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Electromechanical module for receiving electrical signal from rolling bearing - DBE, Drawings



Project's Content

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Additional information



1 Terms of Reference

2 Development of structural diagram of the device

3 Development of current collector

4 Calculation of current collector

4.1 Determination of friction moment in current collector

5 Calculation of conversion function

6 Calculation of measurement channel error

7 Combined methods

7.1 Combined positive method

8 Basic printing process


8.1 Foil Dielectric Input Control

8.2 Obtaining the workpiece

8.3 Obtaining fixing and process holes

8.4 Preparation of workpiece surface

8.5 Formation of protective relief

8.6 Copper Etching

8.7 Removal of protective relief

8.8 Varnish application

8.9 Receiving holes to be metallized and their


8.10 Chemical Copper Plating

8.11 Removal of varnish

8.12 Galvanic copper plating

8.13 Protective mask application

8.14 Marking marks

8.15 Pudding

8.16 Galvanic coating of end printed contacts

8.17 Loop processing

8.18 PCB Inspection and Packaging


List of sources used

Appendix A


The theme of the course work is "Electromechanical module for obtaining an electrical signal from a rolling bearing"

The relevance of the topic of work is the creation of equipment for diagnosing the bearing assembly.

In the course design, a structural diagram of the measuring module was developed, the conversion function was calculated, and the sinfulness of the diagram was calculated. A block diagram of the PCB process has been developed.

The course project contains:

- 2.5 sheets of A1 format of graphic part;

- sheets of calculation and explanatory note.


One of the current problems in the general set of issues related to the use of bearings is the diagnosis of the bearing assembly. This topic is relevant in that bearing assemblies are the most important structural elements of machines and instruments and form the main part of friction assemblies. Equipment failures, as a rule, occur due to CP failures (along with failures of other friction units), which thus limit the durability of machines and devices. Even if the parts of the CP, such as the rolling bearing, are sufficiently high-quality, the characteristics of the CP may not be satisfactory and a sudden failure will occur. At the same time, failure should not necessarily be understood as destruction of friction (working) surfaces, and failure of one of the characteristics of the CP beyond the permissible limits.

The durability of the LP is far from always coinciding with the cyclic long-eternity of the bearing working surfaces, and often turns out to be many times less and even equal to zero, as, for example, for the LP that do not have the required characteristics already when installed in the product. Sufficient durability of individual PU parts tested on stands does not guarantee sufficient durability of the PU. The last circumstance is due to the fact that the loads acting in the node, as well as temperatures, can differ significantly from bench ones. Besides, assembly and installation change clearances, tension and shape of working surfaces [1,2 ].

1 Terms of Reference

1.1 Name and scope

1.1.1 Article name - current collector.

1.1.2 Field of application: the system is universal and can be used to solve various problems of tribometry and tribodiagnostics that arise during scientific research, educational process, production activities for the manufacture, operation, maintenance and repair of machines and mechanisms.

1.2 Grounds for Development

1.2.1 Current collector is developed on the basis of assignment for course design.

1.2.2 Topic name: "Development of current collector"

1.3. Purpose and purpose of development

1.3.1 The purpose is to develop technical documentation.

1.3.2 Current collection device for current removal from the object of current measurement is designed to remove current from the object of current measurement and transfer it to the object of study.

1.4 Technical requirements.

1.4.1 Structure of the article and requirements to the unit. The current collector shall consist of the following main parts:

- housing;

- brush;

- spring;

- pressing element.

1.4.2 The design of the current collector shall provide:

- interchangeability of the main components of the same type;

- repairability;

- ease of operation;

- access to all elements demanding a kommutirovaniye, regulation, control or replacement in use. Overall dimensions of current collector shall not exceed 155 × 145 × 22 mm Current collector shall ensure serviceability at smooth and hopping voltage deviations from minus 10% to plus 10% and frequency from minus 0.4 Hz to plus 0.4 Hz from nominal values.

1.4.3 Noise immunity requirements.

1.4.4 In terms of resistance to external electromagnetic interference, the current-collecting coupling device must comply with the requirements of group II as per GOST R 50628-93.

1.4.5 Assignment indicators: Current collector for removal from the object of measurement shall perform the following functions:

- recording of I current values;

- continuous contact in time with the measurement object. Main technical characteristics:

- range of loads created for the outer shaft, H 0.. 200.

