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Aircraft housing - DBE, Drawings

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Diploma project on the topic "Improvement of the technological process of manufacturing the part" Aircraft sensor housing "based on the improvement of technological equipment. Drawings, Explanatory Note

Project's Content

icon Приложение А.2.bmp
icon Приложение А.bmp
icon Ведомость.CDW
icon Втулка.cdw
icon Гайка.cdw
icon Калибр №1.cdw
icon Калибр №2.cdw
icon Калибр в сборе.cdw
icon Карта наладки 020.cdw
icon Карта наладок 030.cdw
icon Копрус авиа-ый.cdw
icon Научно-исследовательская часть.cdw
icon пЛАН ЦЕХА.cdw
icon Приложение А.2.cdw
icon Приложение А.3.cdw
icon Приложение А.cdw
icon Резец трубчатый.cdw
icon Спец-ия колибра.CDW
icon Спец-ия приспособл.cdw
icon Схема сборки.cdw
icon Экономика - чертеж.cdw
icon Для констр.frw
icon Фрагмент-2.frw
icon Фрагмент-3.frw
icon Фрагмент-4.frw
icon Фрагмент-5.frw
icon Фрагмент-6.frw
icon Фрагмент-7.frw
icon Фрагмент-8.frw
icon Фрагмент-9.frw
icon Фрагмент.frw
icon Поковка 3D.m3d
icon Спец-ия приспособл.cdw
icon 1 Анализ состояния вопроса и его обоснование.doc
icon 10 БЖД.doc
icon 2 Технологич. часть 1.doc
icon 2 Технологич. часть 2.doc
icon 3 Выбор СОТС.doc
icon 4 Расчет по участку.doc
icon 4 Расчет по участку.doc
icon 8 Организационно-экономическая часть.doc
icon Технологич. часть 1.doc
icon Технологич. часть 2.doc
icon 4 Таблица проектной трудоемкости.doc
icon 5 Конструкторская часть.doc
icon 7 Стандартизация.doc
icon 8 Научная часть.doc
icon 8 Организационно-экономическая часть.doc
icon А.doc
icon Аннотация.doc
icon Библиография.doc
icon Введение.doc
icon Ведомость операц. тех. контроля.doc
icon Ведомость технол. докум..doc
icon Маршрутная карта-1.doc
icon Опер.карта техн. контр.дет.doc
icon Операц. карта тех. контр..doc
icon Операц. карта тех. контроля.doc
icon Операц. карта механообработки.doc
icon Операц. карта механообработки1.doc
icon Операц. карта механообработки.doc
icon Операц. карта механообработки1.doc
icon Операц. карта механообработки2.doc
icon Операц. карта механообработки3.doc
icon Операц. карта механообработки4.doc
icon Титульный тех.пр..doc
icon ВедомостьДП.doc
icon Задание.doc
icon Заключение.doc
icon Маршрутная карта-1.doc
icon Операц. карта механообработки.doc
icon Операц. карта механообработки1.doc
icon Операц. карта механообработки2.doc
icon Операц. карта механообработки3.doc
icon Операц. карта механообработки4.doc
icon Нормативные ссылки.doc
icon Приложение А - Спецификация пневмопатрона Окишев.doc
icon Содержание.doc
icon Титул.-1.doc
icon Титул.-2.doc

Additional information



1 Analysis of the status of the issue and rationale for the development of the topic

1.1 Basic process analysis. Activities aimed at improving the technological process

1.2 Part Service Assignment

2 Process Part

2.1 Volume of release. Type of production. Organizational form of the process

2.2 Justification of procurement selection method

2.3 Development of part manufacturing process

2.4 Justification of process bases selection

2.5 Calculation and assignment of machining allowances

2.6 Calculation of cutting modes

2.7 Technical rationing

2.8 Selection of LMS

2.9 Site Calculations

3 Design part

3.1 Analysis of applied technological equipment

3.2 Design calculation of special machine tool

3.3 Design of special instrumentation

3.4 Design of special cutting tool

3.5 Analysis of process automation level. Choice

automation tools

4 Product standardization and quality control

5 Research Part

6 Organizational and Economic Part

6.1 Feasibility study of the proposed version of the manufacturing process of the part "Aircraft sensor housing"

6.2 Project Effectiveness Assessment

7 Safety and environmental friendliness of design solutions

7.1 Requirements for use of industrial equipment

Conclusion... 109List of Literature

Regulatory References

Appendix A - Diagrams of Graphical Arrangement of Surface Tolerances and Tolerances, and Surface Arrangement

