protection to reduce rarefaction in the furnace ;

- protection by lower and upper fuel temperature;

- flare failure protection;

- protection of electric motors against overload and short circuit;

- light signalling and storage of the root causes of emergency situations ;

- audible alarm in emergency situations:

The control system includes:

- RMG1 burner;

- control panel of SGC burner;

- igniter - protective device of RAM;

- pressure sensor-switch of DEM109D type;

- sensor relay of draft of the DEM109T type;

- level column;

- siren alarm CC1.

The purpose, description of the structure, operating rules of the above-mentioned devices and devices are given in the technical documentation supplied with them. The level gauge is the water level sensor in the boiler. Installation and operation of the level gauge column is performed according to (item 4.9) (see section "Operating Manual").

To ensure the warranty time between failures, it is necessary to perform maintenance of components in the spur in accordance with the requirements set out in the certificates for these products.

4.6. Principle of boiler operation.

When burning fuel in the boiler furnace, high-temperature flue gases are formed. These gases pass through the gas ducts of the boiler, washing the bundles of pipes through which water moves (circulates). As a result, the gases give part of their heat to the water and are cooled, and the water is heated and turned into steam, collected in the upper drum of the boiler.

The vacuum in the furnace is created by the smoke pump, which ensures the supply of air to the boiler. Cooling flue gases through chimneys and chimney are removed to atmosphere. Prepared water is supplied by pump through feed pipeline to upper drum of boiler.

4.7. Marking and sealing.

4.7.1. On the front of the steam boiler there is a company plate containing the following data:

a) name, trademark of the manufacturer;

b) boiler designation as per GOST 361989;

c) boiler number according to the numbering system of the manufacturer;

d) year of manufacture;

e) nominal capacity of the boiler in t/h;

f) operating pressure at outlet to MPa (kgf/cm2);

g) rated outlet steam temperature in ° С ;

4.7.2. On the boiler skin there is a slinging scheme, center of gravity and mass.

4.7.3. Steam boiler is supplied with sealed:

1. Safety valves;

2. Feed pump safety valves;

3. Topkoy;

4. Boiler cabinet.

4.8. Packaging.

4.8.1. Steam boiler E1,00,9M3 is sent to the consumer as follows:

- boiler itself with pump feed unit, smoke pump, fan, pipelines installed on the boiler frame, burner device;

- automatic control system, valves within the boiler, instrumentation and small components - according to completeness.

4.8.2. All outlet holes of the nozzles must be closed with plugs.

5. Installation.

5.1. After unpacking the boiler units, check the availability of all equipment according to the completeness of the manufacturer. After the inspection, the boiler technical acceptance certificate is drawn up with a list of detected defects attached.

5.2. The boiler is installed on concrete preparation for sleds without attachment with foundation bolts.

Installation of a boiler in a room that does not correspond to the safe operation of the boiler according to the rules of Gosgortekhnadzor is prohibited.

Boiler installation is checked by level. All other installation works shall be carried out in accordance with drawings and existing rules for installation works with mandatory technical revision of equipment before installation and compliance with safety rules.

Electrical installation, grounding of the boiler and auxiliary equipment is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the supplied technical documentation and the rules for the installation of electrical installations up to 1000 Volts.

5.3. Feed pump is mounted on boiler frame by manufacturer.

When connecting the suction pipeline, make sure that it is thoroughly cleaned from dirt, sand, scale. Reliable density shall be provided at the points where the suction line is connected to the pump. No air suction is allowed. Piping is connected so that their strain forces are not transmitted to the pump. The suction pipeline should be made as short as possible. Vacuum suction height shall be at least 3 mm. waters. St.

Technical inspection, adjustment and maintenance of the pump shall be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

5.4. Boiler is equipped with smoke pump mounted on boiler frame by manufacturer. During installation check for absence of knocks and vibration.

5.5. The E1,00,9M3 boiler control board is supplied by a separate unit, which is part of the RMG1 burner.

When receiving the control board, you must select a well-lit location for installation. A shield is installed on a specially made frame or suspended by existing eyes on the wall.

Before installing the board, carefully inspect and check completeness. After the completeness check, it is necessary to install the wiring and connect it to the circuit-assigned control units.

5.6. The burner is supplied with E1,00,9M3 boiler.

After the burner is unpacked, it is necessary to check the correctness

assemblies and make sure that all parts and assemblies are attached, the belt is tensioned. It should be noted that normal operation of the nozzle is guaranteed only when its shaft is horizontal.

The nozzle housing must be grounded, check the presence of oil in the reduction gear box. If it is not, it must be poured. It is recommended to use industrial oil 20. The nozzle shall be operated without severe vibration.

It is recommended to install the level column in the following sequence:

1. Attach the column on the connectors to the boiler drum and connect the blowdown pipe;

2. Remove the protective hood;

3. Check if there is no closure of the electrodes to the column housing and if the electrode lengths correspond to the positions of the levels indicated in the drawing of the general view of the boiler M51.

4. Connect the electrical pro-water to the appropriate terminals and install the protective cap. Ground the column housing by connecting the grounding conductor to the protective cap attachment pin and clamp it with a nut.

Drawings content

icon Котел паровой Е-1,0-0,9М-3 М51. СБ.dwg

Котел паровой Е-1,0-0,9М-3 М51. СБ.dwg

icon М51. ЭЧ.dwg

М51. ЭЧ.dwg

icon Система питания М39838 СБ.dwg

Система питания М39838 СБ.dwg

icon Система управления М51. СБ.dwg

Система управления М51. СБ.dwg