Fire Fighting Pump Station Location Project

- Added: 30.08.2014
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Project's Content
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Additional information
1 Cover sheet
2 License
3 Title sheet
4 Explanatory note. 4-
5 Change Registration Table
6 Drawings
k. l 1-
7 Equipment and Material Specification
k. l. 1-
General part
A working project for the automatic installation of fire extinguishing and internal fire water supply was developed for the building of the Patriarchal Compound of the Diveevsky Monastery on the basis of:
• Contract No.
• architectural and planning solutions;
• Fire fighting measures for the facility,
The following normative materials are used in the development of detailed documentation.
NPB 882001 * Fire fighting and alarm units. Design Codes and Regulations.
NPB 11003 List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment to be protected by automatic fire extinguishing and fire detection units.
SNiP 2.08.0289 * Public buildings and structures.
SNiP 210197 * Fire safety of buildings and structures.
SNiP 3.05.0685 Electrical devices.
SNiP 2.04.0185 * Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings.
RD 25.95290 Automatic fire extinguishing, fire, security and fire alarm systems. Procedure for designing the design task.
RD 25.95390 Automatic fire extinguishing, fire, security and fire alarm systems. Symbols and schematic graphical links.
VSN 25-09.67-85 Rules of works execution and acceptance. Automatic fire extinguishing units.
PUE 2002 (Issue 7) Electrical Installation Rules.
GOST 12.1.03081 Electrical safety. Protective grounding, grounding.
GOST 12.1.004-91 Fire safety. General requirements.
The average temperature in the premises of the Patriarchal compound is from 18 ° to 25 ° С.
In accordance with the requirements of NPB 11003 item 10 of Table 1 "List of buildings, structures, premises and equipment to be protected by automatic fire extinguishing units and automatic fire alarms," the building of the Patriarchal compound of the Diveevsky Monastery at the address: Moscow, Mira Avenue, possession 2223, quarter 269, is equipped with:
• water-filled sprinkler automatic fire extinguishing unit (underground parking);
• internal fire water supply (the whole building);
• deluge curtain of staircase opening in BV/67 axes at elevation -5.700.
Main technical solutions, design solutions
As a fire extinguishing agent, water is adopted as the most economical and effective means for extinguishing all rooms.
In order to provide uninterrupted supply of water and provide the necessary head for automatic installation of water fire extinguishing and internal fire water supply of the building, a fire extinguishing pump station is provided, which is located on the -1 floor (elev. 2.850) in FP/67 axes.
The pump station room meets the requirements of item 4.70 of NPB 882001 * and has an exit to the stairwell having an exit to the outside.
The following decisions are made in the detailed documentation.
In accordance with paragraph 7.1.2 of the Fire Measures for the project for the construction (reconstruction) of the Patriarchal Compound of the Diveevsky Monastery in Moscow at the address: Mira Avenue, possession 2223, quarter 269, internal fire water supply networks and automatic fire extinguishing systems in the underground parking lot are carried out separately. Deluge curtain is performed jointly with sprinkler fire extinguishing unit.
2 groups of pumps are installed in the fire fighting pump station:
1. for sprinkler fire extinguishing unit;
2. for internal fire-fighting water supply.
The automatic sprinkler installation of water fire extinguishing is started when the pressure in the system drops, caused by the destruction of the heat lock of the sprinkler sprinkler.
Water removal during fire extinguishing from the underground parking lot is provided using water collection tanks with a volume of at least 2 m3 (see item 7.3 of Fire prevention measures).
Internal fire water supply
Internal fire-fighting water supply is designed for local extinguishing of the fire source.
In accordance with the Fire Prevention Measures, the fire-fighting water supply system is carried out separately from the sprinkler fire extinguishing unit.
Each point of underground parking shall be irrigated with 2 jets of 2.5 l/s. The fire cabinet SHPKPuls320N12 is accepted for installation, in which two fire cranes are located.
For the rest of the building, the flow rate is 1 jet 2.5l/s. Fire cabinets SHPKPuls320N are installed, with the possibility of placing two fire extinguishers with a total weight of up to 30 kg in them.