Appendix B - Design Labour Intensity Table

Appendix B - Process Documentation Package

Appendix D - Collet Cartridge Specification

Appendix E - Pneumopatron Specification

Appendix E - Specification of special instrumentation parts


Shalaev M.V. Diploma project on the topic "Improvement of the technological process of manufacturing the part" Aircraft sensor housing "based on the improvement of technological equipment. - Arzamas: API NGTU, 2008.- 134s.

In this diploma project, the state of the issue was analyzed and the rationale for the development of the topic was substantiated. The basic technological process was analyzed and a new technological process was designed on its basis, in which the operation of obtaining a blank from rolled stock for casting was carried out, universal equipment was replaced with more advanced one with NC. Also, in the technological part of the diploma project, the justification of the new method of obtaining the workpiece was made, interoperative allowances were calculated, cutting modes were calculated and machine-tool operations were technically rationed. In the design part of the diploma project, special machine tools were designed and designed. Calculations were made for the accuracy, strength of the accessory element, the principle of operation is described and the technical requirements of a special machine tool are determined. Also in the design part of the diploma project, a special control tool and a special cutting tool were designed and calculated. In the economic part of the diploma project, the economic justification of the selected technological process was made. In terms of safety and environmental friendliness of design decisions, the issue of investigation of industrial accidents was considered.


In order to constantly accelerate the renewal of engineering products at high rates of productivity growth and reduce production costs, it is planned to develop it mainly due to the use of CNC machines.

This equipment, combined with automated computer-based and microprocessor-based operation and control systems, is very complex and expensive. In this regard, a necessary condition for its effective use is the high reliability of all its elements, a long, continuous mode of operation with sufficiently high cutting modes, taking into account the possibility of automatic replacement of the worn tool. One of the main elements of any machine-building production is tooling, which ensures the reliability of each individual machine and production system as a whole, product quality, productivity, as well as these parameters, which significantly affect production costs.

This diploma project proposes the technological process of processing the part "Aviation Corps" in the condition of large-scale production. The main directions on this path are:

1) Joint design and technological study of design documentation in order to improve the processability of products taking into account their operational properties.

2) Choosing the optimal combination of the most productive, economically profitable and, at the same time, real in the conditions of this production methods of processing parts and technological equipment for their manufacture .

3) The optimal decision on selection of the workpiece is economically profitable from the point of view of manufacturing and subsequent processing, in order to reduce its metal consumption and, together with this, reduce its mechanical processing time.

4) Application of high-performance equipment and tools, which allows you to choose the most efficient processing modes.

To do this, you need to choose the optimal method for obtaining the workpiece, productive and economically profitable methods of machining, select high-performance equipment and tools, which will allow you to use the most efficient processing modes.

In the diploma project, an attempt was made to solve all these issues in the conditions of large-scale production.

1 Analysis of the status of the issue and rationale for the development of the topic

The progressive development of mechanical engineering technology should take place through the mechanization and automation of technological processes that ensure high productivity growth.

1.1 Basic process analysis. Activities aimed at improving the technological process

The design of the manufacturing processes of parts is aimed at establishing the most efficient and least labor-intensive technological process. At the same time, machining of parts on machines should ensure compliance with the requirements of their normal operation.

Fast-acting devices and high-performance equipment must be used in the manufacturing process of the part "aircraft housing" with an increase in the volume of the part release and a decrease in processing time. The use of controls is a means of preventing and eliminating scrap, establishing optimal cutting modes that ensure high productivity with high quality of machined surfaces and deviation of the mold within the tolerance.

In order to reduce the labor intensity of manufacturing the "aircraft body" part and increase the volume of production, it is proposed to use more productive equipment, use fast-acting devices, use a productive method of producing a blank, as well as develop a special control tool, a cutting tool and a special device.