- deviation of load value, not more than ± 5%. Reliability indicators:

- average service life, years: 10;

- continuous operation time, hours: 8.

1.4.6 Aesthetic and ergonomic requirements. Surfaces with symbols on them shall not create glare. Coating group - weatherproof IV class as per GOST 9.032-74. Inscriptions on current-collecting devices shall be placed in such a way that their belonging to a specific control is ensured.

1.4.7 Operating conditions: Normal operating conditions shall be:

- ambient air temperature - from + 10 to + 350С;

- relative air humidity - up to 80% at 250С;

- atmospheric pressure - from 84 kPa to 107 kPa (from 630 to 800 mm Hg). In terms of resistance to external climatic factual factors during operation of current-collecting devices, they must comply with the requirements of GOST 15150-69. Type and category of climatic design -U4.2. The current-collecting device in packed form shall maintain its appearance and operable state after exposure to multiple impact loads with peak impact acceleration of not more than 147 m/s2 at duration of impact acceleration from 10 to 15 ms. The unit shall provide vibration resistance during transportation with acceleration of 29.5 m/s2 at impact frequency from 80 to 120 per minute. Time of preparation of products for use after transportation and storage: not more than 3 hours. Periodicity and estimated labor intensity of maintenance and repair: once (8 hours) per year. The current collector shall be serviced by one operator with experience.

1.4.8 Requirements for safety, health and nature protection. Current collector shall comply with electrical safety class 0I as per GOST 26104-89. The complex according to the degree of protection against moisture must correspond to the instruments of the usual version as per GOST 27570.0-87. Insulation resistance and electrical strength of parts of current-collecting devices shall comply with the requirements of GOST 26104-89, GOST 21552-84. Grounding of current-collecting devices shall comply with the requirements of GOST 26104-89, GOST 25030-81. Design of current collectors shall ensure electrical safety for maintenance personnel during normal operation and comply with GOST 26104-89. The complex shall comply with the fire safety requirements of GOST 12.1.004-91. The noise level at the workplace shall not exceed the values set by PT CMEA 514786. The level of intensity of electric fields created by current collectors shall not exceed the standards established by GOST 12.1.002-84 Current collector shall comply with mechanical strength requirements as per GOST 26104-89.

1.4.9 Requirements of processability and metrological support. Structures of parts, assembly units of current-collecting devices must be technological; Tests and adjustment of current-collecting devices shall be carried out using mass-produced measuring devices.

1.4.10 The current collector shall be as complete as possible with standard commercially available components and components.

1.4.11 Marking and packing requirements. Marking of current collectors shall comply with GOST 21552-84 and design documentation. Marking informing about power supply voltage, frequency, current consumption, ground must correspond to GOST 26104-89. The marking shall contain:

- name or trademark of the manufacturer;

- serial number according to the numbering system of the manufacturer;

- year, month of manufacture;

- voltage and frequency of power supply, current consumption.

- symbols of grounding terminals. Place and method of marking shall comply with the requirements specified in the design documentation. Marking of transport containers shall comply with the requirements of GOST 14192-96 and design documentation. Preservation of current collecting devices shall be performed according to GOST 9.014-78, group III-1, VZ-10 temporary protection variant, VU-5 internal packaging variant. Current collection devices shall be packed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 19098-78 and design documentation.

1.4.12 Requirements for transportation and storage of the complex containing the unit: The package for transportation shall maintain operable condition and appearance after exposure to the following climatic and mechanical factors:

- transport shaking with acceleration of 29.5 m/s2 at frequency from 80 to 120 beats per minute;

- ambient temperature from minus 50 to plus 50 wasps;

- relative humidity of air is 98% at 25 OS;

- atmospheric pressure from 84 to 107 kPa. The complex has to be stored in the heated rooms at the manufacturer and at the consumer in packed form at a temperature from plus 5 to plus 40 wasps and relative humidity of 80%. There shall be no corrosive impurities in the storage room. After transportation at negative temperatures, the Complex shall be maintained before operation in heated rooms in transport container within 4 hours. Shelf life without re-preservation is not more than 12 months.

Drawings content

icon графики А2.cdw

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