Fire cranes are installed at a height of 1.35 m from the floor level according to item 6.13 of SNiP 2.04.0185 *. When installing a dual fire cabinet, the lower fire crane shall be located at a height of 1 m from the floor.
Hydraulic calculation of water fire extinguishing unit
Underground parking rooms are assigned to the 2nd group by the degree of fire risk, we determine the following parameters (see Table No. 1 of NPB 882001 * and item 7.1 of Fire prevention measures):
1. for sprinkler fire fighting system:
- reflux intensity (J,) is 0.12;
- area for calculation of water flow rate (S, m2) is 240m2;
- operation time of the water fire extinguishing unit (a, min) - 60 min;
- sprinkler sprinklers with external thread (socket down), D = ½ "K = 80, t = 680C;
- the bringing Du pipeline =80mm;
- distribution pipeline Dy = 32mm; Dy = 25 mm.
Design water flow rate of sprinkler fire extinguishing plant:
q = J * S = 0.12 * 240 = 28.8 l/s.
2. for fire water supply:
- in accordance with Fire prevention measures, the water flow rate is taken as follows:
1. 2 jets of 2.5 l/s for parking;
2. 1 jet 2.5l/s for the rest of the building.
- operation time of the water fire extinguishing unit (a, min) - 180mins;
- distribution pipeline Dy = 65mm for parking, Dy = 50mm for the rest of the building.
The calculated flow rate is assumed by the highest required flow rate :
Data for pump selection:
Pump station
The room of the fire fighting pump station shall comply with the requirements set out in the "Assignment for preparation of the rooms of the fire fighting pump station and fire station." In the room of the fire fighting pump station (elev. - 2.850, BV/67) will locate two pump units:
I. For the sprinkler fire extinguishing unit of the underground parking lot.
II. For internal fire water supply system.
Pump unit I includes:
• water feeder (input from the water supply system of the building);
• Two Grundfos fire pumps (1 working, 1 standby) type NB 65125/137;
• Grundfos jockey pump type CR 1-3;
• intermediate capacity V = 40l;
• water sprinkler automatic fire extinguishing unit control unit;
• pressure annunciators.
Pump unit II includes:
• water feeder (input from the water supply system of the building);
• Two Grundfos fire pumps (1 working, 1 standby) of type CR 202;
• Grundfos jockey pump type CR 1-3;
• intermediate capacity V = 40l;
• pressure annunciators.
According to item 7.43 of NPB 882001 * and item 6.15 of SNiP 2.040185 *, it is possible to supply water to the network of the water fire extinguishing plant and internal fire water supply by mobile means (fire engines). For this purpose, four connection heads (MM77 with the installation of gate valves and check valves in the pump station room) are removed from the pump station room from the pump group to the external wall of the building in axes A/67 for connection of fire equipment.
Principle of operation of water fire extinguishing system
Before the fire, the sprinkler fire extinguishing system is under the pressure maintained by the "jockey" pump of the company "Grundfos" CR 13, installed in the pumping station.
When sunbathing occurs in the room protected by the sprinkler section and the air temperature increases above 57 ° С, the thermal lock of the sprinkler sprinkler is destroyed. At the same time, the pressure over the valve drops and the sprinkler valve serving the room in which the fire occurred opens. Signal about its actuation is output from universal pressure switch installed on the valve.
Fire pumps operate in mutual redundancy mode with the main pump operation monitoring system based on the pressure value in the pressure branch pipe to the check valve, which allows determining the pump setting to the operating mode.
In case of visual detection of fire centers in protected rooms, it is necessary to open the valve on the fire valve (with previously unwound fire hose) and press the pump start button. The fire water supply system is also under the pressure maintained by the "jockey" pump of Grundfos CR 13, belonging to the II pump unit.
The deluge is activated in two ways:
1. Automatic - in case of "Fire" signal electric signal is transmitted to solenoid valve.
2. Manual - the crane opens manually on the deluge pipe.
Automation of water fire extinguishing plant and internal fire water supply
To monitor the state of the fire extinguishing system in the security room located in the axes IR/34 "at elevation + 1.050, the AUPT control panel is installed, which, when the sprinkler fire extinguishing system and internal fire water supply system is activated, generates a" Fire "signal to the automatic fire alarm receiver .