1.2 Part Service Assignment

The part "Aircraft housing," serves as the basis for forming a sealed subassembly, which is part of the aviation unit. Parts of the housing of which have particularly accurate seats.

3 Design part

3.1 Analysis of applied technological equipment

Machine tools are called additional devices for metal cutting machines, which allow most economically in given production conditions to provide the requirements for the accuracy of the dimensions, shape and mutual arrangement of the surfaces to be treated.

Machine tools include devices for installing and fixing parts on machines (devices), devices for installing and fixing a cutting tool on machines (auxiliary element).

Depending on the type of machine, machine tools are divided into turning, drilling, milling, boring. grinding tools, etc., together with devices for installation and fixation of cutting tools, the technological system of the machine-tool-workpiece is adjusted to ensure optimal working conditions and performance of machine operations.

The design of machine tools is being improved inextricably with the development of technology and methods of organizing production, with the development of machine tools and the advent of fundamentally new machines, for example, CNC machines, multi-purpose machines, with the introduction of automatic and readjustable lines.

Each means of technological equipment is a separate means of production, meeting a number of technical and economic requirements, both during technological preparation of production and during operation.

The use of special controls and special cutting tools solves issues such as accuracy of machining and quick control of surfaces, improving working conditions.

Knowing the device, the principle of operation and its peculiarities, the machine tool will quickly and more fully master the work on it, will be able to fulfill time reserves and increase the performance of machine operations and make its innovative proposals for using these reserves.

In the diploma project, an accessory was developed - a collet mandrel with a pneumatic drive for lathe operation 020, a pneumopatron for operation 010.

4 Product standardization and quality control

4.1 Standardization

For the correct organization of standardization activities in the workshop, in which the part processing area "aircraft body" is located during the design, the data of serial production and the assortment of parts were analyzed. On the basis of these data, as well as the developed design and technological documentation for the part, the optimal types of machines and equipment were determined, their parameters, taking into account the provision of maximum interchangeability of parts "aircraft body," the most optimal materials, the nomenclature of standard parts.

When improving the technological process, all elements of the production process were standardized. These elements can be divided into three groups.

The first is all the elements that form the basis of the production process. It, first of all raw materials, materials, equipment, details, and also konstruktorskotekhnologichesky documentation.

The second group includes elements that form the basis of the production process. These are tools, auxiliary equipment, repairs.

The third group consists of elements related to the regulation of production processes. This is control, testing methods of equipment, workplaces.

The relationship of standardization with production is most fully manifested in the standardization of technological processes as a set of all actions to turn the header into finished parts according to the specifications.

In accordance with the task of standardization of the technical process, the methods of standardization and regulatory and technological documentation are widely used in design:

- design documentation and drawings are made in accordance with standards ESKD and GOST 2.10985, GOST 2.10973, GOST 2.30879, GOST 2.31668, respectively.

-technological documentation is made in accordance with GOST 3.110382, GOST 3.110584, GOST 3.111882, GOST 3.112083, GOST 3.1122-

84, GOST 3.140486;

- omissions and fits were selected from the preferred set of fits as per GOST 2534782;

-process control process methodology was performed taking into account GOST 1650484;

-supplies of the shape and arrangement of surfaces were assigned according to GOST 2.464281, GOST 278978, GOST 230983, GOST 1631980;

-metrological support as per GOST 8.41781.

4.2 Procedure for presentation and acceptance of finished products

Only finished products can be presented to the technical control department and the customer. The finished product is considered to be this product, a part completed during the production process and brought to the norms and requirements of technical documentation.

When the products are submitted for control by the BCC, the quality control of the products is carried out by the contractor himself, all the necessary technical and accompanying documentation is presented.

The presentation of the finished part to the BCC employee is carried out by the production foreman, who must first personally verify the quality of the manufactured products and its compliance with the technical documentation.

If, in accordance with the process, the part "aircraft housing" should be subject to specialized control by the BCC using special means that cannot be provided in the process for the worker, such products are fully checked by the BCC controller. The Technical Inspection Operating Map shall state "Check by Size with Continuous Inspection." At the same time, the detected defects are not the basis for the cessation of product control. The defective product is returned for correction, indicating the type or nature of the defect. The list of such operations must be agreed with the OTC manager of the plant.

