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Organization of construction

  • Added: 27.12.2016
  • Size: 965 KB
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PP, plot plan, construction plan, calculation tables, work schedule

Project's Content

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Additional information


Brief description of construction facilities and construction conditions

Cover list of construction facilities

Complex Flow Structure

Definition of standards of construction duration of individual facilities and complex

Linear organizational and technological model of in-line construction of residential complex

Schedule for the construction of the complex of buildings and structures, schedules for the distribution of capital investments, the volume of construction and construction work and the need for personnel of builders

Work schedule of the preparatory period

Resource calculations within the PIC

Calculation and design of temporary construction facilities

9.1. Calculation and design of temporary buildings

9.2. Warehouse Calculation and Design

10. Occupational Safety, Fire Safety and Environmental Protection Measures

11. Technical and economic indicators of PIC

List of used literature

Project Description

Explanatory note to the course work on the discipline "Organization of design and construction": 690101/BrSTU Kozlovskaya Y.A. Department of Economics and Organization of Construction, - Brest, 2015. Explanatory note contains: page 25, table 13

The course work on the topic: "Organization of the construction of a complex of buildings and structures" consists of an explanatory note to the project, which includes the following sections: brief description of construction facilities and conditions, cover list of construction facilities, structure of complex flow, determination of standard duration of construction of individual facilities and complex, linear organizational and technological model of in-line construction of a residential complex, a schedule for the construction of a complex of buildings and structures, schedules of capex allocation and CMR volumes, schedule of personnel requirements, resource calculations as part of PIC, calculation and design of temporary construction facilities, calculation and design of temporary buildings, calculation and design of storage facilities, measures on labor protection, fire safety, environmental protection, technical and economic indicators of PIC.

The graphic material as part of the explanatory note is presented in the form of a schedule for the construction of the complex and general plans.

Linear organizational and technological model of in-line construction of residential complex

At the first stage, the scope of work for each object and specialized flow is determined, the sequence of construction of objects in object flows is established, object flows are linked as part of a complex one. For specialized and object flows, as well as works outside the flow, the labor intensity and duration of their execution are determined, the average number of workers employed in these works is established.

All calculations are listed in Annex 2.

Technical and economic indicators of PIC

1. The total estimated cost of construction is 9632 rubles.

2. The cost of construction and construction is 9499 rubles.

3. Ratio of cost of processing equipment and SMR - 1.41%.

4. Total duration of the complex construction:

normative - 18 months.

planned according to the linear model - 15.5 months .

including the duration of the preparatory period - 2 months.

5. Labor costs for execution of the entire volume of construction and installation works - 36600 people - days.

6. The maximum number of workers is 194 people.

7. Average production per 1 chel.-d. when performing construction and installation works - 0.259 rub ./person-days.

Drawings content

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