To control the automatic fire extinguishing plant and internal fire water supply system, a set of Spruit devices from PlaT LLC is used.
The package includes the following devices:
- control unit (CU);
- sectional unit;
- control panel (DP);
- switching equipment cabinet (ShAK).
VU and ShAQ are installed in the pump room in BV/67 axes on the wall at a height of 1.5 m from the floor level.
The communication and power supply line 220V/50Hz, VU with ShAK is performed by the CS cable included in the "Sprut" equipment supply set.
DP is installed in the security room in the axes IR/34 "on the ground floor. The communication line with BU is carried out by a cable twisted couple of KSPVV 2h2h0.5.
DC power supply is performed according to the 1st category of reliability with voltage of 220V/50Hz by two independent inputs.
The BS is installed in the security room in the axes IR/34 "on the ground floor. The communication line with BU is carried out by a cable twisted couple of KSPVV 2h2h0.5.
Power supply of BS is performed according to the 1st category of reliability with voltage of 220V/50Hz by two independent inputs.
The SAC is installed in the pump room, in the BV/67 axes, in the pump station room. Communication line with CU is performed by CS cable.
Power supply of ShAK is performed according to the 1st category of reliability with voltage of 220V/50Hz by two independent inputs.
Activation of the 2-group fire pumps (fire water supply) is provided: automatic, remote and local. The command impulse for automatic actuation of fire pumps is carried out from electrical contact pressure gauges installed on the pressure lines of fire pumps when the network falls by 1 atm. Remote actuation is carried out when the remote start button installed in cabinets with fire cranes is activated. Local start from the button installed in the security room in the axes IR/34 "on the ground floor.
To maintain the operating pressure in the system, a "Jockey" pump is installed, which is switched on when the pressure in the network drops by 0.5atm. and disconnecting at pressure increase to operating value. Switching on and off is performed from electrical contact pressure gauges installed on the "Jockey" pressure pipeline of the pump.
When receiving the "Fire" command, the switching equipment cabinet (ShAK) turns off the "Jockey" pump, if it has been turned on by this time, and checks the readiness of the working pump for start-up. If within 10 seconds the operating fire pump does not start or does not create the design pressure, the control unit gives the command to start the standby fire pump.
Power supply and earthing
Grounding (grounding) shall be performed in accordance with PUE2002 (Issue 7), SNiP 3.05.0685, requirements of GOST 12.1.0387, technical documentation of manufacturers of components and NPB 882001 *.
According to the degree of reliability of power supply, electric receivers of automatic fire extinguishing plants belong to electric receivers of the 1st category (NPB 882001 * item 14.1 ).
To protect the maintenance personnel from electric shock in case of insulation failure, the electrical installations are provided with a protective boring performed using a zero cable core.
Protection of electrical circuits of automatic fire extinguishing unit shall be performed in accordance with PUE.
Safety precautions during plant operation
Maintenance personnel are allowed to perform works only after passing:
- introductory general safety training;
- On-the-job training on safe working methods.
Passing the briefing is noted in the journal.
Install and remove only:
- at absence of pressure in the repaired unit;
- serviceable tool.
The following rules shall be followed during plant operation:
1. Perform repair works if there is no pressure in the repaired unit.
2. Repair electrical equipment after power supply disconnection.
3. Perform all operations at altitudes consisting of at least two people with provision of safety equipment.
4. Clean and paint at voltage removal from the nearest current-carrying elements.
5. During repair works, if necessary, portable lamps with a voltage of not more than 12V shall be used.
6. Hydraulic and pneumatic tests shall be carried out in accordance with the Rules of Gosgortekhnadzor.
7. Electricians serving electrical installations shall be equipped with protective means that have passed the corresponding laboratory tests.
8. All electrical installation works, maintenance of installations, periodicity and methods of testing of protective equipment should be carried out in compliance with the "Rules for technical operation of electrical installations of consumers," "Safety rules for operation of electrical installations of consumers " of Goselektronadzor.
All grounding devices must be checked for reliability before connecting the power supply.

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- 09.07.2014