The Shop Control Bureau (BCC) is part of the Plant-wide Technical Control Department (TOC). The task of technical control is to identify the quality of the material, check the dimensions, geometric shape and quality of the processed surfaces of the parts. Inspection requirements shall comply with the specifications established for acceptance of materials and finished products. Correctness of dimensions of parts after processing is checked by measuring and special control tools, instruments and accessories. To check the measuring instruments, a check point is provided, which checks all used measuring instruments and devices in a timely manner.

When processing the part "aircraft sensor housing," the following types of control are used: volatile, intermediate and final.

Volatile control is performed in the form of periodic checks of parts during their manufacture to prevent mass scrap. The most effective method of volatile control is statistical control. The first parts processed after adjustment or re-installation of the machine, as well as other parts after certain operations, are subject to volatile control. The results of the control measurements are noted in the statistical monitoring schedules. In case of detection of deviation of the axis of permissible dimensions to the limits of permissible deviations, the supervisor informs about this to the master, who must take measures to eliminate the detected deviations.

Intermediate control is performed between operations when the part has passed one operation and must arrive at the next.

The final inspection is performed after the part has been fully processed. Check is performed in the Mission Computer, where the part arrives after the last operation .

A control process is being developed for more rational monitoring. If it is available, the supervisors check the parts not at their discretion, but according to the established class of control operations.


The calculations given in the diploma design for the manufacture of the part "Aircraft sensor housing" make it possible to objectively evaluate all the advantages of the designed technological process. In improving the technological process, I chose a more economical choice of obtaining a workpiece using the casting method according to meltable models. The utilization factor of the material of the designed process is significantly higher than that of the basic process, and therefore it is more profitable. In addition, reducing allowances will significantly reduce the cost of the machining process. Reduction of labour intensity of "Aircraft sensor housing" part manufacturing is achieved due to introduction of more advanced technological equipment and production equipment with higher technological capabilities, application of multistage maintenance and automation of technological process. In the research part, I paid great attention to the temperature deformations of the machine. It has been described and indicated that the thermal displacements of the spindle strongly affect the accuracy of lathe 16K20F305. In the organizational and economic part, calculations were made on the economic comparison of the basic and projected versions of the technological process. When performing the diploma project, all HSE rules and requirements were observed and no harmful effects on humans and the environment were shown.

Drawings content

icon Ведомость.CDW


icon Втулка.cdw


icon Гайка.cdw


icon Калибр №1.cdw

Калибр №1.cdw

icon Калибр №2.cdw

Калибр №2.cdw

icon Калибр в сборе.cdw

Калибр в сборе.cdw

icon Карта наладки 020.cdw

Карта наладки 020.cdw

icon Карта наладок 030.cdw

Карта наладок 030.cdw

icon Копрус авиа-ый.cdw

Копрус авиа-ый.cdw

icon Научно-исследовательская часть.cdw

Научно-исследовательская часть.cdw

icon пЛАН ЦЕХА.cdw


icon Приложение А.2.cdw

Приложение А.2.cdw

icon Приложение А.3.cdw

Приложение А.3.cdw

icon Приложение А.cdw

Приложение А.cdw

icon Резец трубчатый.cdw

Резец трубчатый.cdw

icon Спец-ия колибра.CDW

Спец-ия колибра.CDW

icon Спец-ия приспособл.cdw

Спец-ия приспособл.cdw

icon Схема сборки.cdw

Схема сборки.cdw

icon Экономика - чертеж.cdw

Экономика - чертеж.cdw

icon Для констр.frw

Для констр.frw

icon Фрагмент-2.frw


icon Фрагмент-3.frw


icon Фрагмент-4.frw


icon Фрагмент-5.frw


icon Фрагмент-6.frw


icon Фрагмент-7.frw


icon Фрагмент-8.frw


icon Фрагмент-9.frw


icon Фрагмент.frw


icon Поковка 3D.m3d

Поковка 3D.m3d

icon Спец-ия приспособл.cdw

Спец-ия приспособл.cdw

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